Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Mar 1929, p. 12

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HR i-- ¥ 4 EMRE PeeYY THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, JUURSDAY. MARCH 7, 1929 Wy i WN Mk St Ye 5 : Cornish, Robert Ads ag : , Barbara 3 erson, s ton, Bao "Muir, ir bree Joe Mae ssett, Kathleen Heard, Ju es. Hi = d Ross, © Purcell Rodd, is Fs obe sasmoré, , Loretta Smith, Below w Fisk Evi Hi Hawley, br Jack derson, Neal Wilson, B Betty § ive Absent from tests -- Charlotte Gentles, Muriel Little, John Watts. Teacher--R. S. Sennett. 4 III Class -- Honours -- Grace | G, iseman, Dennis Fagan, Pass -- Gertie Fenemore, Sam Church, Isabelle Connors, Lloyd Augustus, Owen Fagan, : : Below Pass -- Myrtle Gillespie, Ralph Collins, Cecil Bedding, Connie Fagan, Grace Gascoigne, Sr. III Class--Honours--Hildegarde Goodfellow, Albert Jackson, Teddy Bassett, Elmo Harris, Marion Scott, Billy Pepper, Elizabeth Correll, Gertrude Best, Billy Maffey, Albert Jubb, Howard Hazel, Pass--Catherine: Irwin and Muriel Turner (equal), Harold Gascoigne, and Vivian Rice, and Claude Upder- wood (equal), Stephen Bascom, Dick Stuart, Dorothy Underwood, Herbert Hunt, Anna Town, Hazel Magner, Isabelle Collins, Bernice Church, Jim Davidson, Jennie Scott, Below Pass--Jim Atkinson, Absent--George Allan, Teacher--M, L, Harbron, Room 3 Junior III--Honours--Betty Mih- alko, Leo Vamplew, Ronald Ward, Kenneth Johnson, Alvina Wilsher, Ronald Parry, Ross Harris, Betty Wilder, Jack Maffey, (Dorina Wil- sher, Marion Smith) equal, Billy Lyrke, Markaret Hazell, Mary Holli- ass dith Gunson, Peggy Spall, Marjorie Moore, Mary Sawdon, Betty Heard, Helen Sheard, Jack Trueman, Gordon Hodge, Below Farr Eves hamdyge, McCullon Billie Lawler, Evans Michael, "Smythe NR Par- Pass--Lorne i Ruth Hart- rio oy e HE ass--Bernard \ s--HBernard Clarke, Jean sent -- Douglas A Sam Thornd, ke, Douglas. nderwood, Pam. iy Arthur Hill, Arthur irgi Teacher--A, Jones. Sr, II--Honours--Dennis Kings, Albert Bedding, Florence Under- wood, Vernon Moore, John Fisher, | yw; Leslie Heard. Pass--Edith Adam. {Abaco Saring, tess Davia Irwin, ass--Honours--Jack xi 0a Pearsall, Gordon Pep- per, Marjorie Sawdon, Frank Carter, corge Foster, Audrey Gunson, Webster Thompson, Pass--Julie Borchuk, Ellen Mowat, Below Pass--Garnet Swain, Absent during tests -- Freeman Campbell, Gertrude Charters. "B" Class ~~ Honours -- Esther Thomas, Jack Read, Francis Hinkson, Jack Hilliard, Pass--Mary Anderson, Irene John- son, Mary Halliday, Douglas Camer- on, Erma Golding, Ruth Collins, Below Pass--Llo d Costello, Viy- ian Wilsher, Jack By Absent SIN tests--Mary Mathi- son, TeagheraM. C. Baker, Sr, I--Honours--Donald Beaton, Henry Brown, Gerald Gascoigne, Bessie Trumble, Lenore Innes, Ray Campbell. Charles Wigston, Helen Deverell, Jean Parker, Ferne Nichols and Wellington Maclllwain (equal), Ruby Palmer and Myrna Connor (equal), Absent--Sylvia Wilson, Jr. 1 -- Honours -- Maude Janes, John Borchuk, Malcolm Adam, Or- val Atkinson, Lloyd Sheard, Billy Smith, Pass--Muriel Grieves, Kenneth Forbes, Billy Ward, Billy Byers, Howardine Michael and Everett Bry- ant (equal), Helen Hoar and Eric Paty (equal), Chester Thomas, elow Pass--Ethel