Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Mar 1929, p. 11

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ui | | | | | THE USHAWA DAILY TIMES, 5A IURDAY, MARCH Y, 1929 FORGED DOCUMENT 1S EXPLAINED BY BELGIAN PREMIER Government of That Coun- try Had Nothing To Do With Madent , Brussels, Mar, 9.--The Utrecht forgeries of a purported military fm bad between France and Bel- um had a final airing here when remier Jasper made his expected statement in the chamber, He said that the government had nothing whatever to do with the documents and that not a single minister was aware of them until they appeared in the Dutch newspapers. ; Judicial inquiry, however, he said, had proved that an agent of the Bel- gium intelligence service had allow- pd the papers to be circulated. This "grave blunder" he declared was be- Ing investigated and the head of the Intelligence service was already dis- missed while punishment awaited pther responsible agents, The premier added that the docu- ments were fabricated by Albert Frank alone at the "instigation of a foreign .cspoinage service." The espoinage service was declared by some Belgian papers to be the Ger- man' intelligence service, These sta- ted that it was understood that the the attention of the German gove ernment and bd remind her of the ph in the Versailles treaty Porbiading Germany to maintain in- telligence services abroad. e chamber approved the state- ment of the premier with only one Communist vote in dissent. Premier Jasper had closed his Statement with, e shall pursue a policy o iw # d Hor. cation and friendship toward land." QUEBEC BOYS' CLUB HAS CHAMPION COW Joseph Ouellet, member of St. Prime Boys' Ayrshire Breeding Club Quebec Province, prides himself in the possesion of the Ayrshire cow which holds the present world's re- cord for two months' production and bids fair to gain the world's re- cord for one years production, This cow is "Fleur de La Vallee" born in August, 1922, and bred by lLa- valee and Poulette at St, Norbert, Que. The cow was purchased for young Mr. Ouellet, of the St. Prime ; club, by Mr. Stephen Bolly, repree sentative of the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture at Sherbrooke, ue, In 1928, in the five-year class, this cow produced, in her first 122 days to December 1st, a total of 8, 301 1bs,, of milk, testing 5.1 per cent, In the four-year class, hor production for the year was 10.708 1bs. with 4.44 test, In three years the total net profits from. sale of this cow's milk to the cheese fac- tory, over feed costs, was $264. Prize money won by the cow and Belgian government intends to draw the. facts revealed by the forgery to her progenies over thrce years at county fairs totalled $160. YOUR GARDEN NEEDS 8 STEELE, 13703 (Hho SEEDS STEELE, BRIG "CANADA'S GREATEST SEED HOUSE" TORONTO -HAMILTON-WINNIPEG REGINA - EDMONTON Purchasers of the D. M, Ferry Canadian Business It is none too early to plan your Garden now. Send for our new illustrated catalogue. In it you up to the high standard of quality for which Steele, Briggs' Seeds have been famous for neany sixty years Sold everywhere in Canada GS SEED Ci... tism promptly relieved, Get proven directions. : Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) indicating Bayer Manufacture, While 1¢ | 1s well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assure , tions, the Tablets will be stamped with their *'Bayer Cross" trademark. PIRIN The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain, But it's just as important to know that there is only one enuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the gx If the name Bayer appears, it's ig and if it doesn't, it is not! Headaches are dispelied by i the pain that goes with them ; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- spirin, So are colds, and Aspirin--at any drugstore--with ST, GODARD VICTOR BY THREE MINUTES Earl Brydges Close on His Heels in The Pas Dog Derby . The Pas, Man, March 9.-- In the most sensational finish ever witnessed in any dog Derby, Emil St, Goddard, youthful '"musher" of international fame, last night finished first in the renewal of The Pas Dog Derby Association 200- mile non-stop race, St. Goddard reached the finish- ing line on the Saskatchewan River at 11.09 p.m, his time for the 200-mile course to Flin Flon and return was 36 hours and 50 min- utes. Earl Brydges, another local en trant, finished second, only three minutes behind the famous §t. Goddard, after fighting an uphill battle during the early hours of last night, Completely exhausted, bitten by the blustering storm that swept the course ever since they set out from here Tuesday morning first St, Goddard and a few minutes later Brydes fell across the finish line and were carried - away by wildly cheering friends, Bo'h mushers were so beaten 'by the raging frigid weather that they were unable to speak. RAILWAY BRANCH LINE IS DELETED FROM C.P.R. BILL Ottawa, Ont, March 9.