Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Mar 1929, p. 14

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ssFSPE ur a I pt- m er he at Dg ed ly n- he of aisaste - CARY oFAc mA BRERA al 4 bo by the designers and weavers o! ils py on mn HT 433 Pauc a Was aaa 3 ' CANADIAN MANUFAC ~~ PRODUCT OF WORLD WIDE IMPORTANCE Development of World Wide Importance Made By Toronto Carpet Company (An improvement in rug weaving which is already having its effect on the carpet industries of United States and Europe has been brought to fulfillment this year after sever- years of patient experimental the Toronto Carpet Manufactur- Company of Toronto, It is an- ipated that the new product will have quite a considerable effect in reducing the volume of imported Oriental rugs, It has always been a dream of and carpet weavers in Great Bifain Europe, United States and nada to produce in power loom rugs equal to the handmade Orien- tal rug in beauty, coloring, design and durability, imitations of Oriental rugs have been woven on power looms, they were quite easily distinguished from hand-made product as they lack {le in the past [adians have done much in medicine, TURER DEVELOPS that lustrous sheen and appearance of velvet softness. The Canadian weavers, however, never gave. up hope of succeeding in this most difficult task, A few months ago, to the tremendous pride of the men who had worked so hard In their experiment, the first sample came from the looms, was finished and washed, and they felt that their dream had come true, Since then large rugs have been produced and the rug industry of Canada and the States realizes fully that a revolutionary step has beun taken in the world's rug industry. This must be recognized as one of the mot important industrial achievements in recent years. Can- science and other branches of learn. ing, and this most recent industrial triumph will go far to raise the respect of the world for Canada, POLICE OFFICER AGAIN ON STAND AT COMMITTEE From Man Convicted Under Admitted Borrowing Money Liquor Act Toronto, Mar, 9.~--R. C, Brien, former officer of the Provincial Po- lice at Kitchener, continued his ev- fdence before the Public Accounts Committee of the Legislature yes- terday., He was called at the in- -------- -- Sha yay TIME TABLES now 473 TIME TABLE, Bander. "Ao 'B, 'Wier Tt 18 em sbov times train haws Station. © C. N, R, TIME TABLE Effective Jun. 6, 1929 Eastbound Dai HE igi ELEEts geist EREERRRERENEF 347 FRRRRERRERREEE EEELES BERRRRRRRRERER 1] & sEsafsses 5 Hp i | ges FRRRRRRERS SEESBSsEsE sEsesenebing FREERREREREE fEisesraeiioc + BESTEIEERESE i f 1 EE 333-11 3444 See BRERRES i 8 3 3 I SARE i: fBuscess 113 Hb NA i £ wn i | stance of W, B, N, Sinclair, K.C,, Liberal leader, and was cross- examined by Hon, Willlam Finlay- son, Minister of Lands and For- ests, Brien said one Gordon Brown, convicted under the Liquor Act, had given him $80 to pay off a note at a Kitchener Bank, Brien issued notes to Brown, who has now sued unsuccessfully, Regarding the Conestoga f{nci- dent, where Brien said there was open drinking and drunkenness, He had no complaint of conditions there, but he did not see why he should have been censored regard- ing his conduct in this case by his superior officers, Mr. Finlayson said four witness- es would testify that Brien was not censured, Brien swore out a search warrant for the residence of one Schneider, had taken Scnneider's liquor permit, but laid no charge, Brien had returned the charge vol- untarily and there was no sugges- tion of interference, political or otherwise, he said, In the Blair incident, he 'had sworn out a warrant for Thomas |' Prong, because he had found li- quor in a car owned by Prong, An argument followed between Mr, Finlayson and Mr, Sinclair on the matter of law, whether the on- us was on an owner or prove that liquor found in his car was not his property, Mr, Finlayson main- \ THE Osha # LALLL MES, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1949 ONLY ONE ESCAPED | . FROM LANDSLIDE Funchal, Madeira, Mar, 9.--Only one inhabitant of the village of Vargem in Saint Vincent parish, one of the most noted beauty spots in the islands, escaped the complete destruction which overtook the village in the form of a great land- slide. Today only raw earth marked the site where white wall- ed cottages had nestled in the nat- ural flower garden of the hillside, Below the village flowed the in- ferno river which was tlooded by heavy rains, The waters gradual: ly ate away the bank until the vil. lage collapsed and fell fifty feet into the whirlpools, The few wit- nesses heard the cries of the vic- tims as masses of rock and earth with houses and other debris was whirled off to the acean, Youth Is Convicted Of Manslaughter And Given 15 Year Term Sydney, N.S., Mar. 9.