tHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, | SERRE MARCH 7, 1929 PAGE THIRTEEN Dies vi , B, Barlow, post- 4 of Delta, died there this . Fane arrangements 3 : TL ev -- Wey WER Still in Jail + 4 Ottawa.--Counse: for Louis M. 'Auger, M.P, for Prescott county, had reached no decision late today Lom question of bail application | for their client. © © 1. Named to Parks Bord { Belleville--Leon KE, Walmsley, ' oa inted at the council : ¢ll meeting to the Parks Board to ill the unexpired term of the late T, P. J. Power. - Kilties Band Concert Cobourg--The Cobourg Kilties Band put on a concert in the Co- bourg Opera House last night, They presented a splendid program plan. ned, band selections intersperced with various solos, $150 for Welsh Miners Kingston--The sum of $150 was realized for the distress:d miners in Great Britain by a special volun. tary offering taken up in St, Sears Cathedral on a recent Sun. ay. UIP? Verdict Bellcv! -"No Bill", was the 7erdict o0 he grand jury at the Assize this week in the case of Harry Henley, aged 13, against whom a charge of manslaughter had been laid. Cattle Theft Charged :_ Belleville--This 'morning before His Honor Judge Dowsley 10 men from the township of Bastard and Burgess South appeared on charges of the theft of cattle following a prank on last Hallowe'en night. Discussing Hydro, Port Hope--Cavan is now discus- sing the installation of Hydro. A committee has been appointed, con- sisting of James Kennedy and Wil- liam Tinney for the village; A, B, Kennedy and Vernon Hunter for the district north and Lloyd Sutton and Harry Elson for the district south, whose duty it is to canvass the residents and get the opinion of the community on the matter. "id p ES Kin ~Thi n° teachers of Sun School in the city and dis registered at the open- g of the Training School of the gious Education Council of On- tario held in Queen's Theological College. Presented Portrait 3 Belleville.--Recently Col, D, Bar- ragar of this city who was for some time the commanding officer of the MA rgyll Light Infantry presented to the members of the mess of that battalion an enlarged photo of him- self, Goes to U, 8, Belleville--Ernest Simpson who has conducted a radiator repair shop on Bridge street east, for some years has sold his business to Mr. Leggett of Point Anne and will leave for the United States early next month, Barn was Robbed Kingston,--Thomas Flynn, a well known farmer living on Wolfe Is- land, was robbed of about one hun- dred bushels of oats taken from his barn, The matter has been re- ported to Provincial Constable G. V. Clubbe and the latter is investi- gating, D, D, G. M, Visited Port Hope -- Rt, Wor. W, J. Bragg D.D.G.M. of Ontario district paid his official visit to Hope Lodge Port Hope. on Friday evening, ac- companied by District Secretary V. W. Bro, T. Annison and 30 mem- hele of Jerusalem Lodge, A. F, & M, Appointed Manager Belleville -- The announcement wag made yesterday that Mr, F, C. Wells, district superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs, has - |appointed C. V. Ingram. formerly chief operator at Niagara Falls, On- tario, to the position of manager at the local Canadian National office. Transferred to Border Brockville,--Early this morning Wilson Warren, well known loro- motive fireman in the service of the Canadian National Railways, left for Windsor, to which place he has been transferred under the univer- sal promotion system, Role 8, /:) HAWES A00RETR TWA I in Preferved in Fine Homes for Many Years . A May be Brother Lindsay. --Chief of Poilee H. H. Lawler, of Lindsay, has received a letter from Thomas J. Brennan, of 2147 Aylwin street. Montreal, who states that he may be the brother of "Pete" Brennan, the young man who was accidentally ghot on Feb- ruary 17th, at Bolsolver, by Pro- vineial posse. Progressing Wich School Port Hope--With the work of demolition progressing rapidly and preliminary excavation almost com- plete for the site of the new gym- nasium, it is expected that the first actual step in construction of the new Trinity College School in Port Hope will commence before the end of the week, Dies in Kingston 'Kingston, -- Annie Kathleen Kirkpatrick, youngest cpughter of the late Rev, F. W. Kirkpatrick at one time rector of St. James church, passed away today. Miss Kirkpatrick is survived by two brothers, Rev. F, G. Kirkpatrick, of Carrying Place, and Charles 8. Kirkpa'rick of Kingston, Hydo Change Brockville -- Clifford 8, Mont gomery has been transferred from Spencerville to Brockville and will make his headquarters here as su- perintend nt of rural hydro electric lines in