Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Mar 1929, p. 1

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tween 33 and 34 as compared with 323 in 1928, members of the finance committee said today. ; ae HE i Surrender Chath Taylor and Thomas Miller, two of the three three youths who escaped from the Mimico Industrial school two days ago, are in the, custody ofthe lacal police, awaiting an escort. FE . i. Ten Perish By Explosion Bucharest--Ten workmen, includ- ing Andrew Wagner, a British en- Jgineer, were killed in a boiler ex- plosion at the plant of the Romana- American Oil company at Moreni to- day. * x * tion Critical Brantford --At the Brantford Gen- al Hospital tonight City Assessor B. Todd was reported to be still in critical condition. He was removed ere today after suffering a stroke last night. "vs Big Gift To Church . Chatham.~The First Presbyterian Church has been bequeathed $8,000 from the. estate of the late Miss Catherine Ann Smith of Dover Township, who passed away several months ago, * * *% Follows Ontario Quebec.--Premier Taschereau ad- vised the legisative assembly today 'that he would introduce a measure shortly designed to provide for' Que- bec a "Blue Sky" law similar to that in force in Ontario. * Member Resigns Brantford. -- Announcement was made today that Rev. A. Percy Park, formerly of the Y.M.CA. in India, and recently rector of St. James' Anglican church, had resigned and would return to England. * * * Roof Blown Off Hospital Brantford --The = four-ply tarred roofing of the Lady Willingdon Hos- pital was completely ripped off by, the 'high winds, exposing the building' [8nd contents to. danger of serious t e in the event of rain. ; 4 Farag : s Fractured ho 2h Len Mike Kinowski To ~Mike n {Aged 3, of 2" Seventh street, was. an iple fractures 'Wof both legs when metal he was un- loading fell upon him. He was re~ suoved to St. Joseph's hospital, To- ronto, ox ; Found Gulity Montreal. -- Henry Caisse was found: guilty of theft and perjury by a jury in the court of king's bench today in connection with the hold- up and robbery of $1,300 from. the west end ticket office of the Montreal Tramways company. * % = May Stop Airmail Ottawa.--Hon. P. J. Veniot , post- master-general, plans to discontinue the Toronto-Montrteal air mail ser- vice within a few weeks unless there are signs of it becoming more of a comercial success, he told Canadian weekly newspapermen at their con- vention. HE Parents Saved B , y Baby Brantford --Mr, and Mrs? Alfred | Sawkins, jr., owe their lives today to their infant child. They were awak- ened by its cries at 240 am., to find the home, on fire, an over-heated chimney having set fire to the wood- work, The firemen, summoned, soon quenched the flames. * x * . To Protect Police Detroit--The deaths of Detective- i Lieut. Benjamin Smith and Detective _ Clarence Stadler from the bullets of pay-roll bandits last month have popularized the use of bullet-proof vests among members of the Detroit _ police department, officials of the de- partment admitted today. f * X Motorist arraigned Brantford.--Arraigned for man- slaughter, following the death last night of C. B, Wright, awning manu- facturer, who sustained a fractured skull, George Traill, prominent in older boys' parliament circles here, today was released on bail of $10,000 and remanded for a week, *® Reunion of 75th Battalion Toronto.--Five hundred members of -the 75th Battalion association, in= cluding their friends, held a dance at the Central Veterans' hall, Isabella street, last night. Mrs. Beckett, wife of the first colonel of the battalion, who was killed overseas, was the re- cipient of a bouquet of roses from those present. ; * x» "Favor Retaliation Ottawa.--The pro of Premier Tolmie, of Britich Cotas froier taliatory trade measures against' the United States by a system of license fees and gefulations rather than waiting for the federal government to erect adequate tariff bartiers, has attracted much attention from fed- cral membérs. WEATHER An f Pressure . ers Peg of of go " depres- '| May 126%; July . 129%; en Bel PUBLISHES MEMOIRS | p= WINSTON CHURCHILL Whose book of war memoirs, just published has created a sensa- tion in Great Britain, FINAL ROUND IN HYDRO BATTLE U. S.-Mexican Border Is Likely To Be Scene off Aerial Bombardment|| | was looked upon today as an indica- in Readiness for Squadron United States Aviators Are Keenly Sought TWO MACHINES WERE DESTROYED BY FIRE Handbills Sent Down from the Air Making an Appeal to the Revolutionary Sel diers to Return to Path of Duty : (By Canadian Press) Nogales, Ariz., Mar. 9.