THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1929 Lad PAGE THREE a Already Employing 50 hy On Making "Sea Fleas" and Boats,in Local Plant FELDSPAR GLASS G0. INSTALS FURNACES Material Arrives for Replace- Models Inc'ude "Speed Boy" Hydroplane Type ("Sea Flea"), : about," a Larger Boat, and ' Six purely Racing Models OFFICIAL LAUNCHING IN WHITBY, APRIL 6 City Officials, Members of Parliament Will Witness First Official Launching of a Wi'liams Hull, in Whitby Harbor ion of the activities of the CN "0 a An extens Wi s- Piano the manufacture of motor was announced to The Times today by D. B, Carlyle, vice president of the company. h and 50 ee employed in this new division of the Williams Piano Com- > pany, Mr. Carlyle stated, Production has commenced on two models, the Speed Boy, a hydroplane 3! type of boat known. in popula - lance as the Family Gadabout, a somewhat larger - boat that is also speedy but is built : more for seaworthiness, The smaller models are 14 feet long and 47% inches wide, with step bottoms, feature of the Williams hull is that " the bottom is concaved. A few boats I with concave r y the first time last year, said Mr, Car- fyle, and since they proved the fast- ga and safest the Williams company i "incor ting this principle in its : boats, Fhe Gadabout model iss 16 ¢ feet long, 54 inches wide and will at- tain 20 miles per hour. Will Add More Lines el: As the business grows this spring, : y will probably add to its pon dozen Joey racing These woul 1 and built of four-ply veneer int the line : fos stock, weighing not more thane eine the Williams Piano pany has received over 100 re- circular letter sent to a nds, lies to a en list of people, said Mr, Car Iyle, and shortly 45,000 circulars will com hal r "Family Gad ment of Furnace Which Collapsed and Citizens tory, Ritson road north. formerly installed. Company of this sity 8, Already between tity. Mr, Libengood stated. r par NORTH SIMCOE LEAGUE "Sea Flea," and the church Young People's League A evening. The vocal bottoms were made for Mr. Merrick gave a musical logue. Mr. Bateman played a cornet ed the appreciation with which the artists were received, Argentina now has 19,065 miles of highways, mo- feet be onl y be distributed, to which a real re- 85 psponse of sales is expected. Craze Hits Canada The Williams firm is in "on the ground floor" in this industry, said Mr, Carlyle, who predicted a large Car- (Continued on page 2) [ 1E-ForLoNG 6 @ 11 King Sweet East, Oshawa ~-- Above CPR. Ofies * $F EVERSON, Local Manager "Private Wire System Phoows 148 snd 144 To replace the electric furnace which collapsed about two months ago, the Feldspar Glass Company this week received delivery on tas material for the installation of a new double furnace which will im- mediately be installed in the fac- Accord- ing to H, Libengood, the manager of the firm, the new furnaces will be larger than the ones which were These furnaces are made especially to the order of the company, and since they have to he erected with precision, it may be several weeks before glass can 40 | be melted in any material quan e rest of the plant, is, however, prac- tically ready to go into production when the furnaces are completed. ST. PATRICK'S MEETING The North Simcoe street United are indebted to Mr. R. Stirling for the talent, which he gathered together for the program of the St. Patrick's social, which they held on Monday soloists were Messrs Gray, Hamilton, Reid, Cronk, Walsh, Prossier and Brooks, while mono- solo and Mr, Crews contributed a Hawaiian guitar selection. The hearty applause of the large audience show- Williams Piano Company Starts Manufacture of M otor Boats [DECLARES U.S.A. AS MUCH AN EMPIRE AS EUROPE'S POWERS Professor Brown Shows How Monroe