Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Mar 1929, p. 10

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) Se a ia 1 -- ok oe F, iS 1 Ya m-- SNENCEEE © OF DYE TEN PA. Ylags at Half Mast Kingston.---The flags on the City Buildings are at half mast out of respect to the memory of John Tweddell, who served the city as an alderman, Taken to Penitentiary Belleville--Yesterday afternoon Provincial Bailiff J, J. Ryan, Tor- onto, was here and removed five prisoners from the counties' jail to the Ontario Reformatory, Test Completed Picton--Testing of County cattle for bovine tuberculosis is now fin- ished, and the total reactors are under one half of one per cent-- +468 per cent, to be exact, This is considered a very fine record. Ready For Hydro Trent River--The required num. ber of signatures of property hold- erg who want the electric power has been received and it is expected there will be developments in the near future. Theft Is Charged oo Kingston,--Harry Wilson, aged 21, who was employed as a hired man with John Redden, farmer, on the Front Road, was arrested today on a charge of stealing a cheque for $45.76 from his employer, Woman Broke Arm Hastings,-- Miss Grace Logan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, James Lo- gan, Front street, fell on the ley sidewalk in front of the old Queen's Hotel on Tuesday morning, break- ing her left arm between the wrist and elbow, Letter of Condolence Kingston-- The Bishop of On- tario has, on behalf of himself and members of the Ontario Diocese of the Synod of Ontario, sent a letter of condolence to Bishop Williams of London, Ont, in the death of Mrs Williams. ) Dairy Banguet Picton--At the dairy banquet at the Royal Hotel the two prineipal speakers were Messrs, Geo, H Barr and G, G, Publow, both of whom are always heard with plea- sure by Prince Edward County dairymen, Minister Called Lindsay--Rev, E, C, Currie, B.D., late of St, Andrew's Church, Lindsay, has accepted a unanimous call to St, Paul's Presbyterian Church, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, He will be inducted in his ne charge at an early date, . " Ready for Route Brockville--The ferry boat El. mer W. Jones, of the Brockville- Morristown Transportation Co,, has been comlpetely overhauled during the winter months and fis now In readiness to make its first trip of the season as soon as river condi- tions permit, ~~ 'EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | Given Shower Belleville--A very pleasant event took place when the home of Mr, Edward Lasier 'was invaded a host of friends of Mr, and Mrs, James Laszler when a shower was given in honor of their return home from a wedding tour to Osh- awa and Toronto, esterday a very re- gpected highly esteemed resi- dent of Brockville, W, H, Timleck, 26 Emma street, quietly celebrated his 76th birthday, He is a son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Jason Timleck and was born in the township of Elizabethtown, near. North Augus- ta, on March 6, 18564, Order All Dogs Chained Kemptville,--At a special em- ergency meeting of the council of the township of South Gower this morning, a by-law was enforced demanding the shajiing up of all dogs in the township to stop the spread of rables which have been discovered in the district, Singers To Give Concert Peterborough -- The Madrigal Singers, who under the direction of Dorothy Allan Park, are to give a concert in the auditorium of the Collegiate Institute on Tuesday ev- ening, March 12, have compiled a very beautiful program: of musl; to present to the music lovers of Peterborough, det Senior Prom Committee Kingston--The committee for the Senior Prom, which is to be held on March 18th, is composed of the following: Medicine, BE, Y, Hand- ford, BE, F, MacIntosh and W, G, Watt; Science, M, BE, Nagle and K, R, MacGregor; Arts, Miss June Currey, Miss Ida Muirhead, Fred Allen, Kenenth Moore and John Al- lely. J Lavell at Belleville t Kingston--Judge H, A, Lavell has returned