--A threat- ened aerial bombardment of Nogales, Sonora, the revolutionary stronghold of Northern Mexico, by loyal federals under General Abelardo Rodriguez, tion that the international border may witness another battle. Rodriguez, who has been concen: trating fighting planes and loyal sol- diers at Mexicali, a border town and capital of Baja, California, was re- ported to have prepared a landing fleld for fifteen or twenty planes at San Luis, on the Snora-Baja Califor- nia border. Bulletins were said to have been posted by federal leaders Public and Private Owner. ship at Issue in Bruce County battle in Bruce county will be set- tled by the ballots of Southampton electors, hydro and anti-hydro forces are distributing the final rounds of' ammunition in the form of circular appeals to the ratepayers. esterday saw the issuance of two strong statements, on behalf of the Foshay interests, signed by ex-Mayor C. M. Bell, forecasting industrial ex- pansion if the private ownership is endorsed, the other a list of five an- ti-hydro statements and denials by the public ownership supporters. The Foshay circular points to a disused factory, formerly a branch of the Sellers Kitchen Cabinet Comp- any which was closed down six years ago and announced that negotiations are under way to place this plant in operation, thereby employing some 50 or 60 workers. SLIPS ONTO WIRE, IS ELECTROCUTED (By Canadian Press) Sherbrooke, Que., Mar .9.--Re- saire Savoie, 24, a mill worker, was accidentally elec rocuted when he slipped and came into contact with a wire carrying power for the machine he was operating at the Sherbrooke Cotton Company's mill here. STRUCK BY WHEEL LAD IS INJURED Gananoque Youth Sustain Fractured Skull in Unfor- tunate Accident" Gananoque, Mar. 9.--Donald Luker, a youth employed by a lo- cal farmer, is in hospital here in a critical condition as the result of injuries sustained when a drive 'wheel broke loose from a circular saw machine and struck him: He is suffcring from a fractured skull, cheek bone and jaw. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Ills, Mar. 9.--Wheat corn, PRL oobi | day next at the date when the hydro 'ed, causipg great excitement and offering jobs to United States aviat- ors at $260 a day. The Federals were said to have ten planes at, Mexicali, but two of these were destroyed by a fire at the mun- icipal airport there late last night. The blaze started when mechanies Sit Senbioped: and a short spread 'to a box of bombs in a hangar apd. they explod- giving rise to a report that revolu- tionists had attacked the town. Mrs. R. Fuentes, wife of a mechanic, was injured. The loss was placed at $12, 000. of Federal Aeroplanes, and |. HON. HUGH GUTHRIN Who made far reaching proposals in the House of Commons for keeping foreign farm products out of Canada. Old Age Pensions Plans Unchanged Toronto, March 9.--No change has been made in the plans of the On- tario government as regards old age pensions by reason of the legal opin- ions secured by Premier Taschereau of Quebec, Hon. W, H. Price, at- torney-general, stated yesterday. Em- inent Quebec lawyers have informed Premier Taschercau that they be- licve the dominion bill is ultra vires. "A conference is being arranged between representatives of this gov- ernment and of the dominion labor department," said Mr. Price. "This conference, which is for the purpose of taking up certain sections of the act, had been arranged already." KIKGSTON IS OFFERED AN ELEVATOR The fire was not expected to great- ly impede the plans of the federals, as Rodriguez has announced that ' more planes would arrive shortly. Rodriguez began his activities yes- terday when he sent a plane over Nogales to let loose handbills over the town. The Federal plane caused great excitement, the rebels be- lieving they were being attacked. Re- voluntionary soldiers ran to cover and did not fire on the plane. The handbills, appealing to the re- (Continued on Page 11) FAMOUS ACTRESS Miss Elsie Janis is in Amer- ican Hospital in Paris (By Associated Press) Paris, Mar. 9.--The illness of El- sie Jamis, famous American actress, took a more serious turn today. Her temperature this morning was 102 and her pulse 110. Miss Janis is ill with appendicitis and congestion of her right lung following influenza. Dr. Edmund of the American Hospital and' Dr, 'De Martel decided not to 'operate just now as the appendicitis showed some improvement. While her condition was not believed criti- cal it was expected to be of long duration. Mexican Troops Interned in U.S. El Paso, Tex, March 9.