BE ) PE LT SE SEPIRR LE SEVER NINES RTT HERO EI EH RS RIT ESS TE ake is eo for hte ir ebu-y PEFIE % Eh ih at ol ie a rp THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929 ; CADILLAC LANDAU CABRIOLET . This tive passenger Imperial lan- rear quarter of Burbank material dau cabriolet, a new body by Fish- | which is collapsible. 'er for the Cadillac chassis, has a |partition between front and rear A plate glass compartments makes the car either owner or chauffeur driven at will, The complete new line of Cadil- lac cars announced last September by Lorne Ardiel, General Sales Manager of the Cadillac Motor Car Company of Canada, have establish. ed themselves high in public favor, Three outstanding improvements are noted in this superlatively fine product of General Motors, These are--an entirely new and origipal Cadillac -- designed transmission which provides easy, instantaneous and silent gear shifting without the usual hesitation in neutral, re- markably efficient new brakes, and Y"'security-plate"" glass in all win- dows and windshields, Improved double-action hydraulie shock absorbers of the two-way pis- ton type, smooth out the effects of road unevenness by absorbing both the bumps and the rebounds, Ppeumatic Principle Other important improvement include new use of principles o pneumatics in engineering to in- sure maximum quietness; adjust- able front seats in all body models except the Imperials; more power- ful engines; chromium plating of exposed nickel parts, assuring per- manent lustre; and strengthening of body construction with refine- ments in body exteriors and inter- fors, All chassis have a wheel- base of 140 inches, The new brakes are of the in- ternal ghoe-type, entirely enclosed, and so easy to operate that they are described by the company as Yeffortless."" They are long lived and in servicing them only a simple outside adjustment is necessary, There are two entirely independent systems for the service and hanu brakes. A novelty in design is the plae- ing of parking lizhts on the front fenders instead of on the cowl, This is a distinctive mark of the new lines of cars and the effect upon the observer is highly pleas- ing, In the bodies, while there are a number of improvements and re- finements visible tothe observer the emphasis' has been placed on intes« for body construction where, al- though not visible, improvements have added materially to comfort, quietness and sturdiness. All body sills are made heavier, and the number of body hold-down bolts has been increased. Heavier reinforcements have been added to the dash, resulting in greater rig- idity at a point which is subject ed to severe stress. All metal at- tached tothe body 1s coated with anti-squeak material at points where metal and wood come in con- tact, Interior hardware in beth cars is of the same type as previous ly, It hag a special old bronze fin- ish with escutcheon plates and han- dle knobs of catelline stone, In the line, there are 11 Fisher and thirteen Fleetwood custom bodies, "Never hag the company produe- ed a line of cars which give greater satisfaction in beauty and perform- ance than those of the past year," states Mr. Ardiel, "and the present cars retain all that was best in pre- vious models, giving in addition marked refinements in both bodies and chassis." The new Cadillacs represent the consummation of the aims of General Motors and Cadil- lac to reproduce in their price classes premier cars of the world, HUDSON-ESSEX DESIGNERS BUILD INPROVED BODIE Coach Model Comes Into Its Own As Somtonvabile Detroit, Mich.--1Is 1929 the year in which th> coach type of body will come into its own as a comfortable and finely finished car model? There are important indications pointing that way. Hudson-Essex has opened the trend with what its designers regard as marked improvements, Both Essex and Hudson coaches are much larger and roomier than ever before, Outs side lines are pleasing and the in- terior atmosphere is one of beauty as well as utility, Upholstery and finish is of a standard comparable with that of the best cars in the line. The divided front seats--a distine- tive coach feature--are fully shaped and deeply padded all over, The man examining the cars finds them fine, comfortable individual chairs, An adjustment permits the driver to move hia seat back or forth to the position most comfortable' for him, So simple and easy is the mechanism that he can make this change as he sits in his seat, The right hand forward seat has a construction which permits the passenger there to shift it forward several inches--thus he need not arise to permit other passengers to leave or reach the rear seat. The coach--or two-door sedan as some makers call it--has had a re- markable history, Hudson introduced it several seasons ago as a utility en- losed car to sell at the price of an . Five-Passenger Brougham In New Dodge Line Oro LITY and proportion mark the stylish lines of this Five-Passengor Broughoni of the Dodge Brothers New Six line, Colors and body striping add a distinctive tone to the car. Unusugi body construction provides maximum comfort and vision fog every passenger, CONVICT URGES PRISON REFORMS Findlay McLeod, Sr,, Under Sentence of 15 Years, Sug- gests Many Changes Toronto ~~ Small shops in penitentiaries as an effective means of stopping secret trading among convicts, better facilities for the education of prisoners, Bible classes in afternoons -- these with many other "prison reforms" are urged by Findley McLeod, Sr., who is facing a sentence of 15 years in Portsmouth Penitentiary for his part in the Toronto Union Station mail robbery June 19, 1928, Inci- dentally