Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Mar 1929, p. 10

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Ji 100 Js ev E--eeaa--------------------------udl | Rng man oR Young Man Fractured Arm Belleville, = r Bradshaw, le, he arm recently, TI TL A on, rles Pea en- A Wh was Kicked a horse recently and Devienaly y in red, s still a ent at Ll 08+ pital Lae ition is critical, Found Dead in Bed Brockville ~Frank Rourke, an aged and well known resident of Cardinal and formerly of Iroquois, was found dead in bed at his home in the for- mer village one morning last week, Presentation Made Kingston. ~The Jrcientation of a club bag and 'military brushes was made to Mr, John Doherty, retired yard foreman of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on Wednesday, by members of the local staff, as a token of the esteem in which he was held, during his service with the company, BRITISH SUBJECTS who arrived in Canada before June 6th 1928 may bring their WIVES and FAMILIES to CANADA vo (children sinder 17 years free) Bay & white 8 y © ton Sts, Toronto, Ont, aor Any Steamship Agent In aN 2d )) CANADIAN SERVICE | Prine rect re hat Napanee, ~ Thclen Botevert, of Montreal on Friday gave himself ' Jowdl Provated. | ae he Nag injured's sunell wir th : age Ray Tig J Sie i] 0, 1] dy . Te Rebuild Church gregation has yg 5 a u archis tect to prepare fin ns for wha will bi oh i to rebuilding the church, p Kingston, = ajor In- rgeant-M. str! r Dryden of the Instruction. al , M.D,; No, 8, is giving the members of the city police force drill on several afternoons of each wee Planning 1 Fairs Kingston.--A, W, Sirett, the Agri- cultural representative of the Ontario Government, is already making ar- rangements for the holding of annual school fairs in the county, Subway Flooded Kingston,~As a result of the mild weather the roadway under the sub- way 'on Montreal street at the Outer Station is flooded with water and motorists are having a difficult time at this portion of the roadway, To Have Artificial Ice . Kingston --Kingston curlers will next year play on artificial ice, de- finite steps being taken by the mem- bers .of the club at a meeting last night, to have artificial ice installed this summer, ' Getting Into Running Order Trenton --~Six car loads of machin- ery have arrived in Trenton for im- mediate release to be installed in the Dominion Combing Mills building, now controlled by the Hamilton Cot- ton Company, Seek Sewerage Area Scarboro.--Scarboro Bluffs Rate- payers association has about 100 petitions circulated for the con- struction of a new sewerage area between Midland and Kennedy road, south of the C.N.R. main line, Collapses in Church Pembroke, ~Willlam James, Gor- man, Pembroke grocery merchant, collapsed while attending church service yesterday and dled a few minutes later, He was a native of Richmond, Ont., and had been a resident of this town six years, combined, cost is by These you any better It is a recognized fact that in building operations, labor cost just about equals that of all materials The only way to reduce labor using materials which re- quire less labor to handle. uJ eperly Sized and 2d hoe r, piece after piece, af- ter load, the guarantee satisfaction, Don't be misled, you cannot buy place, any cheaper than you can buy it in Oshawa, : Oshawa Lumber Co. Limited 25 RITSON ROAD NORTH TELEPHONE 2821-2820 same, save labor cost. get from us and we lumber or trim any BUY -- General Motors Wood HARD, GOOD _-- BIG BLOCKS --~BOARDS, SCRAP WOOD SCANTLING & BOTH EXCEPTIONAL VALUE | Mixture The Cough Mixture for Stubborn Coughs. 40¢ and 75¢ KARN'S Drug Store Next P.O. .. Phone 378 Burglar Enter Home Scarboro.~--Burglars entered the residence of Mrs, R, W, Bell, 366 Kennedy road, gaining entrance through the kitchen window, which had been apparently forced open, A piece of lead pipe was found close by and a small crow: bar, Dedicate Church Peterboro,--The new Mark street United church just completed at a cost of $42,000 was dedjeated here yesterday, with Rev, Dr, J. W, Pedley, of Toronto, officiating. The new church replaces a structure that has been in use since Septem- ber, 1872, Vital Statistics Peterboro.--Vital statistics for the City of Peterboro for the month o February just closed show that there were 54 births, 14 marriages and 33 deaths, as compared with 35 births, 10 marriages and 39 deaths in the receding month of January, In february, 1928, there were 45 births, 16 marriages and 28 deaths, Favors Technical School Kingston.