Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Mar 1929, p. 13

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y flow d pour m the f sume ess of arging would 1g dee ecretly n any friend ess of e your of dise every 1dship, Ss 4 THE USHAWA DAILY 1IMES, SAIUKDAY, MARCH 2, 192v February Honor Roll of | le ils in Ju: 1 ior Grades "Oshawa Public Schools are announced to-day of Ly ry RamInALons inthe y in the Oshawa public list sive the first + 8d in cach class in order mart SIMCOE SCHOOL 4, Il----Annie Gurnichf, Miriam Squires, Kathleen Nash, Douglas Annie Kalynka, Ralph Westcott, Bob Suddard, harlie Hamflton, Grace Holmes, Jimmie Franklin, --G. L. Annand, Teacher, Jr, 11---Thelma Sheriff, Marshall McConkey, Henry Reed, Frank Hooper, Nicholas Sibaluk, Iris Har- vey, Marion Paul, Griffith Ford, Annie Symboluk. Sr. I--Dorothy Saunders. --A, Strickland, Teacher Sr, 1.--Lena Cekulski, Mildred Erant, Teddy Martin, Edwin Olark, Helen Krawes, Julia Kup. Jr. 1-- Polly Szoldra, George Sibulak. Irene Daniels, Leonard Saunders. ---H. Barrie, Teacher. Sr. I.--~John Puhky, Ethel Par- son, David Buchan, Annie Twasnick Joyce King, Ambrase Shestowski, May Fowler, Ina Westington, Mary Rutka, Norman Smyth, . --A. Barrowclough, Teacher. Jr. I=--Ruby Adams, Doreen Ste- wart, Anne Bohoychuk, (Jean Charlton, Bessie Barker, Kathleen Iwasnk, Bobbie Nash, equal); Jack Burdge. Sr. Pr.~Julius Drawez, Freda Cheeseman, : -~M., N. Casselman, Teacher. Pr.~--Morley Rorabeck, Camp- bell Marchant, Leslie Bowers, John Smith, Winona Wakeford, Oresia Lazar, May Newman, Isa Myles, Helen Dalby, Jean Ford. ~Frances E. Shirley, Teacher, Sr. Pr.~--Dorothy Parker, Erma McMurter, Earline Shortt, Junior Vermoen, Frank Sullivan, Rosie Si- bulak, Carman Westlake, Clara Wilkins, Mike Yourkvitch, Royal Zillon, Beatrice Mjnaker. Teacher, OENTRE ST. SCHOOL 8r, 1I--Thelma Fisher, Vivian Holley, Ruth Sparkes, Eira Toase, Marguerite Brant, Audrie Locker, oj exercise Too busy for exercises or games? Don't worry! Learn the simple se- cret, millions know ~--of the exer- clser in the vest-pocket box for a me! Cascarets give your bowels as much exercise as they get from un hour with the punching bag. Oils, salts and ordinary laxatives don't act like Cascarets, These things only produce mechanical or chemical ac- tion, You have to keep taking them because they weaken your bowels, Cascarets strengthen the bowels, Thy are made from Cascara Sag- rads, which stimulates the peris- taltic action and exercises the bows el muscles. Nothing else does this. That's, why Cascarets give lasting relief from those symptoms of slug- gish bowels, such as headaches, bil- iousness, bloating, sallow kin, in- digestion, no appetite, ete. Sales of over 20 million boxes yearly prove their merit, CASCARETS STRENGTHEN THE BOWELS THEY WORK HINGED, YOP WHILE You TIN BOXES