THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1929 North Oshawa, Mar 5.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutherford and baby Julien of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Pipher and baby June, of To-] ronto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. T. Solomon and children visited Mr. and Mrs, Leo Keeler on College Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sheckelton of Toronto also visited there. . and Mrs. Mac. Cunningham friends and | M en! 16 their ! neighbors to a dance on Monday evening. Elgin Powell, second son of Mr, and Mrs. H. Powell, who had an operation for mastoids last Mon- day night was able to be brought - home this Monday evening. The H. and -S. Club will hold their regular meeting this Thurs- day at 8 o'clock. - All members are urgently requested to be pres- ent as well as any new members. Important business to be transact- ed. A delegate will be appointed to attend the convention at Toron- . to Easter week. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, Mar. 5--The friends of Miss Olive French are tendering her their congratulations for her success on her recent exam- inations at the Toronto Conservatory of | Music, having obtained first class honors on harmony and honors on counterpoint. . The Ladies' Aid held their regular monthly meeting on February th, at 'the home of Mrs. Edgar Pascoe. There was a splendid attendance of about thirty members and all enjoy- ed a social afternoon. It was decided to hold the annual hot supper : on Thursday evening, March 14th, in the Sunday school. The Sunday school attendance on March 3rd was 82. Mr. Harold Lick sang and Mrs. Hunter, of Brooklin, gave a splendid talk on Missions, af- ter 'which a collection was taken for Missions which amounted to $9.92. Miss Edna Reeson is entertaining the young people on Wednesday eve- ning at her home. The evening will be spent in playing games of erokin- ole and euchre. Last week the young people of the skating party were en- tertdined at the home of Mr. Frank Luke. All report a most enjoyable vening, . Masset Bud Rowden, Oshawa, spent Saturday with Ted Robinson. Mr. G. H. Robinson took a busi- nss trip. to Toronto on Monday. Mr, and Mts. John Pascoe, of Osh- awa, were Sunday guests of Mr. Pas- coe's brother, Mr. Edgar Pascoe. Mrs. Fred White underwent a ser- fous operation in the Oshawa general hospital on Wednesday last. We are glad to say that she is doing as well as possible. : Messrs Herman Scott, Cecil Dean, Lawrence and Roy Irwin spent Sat- urday in Toronto. | siabike Little June Pierson is quite ill with tonsilitis. All wish her a speedy re- covery. ab George Southwell, of Guelph, spent the week end with his daugh- ter, Mrs. George Webster. Miss Alice Smith, of Whitby, was « guest all last week with Mrs. I Huggins. ! Clad to report that Mr. Eric Dean s. improving from an attack of blood poisoning in his hand. : Mr. George Marnien is holding a sale on Wednesday and Mr. Stanley Bagg is holding a sale on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Webster and Mr. Yeoman Luke motored to Toron- 0 on Sunday evening. Recent, guests with Mr. and Mrs. fas. Luke were Mrs, Collins, Mr, and Mrs. Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. McDer- mott and Miss Watson, all of Toron- to. Chickens thieves are again work- Ie in our district, Mr. George Craw- rth had about sixty hens stolen. Kedron, Mar. 4--Mr. and Mrs. S. Conlin and family entertained about thirty-five of the young people of this community at a progressive Lost Heir party on Saturday evening, Miss Ruth Cole being successful in Wwin- ning the ladies' first prize, a box of correspondence cards and envelopes Mr. Thomas Scott, the gentle- 's first prize, a neck tie. Refresh- were served. in Toronto. nd Mrs. E. Davis entertained enty of their neighbors at eir party last Monday eve- ys and girls classes met at of Mr. and Mrs, Werry on Friday evening to hold their regular