Flizabethtown, Augusta, Edwardsburg, Yonge and Escott, Old Soldier Dies Kingston--Word has been re- ceived of the death in Los Angeles, Cal, of Joseph KE, Rousseau He served for more than 30 years in the R.C H.A, Brigade, originally enlisting in "B"" Ba'tery, R.C.H A, when that unit was stationed in Quebec, He served throughout the Northwest Rebellion and during the latter years of his service per formed the duties of Canteen Sleward. Well-Known Man Dies Smith's Falls,--A well-known resident of this district, Samuel Ke sey, passed away at his home at Charleston on March 2, at the age of 75 years. The late Mr, Kel- sey, who was born at Charleston, was the eldest son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Howard Kelsey, His oc- cupa fon was that of guide, ard he was widely known to practically all tourists His widow survives and eight children, Officers Elected Cobourg--The Frankford and Sidney Agricultural Society has e'ected the following officers for the coming year: President, 8. Nicholsop; Vice-President, D, R. Ketchesor and W Wallis; Secres tary, L. G. Bine; Treasurer, J. S. Jephson; Board of Directors--F Terry, G. C. Stickle, W. E, Scott. G, H Ketcheson, T, H. Ke cheson, G. Pollard, L. ¥. Badgley, J. V. Locklin, G. A, Hearns, J. D. Lar- kin, F R. Mallory, Charles Fox, E. Bonsteel, G, W. Smott, G. Ben- man, R. A. MacPherson, The girl who sued a Pennsylvania man for breaking three of her ribs while hugging her ought to be glad they weren't necking, The Spring- field, O., Sun. GIGANTIC oving Sale Everything must be sold regardless of cost as we are forced to vacate our pres- ent premises, Nothing is to remain. A'l merchandise MUST BE SOLD, Come and take advatisge of these extra special values. You will save money. Be- low are some of many values we have. Come in and look Men's Sweaters Sout drke. Miv- G80 foe and 4 waren shi fhe boy. Mov- 85¢ A Men's Work Pants Men's Silk Lined Caps 9c All patterns and sizes. Moving sale Men's Fine Goodyear Murray's Clothes Sho 82 KING ST. WEST OPPOSITE FOWLDS' COAL Y. TiS IS AN HONEST MOVING SALE AND NOT A FAKE. WE MUST VACATE Men's Guaranteed Tweed Dutchess Pants Erg terms. Ste... $2 10 Men's Lined Work Gauntlets horse-hide es, | MUNICIPALITIES AR a] REXALL ORDERLIES { Keep You WELL You may avoid the misery of constipation by frequent ly taking Rexall Orderlies, These pleasant tasting tab- lets are a sure, but gentle laxative that works nature ally and forms no habit, Rexall Orderlies Are suitable and harmless tor children and aged per sons as well as for robust men and women, 24 Tablets 2§¢ | AT YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE Jury & Lovell King E. Simcoe S. BRITISH MERCHANTS WILL VISIT RUSSIA London March 7.--All branches of British industry are rcpresent in the British commercial mission which is visiting Russia this month, The delegates plan to Investigate what openings there are in Russia in each of thelr special industries, At the game time they will mect the authorities at Moscow and discuss a basis of finance, without an ex- tension of trade would be impos- sible, Assurances have been received that the Russian governm:nt will welcome the delezation and afford them evcry possible facility for studying the economic situation, The Russian authorities it is stated, would be glad to see British fin- ance and industry take a lending part in the economic reconstruction of Russia, * While the British government has in no way inspired the visit and assumes no responsibility for it, the government is not hostile to the idea. Ernest Remnant, editor of The English Review, who initiated the scheme, says the Russian mar- ket is the largest available to Brit. ish industry. It is 2 mistake to judge trade possibilities by pre-war ditions the volume of British trade with Russia in pre-war days might 'be multiplied ten-fold. The limit will be imposed by British finance and not by the Russian demand, WILL SHARE IN HYDRO REDUCTION Provincial Body Does Some "Melon-Cutting" With Its Profits Toronto, Mar. 7.