McLeod pays tribute to Bri- gadier-General D, C, Draper, Chief Constable of Toronto, for his "un- derstanding of prisoners' needs." McLeod, who served a previous sentence in the penitentiary, pleads for a "more elastic and humanitar- fan prison system." He contends that present methods warp the mind and embitter the soul of the dis- charged prisoner; render him unfit to resume his place in the established order of things. He declares "the present system of keeping prisoners in 8 concrete coffin 71 per cent of their sentence in deathly silence seri- ously affects their minds and fills their hearts with hatred and a de- pire for revenge." Further suggestions by McLeod are as follows: -- "Long sentences and lashes do more barm than good, "The silence system, the close haircut and the use of rough meth- ods belong to a bygone age, "All prisoners should be mentally examined, "Prisoners who desire to learn farming should be permitted to do so. "The stone pile and unnecessary work should be stopped. "Recreation should be permitted on all holidays, Helping prisoners when they are released is wrong. Change conditions so that persons can help themselves when released. "As all penitentiaries are near large cities teachers should be asked "| to give instructions, "Prisoners should be permitted to develop any musical talent as it would in many cases be the means of earning an honest living, "Special attention should be given to prisoners inside of prison rather than attempt to deliver potential criminals outside, "Prisoners should be compelled to attend school five evenings a week. "The library should be kept up to date and newspapers permitted as they are a part of our modern edu- cational system, Keeping prisoners in ignorance makes them act ignor- antly, ' "Prisoners should be allowed to provide for their families by making those things required by all institu- tions and building roads. Sentences should be intermediate, as long sen- tences only 'case harden' men. There are two kinds of prisoners, those that go wrong and intend to do right, and those.that go wrong and never intend to do right. A commission should be appointed to assist Mr. "The honor system should be in- troduced which would result in thous sands of dollars being saved. Fewer guards would be required and greater care of government property taken." WHALE MEAT 13 TABLE DELICAGY Australians Beginning to Re- alize Splendid Food Qual- ities of Sea "Monster" Sydney, Australia, --~Australia fs beginning to realize that it has been passing up a valuable food resource by its failure to utilize whale meat, and Sydney 'stores are now display- ing whale meat as a table delicacy for the first time, Reports from Antarctica indicating that Commander Richard Byrd was having large quantities of whale meat packed for use of his expedition dur- ing the winter played a part in awakening Australians to the fact that whales are edible, Whales, although living in a watery environment, are not fish but warm blooded mammals. The meat is red and bas much the same form and consistency of beef. The meat is not oily, as one would naturally imagine, the oil being separately contained in the great masses of blubber and con- Hughes to select the right from the wrong, to deal with paroles and help personal contact with prisoners, "Prisoners should be allowed to write weekly, and visits by relatives encouraged. The postal service has adopted the slogan, "Write often and keep the family together." Nothing wrecks a prisoner's home more than nective tissues underlying the skin. What is looked upon commercially open car, At the time all closed cars averaged about twice the price of open ones -- but Hudson-Essex erased this differential, Hudson created not only the coach idea but the name coach as well and retains the name today. Despite the great variety of body models now available the coach is the largest selling model with nearly all makers, It is particularly popular with families who have small chil dren--for they can be safely seated open g door and fall out, Coaches remain, too, the lowest priced of en- closed cars, in the rear compartment and cannot E. R. BIRCHARD sion of General Motors of Limited. Sales Manager of the Pontiac Divi- J. H. BEATON General Sales Manager for General Motors of Canad, Limited, as the edible meat for | con- sumption is that taken from the vast muscles lying along side cach side of the whale's tail, The best meat is obtained from the finner or finback whale, but that of the humpback is nearly as good, the inability to correspond fre- Quently, : while the beef of the blue whale is not far behind in edible quality, These ! mew features are prom- the mew Whippet auto-|located om" the mobile. Upper left: Button control Right: instrument panel. Lower: steering wheel. | new seven bearing crankshaft, which are most abundant off the coast of New South Wales. In an editorial a Sydney paper la- ments: "It appears most extraordinary that we have gone so long without making the fullest use of these giant sea denizens, Here mighty wealth has passed and re-passed our doors for years, and when not right at hand, has fain in southern seas within a stonc's throw, almost of us, Thou- sands of tons of oil, of bones and meat, of skins, whalebone and other products have been contemptuously cast aside, while our gallant friends, the Norwegians, have journeyed for many thousands of miles to our seas to get the necessary and valuable modities which, geographically at ast, are ours." WOMEN VIE AT BILLIARDS Miss Margaret Lennan, of Glas- ow, Scotland, recently won the irst championship contest between omen billiard players