--That when the time came for the people of Kingston to vote on the question of a technical school for Kingston it would be sup- ported most generously by the tax- payers of Kingston, was the opinion expressed by Thomas G. Bishop, ex- chairman of the Board of Education and president of the Chamber of Commerce, addressing the members of the Rotary Club, Offences Increase Kingston, -- The annual report of Chief of Police R, J, Robinson presented to the Board of Police Commissioners shows that during the past year there were 242 cases under the Liquor Control Act, as compared with 281 in 1827, or an increase of 11, During 1928 there were 204 convictions for intoxica- tion, or { . Plan Militia T' Kingston, -- Plans for the sum- mer traning of the non-permanent military units in No. 3 Military District are already being formu- lated at headquarters, and it is said that more attention is to be paid this year to .the training of personnel in the use of the Lewis gun than has been the case in for- mer years, Attempted Suicide Kingston, -- With a hammer he was carrying in his pocket, Lucien Boisveri, French-Canadian of Mon- treal, was caught by the police in Napanee in an attempt to crush in his skull. Boisveri is believed to be of unsound mind and will be brought to Rockwood hospital Jere for observation amd examina- on, Saved From Drowning Lindsay, -- Mrs. Charles Deyell, Mary street, saved Tommy Wells, i 4-year-old son. of Mr. and Mrs. John Well from drowning Sunday afternoon. Young Wells and an- other lad, Paul Gaston, were play- ing on the Scugog river when Wells fell through the ice. Mrs, Deyell heard their yells, and rushing to the river threw herself flat on the ice and grabbed Wells by the hair a he was going down the second me, A $5 gold piece was found in a pay telephone in Kingston--and it wi be exceptionally unfortunate if it was given in exchange for a wrong BOARD ENDS Jeddo Co SOLVAY COKE=::2. CANNEL and POCAHONTAS The Best The Mines , Produce DIXON COAL CO. number.--Hamilton Spectator, GLANYS OUEST AN DIES AT 107 Two Attractions in Life Lond land's oldest man, alker, fied at his home Terrac , re eof 107." He was in January, 1822, during the reign of George 1V,, and kept his birth cer- tificate handy as a proof of his age. Life held two attractions for him-- Jork and cricket. "What is nicer or supper than pork pie and a pint of beer? I think pork is the best meat you can get," he had said, Ba- con for breakfast, roast pork for din- ner, and pork pie for supper, was his interpretation of "eating well," which, with "don't worry," constitut- ed his view of life and his advice to those who would reach a ripe old age. One of his happiest anniversaries was the last, when members of the Nottingham Pork Butchers' Associa- tion sent him a pork pie, a joint of pork, a bottle of whiskey, and money for tobacco, Although his father was a black- smith, the younger Walker began work at the age of twelve as a brick- layer, When he was 87 years old his wages as a bricklayer were re- duced by 1s, 2d, (28 cents) an hour, and Walker struck, The strike failed in its object, and he "downed tools" for the remainder of his life. On his anniversary last month, a Nottingham corporation presented to him an annuity of 7s. ($1.68) weekly for his lifetime, ZION Zion, Mar, 1.--Mr, and Mrs, Alf bors and from Zion and Hampton on Thyrsday night. Miss Audrey Ayre entertained with music on the player piano. Lost Heir was also layed and John Babson and Mrs, van Law were the winners and re- ceived gifts, Mrs. Eice and her class of "Rose Bud" girls, six in number, put on a splendid play, "Patsy," at the church rus was sung and very much en- joyed, Misses Doris and Eileen Stainton played a piano duet very nicely; also Messrs. John Terry and Frank Walker played a mandolin and mouth organ duet and were encored many times, Miss Beryl Glaspel gave a humorous reading, After the pro- gram a bountiful supper was served by the girls, Proceeds, $23. * Mr, and Mrs, Newton Edgar, Joyce and Kelvin, Mr, and Mrs. Hanson Richards, Oshawa, Mr, Ross Lee, Kedron, attended our concert, ' Miss Jean McMaster, nurse, To- ronto, at home for the week-end, Mrs. Wm, Beckell has been real sick with a bad throat, but is some- what better at time of writing, Messrs, Lew Cornish and Russel Pierce attended a demonstration of tractors and gasoline engines at To- ronto recently, , Mrs, Thos. Trull has been laid up in bed with inflammation of the veins in her limbs, the effects of the flu, MANITOBA'S DAIRY SHOW With the exception of the Royal Show at Toronto, the exhibit of but- ter in competition at the annual Manitoba Dairy Convention was the largest and probably the best ever seen in Canada, More than boxes were tested and scored by the judges. Sixty-one creameries were in competition, 45 of which were from Manitoba and the others from Sask- atchewan and Alberta, DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Commer King and Prince Cash or Terms Ta SR A TA TR ai comfort of Head Colds and Nasal Catarrh, Approximately 1,000,000 bottles sold the past year without advertising. il Place just a drop or two | on a handkerchief or ig eford, Not ngham, Ayre were "at home" to a few ncigh- |: Get Ready for Spring A Special Offerings in Our March House Furnishing Sale Swiss Curtains New designs on finest of Swiss Nets. iui i Sop dab LIS $3.00 Special Curtain Nets All new designs on fine Filet Net. 6 patterns, 36 in. wide. At, per yard tetee 35¢ Colored Frilled Curtain Muslin A wonderful range of these popular Bedroom Cur- tain Muslins, White Marquisette with 25 frills of Blue and Gold, Special, yard ..... @9C Special Filet Nets These are the latest production in fine Filet Net, with exceptional Bird and Floral designs. 