Doctrine Affects History Dealing with the United States as an empire, Professor G. Brown, of the University of Toronto, con- cluded his series in the University Extension. lectures in modern his- tory, being presented each Tuesday evening in Centre school, much an empire as any of the great powers of Europe, was the statement of Professor Brown. He pointed out the acquisitions of territory by pur- chase, treaty and conquest, that pushed the boundary of the United States west from the Mississippi to the Pacific, and also showed how the United States had on many occasions interfered in the governments of Cen- tral America to further its own ends, The Professor also explained the Munroe Doctrine, which set forth the policy of refusing to interfere in European squabbles and expecting Europe to keep out of America, and showed how this doctrine had affect- ed history during the last 100 years, At the conclusion of his address a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Professor Brown for his course of lectures, $16.000 GARAGE 13 UNPFR WAY BY ROSS AMES 8 GARTSHORE Build'~~ Reing Ere~ted Now at 145 King Street West Work is proceeding steadily on the $16,000 garage and show room 'being erected at 145 King street west by Ross, Ames & Gartshore Company, Limited, of 9 Prince St. This building is being constructed to give this firm a considerably in. creased floor space for automobile show room, garage, office and store room purposes, It is expected that it will be ready for occupaucy about May 1. The building will be one storey high and of brick and steel cou- struction, 50 by 144 feet in size. It will be finished in fir, in the in- 'terior, with concrete, mastic and oak flooring and will be heated by steam, Excavation work is rapidly being completed, and concrete will probably be poured in the founda- tions this week. The general contract © for the building is held by Peter Martin & Son, Bowmanville, and this firm is itself handling several trades, including excavation, concrete worg brickwork, carpentry and plaster- ing. The glazing sub-contract has 'been let to the W. E. Phillips Com- pany of this city, and several other trades, including roofing, steel, steel sash, electrical, plumbing, EL LET Daring Dramatization of the Modern heating, tinsmithing and mastic flooring have not yet been let, Coming Events 8 Cents per word each in- sertiosf, Minimum charge for each insertion, 35c, GOOD PLAY, "ARNOLD GOES Into Business" by Courtice tal- ent, Albert street United Church, Thursday, March 21, (65¢c) ALBERT STREET SCHOOL CON- cert to be held at Centre St. School, Friday evening, March 22, at 8 o'clock. Admission { adults 25 cents, Children 15 cents, (66b) MADAME NEVADA, PALMIST, Ross Corners, Phone appoint- ments 2894, (65-67-69) RUMMAGE SALE, KING ST. basement, Friday, Mar, 22 at 2 p.m, : (67a) CONCERT TONIGHT AND TO- morrow night in Mary street school by boys and girls, Admis- sion 25 cents. Everybody wel- come, (67a) OLD TYME DANCE IN GENE'S Hall, Courtice, Thursday even- ing. Admission 25 cents, (67b) © THE GENERAL MOTORS MUSICAL SOCIETY Grand Vaudeville Program Tonight 8.15 P.M. IN THE AUDITORIUM G.M.C. ORCHESTRA Under the direction of LESLIE F, UNITT (ONE LONG Jaren) ADMISSION RESERVED SEATS, 50c That the United States was assis Latest Financial News Market Toronto and Hosen Auf Quo rie holt wd Stolle. Forlorg and Go bo TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE McDoug. 