Able, Below Paget Bailey, John Thomas, Dudley Wilson, Primer--Pass -- Douglas Sheard, Walter Bryant, ry morning. Good connections Windpes x i poo' Western EQUIPMENT Buffet a fie Cars (Radi). Sleepers ~ Diner and Coaches. do fo tires ? Let the cord'festing machine show you- Visit your GOODYEAR dealer fod ry each n SN Middleton. Primer--Honours ~ Kenneth une NTO ean James pie and s dstley) a taka Robert Scriber, right, Mary Vamplew, Evelyn Carter, Agnes Anderson, Doris Cam- eron, Chloris Hartrick, Harry Town, (Andrew Mclllwain and Mary Scez- wsuk) equal. Pass -- Donald Wilhelm, (Vada Harper and Jack Pixley) equal, Edith Fearon, (Maxwell Atkinson and Richard Maudsley) squal Ar- thur Ashton, Conrad Hewis, Marion Scott, Margaret Holliday, Castle Smith, Marion Underwood. Below Pass -- Elsie Gillespie, George Simpson, Alex Foster, Teddy Shomdrie, Betty Hartrick, Robert eatty. Absent--Catherine Able, Howard Allan, Lillian Batley, Ross Bryant, ilma James, Ruth King, Ivan Pindar, Milton Pindar, Eva Sirgin Teacher--M, Dobbyn, DUNDAS STREET SCHOOL Room Jr, IV--Honours -- Leah Stewart, Rosie Yacabosky, Walter Ward, Bobbie Mathison, Molly Mackenzie, Audrey Town, Stanley Jones, Doro- thy Sheard, "Joseph Levine, Craig Hutchison, 'Wilma Lavery . Pass--Edna Davidson, Mary Den- nis, Wyonda Goldring, Ronald Dew- land, Dolly Neskel, etty Fenemore, Donald odge, Raymond Anderson and Allan Hopper (equal), Earl Bry- ant, Albert Stein, Elmer Toland, Lorne Bradley, Frank Clough, Char- les Green and Donald Bell (equal). Below Pass--Jack Shephard, Absent from tests--Beatrice Vir- gin, Donald Sturgess, Jack Allan, Unable to write on all tests owing to a broken arm, Arthur Trueman (Pass), Sr. lII--Honours--Annie Vergie Bromwell, Pass--John Dalby and Harold Par- sons (equal), Sydney Cornish, Ilean Shillington, Lizzie Hogg, Bertie Harlowe, Alfred Williams, Eugene Huntley, Below Pass--Ruth Crocher, Absent--Wilbur Toland, Margaret Little, Teacher--0. L, McIntosh, Gordon, Room 2 Jr, 1l~Honon eeHilda Stephen- son ;' Frank Thompson ; Elsie Gordon, Pass--Matt Campbell, Ben Lem- berg, Gladys Park, Tom Harvy, Esther Thompson, Arthur Bradley, Patricia Richardson, Elsie Ross, Willie Collins, Daisy Gammon, Bessie Hawley, Margaret Hopper, Fred O'Dell, Annie Yacobsky, Ruby Allin, Absent--Gladys Little, Edith Out- win, George Duncan, Ray Crocker, elow Pass--Elizabeth Mowat, Gladys Huntley, David Stein, Melvin 'Tofan, Sr, II-Pass--Bud Dilling, Mack '| Rodgers, Lloyd Conn, Joan Parsons, Allin Anderson, Mary Tofan, Below Pass--Allin Brattcr Dick Collins, Absent--Alice Trumble, Teacher--E, K., Shephard. Room $3 Jr. II "A"--Honours -- Alex May, Lillian Love, Ernest Martin, Babs Muir, Pass -- Kathleen Gordon, Jean] Kean, Harry Gilroy, Jean Dair, Below Pass--Doris Noble, . Absent--Jimmie Mayne, Jr. 11 3 -~Honours--~Liois Sleight- holm, Graham Macdougall, Pass--Bernice Reed, Allan Hewis, Helen Kirby, Howard na, (Nancy May, Irene Park) equal, "Malcolm McClelland, Below Pass--Donald' Huntley, Jim- mie Sturgess, Elwin Toland, Absent--Viola Staley, Sr, I--Honours--Billie Harlow, Earl Dilling, Charlotte Potter, Har- old Huntley, Gordon Benson, 'Made- line Harris. Pass--Ruth Roberts, David Ross, Marie Conn, Absent--Elsie Bailey, Vergie