Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Mar 1929, p. 8

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t= ry n al n I= n Ve Ie it le LIFE of your PAGE ZICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1929 TROPHY RETURNS TO OSHAWA AS RESULT OF WIN BRANDON-BAILES Curlers Regain Trophy In Last Games of Season Curling Club was brought to a suc- cessful close on Saturday afternoon when the locals celebrated their last games of the year by defeat- ing some visiting rinks from Gran- ite Club, Toronto, 82 to 72, thereby bringing back to Oshawa the Bran. don-Bailes Trophy. This trophy is played for annually by the Oshawa and Granite clubs, having been do- os winter season of the Oshawa nated for that purpose - by the Bailes Bros, of Oshawa and F. Brandon of the Granite Club, Last year the cup reposed the Queen City rooms when they defeated the locals on the Toronto Club ice, Saturday's games were well play- ed ones, even though they were to be the last of the season and a St, Patrick's spirit kept the afternouvan play up to a fever pitch of funm, BAILES BRANDON TROPHY Toronto Granites A, L, Spalding EB, Moore A, M, Perrin W. Phillip, sk 14 D, Coffey J. R, Coad A. H, Garrett Dr, Jessop, sk, 7 Oshawa W. Patte A, Beaton A, Hoar, vice W. H. Ross, sk 7 M, Trick J, Hewson EB, Michael, vice F. Michael, sk 11 A, J, Parkhill T, Fishleigh J, Stacey, vice ¥, E, Ellis, sk 9 8S, Ormerod C, W, Dalis TF, Gelding J. Brandon, gk 9 C. Northey H, Allen H, M, Perry W, 8. Grey, sk 7 Geo. Morrison M, Jacobi H, Morrison, ve, A, Lambert, sk 7 L. C, James @, H, Rennie F, Gerrard A, Payne . A, Germond vice H, Scott H, Lander, sk 11 J, Burgess sk 9 C, Davis Geo, Miller D, Carlyle, vice Dr, Henry, sk 10 F, Mason E, Parsons F, E, Hare, vice C, Hare, sk, 17 , Sage 3 CcDougall 8S. Everson J. D, Brown H, G. Clarke C. Reid, skip 10, D, Simpson K. R, McCullond C. Stark F, Kilk, skip 6 B, Lindsay Dr, Coon J, Nicholson F, Grew, sk, 10 Total... 72 , Cooper, vice , Holland gk 9 Total, .... 81 Rangers and Pirates in Close Exciting Game New York, N.Y,, Mar, 18,--Play- ing the final game or the Regular National Hockey League season, the New York Rangers took a fast game from the Pittsuerg Pirates last night by a 4 to 3 score, The game was played unaer tne rules proposed for next season, allowing + forward passing ana kicking the puck in all three gones, The ex- perimental rules produced the ef- feet for which they were designed, There was wide open action and plenty of it all the way varough, Gym Display To Be Impressive The Oshawa Collegiate students will present their second annual gymnastic display in the Collegiate '"'gym" tomorrow and Wednesday svenings, An excellent program has been arranged, consisting of both boys' and girls' . exhibitions, Drills, marching, dancing, tumbling, ap- paratus and novelty stunts will fea- ture on the bill, . Last year's display wag certainly well received by the public and to make this year's as successful the students have practiced faithfully for many weeks, Now the stage is set for the bigger and better 1929 presentation which no one interest- ed in the students' work at the Col- leglate should fail to see, All work has been under the able direction of the girls' and boys' physical directors, Miss M, Dryden, B.A, and Mr. C. 8. Patterson, B.A., respectively. DETROIT FIRST * IN CANPRO RACE 2--Detroit, Mich,, Mar, 18, -- De- troit Olympics clinched first place in the Canadian Pro. niwckey race here last night by administering an Antarctic of 7 to 0 juciug wo the fourth place Kitchener entry, The result means that the Dutchmen are still in danger of being squeez- ed out of the playoffs by Buffalo, BISONS WIN FROM HAMILTON Fort Erie, Mar. 18.--The Buffalo team moved within sniping distance of the first division of the Cana- dian Professional Hockey League on Saturday night, avenging last Wednesday's 5 to 1 loss to Hamil- ton by a 3 to 0 win over that club, Captain Lederman in the first per- fod and Cain and Bogardis in the + final, accounted for the Bisons' tal- lies. N.H.L. Play-oif Officials Known Montreal, Mar, 18.