SLEEP 'Donald Allentine, Hazel Minard, Ernest Afams, § Ssorye Whitelaw. ivian File, Teacher Sr. Blows McRoberts, Roy Pearse, Eva Collis, Bill McFarlane, Bessie Nelson, Elsie Loveday, Lila Polston, Hazel Bennett, Kat Goodchild, John Badink, F. McEachern, Teacher. Sr, II--Lorraine Froud, Charles Johnson, Vergie Trotter, Ronald Akers, Jr, II--Russel Wilson, Joyce Bip ant, Wilfred Parish, Marion Leig Jessie Newman, Muriel LB ---M, Ramsay, Teacher. Jr, II,--Robert MacKay, Fred Moore, Ian Horton, Bessie Richards Audrey Tryon. Sr, IL---Alleen Ford, Elvin La Londe, H. Hewett, Norma Pearne, Jean Nolan, ---R, Knight, Teacher 8r. I--Nora Patten, Elsie Strom, Frank Ball, Jack Graham, Jean Sparks, Jim Pearce. Jr, I.--Angie Rhea Johnston, Wiltred Duffield, Jean Syyae, Kath- ryn Toaze, ~~K, Macdonald, Teacher, Sr, I.--Hilda Cook, Peggy Mec- Kibbin, Velma Dowson, Douglas MaclInally, Alex Bowen, June Skel- ton, Madgy Groves, Dennis Linton, a I=-Ruby Sutton, Nancy Mur- rall, hleen --=8Stella Ross, Teacher, Pr.--~Phyllis Rorabeck, Phyllis Carroll, Hazel Sanguins, Cecelia Smith, Pauline Darcy, Vera Rich- ards, Donald Douglas, Bly Davis, Joyce Garrett, Peggy McCallum ~--Q. Ramsay, oh WO Pr.--John Stewart, Dorothy El- ston, Roy Bone and Herbert May- nard, equal; Harold Ball, Lois Griffith, Benny Severs, Carl Me- Joy Babcock, ---V. M. Goyne, Teacher, Pr.~--John Hobbs, Edward Kel- lar, Eddie Gregsik, John Richard- son, Edna Loveday, Verna Brant, Olive . Goldsmith, Helen Bukoski, Ronald Cook, William Crumb, ~M. M. McCammon, Teacher, CEDARDALE SCHOOL Sr. II--Class A--Raymond Lloyd Fred Climpson, Elizabeth Farcus, Ernest Wilkins, Helen Zoehodne, Mary Naduck, Class B.--Doris Szewczuk, Gra- ham Clapp, Hilda Dalby, Lillian Sathrang. ~@G. 8. Newman, Teacher. 8r, II,--Patsy La Londe, Pear! Starczewskl. Jr, I.--Jcan MacDonald, Cather- ine Waddington, Stanley Skirrow, Jr, II.--Violet Woodniscky, Betty Curry, Paul Tureske, Ada Lloyd, Margaret Leavitt, ~--M, E. Oke, Teacher, Sr. I---Annie Gulenchyn, Mary Zappio, Everett Jackson, Mary Kushnir, Anna Brewster, Harold Pringle, Stella Zochodne, Annie Scimarseth, Sr. Pr. --Mpyrtle Dobring, Hubert Boorman, ~M, Hancock, Teacher, Pr.--~Annie Wysotski, Willie Wenglarz, Harold, Forshee, Robs rt McKenna, Gordon Stire, Tommy Bingham, Mildred La Londe, Afleen Szidor, Annie Maga, Grace Emmons ---U, Ritson, Teacher. RITSON ROAD SCHOOL Sr. IL.--Pearl Tubb, Lancelot Pugh, Eleanor Mclvers, Kathleen Ranovick, Robert Galbraith, Pearl fEEEEEEN: We Wash Cars POWER GUN EQUIPMENT Man in charge has 9 years' experience EDMUNDS' BATTERY SERVICE Phone 925 Ring St, W. Courtesy Courtesy means kindness, sympathy, a desire to serve, and a willingness to help... Remember the Totem Pole. Oshaw: Lumber Co. xs MPa wages NORTH TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Wor de Quoid and Vernon Bickle, equal; Taylor, Walter Makh, Marie Hewitt, Phyllis Taggart, Elsie Pinch. Sr. 1 Kathleen caster, Charles Cox, Olga Annuick, Annié To pelt, Willie Wells, Oakly Craw- ord. Jr. Il.