--Toronto will likely share in a general hydro ra'e reduction and '"'melon-cut- ting" throughout the Niagara and Georgian bay systems, it was fore- cast last night by officials of the provincial Hydro commission, This statement was made coin- figures, he says, Under present con- , | Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets ' _ TORONTOPRODUCE QUOTATIONS Toronto Et are paying the following = prices, delivered Toronto: Tugs, ungraded, cases teturned--Fresh ex. tas, 40: {rsh firsts, 38c; seconds, 3c; t 3 Bune Creamery, olids, pasteurized, No, ing cream--Special, 46c; No. 1, 45c; No. 2, 4 Cheese--No, 1 largefi colored, parafiined governm aded, 21 13, © t and government gr Young geese, . Ducklings, 5 Ib Do, 4 to § Ib Do, 3 1:2 to 4 lbs, Bh AA TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 29 to 3lc; Yooked hams, 35 to 4; Jokes is, Ze} reakfast bacon, 0 3 do, " br 40c; backs, ' peamealed, 28 to 3c; do, moked, to y ad meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs, $19; 90 to 100 "Ibs, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11,50; heavyweight tolls, $38.50 per barrel Lard--Pure, tierces, 16 1.2c; tubs, 7c; pails, 17¢; prints, 19 to 19 1-2¢, Shortening, tierces, 14 3.4 to 15 1.4c; tubs, 15; pails, 15_3.4c; tins, 17 3-dc; prints, 16 3.4c. Pork loins--26 1-2¢; New York shoulders, 19¢; pork butts, 2c; pork hams, PRODUCE AT MONTREAL Montreal, March 7, ~The feature of the egg trade was the announcement that local dealers had purchased several cars of United States eggs in onder to fill their require. ments, The trade was moderately active and prices were firm, Receipts were 941 cases, A fair trade was done in butter and prices were steady, R pts were 37 pi Yellow eye beans were reduced ten cents to $4.30 per bushel. Canadian hand-picked were unchanged at $5.56 per bushel. PRODUCE AT NEW YORK New York, March 7.--Butter irregular; receipts, 16,243, Creamery, higher than ex- tras, '51 1-4 to 52; extras (92 score), Sle; od | firsts (88 to 91 score), 48 3-4 to 50 J-2¢: pack: ing stock, current make No, 1, Sle; 1-2. il steadier; receipts, 318,177, Eggs, weaker; fresh gathered extras, 40 1.2 to dic; firsts, 3 1-2¢, resh gathered extras, 42c; receipts, 20,807, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, March 7.--Egg futures for March delivery receded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange yesterday with a slight weakening and moderate receipts, the t price, Poe A AE ioe have been larger but for LITERARY CAREER First Article Will Be on Entering and Leaving Pr id New York, Mar. 7.--Calvin Cool- fdge will start his career as an ex- President by a literary career, it has been announced. The first article by the man who retired Tuesday from the nation's highest office will be entitled "On Entering and Leaving the Presi- dency." The entire career of Mr, Cool- fdge as President as reveated in the article, according tu aavance an- nouncements. It begins with the night when Vice-President Coolidge was awak- ened at his Vermunt home to he told that Warren G. Harding was dead and that he had succeded to the Presidency and continues through to the dsy he relinquished the high honor. The story also tells how he and Mrs. Coolidge were received by Mrs, Harding, and some of their adventures, as the first persons of the country. The humanity of the document--the hear.aches of be- ing president--are brought out in the President's discussion of his son's death, "The power and glory of the Presidency went with him," the story will say. cident with the a emen' from Southampton of rate reduct- tions an daditional refunds for the municipalities of Hapover, Chesley, Wingham, Lucknow and Kincar- dine. Southampton is now the scene of the second stage of a fight between the hydro and the Foshay interests of Minneapolis, for the town's power contract, About ten days ago the Toronto Hydro-Electric commission was given a refund of $237,000. Rate reductions and perhaps additional refuns are possible, officials say, when the provincial commission re- ceives the Toronto boy's 1928 re- port, It is the provincial commis- sion which fixes the rates, using the annual 'report as a basis. According to E. M. Ashworth. general manager of the Toronto commission, the report will be in the hands of the provineial board within a few weeks, It is virtually completed now, Mr. Ashworth said. Mr. Ashworth would go no further than to say that the eommission had had a good year but that in itself is a statement which, it is believed, augurs well for the To~ ronto consumer with respect to future rates. Affects all Western Ontario All Western Ontario will be af- fected if rate reductions are gem- eral throughout the Georgian bay and Niagara system, as is forecast. Earlier this week refunds totalling more than $100,000 were an- nounced for the commissions of the Georgian bay municipalities. Of this amount, the five Bruce and Huron municipalities men~ tioned above received more than $17,000. By the rate reductions now d, the mers in these places will pay several thou- sand dollars a year less for their power. FOLLOWED SUIT "So you decided 'to take a dip in She stock market. How did you come "I must have set 2 bad example to Getting Skinnier Every Day Something Must Be Done