Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Mar 1929, p. 6

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} getting comma, TENET Y 4 u t SN Ne 'omen's The 'Women's Corner For. Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper All cakes may be divided into two groups, those made with fat and those without, The following is the standard basic method which may be used for mixing all cakes containing fat, whatever the recipe used or the final appearance of the cake is to be, The aim in making a cake with fats is to produce, through a per fect combination of ingredients, a product of feathery lightness and {ine, evensgrained, soft texture, Since the mixing and the baking of a cake should be a continuous pro cess, the preliminary work should all be done before you begin meas suring and mixing, First assemble the utensils and ingredients, Cut wax paper to fit the pan, grease or oll it with a salt-free fat (salty {at will cause the cake to stick); aust with flour, hitting the pan sharp- ly to remove excess flour, With all the ingredients assemb- led you are ready to begin work, The cake, which we are going to make required 1-2 cup shortening, 1 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 2-3 cup milk, 1-4 teaspoon salt, 2 cups pastry flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder and 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, All mat- erials used for cake making should "be of the very best quality, Suit. able utensils are also ry for uniform results, Standard measur. 'ing cups holding 16 tablespoons and a set of measuring spoons should «be part of your equipment, The 'measuring of a part of a cupful of fat may be simplified by filling the extra space in the cup first with water (if the recipe callse for 3-4 cup of fat, fill the cup 1-4 full of water,) then adding the fat until the water is level with the top ot the cup you will have the desired amount of fat, The cup may now be used for measuring the liquid, Since flour packs very readily, gift it before measuring to insure ! accuracy, An easy way Is to use large pieces of wax paper to sift it on, Sift the flour, measure, add the other dry ingredients and sift again three times to be sure they are ail well blended, Cream shortening until it is soft and wax, add the su- gar a tablespoon at a time, beating well after each addition, After it Is mixed until light and fluffy, push to one side; then add the egg yolks, and beat until thick, o achieve a cake of fine, soft texture the ingredients must be thoroughly blended at each step, Add the vanilla to the milk, then add the flour and milk alternately on the sugar-and-fat mixture, mix- ing well after each addition. Beat well for a few minutes, after all the ingredients except the egg whites have been combined then fold in the egg whites, A rubber plate-scraper: is use- ful in cake-making; with it you can remove the last'drop of batter from the bowl, A large cake must be baked more slowly than a layer cake. If the | oven is too hot, a erust will form over the top before the cake has had time to rise fully, then as it continues to rise it will break across the top. 350 degrees Fahrenheit is the correct temperature for baking loaf cakes and the time required 45 to 60 minutes, The temperature for layer cakes is higher, 375 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes, A cake Is done when in shrinks from the side of the pan; when a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean; and when the cake is not indented in the centre when pressed lightly with the fin- gers, . + When the cake is taken from the oven place it on a wire rack so that no moisture collects under- neath it while it is cooling. Re- move the pan and the paper at once, and let the cake hecome cold before frosting, If the cake is iced while hot it is likely to melt and absorb part of the frosting, Cover the cake generously with your favorite cooked or uncooked frosting and decorate with nuts or cherries and angelica, A favorite cake with the house- wives is the plain Butter Cake, for which the recipe is as follows, 1-4 cup butter, 1-2 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1-2 cup milk, 1 1-2 eups flour, 3 teaspoons baking powder, 1-2 teaspoon vanilla, Follow the above description of cake-making, creaming the butter first