--Margaret Gravelle, Jack McArter, Delmar Dash, George Obltnaky. Ir. Wmtired Tien ; Teacher, Te 11] Evelyn Steele, Dorothy : Rtakotaine, eard, Helen Hall, Sr, I.--John McPhee, George Crowells, Florence Kennedy, Nora Muir, --M. M, Ford, Teather. Sr. I--Thomas Speirs, Jean Wat- son, Helen Marache, Tom Simok- owski, I. Magill, Duncan McNab, Jennie Yanowski, Irene Piney, Mary Antonyshyn, Doris Stoel, --E, J. Bayne, Teacher. * Jr. 1--Pauline Lite: Andrew McMullen, Gertrude Brown, Marie Markusowski, Sr. Pr.--Donald Johnston, Eddie Krawchuck, Annie Hercla, Mary Chandler. Inter, Pr.--Jimmy Carey, Mar- garet Corbett, --M, G. Kelly, Teacher, Jr, I-----Robert Moon, Mary Zajac, Marjorie Wanamaker, Tom Mit- chell, John Gow, Dorothy Milne, Sr, Pr.--Hilda McQuaid, Helen Siwokowsk!, Lionel Schwartz, Wal- ter Kryzonowski, ~--H, J. Gilroy, Teacher. Pr.--A, Class--Agnes McBride, Edith White," Frank Stookill, Mike Timbell, Margaret White. B, Class--Elizabeth Makh, Irene Lovelock, Kenneth White, Vernon Johnston, Stella Labanovich. ~-Jean B, Hoover, Teacher Pr.--Vincent Reddings, Madeline Jollow, Lloyd Beauprie, Jack Suth- erland, John MacMillan, Jean Rein- koester, Marian Nichols, Audrey Moss, Alice Williams, Ernest White. ~L, G, Forsyth, Teacher, ALBERT STREET SCHOOL Sr, Il--Eileen Orr, Alex Grant, Edith Barnes, John Romanisky, Dorothy Mepham, Irene Anderson, Milford Heard, Tony Romanisky George Adams, Jack McTaggart. -~A, Harston, Teacher. 8r, I.---Margaret Ackerman, Lor- raine McTaggart, John Reynolas, Norma Black, Kenneth McGee. Jr, Il--Dorothy Clark, Charles Keyes, Marjory Graham, Grace Fraser, Isobel Smith, --1, G, Bone, Teacher. Jr, I.--Dorothy Fraser, Allan Gordon, John Deckert, Catharine Smith, Ellen Larogne, John Chap- man, Mike Deckert, Ethel Lee, Luella Gray, Laura Clement. ~--M. Morison, Teacher, Pr. (Int,)~Dorothy Noble, Doug- lag Vann, Betty Clarke, Zelda Code, Victor Scott, John Martin, Elleen Clancy, Betty Graham, Lena Sledge wska, Bobby Calford. =-G, BE. Cornish, Teacher. KING STREET SCHOOL Sr, Il.--Jules Steiner, Keith Krantz, Claude Morey, Sr. II. B~ Dorothy Chapman, Dorothy Haverson, Stirling Grim- mon, Thelma Lowry, argaret Meek, Edith Brooks, Annabclle Baird, ~M, E, Adair, Teacher. 8r, II--Wanda Gamble, Margaret Lockwood, June McKenzie, Jr, J1--Jean Elliott, Gloria Rog- ors, Marie MacAtee, Donald Sand- ord. Sr. L--Douglas Turner, lestyn Thomas, Joyce Marks, ~Th: ima Gilders. Teacher. Sr. 1.--Doris Bone, Vernon Shaw, Lily Dumigan, Hilda Devenish, I--Vernon Wright, Jean Nellie Haverson, Jenice Pr. --George Lean, Catherine Boanes, ~--D, A, Barrowclough, Teacher. Sr, Pr.