SPR 3 €F § "4PM WHEITIW RYE 3 WW on Ar gi ee ocd grad {ul TE ONES a Jb af. A OH Ue La lhe | Riaee ee MIF Oo gaia oy PAGE I'WeLve AUTOMOBILE TEST "TO BE GIVEN NEXT Oshawa Citizens to Free - Rides in New Model ertay the milita militant Essex slo- Ross, Ames and Hudson-Essex dealers next week stage an "Essex Challenge Week, during which Essex the Challenger models will be submitted %o every conceivable test. On this will be found a Ross, age Gartshore adver- ; Haoment giving full particulars and everyone to visit their dis. I ge A on and after Tuesday Na Tes, 1 Wher any of the tests will be 1 is part of a national "Essex Challenge PWeek," in ich every dealer of the vast Hudson Essex organization will take part. The "Challenger" slogan was first conceived when test after test revealed that 1929 Essex, with 76 improvements, was matching much more costly cars on every count, says Mr. Gartshore of the firm of Ross, Ames and Gartshore. In speed, performance, easy riding, fast getaway, quick and cer- tain braking and gasoline consump- tion, the new car so astonished dealers and distributors who had gathered at the factory in Detroit for private showings and demon- strations, that one distributor en- thusiastically remarked that the new Essex could challenge any- thing, Thus the militant title "Es- sex the Challenger" was born, Now, during Essex Challenge Week, the general public will be given an opportunity to judge for itself how well justified is the chal- lenger slogan. Mr, Gartshore even goes go far as to invite suggestions as to which tests the car be sub- jected, If they are within the bounds of reason, he will accept them, he says, for, he asserts, "Hssex the Challenger will do everything the most costly car can do." Essex sales for January estab- lished a new high record for the month, a Detroit dispatch states, and the factory is now on a sched- ule which calls for 37,000 cars in February, another new record, COMPENSATIONS "Nature," said the philosopher, "al- ways makes compensations, If one eye loses Hott the other becomes stronger, one e loges the hearing of one ear Hg 2, er becomes more "THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, Leaders in Hudson Essex 1529 Line EATER Husson § Passenger SPORT SEDAN Swanping beds. body anton 140 ovr aris 6.0: weationd) Challengerlines anges, 140 mprovmnt ps on and Essex DAY, MARCH 1929 form and the thought 1 be in. extricably Aho then ton coln, as an example of his stple and the| also of the place Lincoln has been bY) This is o=2 Nation-wide CHALLENGER WEE Wide Chales of Colors at No | '840 AND F.0.B, Windsor," Taxes Entra Coach,$840;3-Pass. Coupe, $840; Phaeton, $840; Coo with rumble 5; tandard ie fear) " $960; Town Sedan, $1028; Road- ster, $1025; Convertible Coupe, $1080, Sundsrd Equipment Includes: tric gas oil gauge--vadiator lampe--windshield = veay view mirror -- electro. Everywhere in every way ESSEX the Challenger is put to the proof . . .under official newspaper observers In Fast Getaway--no car is excepted. In Speed--anything the road offers up to 70 miles an hour. In Hill Climbing -- the hardest hills in this community -- and in America. In Reliability--60 miles an hour all day. NEW MOVEMENT IN AMERICAN POETRY Twentieth Century's Trend Discussed by Rev. L. Clare Montreal, Mar, 2.--Drawing a dis- tinct line between versification and poetry, Rev, Lawrence Clare lectur- ed on "American Poetry of the Twen- tieth Century," before the Amer- ican Women's Club in the Ladies' Ordinary of the Windsor Hotel re- cently. The lecturer read from a number of modern productions, some of which he pronounced to be true poetry, while others he left to the Judgment of the audience, "Poetry," Mr, Clare remarked at reason why poetry cannot be trans- lated from one language to an- other, Only its thought can be con- veyed by means of another poem, American poets of the nineteenth century, generally speaking, wrote verse and not poetry, thel ecturer asserted. They were really a group of transplanted English minor poets, imitative rather than creative, and their work is practically unheeded by the younger generation. The not- able exception was Walt Whitman, who broke up old forms, and who, the lecturer maintained, was the in- spiration for the vers libre of mod- ern poets, Whitman believed in "thinking out of the American heart, and not imitating what had come out of the English heart." He had succeeded in touching a note that proved universal, From Whitman dated the beginning of real American poetry, Edwin Markham, known widely for "The Man with the Hoe," was a | ess who writes as H, D, in the style given as a national personality, Coming to the twentieth century, Mr, Clare commented on a number of poets of the new movement. Edna St. Vincent Millay writes of mys- tic experiences, Robert - Frost was reminiscent of Wordsworth, in his conservative technique, and simplic- ity and economy of words, and in his choice of subjects of the country- side. Arlington Robinson was re- garded in England as the greatest of the group, The lecturer read in illustration of his more involved style, Arlington's "Ben Jonson en- tertains the man from Stratford," and "Mr, Flood's Party" as an in- terpretation of the loneliness of old age. Vachel Lindsay and Carl Sandburg were among the most ra- dical in form and matter. Edgar Lee Masters, Amy Lowell, the poet- of the imagists with severe economy of words, and Weldon Johnson, the AEC N THIS CITY under official newspaper observation, Essex the Challenger will demonstrate its right to challenge the best that motordom offers. It is dramatic revelation of an all round quality Six--big, fast, roomy, powerful -- now available at the lowest price for which Essex ever sold and but little more than the cost of the smallest, lightest and lowest-priced cars on the market. In Economy--better than 20 miles to the gallon. As you see it out-perform cars costing far more, 'remember that exactly the same performance ability, quality, economy and riding ease are characteristic in the Essex the Challenger which you buy. And in Value--compare it part for part in every quality particular of appearance, finish, comfort and easy riding to those costly cars in which you pay ry higher price for those very things. Watch ESSEX the CHALLENGER e_you're right," said the | the beginning, "is patterned lan-| transitionist, taking the new subject negro poet, were others mentioned. ve always noticed that|guage," and this pattern is the re- matter and treating it in a conser- Johnson's "Go down, Death," being Liisi a man has one leg short the |sult of inspiration, A poem de- vative manner, The lecturer read read as an example of the higher other is longer," mands that the technical vi of Markham's poem on Abraham Lin- type of negro spiritual. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co., Ltd. WHITBY, OSHAWA, BOWMANVILLE AND PORT HOPE Follow the "New Essex" in it's Demonstration of Stability, etc. Starting Tuesday, March 5th, we are prepared to give anyone a free demonstration of the new Essex "Challenger". Below are listed a few of the demonstrations which we are only too pleased sy Ee | i TUESDAY, MARCH 5t to give. Come over to our display rooms on Prince St. We will extend to everyone a hearty welcome, Tests Will be Given in Oshawa on Tuesday Next as Follows :~ HILL CLIMBING We are proud of the ability of the Essex "Challenger" to climb the steep. est hills and anyone wishing to see this HIGH GEAR ENDURANCE BRAKE TESTING With police co-operation a demon- stration of brakes being applied at 30 miles per hour--the distance between She starting And shopping pois tu dp» EASY RIDING DEMONSTRATION and we We invite everyone to ride in this famous Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd Dealers for Hudson-Essex Automobiles Bowmanville and Port Hope for Whitby, Oshawa, > Phone 1160