~Three hundred Mexican federals were m- terned at Fort Bliss last night, m the cart ying out of the truce terms under which the federals surrendered the -city of Juarez. The men were stationed in barracks and in a ridin hall at the fort, under guard, un their disposition can be decided by May 100% ; July 102%; oats, May 495; July 46%, the United States government. Kim, 16-year-old high school student, is lying at her home suffering from a severe concussion of the brain which is said to have followed a blow in the head administered by the principal of the school, George: E. Kennedy, Mr. Kennedy, however, de- nies that he more than touched the girl to attract her attention while the school authorities have not yet taken any action to invesigate the allega- tions. The parents, Rev. and Mrs. McKim Claim Blow on Head by Teacher Responsible For Girl's Injuries (By Canadian Press) Colborne, March 9.--Dorothy Mc- | child's' condition has resulted from such a blow describe the occurrence as accidental and Mrs. McKim does not blame Mr. Kennedy. The incident in question occurred on Monday morning but the stories connecting with it are conflicting. According to Mr. Kennedy, the girl was writing at the blackboard and in order to draw her attention to something he gave her what he de- scribes as a "touch." Some of the children however, declare that he was annoyed with her at the time and while holding the opinion that the that it was more severe than this, declared no application {would be presented in county court Miquel. 28- way to freedom from the Schulhill Definite Proposal from Pres- ident of Canada Steamship Lines Kingston, Mar.9.--The city of Kings- ton is now face to face with a definite proposition for the erection of a 4,- 000,000-bushel elevator here. The proposition came to Mayor Craig yesterday from Mr. W. H. Coverdale, president of the Canadian Steamship Lines. Mr. Coverdale states in his letter to the Mayor that hé is prepared to assume the responsibility for the erection of an elevator at Kingston, providing that the city will furnish IS SERIOUSLY ILL, a suitable site this side the causeway, and that it can arrange with the Federal Government to do the neces - sary dredging. Child Dies of Injuries Hamilton.--Annie Field, 5, dled here last night from injuries re- ceived when she was struck by a street. car. LOUIS M. AUGER REMAINS IN JAIL No Bail - Application ' to Be Mede for Member of Parliament (By Canadian Press) Ottawa, Mar. 9.--Louis M. Ang- er, member of parliament for Pres- cott County, who has been commit- ted for trial on acharge of committ- ing a grave offence against a 17- year-old girl, will remain in' jail until his case is called at the spring assizes which open March 18. Con- trary to expectations, his counsel for bai here today. . "It is not our intention to make an application because it would en- tail a great deal of trouble and ex- pense and the time until the trial is but short now," Raoul Mercier, the counsel, stated. # CONVICT SHOOTS HIS WAY TO FREEDOM (By Canadian Press) : Pottsville, Pa., Mar. 9,--Elverex r-old slayer, shot his county jail here early today. A guard, Roy Reeves, received a bul- let wound in the leg. BETWEEN NURSES "Oh, Alice, my patient has just proposed to me." "Had another delirous 'spell, did he?" 10 SHARE II BIG SURPLU Nearly a Million Dollar: Turned Over to Municipalities SUCCESSFUL YEAR New Arrangement to Supply Eastern Ontario is Outlined Toronto, Mar, 9.--A net sur- plus of $940,633.07 has been credited to the hydro municipall- ties of Ontario on the operations of the provincial commission dur- ing the year ending October 31 last, according to the commission's report which was presen ed yester- day afternoon in the legislature. The commission's total revenue during the year was $24,287,296.23 according to the report. Of this amount $6,857,012.49 was placed in reserve for sinking fund, renew- als, contingencies and obso.escence. The balance, about $16,500,000, was the year's to.al cost of opera- tion. The total capital investment of the commission in power undertak- ings and hydro-electric railways, including expenditures made by the municipalities, is approximate- ly $300,000,000, says the report. Of this amount, the Niagara system represents more than half -~--$161,994,023.61, Total reserves are given as $37,546,583.86. Summary of Systems In an official resume of the re- port, the: present situation in Niagara and Eastern On ario the systems was sketched as follows: "Niagara system :---As there are no large power developments under 'construction by the commission at the present . time to = serve the Niagara system, and as all the available power from the commis sion's Niagara generating plants was in use at the end of the year (Continued on Page 3) LEAGUE MAY ESTABLISH OWN RADIO VOTED TO ALLOW SWITZERLAND TO MAIN- TAIN STATION Asked to Decide What Mes- sages Can Be Sent in Event of War (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Geneva, Mar. 9.