60 66 56 £ Toronto Ont., Mar, 20-4 heavy decrease Mecln 2005 2000 2005 in trading accompanied a generally easier : trend on hs a Tt a ly this [| Mn, Cr. 526 820 5256 Morning, although some of the oil stocks { Newbee 24 30 31 ovked ln oopotion fo the geaetl Bove | Noda. 5800 5600 5678 ed Jet advances, I . list was Jarrow es- | Pion, 53 52 53 peci ii e listed sect ge faps HILL on the board, Home Oil orgs Prem. 48 48 48 ightly traded in and regained 75 cents of | Sn. An. 15 Ask yesterday's slump, to climb back up to 22.50,| Sh, Gr. 940 910 910 while North Star came out 1.50 higher at| gj... 96 '04 04 18,50, and Southwest Petroleum s'rengthened EC0Q. .. Yh " 50 cents, British American at 52 1-4, Foot- | Stad. ., 11 9 9 hills at 8.75 and International Petroleum at| gq Bs, 11756 1150 1150 52 3.4, were all fractionally stronger, Im-| 'f 46 perial lost 1-2 point to 94 1-2 Profit-taking | St AD. 417 46 in Royalite sent the price back points to| Tk, Hg. 935 9056 9256 : : in. TOW, .. 240 235 240 Canada Dred lost d, slip- . sis Drdgne susp lot wnt 4: | Vipond *. 31a Phe hag suffered alike loss to 93 1-2 and Service | Wr, Hr. 206 200 205 Stations in active Adin dropped dowit Je same amoun ie 1-&, | 4 - stine at 114, Cockshutt Plo ards ond No NEW YORK sey:Harris Lo were all off a single point. | Stock High Low 2 p.m. oodyear ire was another exception to 3 or as 122% 124 the general swing and ad d 4 7-8 ts | Amer, Can, 125% to 299 7-8, Bevanes Points| Atchison .. 201 200% 200% Balt & Ohio 127% 125% 125% STANDARD MINING EXCHANGE 5 3 4 47 Toronto, Ont,, Mar, 20,--Although there Briggs Mig 0,4 0.190 nik were only a few declines of substantial char- ex. ac, 4 acter, practically all stocks lost ground on| Can, Dry .. 87% 853% 87% the Standard Mining Exchange today. The | Chrysler 112% 109% 111 oils group on was inclined to be irregular hig 26 5 265% with Home Oil advancing 150 to 2275 | Congoleum 27 ' While Associated 'Oil' weanened on cents 10 Cur, Aero 154 150% 31% "The hi ; Erie .r 13 71% The high d stock th t TL, ILL li TRA , or Drcaning Fam, Ply. 70% 69% 69 % to a low of 5 and later recovering to 57.50, | Gen, Asph, 71 68% 70% unchanged, while Ventures fell back 1.40 to | Mot 88 3 8654 873% 11,50, Lake Shore 1,400 to 23.00, Pend Oreille | 61. HO. id 40 cents to 10,00, Teck-Hughes 30 cents to| Gra, Paige 47% 46 47% 9.00, Sudbury Basin 10 to 11.55 and Sherritt- | Gold Dust ..69% 68% 683% Gordon 15 cents to, 9.25, . 11 891 90 Amulet was fairly active and weakened | FIud Mot. ,.91% le gents to LIB while Pig Missouri oid off | Hupp .... 72% 2 Za cents to an alconbridge Nickel mo- | 1¢ Com, .. 89 85 ved down 25 cents to 11.75, It NkI. ....59 57% 8 4 K/ 19 NEW YORK EXCHANGE Kly, Sprg. 19% New York, Mar, 20.--Profit taking began | Mt. Wrd, 132y 128 129 in the coppers and other leaders after the Mar, Oil ., 42% 39% 42 renewal rate on ca loans was Increase 05% 1068 sues, International Teleph d. Tele. | Mck. Trck, 106 = 1 i yous ii to 534 12 and. Advi: Phil, Pet, 42% 40% 42% to 9 per cent. Independent strength, how- | pan. A. B 4814 45%, 47% ever, continued' in a number of important| 7" a 3 1 137% 139 Rumely moved up 5 1-4 to 83 3.4 hoth new Packard ,. 14 tops, Indian Refining got up to around 40! Radio 96% 92 94% ©) a hig turnover Srs, Rbek, 156% 165% 156% FOREIGN EXCHANGE Sin, OU .. 42% 39 33% 3 37 62 3% New York, N.Y. Mar, 20. Fereign Ex. |St- Ol N.J. 53% Ki, change easier; demand Fires in oenta): St, Oil NY, 42% 41% 42% Great Britain 484 3-4; Canadian. Dollars at | gtudebaker 87 865% 87 3-4 of one per cent. discount, Simmons .. 93% 21% 22% TORONTO 17.8. Rubber 64% 6 Stock High Low 1230|US. Steel 188% 185% 188% Abitibi 44 42%; 44 UU S. Leather 24% 24% 24% Bell Tel. 172 171% 171% | Wivs. Ovid, 20% 20% 23% Braz, .. 64 63% 631, | Woolworth 205% 203% 2 Br. A. Oil 52 51% 52 * I \Vr. Aero 276 270 270 F.N. Burt 72 Bid Vie, Talk, 188 108 198 Cn. In, Al 40 40 40 |Yellow Cab 437 40% 41% Can Ma't, 29% 39% 291; | Money 10 per cect. Imp. Oil 95% 931% § It, Pet. 63% 531% § Li BY PRODUCF PRICES Ms, Hr. 83 81% \ ON THE MARKETS Me. Frt, 33 33 il Nor Bak. 35 35 IPEG GRAIN OPENING 3 Sta fon 83% 82% wi oN Man,, Mar, 20.