monthly meeting. A debate was put on, "Resolv that there is less drinking under Govern- ment Control than there was under the O.T.A" Messrs Gordon Davis and Howard Hoskin upheld the affirma- tive while Misses Wilma Werry and Dorothy Clugston upheld the nega- tive. Rev. J. F. Clugston, Mr. Har- old Werry and Miss Ruth Cole act- ed as judges and gave their decision in favour of the negative. A jolly party, consisting of the boys and girls classes and a few other youn, people, then departed across the road, to Mr. Luke's hills, and spent a plea- sant hour tobogganing: Although a number of them got slightly damp, it did not dampen their spirits any. It was a hungry party of young peo- ple that returned to the house .a- while before midnight. However, when their hunger was satisfied, they were ready for some more games. The evening came to a close with some community singing, after which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Werry and family for opening their home to them and giving them such a pleasant og J. Love, from Joliet, Illin- ois, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Love ly. - on from here attended - the carnival at Columbus on Thursday. Mrs, S. Conlin and Miss Marguer. ite Conlin visite rs. Brooks an Mrs. Quick, in B Werry, of spent the week end at their home helt and Mrs. C. E. Love, Florence ara Veland visited Mis. James Love, in Woronto on Sunday. Miss Emily Mapplebeck, of Osh- awa, spent the week end with Miss Kathleen Conlin, V Miss Jean Love entered the orator- ical contest and won the lower school girls' championship. in a class of twenty-three competitors. She then entered the oratorical contest with the successful third. fourth and fifth form orators and came third. Mr. and Mrs. William Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Cole and Miss Nora Wer- ry spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry last week. THORNTON'S CORNERS Report for Februray. Sr. IV.--Kathleen McRobinson, 67. Jr. IV--Marguerite McRobinson, 80; Lula Reeson, 76; Isabel Pier- son, 73; Eva Lindsey, 67; George Irwin, 64; Erma Kerman, 64; Marie Le Roy, 61. Sr. III--Dorothy Stevenson, 72; Garnet Wetherup, 67; Marian Jackson, 66; Joe Lavin, 66; Mar- guerite Bonnetta, 65; Ronald Nor- they, 62; Marian Lewington, 60; Geoffrey Northey, 59; Pearl Scott, 59; Harvey Scott, 46; Frank Hoag, absent. Jr, III, -- Cora Wetherup, 73; A With a RESORT HOTEL COUNTRY CLUB ATMO. . Sa NAUTILUS MIAMI BEACH." FLORIDA Ome of America's finest and most modern fireproof resort hotels, ~~ An Unequalled Winter Playground 20 Acres of in center of all activities. grounds in the sport out-of-door sport and . health-giving re. Fields Super! 8 Excellent Golf Courses Bathing--Yachting--Motor Boating i Fishing Big with the Nautilus are sixteen nom-housekeeping villas. GEORGE 8, KROM, and Mrs. L. Hancock' spent | Melrose Winacott, 63; Bobby Pier- son, 59; mnald Allman, 55; Ella Lindsey 56; Margaret Northey, 53; Lyla Thonipson, 53; Wilfred Lind- sey, 50; Doris Northey, 50; Dorothy Kerman, absent. : : 0. Taylon, Prinicpal. HARMONY Harmony, Mar. 5.--Glad to re- port Mr. Thos, Oke home from the hospital. Hope to soon see him out again. Mrs. Wm. Laner wna Master Earl Dangey of, the city visited with Mr. and Mrs, H. Willson on Friday. Mr. K. Fletcher and Master Keith visited Mr, and Mrs. W. Vice in the city on Sunday. : Mr. Rill Hart of Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hart. Sorry to report Mrs. Gladys Oke 11 and confined to her home. The Home and School Club held their regular monthly meeting on Monday night at eight o'clock, with President Mrs, H. Hart presiding. All reports of the club read and approved and several bills handled, It was voted by the members to give Mr. Johnson a donatoin of $5 and a letter of appreciation with it for his faithfulness in caring for the rink for the children. Mr, Johnson has done the work just from good will for the children. The membership campaign was | closed, Mrs. W. Logue getting the | most members received the prize of a lovely pair of candle holders. Miss Williamson's room received the prize for the most parents pres- ent. After the business closed a contest was held, "Relationship of ancestors and family relatives." This created quite a lot of fun. The following program was given: Solo, Miss L, K. Mackay; violin selec- tion, Kathleen Lander; musical trio, Mrs. Orville Heard; piano, Master Milford Heard, accoraian, and Master John Heard, harmonica. gram. The meeting was closed by singing God Save the King. U. 8. 