--The council of the League of Nations voted today to allow Switzerland to maintain an observer radio station in time of international peril. The action | is subject to endorsement of the League Assembly. Switzerland has asked what messages may leave and enter the country in time of war or threat of war, since she must necessarily maintain strict neutrality. The council's move is regarded as a step forward in a project for the League's own wireless station. ; Resolution Adopted Geneva, Mar. 9.--The council of the League of Nations today unan- imously adop ed the reso ution of Sir Austen Chamberlain tending to facilitate adhesion of the United States to the world court. PROMOTED STGIRATION : Ax COMMISSIONER MAXWELL Chief Officer of the Salvation Army for Canada, who has been pro- moted by the new General. LATE SIR ADAM BECK Whose memory it is proposed to honor by -erecting a beacon tower near his birthplace at Baden. Ban Transfer of Diplomats' Liquor Washington, D.C, March 9.--~ For- cign diplomats in the capital may be forced to pool together and buy a truck to transport spirituous liquor from seaport cities to the embas- sies and Jegations. This possibility has arisen from enforcement by Washington police of a section of the law prohibiting the transportation of all liquor including that for diplomats. The diplomatic liquors are exempt from confiscation. The police have warned one trans- fer company that the stocks moved into that city for one diplomatic agency last week would "be the last." LINDBERGH FLIES FROM MEXICO CITY Opens a New Aerial Mail Service to Brownsville, Texas (By Canadian Press) Mexico City, Mar. 9, -- In an aeroplane christened with cham- pagne, Colonel Charles A. Lind- bergh today had the task of flying over 470 miles of varied Mexican terrain in inauguration of an air mail service te Brownsville, Texas. The Colonel's right arm, injured in a crash with his fiancee, was freed from the sling and bandages and he expected an easy hopp to Brownsville today and back tomor- row Lindy Hops Off Valbuena Air Field, Mexico, Mar. 9.--Col. Charles . A. Lindbergh, inaugurating the Brownsville Mexico City air mail service, hop- ped off from the Valbuena air field at 7.56 o'clock this morning. (8.56 Eastern Standard Time). FARMER CLAIMS Was Detained in Jail By a Corporal: of the Mounties While Farm Dug Over (By Canadian Press) Regina, Sask., March 9.--State- ment of claim was filed in court of King's Bench at Regina yester- day on behalf of Samuel Pat, Craik, Sask., farmer, against Joan Edward Smithwick Roberts, cor- poral of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for $25,000 gen- eral damages $598.00 special dam- ages and costs of action, The action is the outcome of Pat's arrest -some months ago in connection with the disappearance of Joe Germaine. Pat was de- tained in jail here while his ranch was dug over in a search for Ger- maine's body. REPORT INSURGENT LEADER EXECUTED Managua, Mar. 9.--Native pap- ers said General Manuel Maria Ji- ron, former Sandino insurgent lead- er, who has been in the custody of marines for the last month .had been executed by members of the Nicaraguan volunteer constabulary. PURE ROBBERY z "My .son robbed a bank yesterday." "What?" "Yes, he got his first week's pay Jas assistant to the President."--Life. * d To Be Implicat ; HYDRO USERS Ea oe ating Payroll Holdup In Toronto; Suspects © Arrested After Chase Contractors at the Metropol] HEADS NEW BANK itan Church Held Up in Broad Daylight By Party of Bandits Who Used a Stolen Car , $3,000 STOLEN AND NOT RECOVERED Buffalo Taxi Driver and Five Foreigners Arrested at Oakville After a Long Chase By Police -- Two Others Arrested in To- ronto (By Canadian Press) * Toronto, Mar, 9.--Bail was refused Percy Brenzel and Mac Applebaum, of Toronto, when they were arraign- ed in police court today on a nominal charge of vagrancy on which they are bging held pending investigation of their possible connection with the $3,000 downtown payroll robbery yes- terday. No trace of two other men believed to have participated in the robbery of Arthur Witchell, paymaster of a construction company, has been found The robbery occurred in front of Metropolitan church, where about a hundred men are working for the Witchell Construction Company in rebuilding the edifice. It was pay day. The satchel was snatched from the paymaster's hands by two men who made their getaway in an automobile parked mearby. : Brenzel is said to have been iden- tified by a youth who witnessed the robbery from a hospital window, but further efforts at identification b Arthur Witchell, and George Witche seniior member of the firm, who ac- companied the paymaster, had not been. made this morning as expect- ed. The two Witchells had not ar- rived at. police headquarters at 11 am. A Daring Affair Totonto, Mar. 9-Two men are under arrest today, held as suspects in a $3,000 payroll robbery yesterday at' Metropolitan church, Bond street at Queen. > The two are Percy Brenzel of 195 Augusta street, 27 years old, and Max Applebaum of 133 Mutual street, 21, They are held on nominal char- ges of vagrancy while police continue (Continued on Page 2) $3,000 STOLEN IN PAYROLL HOLDUP Three Men Make Escape Near Factory (By Associated Press) Lynn, Mass., Mar. 9.