--Provision for the proposed Melfort-Sutherland line in Saskatchewan, was deleted from the Canadian Pacific Railway branch line, bill by the railway come mittee of the house of commons yesterday morning. The motion for deletion was moved by Robert Gard- iner, (U.F.A, Acadia). The contemplated Canadian Na- tional branch line in this disputed territory, from Melfort to Aberdeen has already been approved by the committee, Praise ------ The quality of her acting as the Private Secretary in "The News Parade" is winning the praise of movie fans everywhere for this lovely mewcomer to the screen. At home in New York City, hundreds admire her charming personality and she has fairly "set the style" on Broaway by the way she dresses her hair. "The simple method I use in car- ing for my hair," says Miss Shea, "has becn of great help to me in my motion pieture work, where one's hair must- always look its best, It's just the thing for busy girls, too, because it is so easy. Most of the girls I know in stage and picture work are taking it up as soon as they hear about it, All you do is put a little Danderine on your brush every time you use it. It makes your hair so easy to dress and holds it in place wonderfully. It's ideal for girls who are letting their hair grow. It keeps my halr and scalp so clean and comfortable, I don't shampoo half so often, now, It gives my hair such a silky, soft, lustrious appearance that all my friends comment on it." Danderine removes the oily film from each strand of hair, restores its natural color, gives {it more lustre than brilliantine, It cleanses and invigorates the scalp; helps overcome dandruff. It is delight- fully fragranced; isn't sticky or ¢ : against imits- oily; doesn't show. Waves, "set" with it, last longer. All drug stores have it, in generous 35¢ bottles, ® SUNBEAM © (of _J[ed G-Rp-NTaN-N = MAKES CHICKS LIVE , THRIVE a» GROW Sunbeam Chick Starter--a quick deve! cod-liver meal and feed for Baby : Jead these words Jom 1. B. Guild & Sows, the femess, Sorlirynen & tible, ini i Starter we would have Rockwood, results with your Si gue ase a lof of 550 chicks gui. cuilled sud Lut for yopr Bunhgiey Chick percentage." Ask your Dealer for Sunbeam Poultry Feeds Manufactused by all acid, which, lost a STANDARD MILLING CO., OF CANADA, LIMITED 14 Celina St. Chick Starter. In mi] {oer US MEXICAN BORDER MAY EE AERIAL BATTLE Continued from Page 1) volutionaries to return to the Federal side, said: "Your army officers have led you into rebellion by spreading false hoods among you, They are merely using you as the tools for the per- sonal aggreandizement of selfish and merciless politicians. Turn again to the path of duty, Be patriotic and do not bequeath to your sons a leg- acy of shame and treason." Rebels Juares A government announcement today said that only 200 men were in the Juarez garrison yesterday when that gy was attacked and taken by re 8. The announcement is based upon & Ramos who said that despite the in. feriority of his force of only 200 men he was able to save them with all of their supplies and even take eighteen prisoners including three officers. He begged the government "So as not to offend my dignity as a soldier and as a man" to allow him to mount his troops (presumably after the armistice) and march them ac- ross Mexican territory to the near- est point where he could make a junction with other loyal troops. The Government then after prals. ing Ramos' defense of Juarez order- ed him to prepare for transfer with his men by train acress United States territory to Piedras Negras, across fe river from Eagle Pass, or Lar. 0. ; - Advance On Mexico ps, I New York, N.Y, Mar, 9.--Declar- ing that "No revolution which has captured Juarez has ever failed," General Mariano V. Montero, gen- eral representative in New York of the Mexican revolutionists, today predicted an immediate advance on Mexico City. He sald advices from the State of Sonora were that the Pacific fort of Mazatlan was evacuated yesterday by the federals and occupied by revolu- tionist troops under Major General Francisco R, Manzo, and Major Gen- eral Ramon Ifurbe, Dispatches from Mexic City quot- ed government announcements as saying the rebel advance guards had reached only as far as Culiacan, cap- ital of Sinaloa, about 160 miles north of Mazatlan.) With the fall of Mazatlan and Juarez, Montero said, "The northern and western zones dominated by the revolutionary army have been clear- ed completely of federal troops and the advance towards the south