from Belleville, where on Tuesday he presided at Division Court, This was Judge Lavell's first appearance there and he was wel- comed to that city by A, B, Collins, city solicitor and president of the Hastings Bar Association, Old Resident Dies Colborne,~One of the oldest residents of this district passed away early yesterday morning in the person of Charles F', Marshall in his 90th year, Born in Carluke, Canada when only a boy, and set- tled in Cornwall, Ontario, later removing to Colborne where he has resided since, , Valuable Lift Belleville,--Queen Mary Pub- lic School has come into possession Scotland, deceased migrated to | Aid to Lumbermen * Lindsay. -- A veritable blizzard swept over this section yesterday afternoon, piling the snow on sev- eral of the open roads, The ther~ mometer dropped considerably, It is reported that eight inches of snow fell in Haliburton, coming as a great boon to lumbermen, as the. snow and ice roads were about worn out. Farm Prospects Debated Lindsay, -- Debating teams from Victoria and Durham counties de- bated the question 'Resolved that Northern Ontario offers better propects to a young farmer than the Prairie Provinces," at Wood- ville last night, Durham county, supporting the affirmative, won, although the Woodville team put w a good argument for the prair- 08, Shooting Competition Brockville--The shooting compe- tition of the Sérgeants' Mess was held Tuesday evening at the arm- ouries and the following scores were made: E, Clarke 92; A, N. Clarke 88; B, Fox 88; G, Fennell 88; J. Cooke 88; T, Russell 87; G. Cairns, 75;.J. Haggett, 756; W, Morton, 74; E, Moden, 71; G. Mates 70; A, Saunders, 69; J. Mallette, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 8, Peterborough---~With one citizen '| instructing the legal firm of Gor- don and Elliott to move to upset the salary by-law; scores entering their protests by way of the Exam- iner straw vote and still more ob. ecting by way of interviews and etters against the voting of a sal- ary for aldermen by the aldermen themselves, the biggest civic issue in Peterborough's history moved rapidly toward a crisis to-day. To Open Cannery Belleville--This week announce- ment is made of the formation of a new canning company to be known as United Canners Limited, which will build a canning plant at Con- secretary-treasurer and business manager, having resigned as man- ager of Belleville Canners Limited in order to undertake the new work, Seek Missing Men Bellevill--Search for the missing men, Benjamin Kerr, and his'com- panjon named Wheat, both of Ham- ilton, but temporary residents of Belleville, continues, Col. Bebee and Alan Crowley, of Hamilton, accom- panied by James Corcoran, of Utica N. Y,, and Frank Ferski, of Rome, N., Y,, friends and business assoc- iates of Mr, Kerr have been doing all in their power to find some trace of the missing craft and men, Go Through Ice Pembroke.--A sleigh carrying Reeve Robert Kilby of North Al- goma, his wife and five others, crashed through the {ice while crossing Golden lake last night, Six members of the party were , | thrown into the icy water, while the seventh jumped to safety The accident was witnessed by Daniel Yourth, a resident of the district, who, with the aid of two provin- cial constables, sugceeded in res- cuing the group, secon, Mr, Fenton McMahon will be |R TORONTO PRODUCE Dealers are quoting country shippers for ungraded eggs, delivered, cases returned: ge Fresh extras cocveesssanseccscscess 41 to 42 wie 39 to W ] 2 . 2 3 to 4 Ibs. each .o.000 23 25 Under 3 1-2 lbs, each ,,.. 18 2 oosters-- Over 5 Ibs. each .vveveeese 18 20 Young Turkeys-- over 8 lbs, . . " Lr] 2 2 30 Produce Prices in Commercial Markets 194 the Montreal.