--Three men today escaped with a $3,000 pay- roll of the Die.z Leather Company, after they had staged a holdup in front of the compang's plant. The trio waited in front of the factory for Miss Alice Larkin, em- ployed in the office, who had gone to a bank for the payroll money. She was driven to tlie plant in one of the company's automobiles and as she stepped from the car, one of the holdup men rushed up and snatched the money bag'from her. Heavy Snow Ends Endurance Flight Bay City, Mich., March 9.--~The en- durance airplane flight of Eddie Stin- son and Randolph G. Page ended af- ter approximately 11 hours of flight. They landed on the ice of Saginaw Bay, at 9.50 o'clock, Heavy snow and a strong wind forced the landing Stinson said, further flying being al- most impossible. SIR ROBERT L. BORDEN Who is head of the New Barclay's Bank of Canada, which has just been granted incorporation. SAYS APPLE MEN SHOULD PROSPER 0.A.C. Official Sees Good Future Ahead for the Ontario Growers I (By Canadian Press) Port Hope, Mar, 9.~'The apple growers of Ontario are working un- der "better conditions and have 'a better chance of becoming prosper- ous than any other apple growers in the Dominion," stated Professor L. Caesar of the Ontario Agricul- tural College at the convention of the Northumberland and Durham appleg rowers hero yesterday. He claimed that apples could he grown in Ontario second to mone and that British Columbia and No- va Scotia competition was not to be feared to such an extent as somes growers imagined. This of course was up to the growers themselves, he said. They must produce the best fruit possible, and manage their orchards in a business like manner. AVIATION TROPHY IS "AWARDED FOR 1928 Washington, Mar, 9.--Carl B. Efelson of Haton, N.D.,- pilot for Captain Sir George Hubert Wilkin- son, on his north pole flight, yes- terday was awarded the Harmon tepphy for 1928, which is given to the flier making the greatest con- tribution to aviation during the PRINCE'S WEDDING DATE RUMORED Has Told Friends He Will Marry When He is 35, Which is June 23 (By Canadian Press) London, March 9.--The perpet~ ual question of when the Prince of Wales will marry receives a fresh airing in the Daily Sketch today. The paper recalls that the Prince has told friends he will marry when he is 35 and as his 35th birthday is June 23, the court gossips are now indulging in some speculation. . The point to the fact, the paper says, that Marlborough House, which for some time hast been being prepared for the Princes residence, is not a bachelor home, that is now ready for occupation, and that the "comsort's suite" in it has been refitted and redecorated. Prospects That Rep arations Bank Will be Created by Conference (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press Paris, March 9--An international bank as trustee for transfer pay- ments .and for holding reparations bonds was accepted in principle to- day by the s. Monday they ill study the plan further. Owen D. Young is father of the idea, it -is generally conceded, - al- | lacki though it has been agreed not to name the expert. Expressions of en~ thusiasm were heard and it is prac- tically certain the international bank will presently become a reality. A board of directors of twelve men will likely be chosen. The bank may be. established in London or Berlin, ) since objections to the choice of an interested capital have disappeared. The fourth week of the work of the second Dawes committee thus ends with the experts still engaged on the framework of the new repar- ations payments. Specific results are ing, In some quarters there are signs of impatience. The experts themselves, however, seem entirely satisfied with the progress made, The experts are not willing to ven- ture a prediction when they will be through with their, task. It looks like a long trek through the forests of figures before they are finished, / WEpay is ann Be bob

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