--Ofticials for the National Hockey league play- off games which start simultane- ously on Tuesday night in New York, Detroit and Boston, were an- nounced through the Canadian Press yesterday by President Frank Calder, Cooper Smeaton of Montreal and Bobby Hewitson of Toronto will handle the three-out--of-five game series between Boston and Cana- diens, respective leaders or the Twice in Twenty Years mwmcmmssinnasi ~By Jimmy Thompson Twice in twenty years has an athlete from Canada won the distinction of scoring a double win. In 1908 Bobby Kerr, of Hamilton, Ontario, carried the Maple Leaf to victory twice at the Windsor games in England, and his feat is still recalled with pride, In 1928 Percy Williams, of Vancouver, duplicated this performance of Kerr's. o YAO: WAS THE 000 BeGron ol WINNER SAT WINDSOR. ENG. |O00 The team sent to the Olympics b this performance the Dominion last y victory, not one Canadian athlete finishing better than fourth. y Canada in 1924 did not win a single Shamed by car made sure that a truly representa- tive team was sent overseas to carry the national colors, and the hand of fiery youths selected for that honor returned with more lustrous laurels and higher points than any Canadian team ever before garnered in, American and Canadian dlvisi Lou Marsh and Mike Rodden, both of | Toronto have been ap- pointed to officiate at the all-New York series between the Ameri- cans and the Rangers, while Dr, W. J, Laflammme of Woodstock and George Mallinson of Montreal, will handle the two-game series between Toronto and Detroit, Of- ficials for the subsequwur series between the New York winners and the winners of the Toronto- Detroit series have not yee peen named, President Calder also announced that each game of the Boston- Canadien series would be played to a decision if the score was tied at the end of the regular. ten-min- ute period of overtime play, Con- cerning the New York serfes and the Toronto-Detroit series, both of which are of the home and home variety, President Calder stated that the first game would be of 60 minutes' duration omy, while if the score on the round was tied at the end of the three regular periods of the second game, the regulation ten-minute suppleméntal session would be played. If the round count was then still dead- locked, the teams would continue to a decision, In the semifinal series between the New York winners and the To- ronto-Detroit winners, which will be decided when one team wins two games, each contest will be played to a decision. Each game of 'the Stanley eup finals will also be played to a finish, REGINA PATS AND CALGARY PLAY 22 Regina, Mar. 18.--With defen- sive play worthy of the best, the Calgary Falcon-Canadians and the Regina Patricias, champions of their respective provinces, finished their first march of the Abbott cup junior semi-final in a deadlock, and will enter the second game on Monday night on even terms. Play- ing here Saturday night, the teams skated off at the end of 60 min- utes with a tie score, 2 to 2, Goodyear Tires ALL-WEATHER TIRE SHOP ROY WILLMOT 11 Celina Street Phone 2468 tires ? Every motorist should make the cord-stretc now featured by lest " oodyearDealers 10 | SPORT SNAPSHOTS Tonight the second games of The Times snooker tournament are being played, after which "who's who and why" will be known in the standing of the four teams, The City gnd Industrial Softball moguls meet at the Y.M.C.A, tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, Business in gencral and added entries will he the main issue, Reports on the work of the various committees will be heard, On Saturday afternoon Oshawa's chances of turning the tables on the teams from Peterborough were dealt a severe blow, The girls' team, Chey. Ladies' Softball team have been in training every Saturday at the Y. for some time. This time they were to have shared up their allotted time with the boys' five so as to give theni a chance to work some system