to capture Mexico City will be hasten- ed at once," Armies Total $30,000 The two main bodies of the re- volutionary army totalling 30,000 men, Montero said, were rapidly moving southward towards Gaudala- jara, and other contingents were ga- thering at Torreon from Chihuahua and Durango to attack the federals under General Juan Almazan, while several battalions under General Ur. balejo had advanced to Zacatecas ' simultaneous with the advance of Guadalajara, In the eastern zone, he said, troops under General Aguirre were moving ! on the Hausteca oil region while oth- er troops of General Agiurre were making their way to the Tehaunte- i pic Isthmus, He predicted the re- volutionists soon would control the entire Isthmus and Hausteca reg- jon as most of the federal troops were being withdrawn to meet the revolutionary columns advancing from the north and west. He said he had received word from revolutionary sympathizers in Mex- feo City that the government had resorted to conscription there, Great Army Sobilized The greatest army Mexico has known since the days of Pancho i Villa, moved northward today in an attempt to subdue wus sevolu- tion in the north, At its head was General Plutarco Elias Calles, secretary of War, who in 1915 rode with General Alvaro Obregon at the head of Mexico's | last such great army--that which crushed Villa. The immediate objective was Canitas, a junction joint in the State of Zacategas. The capture of the city would open a way west- ward to Durango, where General Urbalejo held out, or northward to Torreon, where General Jose Gonzalo Escobar's troops were lo- cated, Joining the army of General Calles from the East will be the columns of General Andreu Almaz- an and General Eulogio Ortiz. Gen- eral Almazan arrived at Saltillo, capital of the State of Coahuila, Thersday night from Monterey and joined with the troops of General Ortiz, arriving from Paredon, Cos~ huilla, : { Between Monterey and Saltillo a rebel detachmernt under the com- mand of General Luis Gutierrez clashed with his troops at Ojo Cali- ente, but was defeated. The two generals were. said todsy already to have left Saltillo in the direc. tion of Torreon, Yor The first battle of the northern tas unless the rebel forces retreat from there before arrival of the Federals. 4 LICENSING OF NEW VARIETIES : S-- According to the Canada Seeds Act, no new variety of cereal n may be put on the market in Cana- da until a license has been granted by the federal Minister of Agricul- rid Wad He) results 4 ses upon 'of ae, tual growing tests made and re- ported upon by perosns named un- der. the resolutions. Aecording to the present Act, as recently revised, the variety for which a license is be- ing asked must not only prove thet it is new and distinetly different from existing varieties and that the name suggested has not been used previously for any other variety, but that it possesses merit suffi- cient to justify its introduction, purported report of General Matias basin campaign may be fought at Cani- | BRUSSELS FORGER SET AT LIBERTY No Grounds for Detaining Frank Under Belgian Law Brussels, March 9, -- Albert Frank, sometimes known as Albert Frank Heine, who was arrested a few days ago and confessed forg- ing the purported Franco-Belgian military agreement published in a Dutch newspaper, has been set at liberty. The examining magistrate ruled that the forgery was not prejudicial and, under the Belgian law, did mot constitute ground for detaining Frank in prison, Frank was taken into custody with his wife when he arrived here early Sunday morning. He was said to have told the police that he wrote the alleged military pact, g it on a long dead Franco- Russian treaty. Publication of this hoax by a newspaper at Utrecht, Holland, caused a' deal of buzzing in Dutch and German governmental circles, The authenticity of the forged treaty was immediately denied by all Governments concerned, and both Germany and Holland have let it be known that they were satisfied with these denials, GAME FISHING IN CANADA Fishing for sport has its economic side in a country of such famous game fish as the salmon of the Res- tiguoche, the black bass of the Que- bec and Ontario highlands, and the trout of the Nipigon, Sport fishing is also an important feature of the wild life of Western Canada. Ii forma one of the chief attraction. of Canada's national parks, Council May Meet In Spain in June Geneva, Mar, 9.--The question whether the Council of the League of Nations will meet in Spain for its June session will be definitely decided today, it was announec- ed in Spanish circles, with the probability that the decision DUKE OF YORK S POSSIBLE VICEROY King's Second Son is Slated for Indian Post, Says Report London, March 9.