--Wheat, May, r. Wal. 78 77 77 | 1.4 higher to 1-4 lower at 130 to 129 1.2; Standard Mines july 1-8 higher to 1-4 lower at 131 5-8 to Amulet 175 165 165 i31 1-4; Oct, 1-8 higher to 1-4 lower at 9 ; 130 to 129 5-8, _ Oats, May tn Br. Holl, 27 27 27 1-4 lower at 54 3-4 to 5¢ 1-2; July 1-8 low- 3ath, .,. 26 25 25 er at Bedford 68 68 68 Bidgood 38 35 38 CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING tiv. ; Chicago, 1il., Mar. 20.--Wheat, Mar,, 123-4, Bekgham, 8 8 8 July, 129 1-4; corn, May, 5 1-4; July, 99 3-4; Br. Hl. E 18 18 18 oats, Mar., 47 5-8; July, 47 1-8 Ch, Hg. 8% 8% 8% | - CHICAGO GRAIN Qerley ob a 23 Chicago, Ill, Mar, 20.--General selling, to- F. Res, 0 15 915 gether with lack of aggressive buying, gave Gold Hill 5 5 b a decided swing downward today both to Coodfish 19 19 19 wheat and com. Favorable reports. abogt vinte conditions, Gra Bou, 25 23 24 ay aon a Hin, did much to Granda. 21 20 21 send wheat values lower, Opening | 14 ta + k y isplayed lif Grdvw, 57 57 57 118 oh ea Re YT oo 18 de aad Gvr, Dly, 2% 2% 2% | sybsequently underwent some additional set- Holl, .. 800 795 800 back, Ots were easy, Provisions likewise Howey ..126 125 125 |seseed Keeley 42 42 42 TORONTO LIVESTOCK Kd. Lke, 125 125 125 Toronto, Mar. 20--Receipts, 2 trade 1 sk ; h t ly to ; butcher Kt. Fir, 18 17 17 as pri § to choice, $9.25 to $9.75; butcher Lv. Que, 7 7 a cows, medium, $6 to $7; calves, good to Malar. 70 70 70 choice, $1.50 to $17; hogs, select, $12.50; good Mn. Bs. 62 60 60 ewe lambs, $15.50 to $15.75, EE LAUGH SHOW / Featuring » » » Lew Cody ARRANGENENTSFOR ANNUAL MEETING (OF C. BEING MADE Special Committee Chosen to Look After Affairs-- Elect Officers Friday A special committee to make ar- rangements for the annual meeting of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce which is to be held in the Genosha Hotel on March 27, was yesterday elected at a meeting of the directorate, The committee is composed of Gordon Conant, chair. man, E, Dixon, E, C. Hodgins, Geo. Hezzlewood, R. D, Preston, D. Tod and A. G. Storie, Special entertaining features are being arranged for this meeting and full discussion of Chamber of Commerce matters which have taken place during the last year will take place. Officers of the Chamber will be elected at this Friday's meeting of the C, of C. and these will be installed at the an- nual event at the Genosha Hotel, SUN LIFE BILL IS PASSED BY COMMONS Ottawa, Mar. 20.--The Sun Life Assurance company bill, as amend- ed, received third reading in the House of Commons last night, The changes in the bill were the re- sult of an understanding reached by the manager of the company and J. D. Finlayson, superintend- ent of Insurance, and endorsed by members of the banking and com- merce committee, As a result of this compromise, the question or the company's increased capital is to be decided in an application to the, exchequer court, The manage- ment of the company is desirous of enlarging the capitalization from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000. BR Housewives of New Zealand are adopting electric labor-saving devices. employed in British 'coal mines, | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | LIBRARY BOARD MET The Public Library Board met last night and transacted only the usual monthly business. Passing of accounts provided the main oc- cupation of the evening. GIVEN THREE MONTHS Robert Brant, alias Robert A. Young, appeared in police court this morning on a charge of being intoxicated and was sentenced to serve three months in the Whitby jail, Brant was arrested some time ago on a similar charge and it was then stated that his name was Young. He appeared this time