59¢ 0000 R000 00000000, Per pair .. Marquisette Curtains An Extra Special offer of fine Marquisette Curtains with loops to match, Frilled edges. 15¢ quality Cretonnes. Yard New Patterns in Cretonne All the newest shades and designs in good 25¢ on Friday evening. An original cho-" 3 CURTAIN RODS A Very Special Offer for Spring Clearing, Double Rods with fixtures 35¢C Single Rods with fixtures J BE '" BLINDS Blinds of best quality, absolutely guaranteed to be sunfast with well known Hart fittings that never go wrong. Size3x6at $1.25 Size45x6at $2.10 We Can Fit Any Window. Blinds, Curtains and Drapes will be fitted free of all charge during March. Bring your requirements to the PHONE 1000 THE ARCADE LTD. Dealers are quoting coun Eggs-- Fresh extras Over 5 Ibs. each 4.to 5 lbs. each 3 1-2 to 4 lbs. each ,.., Under 3 1-2 lbs. each ,... Over 5 Ibs, each ....... PTY) oung Turkege-- Young hens, over 8 Ibs. o ty hi ungraded eggs, delivered cases ret y co-fired indicate the ket range of values in eggs ysis basis, roximate quotations on chu f.oob., shipping points, are Special, 1, 45c; No. 2, 42c per Ib. fat. cloth -- inhale and expe- . rience the wonderful re- lief of clear deep breath- | ing. A product of the United Drug Co. Made in its own labora- tories. cream ; No. Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO POULTRY AND Edhs shippers for urned : entire loss when some buying, 5 de- veloped toward the close. Receipts have in- creased, but bulls are not Sismaved, relying on the admitted scast butter the past week, and there are mot too good prospects of more production in the mext few days. Open commitments--March eggs, 341; April eggs, 51; November eggs, new, 10; Novem- ber eggs, old, 111; Jume butter, 1; March butter, 187; December butter, 10, i Market--Butter, extras, rds, 49; tone, steady, Eggs, 38 1-2c tone easy. ew York Spot ;Market--Butter, extras, Sic; tome, firm, Eggs, firsts, 46c; tome, strong, East 'Buffalo TEAS LI ESTO wom 800; holdovers, "700: market slow, weak to 10c lower; 160 to 240 Ibs., $11.85 to $11.05; ing sows, $10 to $10.50, . Manitobs Wheat No. 2 northern, $1.36 1-2, No. 3 northern, $1.33, No, 4 wheat, $1.30, . No, 5 wheat, $1.15, No. 6 wheat, $1.02 1.2. : (cif. rich any Bay ports, Price on track, lc higher than above.) Manitoba No. 2 feed, 59 3-4c, (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports.) American Con No, 2 yellow, kiln dried, $1.08. No. 3 yellow, kiln dried, $1.09. 4 yellow, kiln dried, $1.05 1.2, (Delivered Toronto) Millfeed delivered, M: a alod included--Bran, per tom, ton, $36.25; middli Ontario oat shorts, per milling wheat, f.0.b. a Hee to freights, $1.30 to $1.32. ting, 76 to 79c. --88 to 90c, Rye--No. 2, $1.05, Manitoba flour--First patents, in jute, $2.70, Toronto; second patents, in jute, $6.70, Track, Montreal, car lots--90 per cent. patents, per barrel, $5.70, TORONTO GRAIN ATIONS Grain dealers on the Toromto Board of making the following quotations to farmers deivered aM Toronto): $800 to $9.00 0. timothy, cose, ton $18.00 to $19, No, 1 timoth on dhl inal 13.50 12.00 9.00 se t SLIAW, sessrsrrnsnssirs PAID BONUSES TO QUEBEC SETTLERS The Government of Quebec paid more than $209,000 in bonuses to set- tlers for clearing land and ploughing during 1928, in their policy of lend- ing encouragement to settlers in this way, states Hon. J, E. Perrault, Minister of Colonization, Extensive road work was done in the coloni- zation regions, Nearly 40,000 acres of land were cleared and acres of land ploughed for the first time. Nearl 000 was disbursed in seed distributed to settlers, A technical error made in TORONTO Y AND STRAW Local BONTO JA and straw dealers are was starting Oklahoma with an O.K-- Toledo Blade, McLau Hamilton OR JUST ORDINARY FUEL Hard, Bright Coal. * Do You Buy Good Coal We have just the Coal you have been looking for all Winter. The Famous Reading Anthracite ALBERTA'S FAMOUS NIP" THE FAULTLESS FUEL ROSEDALE LUMP By-Product Coke Also Hard Dry Body Wood and Slabs, Send your order in now, hlin Coal & Supplies EESRPE DREEEERRE

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