and Done : Right Now----Quick, Tens of thousands of thin, run- down men-----yes, and women too-- are getting discouraged--are giving up all hope of ever being able to take on flesh and look healthy and strong. All such people can stop worrying snd start to smile and enjoy life right now for MeCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets sre putting flesh on bosts of skinny folks in all parts of the world every day. One woman, tired, weak and dis- couraged, gained 15 pounds in five weeks and now feels fine, And this shows what faith the makers have in McCoy's for they say; if any thin person don't gain at least 5 pounds in 80 days your will be refunded---and only 60 cents for 60 tablets--Economy Size--$1.00. Ask for them at Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karp or any drug store. 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 COAL the market--it took a dip immediately afterward --Boston Transcript, MALLETT BROS. 27 | dinm, $15 to $15.50: culls downward to 1 | Na, 1 timothy, lonse, per ton $1800 to $19,00 FOR CODLIDGE 'More Sleep for Mother snow reports from Minnesota and predictions of a cold wave, Deferred deliveries were not very active, June fresh butter re-enter. |. ed the market at 43c, 1.2 adv vious settlement of a week ago. March storage standards closed 1.8c down] though. Thee ts were light. Smaller longs were A Open Commitments--Eqgs, March, 467¢ ril, 56; November, new, 11; November, he 12 Butter, June, 1; March, 232; December, Chicago spot market-~Butter, extras, 49%fc; standarae, Te tone easy. Eggs, firate, SEF SF eater tom So ork spot mar! 'X 39 1.2¢; tone weaker, ' EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Fast Buffalo, March 7.~Receipts of hos, 1.200; holdovers, 400; market active, weights ahout 160 pounds gensnally 25 cents higher: bulk 160 to 240 pounds, $1240 to $12.50; 270 to 30 pounds, $11.50 tn $12.25; 140 to 1 Ths., $11.75 to $12.25; 130 pounds and down, ib 4] to $11.50; packing sows, $10.25 to Ad TOR GRAIL Receipts of cattle, 50: steadv, good steers, ONTO N QUOTATIONS, $1275: etter cows, $5.25 to 87, Calves, 400: | Grain dealers on the Toronto Beard of vealers, barely steady; good to choice, $18 | Trade are making the following quotations to_$18.50, for car lots: Receipts of sheep, 1.200: lambs, 25 to 40c Manitoba Wheat , 2 northern, $1.30 3.4 higher: wood to choice, $17.25 to pra me 4 fat ewns firm. $875 to $9.75. if , 3, northern, 3.2 3-4, Nema Mend for the Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Lid, : SR, No, § yellow, kin $1.06 3.4, No, 2 yellow, ki 09 3.4, No. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.04 3.4. (Delive: oronto) . Millfeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included--DBran, pet ton, ton, $36.25; midding (7) - 78 Ontario Fig oa h Sound, heavy outs is TORONTO HAY AND STRAW I ts miion he PR Yoeal wholesale hay and straw dealers are Ontario good milling, i Zhipping. shipping making the flagine quotations to farmers points, according to ts, $1.30 to $1.32 PAIL A 0, 6 3 Barley---Malting, 76 to 4c. x Buckwheat--88 to 90c, oderich any Bay ports, Price on Rye--~No, 2, $1.05, track, Ic higher than above). Manitoba flour--First patents, in jute Manitoba Oats $7.60, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.60. , 1 feed, 55 7.8¢c, No, 2 feed, 53 7-8¢c, (cdf, Goderich and bay ports.) Yo, 1 timothy, Nominal Yo, 2, do, do, 13 14.00 Nn, 3, do., do, g hy Tower grades ... Wheat straw . Oats SLAW uiiirrires veseenenr ents, per barrel, THOS. MILI ER & Extraordinary VALUES Week End Specials In New Spring Merchandise 1000 Yards Wash Goods In fine printed cloths, between 50 and 60 designs and colorings. A zeal snap, Regular 29¢ 500 Yards Only Ginghams Good patterns and regular colors. Special 6 yds. for $1.00 500 Yards Fancy Prints A very fine cloth in a lovely range of designs and colorings. All new goods, An extra 6 yds. for $1.00 50 Only Smart Leather Handbags and Purses Absolutely new goods in latest design and good colors. Real quality goods, Special 98c each 5 Pieces Curtain Net Of exceptional quality. All new designs with lace edges. § yds. for $1.75 SPECIAL OFFER--Flat Curtain Rod Free With Every 5 Yards Heavy Brass Satin Finish Flat Curtain Rod with fittings, with every . purchase of 5 yards, A Real Umbrella Special stock Umbrellas. They in . Black, Red, Green, Purple, of first fy in = gone in Navy, Re een, Purple, ; $1.00 each J THE ARCADE Ltd. Simcoe Street North Phone 1000. 25; shorts, per | Ir Track, Montreal, Fd per cent, pat: "I SpE sD sre BER 6.15 ry ry H RB RTLER PIAS ds Reta ebepnel 22 7.00 SB ic BEfc Bocelli oBe€ pp of ls » BE