~There are some inquiries being made here for States' eggs, as it is able that this market will be faced with a shortage of supplies this week end. A sale of a car from Vancouver is reported at Jc for extras, f.o.b, Halifax--While there have been no price changes on this market Tevently the under tone is easier, The weather during the week has been very mild. and it is expected that polly os producti ally, al though owing to the incubation season hav- ing started it is not probable that there will be any surplus of eggs here for at least two weeks, The market at the present time is almost bare, Chicago--Spot, 33 1.2c; February, 27 S-8¢. CHICA! PRODUCE FUTURES ar, 8.--Butter futures' traders wo! cautiously on the Chicago Merchants Exchange yesterday with the spot market unsteady and New York down a cent, The butter make cent, above a year ago in the 181 plants of the American Association, and almost 10 per cent. Mugher, the Lando-Lakes Chain with about & rd of the association pro. indi Above g e mar. ket range of values in eggs and poultry on delivered basis, MONTREAL PRODUCE Montreal, March 8,--A steady feeling pre- vailed in the butter situation and the vol. ume of business was fair, Receipts were 558 packages, Prices for all grades of cheese were firmly maintained under a fair inquiry, Receipts were 123 boxes, 7 An easier feeling developed in the market for fresh eggs and values were reduced one cent per dozen, Storage grades continued scarce, with no extras offering, Receipts were 1471 cases, ' The potato market was steady under a fair demand, Prince Edward Island Green Mountains sold at 78¢c, and whites at 73c per 90 Ibs, in bags; New Brunswick Green Mountains sold at 55c, and whites at 50c per 90 Ibs., in bulk, Cheese, westerns, 17 1.2c to 19c. Butter, No. 1 pasteurized, 43 1-4c to 43 1-2c, Eggs, storage firsts, 40c; storage seconds, Jc; fresh extras, Slc to 52¢; fresh firsts, 49c to EGG MARKETS NERVOUS Ottawa, Mar, 8.~Canadian egg markets continue nervous and unsettled and some March egg futures were moderately active and held well considering a further softening of the spot price and reports of i il particularly in the Southwest, commitments~March eggs, 447; April eggs, 59; November eggs, new, 12; Novem eggs, old, 115; March butter, 233; June but. ter, 3; December butter, 16, Chicago spot market-- Butter, extras, 49%e; standards, 48 1.2c; tone unsettled; eggs, firsts, 32 1-4; tone steady, New York spot market--Butter, extras, Eggs, firsts, 4lc to 41 1.2c; tone firm, BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, March 8.--Hogs, 900; hold. overs, 600; market active, mostly to shipyers, 15c to 20c higher; bulk 160 to 230 pounds $12.60 to $12.65; 205 pounds, $12; 140 to 150 ds, $12 to $12.40; 130 pounds and down, 11 to $11.50; packing sows, $10.50 to $10.75, Cattle: 75. Steady, cutter cows, $5.25 to §7, Calves, 125, Vealers, steady, quality con. sidered; mostly and down. Sheep, 600; lambs $1.25 higher; choice loads on through billings, $17.85; mixed lots, $17; fat ewes, $6.75 to $9.75, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers in Toronto are quoting the Corn--No, 2 yellow, kiln ; 5d 3-4; No. 3 yellow, kiln-dried, $1.07 3.4: e. past week was 5.161 per | (del 1-4; No. § N 3 No. 6 Mortorn! 97 1+dc; fod eats 0 per on t than above, bis Oats--No. feed, 5 51.2c per bu (cif. Goderich and Bay ports.) American dried, 0. 4 yellow, kiln-dri 1.05 3.4. bushel, LE dy jul ivered Montreal, freights, bags included): Bran, per ton, $34.25; shorts, per ton, $36.25; middlings, per ton, $41.25, er a oo X oronto; s ents, 2 Ontarle Good wile, fab: hips points i t ie, Sect mite oh, ing milling, f.0.b. Joints, a g to freights, 2 to SSc ~ shel, Barley--Malth , 76c to 79 bushel, f. o.b. sh pois, according fot ig Buc to 9c per bushel, fob, shipping points according to freights. R: lo, 2 $1.05 per bushel, f.0.b. shipping points, according to - freights, Ontario Flour--Track, Montreal, carlots, 90 DODD'S KIDNEY per cent, patents, per barrel, $5.70, TORONTO HAY AND STR. Local wholesale hay and straw RAY are livered at Toronto): Ni. 1 timothy, cose per ton $19.00 to $20.00 No. 1 Himathy, baled ...... Nomenal, o. 3, do. do, OS SHAW. vorearsecerr: crs 9.00 SEED PRICE QUOTATIONS ping points in Ontario, is being offered: No, 1, 979%, purity, per bushel 2 9% purity, per bushel ., No. 3, 959% purity, per bushell, . 