Fow- ler, Edith Harris, Lloyd Them son. Tahu. B rd. Room Jr. betiono TO Williams, Kathleen Dalby) equal, Grace Rich- ardson, Kathleen Campbell, Ray Martin, (Jean Livingston, Peter Hogg, Roberta Campbell) equal, Phyllis Hilts, Helen Geale. Absent--Maud Maddock, Advanced Primer--Honours--Fran- ces Reid, Georgina Ridgley, Donald Kirby, Clara Lemburg, Ruth Mec- Clelland, Vivian Dalby, Pass--Mike Dennis, Helen Park, Leslie Dowling, Morley Stevenson, Josie Crocker, Below Pass--Willie Outwin, Ernest Qulwin, Harold Harris, Leonard tale; Absent--Georgina Campbell, Lillian Wilson, Primer--Honours -- Jack MacLean, Elaine Sebert, Abie Levine, Billi Johnson, Ivan Fletcher, Pass--Florence Hawes, Benson, Carl Yacoboski, Beginners--Pass -- Douglas Dair, Arthur Joynt, Bobbie Hilts, Violet Noble, Russell Johnston, George Absent--Buddie Bailey, Norman Bailey, Freddie Maddock, Freddie Gammon, Teacher--M. E. Whiting. Announcement! MESSRS. DINGMAN, MASON and POWLES Have opened a New Machine Shop Specially adapted for high class work, such as Diss, Jigs, Took, Precision sud Genere) Machine W, Work, Welding and We are also carrying on our Pasties interested are invited to call and see our new plant. Note the Address--~20 Church St. PHONE 1134 Lanaidn Pacific 'EUROPE . FROM SAINT Jom, NB. Mar, 15 ontroyal Mar, . ++ Duchess of fix Mar, Apr, § Mar, . Apr. *Minnedo: Ralls at Glasgow also, = Te Cherbourg-Southampton + Metagama + Montcalm . Montclare Montroyal + Montcalm + Montelare + Metagama Metagama Montroyal FROM NEW YORK To Cherbourg-Liverpool + Duchess of Bedford Te Cherbourg-Southampton Empress of Australia Apply Local Agents or J. B, MACKAY, General Agent, Canadian Pacific Bldg, Toronto, BROCK STREET SCHOOL Sr. IV--Honours -- Joan Wilson, Ernest Mesher, Sadie Local, Craig Kerr, Elva Southwell, Ruth Marks, Annie Rodd, Bessie Cameron, Pass--Cecil Allaway. Jr, IV--=Honours--Margaret Sleep, Doris Howard, Pass--Martha Crawforth, Jolin Mudrey, Robert McCulley, Peter Thochuk, Below Pass--Bobby Young, Sr, III--Pass--Peter Levine, Lor- raine Gibson, Warren Watson, James Crawforth, John Young, Junior Primer--Earl Stata, Jimmy Neal, Elinor Gouldburn, Audrey Col- by Mae, Watson, Ernest Bell, Don- ald Pinder, Erskine Campbell, Doug- lass Vaughan, June Vaughan, Har- old Marks Billie Harden, Irwin Humphreys, Leonard Salby, Malcolm Waite, Charliee Mesher, Gordon Young, Arthur Spanner, Absent--Margaret Allard, Joseph Bland, Tommy Bland, Irene Alger, Douglas Isaacs, Florence Young, Margaret Smith, Teacher--Margaret Kennedy, Jr. III--Honours--Clara Cameron, Pass--Tommy Young, Roy Hill Below Pass--Murray Bagg, Ruth Gaston, Absent--Norman Appel, Jr. II--Honours--Sam Mudrey, Bill Stevenson, Frank Allaway, Nora Gouldburn, Below Pass--Grace Martin, Willie Crawforth, Sr, I--Honours--Annie Isabel Watson, Nellie Tkachuk, Wil- ma Thorndike, John Campbell, Ed- ward Stata, Pass Jack Watson, Below Pass -- Wilda Crawforth, Dorothy Coembe, Alfred Gaston, Marguerite Hill, Ellen Waite, Jr. I--Hon, Ruth Bagg. Pass--Tommy 7 Ty Eenartie Gill, Harold Snider, Mary Mudrey, Below Pass--Robert Mesher, Absent--Mary Tkachuk. Sr. Primer--Honours--Mary - Rae, Mack Stevenson, Melvin urgess, Billy Rae," Marian Watson, Betty Irvine. Pass--Fredrick Rodd, Muriel Hill, Grace Bullock. Below Pass -- Jackson Sleep, Absent--Margaret Gill, Audrey St, George Gaston, John, Teacher--Nancy A. Gollan. A psychologist declares that single men are more truthful than married ones. But then they are not asked, so many embarrasing questions. -- Florence Herald, Tkachuk, SCIENTIST § SAYS GREAT PYRAMID ! WERE ERECTED AS London, Mar, 7.