--Drew Jacobi, Robert Brown, Hugh Mcintyre, Reginald McGahey, Garfield Peters, Carlotta Peters, Gordon Ball, Ross Ed- munds, Irene Ianson, Douglas Flin- toff, Irene Mitchell, Teacher, NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL Sr, II A.--Albert La Brash, Lyle Pepino, Maxie Yourth, Patsy Taber, Norma Dunford, Ella Cowie, Sr. 11. B.--Vera Argument, Tom- my Wynn, Orven York, Keith Ross, ---R, Hills, Teacher, Jr. 11--Marguerite Bradley, Hen- rietta Savage, Mary McNaul, Sr, IL.--Bertram Williams, Teddy Miller, Florence Watts, Billie Sut- ton and Audrey Morphy, equal; John Macdonald, Barbara Hartley. ~L, Cordick, Teacher. Jr. I1.-- Harold Fowler, Jack Chapman, Bobby Dafoe, Sr, 1.--Grant McKettrick, Verna Statham, Douglas Hall, Ruth Ree- son, my Wacy, John Ward snd Dolly Cor io, equal. y ~E, M. Johnston, Teacher. Jr. 1L--Arnold McEachern, Sr, L--Barbara Morphy, George Nugent, Irene Rutherford, Miller | Alloway, Lois Knight and Alfred Brisebois, equal; Moira Graham and Irene Corben, equal; Gordon Hare, ~--H, G, Batty, Teacher. Jr I--Stuart Jacobs, Edna Cole. Pr.--William Richardson, Ralph Jones, Gladys Martyn, Neil Suther- land, Donald MacDonald, Bods Cole Gordon Boultbee, Elety --Sadie Fox, Teacher. Jr. L--Ruth Prusky, George Tresise, Sr, Pr.--Margaret Brown, Elizs- beth Morphy, Addison Argument, Doreen Cucknell, Stewart McTavish Orma Skinner, Muriel Frazer and Tommy Toyit. 50 ~F, ge Sartor, Teacher. MARY STREET SCHOOL Sr. IL.--Mac Watkinson, Doris Crowe, Billy Kelly and Gordon Young, equsl; Robert Hendrie, Ar- thur Cary, Jean Hopkins and Ray- mond Stevenson, equal; Fern Wil- son, C. Lethbridge, Teacher. Sr. I Glande Ward, Norman MeBrien, Margaret Bone, George Sameron, Owen Roser and Joyee , equal; Glenn B Bos IL--Jack Palmer, Taylor, Derrick Hopkins. , Marion Norris, Omar, Vernon Ellicott, Mary Finley, Rita Allan Pr.--Beatrice McLean, Betty Compston, Joe Avgiows, --H. M. Keddie Teacher. "Pr. --1Irene Ward, Graydon Mor- ey, Mary Turnbull, Wilma Chap- map, Gordon Crawford, Raymond Carr, May Hood, Hilda, Hawkshaw, Olive Hawkshaw, Billie McLean. =~G. C. Hamley, Teacher. I Above all else You Need Sani-Bilt's MOTHPROOF Protection --Get it right NOW at Special Sale Prices Visit the Sani-Bilt Dealer near you and see the 1. Newest designs. % Colorful 1929 Coverings. Ask to see the suite shown bere. With the Sani-Bilt Guarantee Tag youhold an INSURANCE POLICY with a face value equal to the pur- chase price of your suite. LIVING ANISBIL | Guaranteed Mothproof NOW! | while the special furniture sales are on, is the time to act. A Complete Range of Synder's Sani-Bilt Products Will be demonstrated and sold all next week a reduced prices Ranging from $1 59 to $295 Don't Fail to See oad Window Demonstration Luke Furniture Company Dealers in Oshawa for Sani-Bilt Products 63 King St. E. Phone 78-79

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