8. No. 5. School Report Junior Room Names are in order of merit. Sr. IL.--Honors--Minerva Stod- dard, Gordon Jackson. Pass--Clif- ford Marnien, Helen Kerman, Jean Neer, Gladys Wetherup, Francis Robinson, Norman Wetherup. Jr. II--Honours--Gladys Luke, Cecil Stephenson, Jack Le Roy. Pass.--Arthyr Winacott, 8r. I.--Honours-- Gordon Loft- house, Bernice Jackson, Ethel Lew- ington, Margaret Pierson. Pass-- Jack Neer, Bernice Le Roy (equal.) Sr. Pr.--Honours--Billy Drew, Peggy Northey. Jr. Pr.--Johnny Wetherup, Nor- ine Pierson, B. Class--Joey Korff, Freddy Korff, Harold Bonentta, Violet May Walter Scott, Bernice Luke. Absent for examinations--Frank McClure, Frederic Robinson. Myra Holliday, Teacher. BUSINESS WOMEN TO HOLD CELEBRATION New York, N.Y.,, Mar, 6.--Fifty- two thousand business women of the country will celébrate the achievements of business and pro- fessional women during the past quarter of a century with the sec- ond annual National Business Women's week, March 10 to 16, In nearly 1,000 communities at- tention will be called to the fact that 9,000,000 women go to busi- ness daily, in practically every vo- cational field. The National Federation of Business and Professional Wom- en's clubs, the largest business women's group in the country, is sponsoring the week. The organ- ization has 52,000 members and local clubs in 47 states. It has nearly 500 scholarship loan funds throughout the [United States, which give high school educations to young girls expecting to enter the business world. A program will be presented in each commun- ity where the federation has a branch, NUMBER THREE "No. 3" is a familiar term to seasoned travellers to Western Can- ada in winter time. It is the desig- | nation for the popular trans-con- tinental train operated by the Can- adian Pacific which leaves Toronto daily at 9.00 p.m. With modern high grade equipment consisting of compartment-observation car, stan- dard sleepers and dining car, and manned by crews trained in effic- fency and courtesy, the discrimin- ating traveller knows that his jour- ney will be conspicuously lacking in any of the annoyances sometimes associated with travel. For those to whom expense is a consideration No. 3 carries a tour- ist sleeper, comfortable and fully equipped, with a porter in charge and with facilities for preparing meals. When mapping out your trip be sure the route is Canadian Pacific --your local agent will welcome the opportunity to cater to your re- guirements. M. R. Johnson, C. P. A, C. P. R. Oshawa, Ont. Ending PILES for 20 years! %or twenty years NATURE'S PILE LEMEDY A ty healing stubborn forms + KARN'S DRUG STORE T. B. MITCHELL A hearty vote of thanks was given | to all who took part in the pro- || MARCH 7-8'9 JALE ENDS SAT. | Two Values in | Corselettes That | Will Be Hard to | Duplicate again. At $1.39 | A beautiful, silk brocaded garment with silk swamie top. Special diaphram [| a support. Well boned. || Elastic inserts. i Thursday, Mar. 7 - F riday, Mar. 8 SATURDAY, MARCH 9th. Once Again The Welcome News Is Broadcast Throughout The City. Another of Our : 5 Famous 3 Big Days Sales Will Be Held This Week. & ; We have planned and bought in conjunction with fifty other associate leading quantities, of new merchandise for this event, on which the prices have been "flashed-back" for the benefit of all who attend. on this page are EXTRA to the big list of stores, tremendous The Sale Bargains which Another beautiful fitting garment from one of Canada's best makers. Made from a silk striped, pink cou- til. Has long elestic in- serts, and is well bon- ed. 4 supporters at. appear specials that are in the Sale Circular which has been mailed to every home in Oshawa. Great Value in Full Size Com- forter Baths Opens out to the full size of a large comforter, 70 x 90 inches. Takes just one bath for a comforter. 