--The Duke of York, second son of King George, is slated to be the next Viceroy to India, according to an Indian news service dispatch from Delhi ap- pearing in the morning .papers Wednesday. According to this re- port His Royal Highness Will suc- ceed Viscount Irwin in order that the reforms devised as a conse- quence of the Simon Commission may be-taunched under Royal aus- pices, The appointment would un- doubtedly be welcomed by 'the pative princes, whose relations with the British have lately be- come somewhat difficult, One pos- gible bar to the Duke's appoint- ment, according to the Delhi dis- patch, would be whether the clim- ate would suit the baby Princess, the Duke's daughter, who stands in direct line of succession to the Throne, No confirmation of the report is available here. THREE DIE IN FLAMES AS PLANE IGNITES Memphis, Tenn, Mar, 9.--Jesse Windham, chief pilot at the local airport and two other aviators were burned to death at Oakland, Migs., yesterday when their plane crashed, . Reports received here listed the other victims as Bill Danie! and Morgan Ferrell. Cobourg Woman Dies Cobourg,--Mrs. Dezendorf, wife of C. A, Dezendorf, local manager of the Bird Archer Company, died yesterday morning after a long ill- ness, She was a daughter of late Mr, and Mrs, Alex. MacDonald of Wicklow 'and Unionville, Haldi- mand Township. Mrs, Dezendorf is survived by her husband. The funeral will be held tomorrow af- You want the utmost safety--comfort--economy--Firestone Full-Size Gum-Dipped Balloons fill these requirements. Firestone Balloons are logically possessed of greater strength, flexibility and endurance--they are the only low pressure tires made with Gum-Dipped cord construction, Come in; let us dem- onstrate how Gum-Dip- ping makes possible the superiority of these won- derful tires. Firestones are economical through surpassing mileage and service aa En TE ws EE =a E Batteries Re-charged and Rented PREST-O-LITE SERVICE | Rodd's Tire and | Battery Service Corner King and Centre Streets Our Slogan will be in the affirmative. ternoon here. publicity. Whether the envy are ever at work. 1of the envious few. | Long, long after a great 26 Athol Street, -- The Penalty of Leadership N EVERY field of human endeavor, he that is first must perpetually live in the white light of leadership be vested in a man or in a manufactured product, emulation and In art, in literature, in music, in industry, the reward and the punishment are always the same. The reward is widespread recognition; the punish- ment, fierce denial and detraction. When a man's work becomes a standard for the iwhole world, it also becomes a target for the shafts If his work be merely mediocre, 'be will be left severely alone--if he achieve a masterpiece, it will set a million tongues a-wagging. Jealousy does not protrude its forked tongue at the artist who produces a commonplace painting. | Whatsoever you write, or paint, or play, or sing, or build, no one will strive to surpass or to slander you, j unless your work be stamped with the seal of genius. work or a good work has tbeen done, those who are disappointed or envious continue to cry out that it cannot be done. Spiteful little voices in the domain of art were raised against Whistler as a mountebank, long after the big world hed acclaimed him its greatest artistic genius. CADILLAC CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Multitudes flocked to Bayreuth to worship at the musical shrine of Wagner, while the little group of. those whom he had dethroned and displaced argued angrily that he was no musician at all. The little world continued to protest that Fulton could never build a steamboat, while the big world flocked to the river banks to see his boat steam by. The leader is assailed because he is a leader and the, effort to equal him is merely added proof of that leadership. Failing to equal or to excel, the follower secks to depreciate and to destroy--but only confirms once more the superiority of that which he strives to sup- plant. : There is nothing new in this. It is as old as the world: and as old as the human passions--envy, fear, greed, ambition, and the desire to surpass. : And it all avails nothing. If the leader truly leads, he remains--the leader. Master-poet, master-painter, master-workman, each in his turn is assailed, and each holds his laurels through the ages. That which is good or great makes itself known, no| matter how loud the clamor of denial. : y That which deserves to live--lives. a | CAD-1029K1 .LASALLE Subsidiary of General Motors of Censds, Limited . OSHAWA, ONT. West Motor City Service, Limited Andrew Moffatt, President Oshawa, Ontario y LO

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