under the name of Brant, The sentence was minimized by Magis- trate Willis, TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC A tuberculosis clinic is being conducted this week at the out pa- tients' department of the Oshawa General Hospital, This clinic, which is being held under the aus- pices of the local Board of Health and public nursing department, is conducted by Dr, Brink of Toron- to, who has for several years been conducting these clinics in co-op- eration with the Ontario Depan mentof Health and the local Boards of Health, About 100 patients are booked for examination, all having been referred by doctors in the city and vicinity. The clinic will continue until Friday, March 22. NOT RESPONSIBE The executive of the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion wishes it to be made known that the letter in last night's issue of The Times, referring to pipe band practices, and signed "A Scot" was not written by any member of the Legion executive, nor by any mem- ber of the Pipe Band, ERECT BILLBOARDS Permits have been issued by the city engineer's department to the E. L. Ruddy Company for the erec~ tion of a number of billboards and poster panels at these locations: 37 Ritson road north; King street east and Hyland street, 898 Simcoe street south, Wellington and On- tario streets, 772 Simcoe street 8., 442 Simcoe street south, 426 Sim- coe street south, 613 Simcoe street south, 81 King street west, Avenue and Centre streets, 80 Simcoe St. north, and Bond and Victoria Sts. PEEBLES & MORNEN NEW FIRM IN CITY New Partnership Formed to Handle Real Estate in This District It is announced by W. D. Peebles, who has for over a decade been conducting a business in the city under the firm name of Peebles Real Estate, that he has taken in- to the firm as a partner, Percy Morden, who for thirteen years has conducted a barber business on Bond steet, next door to the.Pee- bles business. The new firm will be known as Peebles & Morden. Mr, Peebles states that the rea- son for this change in the business is the increase in the volume of real estate handled by his firm. For example, Mr. Peebles stated that recently, through the Farm Agency that he has established in connection with the business, one deal .was consummated that involv- ed property in Peterboro, Lindsay and Oshawa, Many other citi¢f In Ontario, as well as a score of town- ships and rural communities, have also been the site of Peebles real estate transactions. Mr, Morden's services were thus required in as- sisting in the handling of this largely increased volume of busie ness. Dogs Held For Tests Windsor.--With three dogs being held for the customafy 10 days © observation in the Windsor dog | pound to sce if symptoms.of rabies | develop, two more cases of dogs bit- |ing humans were reported to the Windsor police today. ____[-- TALITY J Karr has put the Mr. Okay BIG VALUES Chevrolet Cab, 1928, fin brand new col , If yon are looking for a sport Bote) "a we Wis ONC Chevrolet Coach, Only driven very Il mileage. fg war corde 4275 of our knowledge, ' Used Car Bargains are BIGGER Bargains when the cars bear the 'OK, that counts" --for they have to be GOOD cars before they are eligible for the Chev- rolet Dealers' O.K. Tag. All the cars featured on this page--and dozens of others in our showrooms--are 0.K. Used Cars. That means have been carefully checked, recondi- tioned where necessary and are O.K. to the very best eat looks aud runs Wo Rew You are taking no chance when you choose a Used Car Ee ; $1050 with an SK. that eousts-~and you Are sling 4 foal saving when you get an O. at aston- iP) oF UTE. Slew Ge tev wie queteg Come a wie USED CARS ONTARIO MOTOR SALES, Limited 99 Simcoe Street South Oshawa TN ST See EDS SEER BEEPBR2NRE SER = RY