into the play, Under some ruling made in years gone by the boys are not allowed in the gym on Saturday afternoon and they therefore were unable to get a work out. With less than a half dozen girls on the floor the chances of improvement were considerably lessened, : An effort will be made to secure accomodation for a practice some eve- ning this week so as the teams will not make the Pecterboro trip under such a handicap. The Leafs completed their 44-game grind of the regular National Ho- ckey league season at Ottawa on Saturday night when they lost their fourth game out of six to the Senators, but as there was nothing at stake the loss meant little. What is more important is that the players came through the contest with the strenuous Senators in good shape. Danny Cox did not make the trip while most of the regulars were given plenty of rest and the subs carried most of the.actions, Grant replaced Chabot in goal in the final period, while Day, Bailey and Blair were not overworked, Recent advices from Montreal are to the effect that Eddie Gerard will be retained as manager of the Maroons and that Mike Neville and Jack Arbour, of Windsor, will get a trial with the team next year. Five amateurs are also said to be signed, including two from Iroquois Falls and one from the Bathurst club of down the line, fines and declaring pl Monday night's games. Alex Park, captain of the Blue city yesterday an turned over to the skaters, ew Brunswick. Judge Landis has spoken, The czar of baseball has fined 77 clubs and declared 9 players free agents. And this may not be the end, for the "Jedge" now that he has started may go even further and clean house all Shady transactions and cover-up sales is the reason for the ayers free agents. thing about the working of ball clubs are surprised that only 11 clubs are affected, and many are awaiting forfurther exposures, Incidentally, those who know any- A meeting of the captains and executive of the Major Ladies' Bowling League is called for this evening at the Motor City alleys after the regular The purpose is to discuss financial conditions and the method of prize awarding at the end of the schedule, Devil Rugby Champions was in the expressed intentions of being among those present at the big dance therug by players are giving on April the fifth, The curlers brought the Brandon-Bailes cup back to Oshawa en Sat- urday afternoon defeating the Toronto Granites 82 to 72, On Saturday night the curling season officially closed, and the ice was B.B.C. Holds Gym Display The annual gymnastic and danc- ing display of the perils of. the Bishop Bethune Coilege was held on Saturday afternoon in the gym- nasium of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute. There was a large num- ber in attendance, who, in spite of the weather, were attracted to the gymnasium, by the words of com- mendation which had followed the displays of the past years, The blue uniform of each girl lent a military air to the display, which was further enhanced by the immediate response given to each command. The dancing and gym- nastics weré under the superyision of Miss r, physical instructress of the college. The first part of the program was devoted entirely to dances and the national dances of several countries were given. The dances were gracefully and rhythmically ted. The dan were as follows: Sweet Kate, (Eng- lish), Jenny Jones (Welsh), Scotch Reel, Cap, and Mr. Isaac's Maggot (English), Irish Jig, Beun Setting (English Morris), Spanish Tarantelle, Swedish Dal Dance. The second division was the gym- mastic display and a number of the forms gave excellent exhibitions of their ability along this line. The work of the youngest to the oldest purl reflected great credit on the rehip of Miss Roper. The Jun» for form, form 1V, Upper and Low- er V, and Form VI were the forms represented. 