8 Big Days, Broadcloth Regular 39c quality. 8 Big Days, yard Mothers who are planning Spring dresses for their daughters, should not miss securing a few lengths of this fine, fast tubbing cotton broadcloth, It is also a very popular fabric for smocks and house dresses, Colors are sand, suntan, peach, helio, reseda, quality. navy, sky rose and copen. h TOWELS -- TOWELS -- TOWELS THE 38 BIG DAYS SALE COLORED BATH TOWELS usually offers some out- 3 great values, per pair, standing values in Towels. 89c 49c 89c The sale this month has WHITE HUCKABACK gone over the top with With 4 TOWELS . h fancy colo ends. values greater than ever. Good, 1atge size, 18 x 30 FANCY BATH TOWELS, white with colored borders and striped centre, medium and large sizes. Wonderful qualities for the money. Regular 65c values gr 49¢ for, each LARGE LINEN TEA TOWELS 23 x 82 inches, red striped centre and border. Each PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING Plain and check patterns in a quality that regularly we would consider excellent 39c¢ value. Regular 73c values for, each Regular $1.00 values for, each . 19¢ New Ecru Silk Curtain Panels In a variety of very attractive de- signs. All finished at bottom with silk fringe. Size 86. x 81 inches. 8 Big Days, Each Just 26 Dozen Pairs of Wo- men's Pure Silk Hose In this special offering. It's a better quality than can .be sold regularly at $1.00. Good service weight in a first . quality silk to the lisle hem. Colors are blue fox, pearl blush, rose taupe, alesan, shell, grey, rose, nude, white, jade and flesh, 3 Cotton Baths In «a thoroughly milled and purified cotton. Free from specks. Opens out deep and fluffy, Good 35¢ value. . 8 Big Days, each Excellent Mercerized Broadcloth. Smocks Plain colors, sand, pink, blue, green, rose, mauve, peach and white. Here is a quality that one would hardly expect to find $1 19 in sa moderately priced smocks. 3 Big Days .......... . The 3 Big Days' Sale Offers Many Values In Table Damask 56-inch Heavy Bleached Damask. Yard ....oco0i tocvcivnn es 89c 66-inch Heavy Bleached Damask, Yard ....co000 eocvcunnne..79 70-inch Pure Linen Bleached Damask, yard ........ «..... ..$1.29 64-inch COLORED LINEN DAMASK IMPORTED. Motor Rugs In rich, plaid patterns. Good full size, I finished with fringed ends. 3 Big Days. Please Union WOOL "2.95 Save Money on a Real Good Factory Cotton 500:yards bought specially for this sale. Finely woven, firm and in a good weight. A quality that usually sells at 25¢. Full 36 19 c inches wide. 3 Big Days, yard ...ccceieveviiocncnccss quite new to the season. Many of them re- ceive their initial showing on this occasion. Pretty, mew flowered prints and foulards, trimmed with organdy, plain materials and House DRESSES In one of our sensational, quick-selling events. Styles for the miss and the small woman as for the matron. Styles that are \ 1 1 4 Regular $2.00 to $2.95 value Advise Nl Prices BUMP THE BOTTOM! You Do Not Receive Your BEAUTIFUL RAYON SILK BEDSPREADS, 80 x 100 inches. Colors rose, blue, green, mauve and $4 3 In The 3 Big DAY SALE of BEDDING COTTON FILLED COMFORTERS, covering 5 i over art chintz. Size 66 x 72, Each $2.19 Circular on Time Pair .. sssssssans ssssssasens EH LARGE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. Best quality, 70 "x 84 inches. White or grey. ° COTTON FILLED COMFORTERS, art chintz covering with plain panels. Size 66 x 72 .... $2.49 EMBROIDERED COTTON PILLOW CASES. 69 Scalloped or hemstitched ends. Pair ................ UJC