4, 90% purity, per bushel , er 1 grade, per bushel .. 2 grade, per bushel No, 3 grade, per bnshel , 1 2 anv Alfalfa grade, per bushel ., , 2 grade, per bushel ,. No, 3 grade, per bushel .... : onz PO NNNOL 8 S38 833 8388 N per bushel ........ No. 2 off color, fro The following range of prices, fo..b, ship. | holm, various 'points for exchange with other hatcheries or for restocking making the following quotations to farmers | lakes, There are some 160 million whitefish eggs on hand and these will begin to hatch the latter part 4.00 | of this month and early in April. A telephonic service between Stock- Sweden and Buenos Aires, Argentina--a distance of 8062 milcs --has been inaugurated, 3 . LL) Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W. Phone 1214 PuUshel oo ierrerrresrensarsersasrieseraee 1. 2 Hatchery Busy Picton, =~ The Provincial Fish Hatchery is a most interesting place to visit and at the present time the speckled trout are beginning to following prices for grain in car lots: Wheat--No. 2 Northern, $1.32%; price declines are reported, No, 3 Northern, $1,273; No, 4 Northern, Qu COAL Phone 3060 hatch, The staff is busy caring for these as well as shipping them to MALLETT BROS. of a natural exhibit of birds: and admiration of the people of thir city and county, It is the private collection of Dr, Joseph Caldwell, dentist of this eity, Dr. Caldwell fy the ie fon imi DR. | ECLECTRIC OIL 60 ized household AE the mucous membrane, Use with orion atomizer, and night, FOR SHOE VALUES has presented the collection most of which is in glass eases besides a few speciments on wall plaques. Drop Through Ice Prescott.--A team of horses em- ployed by the Thunder Bay Im- provement Company on the con- struction work at the elevator site east of Prescott, 'went through the ice on the St. Lawrence river yesterday with a load of coal snd sleigh, Prompt action on the part of employees saved the horses and the Soa) and the gleigh were also saved, Fire Attacks House ,. Prescott.--~Fire of unknown or- igin partially destroyed the resi- dence of Daniel Laushway, three miles east of Prescott, at an early hour this morning, and but for the prompt action of Alvie Fraser who rushed the fire extinguishers from the Fraser greenhouses mear by, end with the assistance of neigh- bors who formed a bucket brigade extinguished the blaze, Women Remanded Brockville--Mrs, Ruth Young, 24 years of age, who came here on Saturday from Montreal was arres- ted at the Union station yesterday afternoon while waiting for a train to her back to the Metropolis on 8 charge of obtaining goods by false pretences from a local dealer, She appeared before Magistrate J. Albert Page and was remanded. Memorial Plot Picton--A. H. Davis Toronto wilf animals which has long been the New Model in Phone A Sensational New Radio Usin Your Own hom Us Today LUKE FURUITURE COMPANY Phone 78-79 AT LAST! The RADIO You've Wanted! The New Federal The New 222 A. C. Shield Grid Tube! This the World's Greatest Dis- tance Getter! == cac Tal, HEN you hear the new Federals--America's first licensed radio using the sensational 222 A.C. Shield Grid Tube--you will know that you are listening to America's finest radio, This tube makes possible tremendous power, hair-line selectivity and ex- treme sensitivity. These features, together with Fed- eral's incomparable Ortho-sonic Tone, mean a perfected Cc radio, If you have been disappointed in your radio -- or perhaps thought that it was not select- ive enough, don't fail to come and hear. appreciate the wonderful per- formance of this new model. You will certainly rT I] . TABLE MODEL Installed Complete SL 98.00 Consul MODEL lnstalled Complete S25 47'S * CONSUL MODEL K41-60 Installed Complete $269.00 When You See This Radio You Will be Looking at Next Year's Model Now! K10-60 K40-60 3 King E. Ral ---- Sg

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