adding sugar gradvally and the egg, Add the milk alternately with the flour and baking powder, which have been mixed and sifted. Add vanilla and beat thoroughly. Rake in a loaf in a moderate (350 degrees) oven, for 35 minutes, WOULD NOT ALLOW HAIRCUT IN COURT Vancouver, B, C,, Feb, 29,-- An- nouncing that he would not allow his court to be turned into a barber shop or constitute himself of "pro- fessor of the tonsorial art" Judge J. N. Ellis in County Court, Wed- nesday, refused a practical demon- _ stration by Allan Arnold of his ability to shave and cut hair, Arnold's appeal from a faflure to pass a test by the board of ex- aminers in barbering was allowed with cost by his honor after he stated that the questions submitted to the applicant were entirely out- " side the scope of the Barbers' Act, The Judge pointed out that the board apparently was unwilling to act on his suggestion that Arnold should be given another chance at a second examination, and thus ob- viate the necessity of the County Court demonstration. A sketch in a theatrical weekly calls the subject an *"'expert lion tamer." We don't suppose there is anything in which mediocrity shows up quicker than in lion taming. -- Detroit News. , To Launch New Canal Freighter in Winter Midland, Ont.,, Mar, 1. -- The new canal freighter built at the Midland shipbuilding yards will be launched in mid-winter, A space about 100 by 300 feet has been cleared in front of the yards by the tug Strathbogie, the ice be- ing over 14 Inches thick and into this area theFernie, the lategt ad- ditional bottle of champagne will be broken on the bows by Miss Margaret Craig. LEARNING I walked a mile with Pleasure; She chatted all the way, But left me none the wiser For all she had to say. I walked a mile with Sorrow, And pe'er a word said she, But, oh, the things I learned from her, h When Sorrow walked with me, We dofi't care if the Spanish reb- els take Valencia, as long as they don't sing it.--American Lumber- man, Mothers! Buy Now! share is 500 bats, styles attractively trimmed SWISS HEMP AJOUR 500 CHILDRENS' SPRING HATS 7 9... Canada's largest manufacturer has sold us his complete stock of children's hats--in all 5,000--and Oshawa's While They Last Later in the season we will be too busy to sell children's hats. We are offering them now-----early in the season at a ridiculous price that will insure their immediate sale. In the lot are smart off the face and trim little brimmed in every seasomable color, Hundreds of smart new styles to suit misses from 4 to 12 years, The materials include PATENT MILAN BRAID RAILROAD MANY NOVELTY STRAWS Come early and buy two or three hats for the price of one. MARRIED 57 YEARS AGO Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Patte, Ontario street, who were married 57 years ago on February 29, Mr, Patte is also celebrating his 78th birthday oday, elpful ints For arassed ousewives A raw potato cut in half will clean marks off black material, A black serge garment can he made absolutely spotless and as new if washed in potato water, LJ * LJ The objectionable sputtering and flying of hot fat when eggs are dropped into it may be prevented if a little flour is sifted into the fat just before they are added. : LJ \4 Ld Oil paintings seem to catch more dirt than any other painting, proh- ably because they are hung where the dust is most likely to gather. They should never be washed to remove the dirt. Wipe over them with a sponge wrung ont tightly, first in tepid soapy i9ater (for which use a mild toilet soap) and then in clear water. wipe and polish carefully with a soft silk rag. Another and quite safe way of cleaning them is to rub over the surface with a slice of raw potato, removing the soiled part or renew- ing the potato as frequently as nec- essarys After cleaning, the picture should be left uncovered in a mild temperature. » w " Remember how Granama aways said that there is nothing better to cure a cold than onions, and lots of them? There. is a very effective cure for coughs which may be made with onions, Slice one large onion and cover with raw sugar, Leave about twelve hours; strain off syrup and give child one tea- spoon three times a day and before retiring, Sardines are not usually consid- ered a very dainty dish but they May be made into delicious salads. Use one large