of Brit- in. She had a record of frequent- ly making breaks of 100 and gver, The runner-up was Miss Joyee Gardner, who did mot make a 100 break, but scored 99. PAINTED LEGS PLEASE PARIS Women of Paris are still en- thusiastic over the bare-legged craze, which was adopted by many last summer and has been trans- ferred from the seashore to fn- doors. New "Distemper" designs, painted on the ankles have bean added to the vogue, and as 8 re- sult painted legs are making their appearance at dances. happen to be the commercial whales W. M. ROBERTSON Advertising Manager of the General Motors of Canada, Limited. : R, J, BAILEY Assistant Sales Manager of the Cad- illac, LaSalle and Oldsmobile Di- vision of General Motors of Cane ada, Limited, SENIOR SIX PISTONS WEIGHED -Connecting rods and pistons of Dodge Brothers Senior Six are as- sembled in groups of six, and weighed separately to see that they all are within 3% ounce of each other, insuring smooth engine performance, Pistons are of the Bohnalite pattern, being of alu- minum with steel struts, The light- ness of these pistons adds consid- erably to the performance and smoothness of the Senlor engine, THSTS FOR MOTOR TRUCKS To insure dependability and economy in operation, the truck division of Dedge Brothers trucks and commercial cars are sent on test trips totalling 200,000 annu- ally, The runs are made in all parts of the country, and accurate records are made of performance, In addition, every unit is tested on & proving track after it leaves the final assembly line, DETROIT USES DODGE BROTHERS BUSES Detroit, the U.S. motor capital, has more than 800 Dodge Broht- ers buses operating on its streets, The buses have run approxima.ely 25,000,000 miles in the city's ser- vice, The city recently placed an order for 120 additional de luxe motor coaches to replace the jit- neys on the main thoroughfares. WIDE DOORS FEATURED Wide doors that open out to the full width of the door sills are featured in all the New Dodge Brothers Six models, Construction of the front seats enables passen- gers to get in or out without un- necsesary twisting or turning. Ample overhead room for front and rear seat passengers has been effected by the new hody design. Germany will limit the number of foreign motion pictures shown in that country, Roy W. Nicholls Has Erected New Garage at Courtice A new and up-to-date Service Sta- tion, showroom and garage, combin- ed, now adds to the beauty of the village of Courtice. Mr. Nicholl 'dealer for the Willys Knight an Whippet automobiles, has recently erected a building on the south side of the Kingston highway and east of the building that housed the business of the Roy W. Nicholls' garage dur- ing the past few years, fhe new edifice is an imposing structure of red brick and tile and the large showrooms facing the high- way will undoubtedly be a big asset as well as a silent salesman. At the rear is a service garage where expert mechanics will be better able to ren~ der the service that has characterized the business in the past, ANKLE SOCKS FOR EVENING R. S$. McLAUGHLIN President of the General Motors of Canada, Limited, Ankle socks, which proved so popular in Europe for feminine gports wear last summer, have in- vaded the ball room, They are made of the finest silk decorated with gold and silver thread, and are worn over flesh-colored gossa- mer stockings. LONDONERS DINING OUT More women in London are dining eut than ever before, One observer estimates that in the ex- clusive West End there are ahout 4,000 first-class diners nightly, with about 8,000 on Saturday, But for the women, he says, the num- ber would be much smaller, GIRL ARCHITECT WINS Competing against 20 men, Miss Betty Scott of Kensington, England, a twenty-two-year-old architectural student, has won the Victory Scholarship of the Royal Institute of British Architects. She is the first woman to win the scholarship, The prize includes a silver medal and $750. SELF ADJUSTABLE TIE ROD i ENDS The ball and socket type of steering knuckle tie rod ends on Dodge Brothers Senior Six are provided with a unique arrange- ment for taking up wear and play automatically. Two crescent- shaped hardened steel pieces held in place by a retaining spring sure round the ball. The spring auto- matically moves the shoe in a cir- cular path far enough to take up any lost motion, FUEL TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED IN SENIOR The exhaust-heated intake mani- fold on the Dodge Brothers Senior Six insures the delivery of equal amounts of properly prepared fuel to all cylinders, There is an ad- justment on the dash for controll- ing the amount. of heat supplied to the incoming charge, so that the proper temperature may be reache ed regardless of weather condie tions, 1926 Chevrolet Sedan, A real buy at ....... 1927 Oakland Sedan, Ex- 1928 Chevrolet Coach. Very small ? ar . 1926 Pontiac Coach. Tires good. Motor in good condition. BOPSRNSE 88s Rsss SPREE NIRISRRRINRES IK $415 $795 $450 GPRING is feeling Spring, this year! Simcoe St. S. HEVROLET DEAL RZ USED CAR § h2]st practically here! Soon you'llbe the lure of the road again, Your hands will be tingling to get on the wheel. And here's your chance to save money on a Good Car... a car with thousands of miles of enjoyment left -in, that somebody gave up to get an Outstanding Chevrolet. We can't keep these Used Cars in stock with the spring deliveries coming in. They ical condition. ................ $565 | MUST go. They ARE going, BUT there are still many bargains left. Still a good variety to choose from. So come in and grasp this opportunity. Be ready for ntario Motor Sales, Ltd. Phone 900