'The "Dance of the Gnomes" was followed by a "Greek Festival," The festival was the last number on the program, and four divisions of the festival were given. They were Sword and Buckler, Grecian Circle, The Opening of the Lily and the Cymbal Dance, PEDESTRIAN INJURED Toronto, Mar, 18--Crossing from the east to the west side of Parlia- ment street, Saturday afternoon, Da- vid Flanagan, aged 30, of 19 Win- chester street, was knocked down by an automobile, driven by J. Campbell 331° Rosepark avenue. ETAOINRD 331 drive, Flanagan's left knee was dislocated, and he also sus- tained a severe shaking up. He was removed to St, Michael's hospital, ONE KILLED, FIVE INJURED Vancouver, Mar. 18 --Mickey Dey- ell, aged 23, Vancouver, was killed and five persons were injured when a car driven by John Mercier crash- ed into another car here 'Saturday. Deyell died in the hospital from mul- tiple injuries. Mercier was uninjured and was held by police on a technical charge of manslaughter. The injured were taken to the hospital for treat- ment and subsequently discharged, Windsor Wins Cage Game Windsor, Mar, 18.--Windsor Collegiate Alumni, 1928 Dominion basketball champions, defeated the Toronto West End Y.M.C.A. team, 24-21 here Saturday night in the first game of a three game series, for the Ontario championship. The visiting players were lead- ing with three minutes to go but the locals managed to score six points while holding the Toronto team scoreless, BRUINS CLOSE SEASON WITH SLOW VICTORY Boston, Mass., Mar, 18, -- The Boston Bruins, champions of the American division of the National Hockey League, closed their regu- lar season here Saturday night, defeating Pittsburg, 3 to 1, in a slow, tame contest, Sickness is said to cost the Ameri- can people $5,000,000,000 a year, but they spend more than that for things that make them sick. -- Evansvine Courier, Senators Win And Move Up Ottawa, Mar. 18, -- Ottawa Sena- tors fought their way out of the cellar position in the standing of the National Hockey League's Canadian section by trouncing To- ronto Maple Leafs two goals to 0 at the auditorium Saturday night. The some 2,000 fans who turned out for the "finale" of the local pro, season saw the hapless Sena- tors battle the Queen' City's title aspirants to as tandstill for two ! full periods, and then spurt from their defensive style in the final frame long enough to lengthen their goal lead. CARS COLLIDE Toronto, Mar, 18.--In a. head-on collision between two motor cars on Eglinton avenue east, near Holly st., last night, Miss Hilda Wilson, of 271 Rhodes avenue, passenger in one of the cars, suffered a fracture of the nose. She was taken into the Hudson exchange of the Bell Tele- phone company and attended by Dr. Clarence W. Henders of 820 Mount Pleasant road, Ottawa Shamrocks Command Play to Win From Varsity ER * Visitors' Aggressive Style of Play Too Much for Var. sity Team -- Students Playing on an Off Night March. 18.--Ottawa senior champions of the Ottawa district, defeated Uni- Toronto, Shamrocks, day night in the first of their two- game series for the Ontario Hockey | Ottawa Canadiens ... 4 Americans .. 1 Boston .., sN.Y, Rangers 4 Pittsburg .... 3 Championship and the right to meet Monteal St. Francis X. in the final, The two goals seem a large en- ough margin to insure Ottawa of taking the series, the second game of which will be played in Ottawa Monday night. They were masters most of last night's game and on their. home ice should repeat their victory, Ottawa's rushed style of play and aggressiveness was too much for the boys in blue who gave only glimpses of the flashy |. form which carried them to the senior O.H.A, championship, The collegians' system was broken up by the Shamrocks' consistent checking while their speed was equalled and outlasted. Ottawa--Goal, Venne: defence, Starr and Coulson; centre, Pilon; wings, Jodouin and Richards; subs, Irvin, Grimes and Tabor, Varsity--Goal, Snyder; defenc Paul and Whitehead; centre, Stew= art; wings, Harley and McMullen; subs, Marshall and Brant. Referee--Billy Bell, Montreal, The Summary First Period 1.--Varsity. ...Stewart ...... 6.00 2,--Ottawa,,...Grimes ...,., 12.00 Second Period 3.