can sardines, mince three stalks of celery, few small pickles, six stuffed olives, one- half a green pepper, dash of cay- enne and salt a little if needed. Mix all together with one-half a cup of mayonaisse, Place on let- tuce leaves and place fish whole or broken, in pieces on top. Top off with another dash of mayonaisse and with a sprinkle of paprika. This salad is very mice with hot corn cakes for luncheon. A -Big Range of Dresses at $9.75 See Our "ine Adding a slice or two of lemon to a cup of tea is a Russian fash- fon often followed n this coun- try, This makes a delightful cup of tea for afternoon in preference to the eream and sugar addition, * Instead of serving heavy cream with canned figs, squeeze lemon juice over them and add a dash of ginger, Septuagenarian Dies After Leaving Bride Londen, Mar. 1.------A septuagen- arian guardian's marriage and parts ing 26-year-old bride five days before his death has heen disclosed, He was Charles Hagon (74) a re- tired Leicester journalist and a member of Leicester Board of Guardians, Mrs. Hagon who declared that ishe 'was applying for an exhuma- tion order, said she met her hus- band in June at North Evington in- firmary, which he visited as a guar- dian. When he first suggested mar- riage she ridiculed the idea because ef the disparity in age, After the ceremony at the Ieicestr Register Office they quarrelled. exchanged hot words, and he went away she wrote to him, but got no reply to her letter. A second letter was de- livered by hand, but he was too ill and did not receive it. H, G. Hagon, a son said he was witness at the ceremony, but had not seen Mrs, Hagon since, The day after the marriage his father returned home distressed." H> said that Mrs. Hagon left him at the railway station but did not return. He became ill and died a few days later. "HELPED NE WONDERFULLY" Woman Strengthened by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound " Port Colborne, Ont.--*After havi an operation, I was very mi ig - « Social and Personal - - The Times invites the co-operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or telephone 35. Mrs, A, McPhall of North Osh- awa is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, Stanley McRae, Toronto, . LJ] Mrs, William Colliver of Wel- lington is visiting friends in the city and in Toronto, x x Mrs, Dorothy Wright of Wel- lington East' has been visiting friends in Port Perry and in the city, . » LJ Mrs, H, H, Henchall and Mrs. Reeves, both of Walkerville are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, H, A. Brown, King street east, for a few days. i LJ] » * Miss Bernadette Blanchette of London, Ontario, is spending the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Austin Powless, 303 Richmond street east, * LJ . Mr, Russel Kerr of Vancouver was in the city recently on a busi- ness trip to General Motors, Mr, Kerr returned to Vancouver Tues- day after visiting friends in Picton, . LJ] . Mrs, James 'S. "raser, - Simcoe street north, is sips1ding a few days in Detroit, the guest of Mr. and Mrs, Well, formerly of this city. Mr. and Mr, erbert Thompson of Croften were enteriained at a farewell party on Monday evening of this week, prior to their leaving Crofton to make their home in the city, . * LJ] Mr, and Mrs, W, E. Phillips, Park road north, leave the city to- day for New York, where théy will sail on the French liner "Ile de France" for a two and a half month visit abroad, LJ Ld The following pupils of Miss Bambridge were succssful at the recent examinations held at the Toronto Conservatory of Music: junior history, Frances Russel, first class honors; Doreen Bligdon, first class honors and Doris Sal- ter, first class honors, . LJ . The annual euchre of the Cedar- dale Home and School Association was held last evening at the home of Mrs, Frank Robson, Simcoe street south. There were nineteen tables in play, Tne ladies' prizes were won by Mrs, Weeks (first), Mrs, Branton (second) and Mrs, Hudson (consolation), Messrs E. Wilson, Fariey and Bryan won the gentlemen's first, second and con- solation prizes, respectively, Re- freshments were served by a num- ber of the members of the club. Following the games dancing was enjoyed for a few hours, It was decided, during the evening, to hold the regular meeting of the Association at the school on