--A theory that the solution of the mystery of the pyramids will reveal that they were built as sundfals may be test- ed this year by M. B, Cotsworth, director of the International Fixed Calendar Year League, Cotsworth, who has devoted 40 years to research in the evolution and unification of, the calendar, sald last night he was awaiting a reply from the Egyptian Govern- ment in connection with his rve- quest for permission to erect on top of the Great Pyramid a model of its apex. If the reply is favor- able, he will leave at once for Egypt to conduct a series of ex- haustive experiments, Cotsworth plans to level off the "shadow floor" on the north side of the Great Pyarmid so that move- ments of the pyramid's shadow may be traced with mathemati- cal exactness," "The generally accepted theory that the Egyptians built the pyra- mids merely as royal burial places will not hold," he said in explanation of his theory. 'The welfare and prosperity of their TIME-P nation depemded upon {increas production of grain and oth food supplies. It was the exact knowledge of the seasons, acquir- ed, I believe, by priests with the aid of the pyramids that first en- abled the Egyptians to produce two crops a year Instead of a single one, "Later more perfect pyramids were built and produced such ac- curate results that the Egyptians were able to produce three crops of durah -- their most important grain--in a year. A delay of even a few days in sowing the seed for any of the three crops would have brought bad harvests and endangered prosperity." Cotsworth said he believed the first pyramids had been built as experiments to measure the sun- shadow at noon, It would thus have been possible to found.a eal- endar based on the days of the shortest and longest shadows, Later the priests were able to work out calculations in great detall, developing a system of geom- etry, surveying, astronomy and weights and measures, Boston Judge Scores State's Property Laws, Boston, Mar, 7.--Blackstone came In for criticism in a dissent- ing opinion filed by Judge George W. Anderson, to an order approved by two other federal judges which will cause deportation of a West Indian negress, The woman was held guilty of moral turpitude be- cause she had served a jail sent- ence for larceny of $165. "It seems to me," said Judge Anderson, "monstrous to hold that a mother stealing a bottle of milk for her hungry child, or a foolish college student stealing a sign should be tainted as guilty of a but the doctrine quisition, I think the moral turpi- tude taboo should not be extended to cover such trifling offences as this ignorant girl testifies (there is no other evidence) she commit- ted, "The case is of little importance probably not even to the appellee; now enunciated may do much harm." FOR SHOE VALUES A M°LARENS AE 7 INVINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS hed fo thelr * INVINCIBLE in name and inquality* .. MA arens Ummgo~HamiLTON. ONT. ales crime of moral turpitude, but such is the logical result of the majority opinion, "When Blackstone wrote his treatise lauding the justice and reason of the English law, there were, as I recall it, something like 120 capital offences in England, in- cluding larceny of property worth five shillings, - Nothing could be more chaotic, illogical and unethi- cal than our prevailing views and practices as to property rights, Es- sentially our legal and economic structure is predatory. We do not attempt to co-ordinate a-quisition with useful productivity, Our com- mon method of 'big money making' always' involves getting the result of other people's productive la- bor. On any sound and ethical theory of properly rights, winning at gambling--evan stock gambling ' as many ' --are as unjustifiable kinds of takings condemned by sta- tute as larcenies. "Until our code of property rights and wrongs bears more re- lation to anti-social methods of ac- EVEN the kitchen sink will sparkle as never before. BAB-O banishes dirt and ob- stinate Fost. quick] osscasily. Try it. y Sales Agents 2 Harold P, Ritchie Co, Ltd Toronto FY you drink Fluid Beef and gain fresh energy LAMB Cut From Paney, Soft-Meated, Tender, Young Lambs FRONTS, A Fine Roast LEGS, Short Cut, Ave. 5to 7 lbs. Ib. ECONOMISE We Have Hundreds of Other Low-Priced Articles in Addition to These Advertised Weekly. The A & P Always Sell High Quality Merchandise at the Lowest Possible' Price. THESE WEEK-END SPECIALS GOOD AT ALL A & P STORES IN TORONTO, NEW TORONTO, WESTON, MIMICO, WHIT BY, OSHAWA, BRAMPTON AND OUR OWN SILVERBROOK BRAND--QUALITY ALWAYS UNIFORM BUTTER Ib. FRESH CREAMERY . . PEACHES - oon Fancy Little Pig Bonsting Sot BUTT ROAST SHOULDERS la Sghuk Lt LOIN ROAST, Rib Erik hE TOMATOES, Aviiner's s Choice HONEY, Beekist Brand . = PRESTO 2 1-16. Prints §Qe 2 Ibs, 89c 2 No. 2 Tins 39¢ 2 No. 2/5 Tins 23¢ No. 25 Tin 35¢c CAREFULLY SELECTED--EVERY EGG GUARANTEED RUMP ROAST WING ROAST, Juicy, Tender Fu } 1 BLADE ROAST Su.rem Beef Is the Best "ROAST is. Mekbuint PRIME RIB R * PORTERHOUSE [27 Ril Ib. CHEESE ¥ew.26¢ oum. 31 AUSTRALIAN PEACHES 25> 2 No. 215 Tins 45c PEARL NAPTHA SOAP ror Cean. white 10 Cakes 39¢ SPECIAL MIXTURE, Hard Candies i. 26 | EGGS r= vor. 49e z= por. §e | QUAKER OATS, Quick or Regular, 3 Small Pkgs. 25¢ MANYFLOWERS SOAP 7, eee BAKED BEANS, Heinz "3,2" Medium Tin 12¢ 3 Cakes 17¢ PROPERLY AGED AND CURED FANCY HOME-GROWN ONTARIO POTATOES 2 wuz 23. HANDY AMMONIA - - TODDY A»giisomties 14.0b, Tin 29¢ HUMBUGS, Hard Candies - . 3 Pkgs. 17c Ib. Tin 47¢ Ib. 17¢ Catelli's CHATEAU CHEESE *#ai.> - WESTON'S CAKES, Reg. 25¢ Value Each 2lc TOILET PAPER, Verything + - zg Rp kx Dle 3 Pkgs. 50c 4 Rolls 11c THE CHOICE OF THE BYRD ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES LETTUCE, Kocher, 2 Large Heads 19¢ The Coffee Ib. Tin §5e %~ib. Tin 28e LEMONS, Messing ~- - Dex. 19¢ BHUBARB, Strawberry, 3 Bachs. 25¢ ORANGES, Large, 216 Size Dex. 23¢ ICs PACIFIC = ot wine | | av a aad a a AL <a Sl. i tb tt il tO SE at ETD TS TT hed t= TH A DO

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