--A supreme court i. yesterday returned a ver- dict of guilty on manslaughter in the case of Murdoch Dunn, 17-year-old Glace Bay youth, charged with shooting Fraser Robertson to death on the New Aberdeen skating pond on Feb. "18, Justice R, S. Graham passed sentence of 15 years' impri- sonment, ive Your kidneys COAL COKE wWOoOoD Waterous- Meek Limited UPTOWN OFFICE SRI: W, Do YouOwn Your Own a chance -- . Cleanse them regularly--as you would your intestines It's good common sense to ative organs clean and your elimin. active, t do a com- plete job . , . include your kidneys. They work d purifying your entire blood-stream 480 times every day and need attention and care quite as much as your bowels do. Use Gin Pills kidneys will soothe and serious Pits A and help you eumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago. Gin Pills are ve, 50c a box at all dru, National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Canada GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS - CAPTAIN BARKER GIVEN RELEASE Woman Who Masqueraded As Man Complied With Law London, Mar, 9.--Captain "Les- lle Barker" former restaurant owner, boxer and 'man about town" who turned out to be a woman who had heen masquerad- ing successfully as a man for several years was released from Holloway Jail today, where she had been held in connection with hankruptey proceedings, The woman, whose restaurant business went bankrupt, was ar- rested for failure to give proper in- formation te the authorities and her release was ordered when she supplied all the information that she could, thus removing her con- empt of court, COMMUNISTS AND FASCISTI FIGHT IN GERMAN TOWN Berlin, Mar, 8--Three persons were killed and seven seriously injured in a street fight between Communists and Fascisti last night in the small town of Wochrden in Holstein, The trouble arose when a large body of Communists attacked mem- bers of the Fascisti who were leav- ing a meeting, The police were powerless to stop the fight, tained an owner was not resp sible for liquor found in his car, Mr, Binclair maintained the own- ers must conclusively show the Ii- quor did not belong to him, While there were some sharp verbal exchanges there were not the violent scenes which marked Tuesday's hearing, SPECIAL! Men's Boots and Oxfords .,,. HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 82 Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Totab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South It ) li { OUR SPECIALTY Sf sour Watch fis not giving satisfaction we cin gepair and: make fit tell the correct time D. J, BROWN Official W, for Canadian National and Osi atch inspector Oshawa 19 King St. W, Phone 189 BRINGING UP FATHER-- "DISNEY" 20 King St, E, Phone 1650 SAY BANKNOTES WILL KILL GERMS Paris, Mar, 9.--Two members of the French Academy of Medicine, Drs, Renault and Weill, who have been making experiments with pa- per money to ascertain whether notes are agents of disease, have reported negatively, They attribute the antiseptic na- ture of banknotes to the continual action of oxygen in the alr on the paper and the colored ink, which tends to kill germs, ------ o-- A -- 'Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8T. W. . Telephone 878-228 Night Calls 510-1560 $35 Lots in Dearborn Park sub-divisiow for sale, Just west of Simcoe St, N, An oppor tunity to get a grand site at low lost, J. H. R. LUKE 52 King St. K. Phones 871 or 68Tw FRENCH MINISTER TO BAR LONG FLIGHTS Paris, March 9,--It was under. stood today that Laurent Eynae, French Air Minister, intends to issue a communique banning long fligh's by French aviators, Because of this, it was expected that flights such as those planned by Dieudonre Costes, Lieut, Pauls in Paris, Capt, Leon Challe and Major Larre Borges, the Urugua- yan, will be indefinitely post- - poned, Rt By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Ss OR SHORT SIIRTS| md Re, 4 Sita! Dont for. relm go! * Torin Sr ! TA Cries TE Soe ™M_ ON Wi Man IT SEEMS eo AEADS THAN "ve? By Geo. 'McManwe DON'T HELA DY - NOT GT OUT OF THE HOUDE WHILE VM ON GUARD © WORRY- LA ITO A SHAME TO BREAK THI® TRUNW-BT | COTTA GIT ov WF) Tr OF 1) WHEN I'M DOWN: TOWN hi. SEND AN AMBLLANCE, < FOR YOUL i TELLING TOMMY { WAS USED IN EGYPT 4000 YEARS Wl Aco, TOMMY, VME RICH MAN OF THE M/DOLE AGES NAD A MOAT AND DRAWBIYDGE TO PROTECT Wid FROM ATTACK [evs A FOOT LONG AND WEIGHING AS MUCH AS A POUND WERE COMMON IN THE MIDDLE AGES, YET THE GREAT LOCKS WHICH WERE OPENED BY THESE KEYS WERE NOT AS SECURE AS THE DELICATE MODERN LOCKS FITTED WITH KEYS THAT CAN BE CARRIED BY YOUR VEST POCKET. : INTO USE IN THE LATTER PART OF THE 182 CENTURY, THIS WAS IMPROVED BY THE AMERICAN INVENTOR, LINUS YALE JR. 1 1860, WHEN HE PERFECTED HIS CYLINDER LOCK UMIVERSALLY KNOWN TODAY AS THE YALE LOCK. © 1929, King I. King Festus Sradicete, Sac, Gross Britain rights reserved TILLIE THE TOILER--Queer Actions HELLO, TIL | CAME OVER TO TAKE YOU FOR AN. AUTO cS LOT, MAC. \ EXPECT IT'S A BeauTiIFUL | DAY, MISS JoMES, a EE ay nD aad wa TUN 1 Ee BI I] See 0 00 pr pimps be? T° NE hee ep] ve Be] Wa a aT a PS a! nRenaw LA - RA ne "on™

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