Mon. day evening, Weddings MURRAY-JACKSON A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Saturday, February 23, at 4.30 o'clock, when Lydia Alice, eldest daughter of Councillor Ed- mund Jackson and Mrs, Jackson, Cedardale, Oshawa, and Grant Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Murray of Tweed, Ontario, were united in marriage by Rev, G, W, Irvine, pastor of Cedardale Unit. ed church, The bride was lovely in a frock of Dixie blue with hat to match, She was aftended by her sister, Miss Beth Jackson, who was also dressed in a blue frock. The groom was assisted by Mr, Wil- liam Jackson, brother of the bride. After the ceremony Mr, and Mrs. Murray left on a short honeymoon and on their return will make their home in Oshawa, Numerous gifts received, including presentations from fellow employees testified to the high esteem in wkhich the bide an@ groom are held by their friends, WOMEN'S MEETINGS ROYAL TEMPLARS OF TEMPERANCE MEET A carpet ball tourcament feat- ured the social evening of Oshawa Council No, 58, Royal Templars of Temperahce, heid in the 8S, 0, E Hall last night, there being about 50 members and friends present. "A" team, captained by Mrs, J. Massey, won the tournament with 575 points, while *B' team, cap- tained by Mrs, J, Comrie, scored If you can be convinced one trial will do it 'Fresh from the gardens STITT 500. Singing and other games pro- vided amusement for the remain- der of the evening, and refresh- ments were served, REGULAR MEETING OF THE PYTHIAN SISTERS HELD Ontario Temple No. 1, Pythian Sisters, held their regular meet- ing last night with Sister Iva Cliff, M.B.C,, convening the meeting, The degree, under the leadership of Sister Mabel Cunningham, de- gree captain, was exemplitied and three new members were initiated into the order, Sister Clift donated a pair of beautifully embroivered pillow cases, and Sister Burk held the winning ticket, After the meeting refreshments were served by Sisters Northey, 8r,, Biddle, Schwartz, Cunning- ham, Larke, Thompson, Radway, McCabe and Cunningham, Sr, Liberal Women Will Meet On April 23-24 Toronto, March 1.--Ontario Lib- eral Women's association annual meeting will be held in London April 23-24, This was decided at a meeting of the executive recently when the tentative program includ- ing banquet the evening of the first day and an open meeting the se- cond was arranged, Miss Gertrude Rankin, Stratford, president, was in the chair, and at noon Hon. W, E. N, Sinclair addressed the ladies, Mrs. C. BE, Tolmie, Sarnia, reported on tariff; Mrs, FF, Dewar, Milton, on immigration, It was decided to make a study of maternal and infant mortality conditions, and Mrs. Johnson was appointed convenor of the depart- ment, Greetings were sent to the Ottawa-St. Lawrence district meet- ing in session in Ottawa. Among those from outside points who attended the meeting were: Mmes. T. Brown, M. E. Gowland, Molton; F. 8. Greenwood, St. Cath- I nee arines; W, A, Buchner, Angus Mec- Lean, London; F, H, McDonald, A, Belanger, Ottawa; R, G. Esson, Stratford; 'Guelph; James Wimster, H, J, Charles, Aur- ora; W, H, Shaw, H, Ratcliffe, Mis. ses E, Sangster Stouffville, Mrs, R, A, Starr, New- market, : George M, Gollan, Sutherland, Bartonville; and Barinsky, ROUND THE CORNER If bad luck seems to follow you And haunt you, day by day, Till you're very nearly beaten, And you feel like giving way; There is only one thing helps you; To keep just plodding on Till you turn around a corner, And find the shadow's gone. For there's bound to be a turning In the very longest lane, And you've 'only got to find fit, When your luck will change again So don't turn back disheartened, And own that you are beat; For there's good luck waiting for you Round the corner of the street, If You Take Cold Easily You Are Vitamin-starved-- Take SCOTT'S EMULSION It Protects The Body with Cod- liver Oil u Vitamins Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont, 8-28 ~SpRING [MODES ARRIVE On, Polis' Doar Loose Your weve, On- CoM Hold Fast- I THE KITE. PVLLED Dolly, BoBpif, Con [AND RoBPIE RIGHT off THEIR freT™ ANP Oven THE MovnNTAINS © 102, King Pastures Syndicate, Inc, Const Briain tights swerved. 4 Say, Bump" Rope SAID, ALL LET Eo AT ONCE WHE ---------- TT -- x -- -- ty "WNC Sa

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