--Ottawa.....Richards .... '16, Third Period 4 --Ottawa......Starr vem 503 Final Score--Ottawa 3, Varsity 1. Second game in Ottawa today. Penalties: First period--Coulson and Jodouin, Second period--none. Third Period--Paul, Message Is Received From World's Most ed as follows: ALLAN Before some Rangers of Toronto, and Niagara ° Falls, the two eliminated junior O, H, A, semi-finalists, engaged in a exhibition game here Saturday €y | defence, centre, Ritchie; wings, Nault and Hetherington; Smiley, Lough, McDonald. HOCKEY RESULTS Week-2and hockey games result CUP PLAYDOWNS Ottawa Sham. 38 Toronto Var, 1 Trail ABBOTT versity of Toronto 3-1 here Satur- Calgmy, ort . 4 High River _ 0 CUP SERIES 2 Regina ..... 2 TIONAL LEAGUE 2 Maple Leafs , 0 3 Pittsburg ,.... 1 s--Played Sunday, CANADIAN LEAGUE Buffalo ..... 3 Hamilton .... 0 - Detroit --.... 4 Niagara Falls 3 sDetroit 7 Kitchener .... 0 s--Played Sunday. Niagara Falls 5 Young ; Rangers 3 Niagara Falls, Ont., Mar. 18.-- 1,000 fams Young night with victory going to the Fallsers by 6 to 3. Young Rangers--Goal, Goldie; D, Smillie and Hickey; subs, Roberts, J, Niagara Falls--Goal, Rees; de. ence, Heximer and Franks; centre, F, Heximer; wings, Shannon and Kaminsky; subs, Esseltine, Moreau, Kalbfleisch goaler. and Dunham, spare Referee--Geo. Pennie, Falls, The Summary First Period Niagara Rangers... .Nault ...cineem 2.18 Niagara F. F, Heximer-Shannon 8, Second Period Rangers... ,. Ritchie 12.30 Niagara F....O, Heximer ,,,... 5, Third Period Niagara F, Heximer-Heximer 4.00 Rangers....Lough .... 2.00 0) Niagara F.,.O, Heximer .... 5.00 Southerly Station Niagara F....0, Heximer ...., 5.00 New York, Mar, 18,--A message from the most southerly radio sta- tion in the world, the first sub-base to be established by Commander Byrd between his main camp and the South Pole, has been relayed to New York and received by the New York Times Radio Station, The message was addressed to Mrs, Hjordis Peterson, of' Chicago, and was sent by Carl Peterson, her hus- band, who is the radio operator with a dog sled party that carried provis- CANADIENS WIN FROM AMERICANS Montreal, Que,, Mar, 18.--~Led by that bundle of greased lightning, Howie Morenz, Canadiens wound up their regular scheduled Nation al Hockey League here Sat- urday night by romping through Tommy Gorman's New York Amer- icans to a 4 to 1 victory. . ions to the sub-base about 70 miles] oAPARAOTS LOSE south of Byrd's main base at Little America, it sdid: "Everything fine. Am travelling south with dog-team." | apa" Falls Cataracts had The message was intercepted first FAST CANPRO GAME Windsor, Mar, 18.----After Niag- twich ese tablish at Little America, relayed to the iy Shed 4 one goal lead only to league leading Detroit barque City of New York, en route to | Olympics produce the tying score, Dunedin, New Zealand, which in turn relayed it to the Times, Commander Byrd's about 750 miles from the Pole, and he plans a number of sub-bases about they finally succumbed to a 'third . . | period rally in a dashing Canadian main base is| League fixture here Saturday might before a meagre gathering of fans, The final count was 4-3 in favor 70 or 100 miles a part for emergency |of the Olympics, who found the purposes when he makes his flight to | Niagara Falls club anything but an the pole, easy mark. Do You Buy Stocks By the Map? Of course you don't, and nobody does, because there is no geography in the investment of money. Like water, money always flows to its easiest level. When the Bell Telephone Company needs néw capital to extend its service it must compete with American utility companies which offer their shares to shareholders. If the Canadian company is restricted in this, Canadian investors cannot be expected to re- fuse greater attraction abroad and Canadian money will not stay in Canada. The monthly rates paid by telephone msers in Ontarfe and Quebec are the lowest rates in the world Jor comparable service. THE BELL TELEPHONE aD COMPANY OF CANADA

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