Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Feb 1929, p. 8

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| NSS 3 8 st} een wae ath City ta the on, ade hile ttle Ame wd, Col ling y in hen y a nce, rke on ran ver son Sma a mt an ly shove times ftraine My,» tiwes shown an FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1929 * Easy-to-Find *' RADIO P Tonight's Best Features 10.00 aon, NBC System (WJZ)=Dr. Cope: olumbia Network: Ida Bailey Allen; 10.45 NBC System HAE nm GRC 1.00 nN System (Ceatral)=-Farm and 8.30 WGN Chicago, W. to WRC, WJ, 5 a 100 NBC System Jost Rey Band 4 W. F W Cinci, Little Jack Little, 0 Whe System (WEAF)--Auction' Bridge 245 WAAQ Chicago. Garden Club. Wednesday's Features 8.00 NBC EAF)--Sunkist Serenaders. Kiltie Band. 9 MIS Eo i ariiage of Figaro" oy Columbia: La Pal Smoker--Oscar 8 10.00 WLW Cincl, © Adventures--"All Baba and the As Symphony orchestra H 0! 10.30 MBE (WEAR Gold. Stran Greleatra Glee ¥ OC Concertina LOWE Atlanta Oglethorpe U Cu Deaver, "A Shalimar of Tndia." Wednesday Programs 5.50 NBC System: Bill 4nd Jane to WEAF, WLW (428)~Cinci. Markets; Glad girls 5.45 wash (389)--Chicago. Organ; ire cert rchestra. S, Waldorf Astoria Music 6.00 NBC Stems oe AR to W Wi AL h-Sendm Circle, wey ox) encctady. Markets; est! Gi Hm, rr, ort : @9=Cinct, Dinner Musle wiv ¢ )--Richmond, Sport Talk; Trio. A (357)~Toronto, Musical program 030 CRC od Chicage, Uncle. Bob. Bitte Piangs music, o mo! inner orches. whi" a ariod ae gone, . Hamp's o 200 EPRA (06)--Pitts, Address; or. WADE FE mt ical program. {J Phila, WEAF (492)--~Kansas City. Trianen ea- bl WEAF (4%4.9)---New York. Synagogue Services, TIME TABLES CPR. TIME TABLE, oJ, JR, ts Show BM on Going West 5.48 a.m. Daily, 6.23 a.m. N ] am. except Sumdny, £34 om. Daily sxcept Sunday, 7p. 8.08 om Daily except i 11.10 p.m. Daily, a.m Dail wa Station. € N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jun, 6, 1029 asst Sunday, 8.58 i neers Sunday: 54 except Sunday. 1.39 except Saturday, 12.09 us 'Westbound except Sunday, except Sunday, except Sunday, only, except Sunday, except Sunday, Be 1: ¥ fo 2 8 § ITA BEERRERERRBEREYS § seesceenattaceey seat FEREI EE gE s¢ SE ¥ iP EE i | 2 SES: BERRBRRERERER kEeteEsEER: g P i fit lh geese RRRRRRREREIES f i EEsubpesebieee FEEERRERRREES 3343944439345 111111111131 ® a I 1 $3493 i 4 (HE i 1 | Hp BEBE E: ti i Soreshe TREERES ExoenE SREEED PREREE § i i Bee we] WE | 1111313 fies ew ROGRAM VE fostate Sur Sei ¥ ncle Wi WIP (492)~Phila.* ip. i U, of Cincinnati 2.15 WLW (428)--Cinei, Jack Little; Orches, 730 NRW a Wine Dies ramets NBC System: La Touraine Concert to WEAF, WGR, WT. WWJ WCAE, W Si Wks Ww. Wak * WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, U. of Ro- chest A \ hk, York, Talk by Juno. 9.48 NBC System: "Washi Politics" ! ® Roy a WBA WLW, . 800 CFCA {57 ="toronto, Imperial Hour, NBC System: Sunkist Serenaders to WEAF, WRC, CAE, KS OC, hte) WTAG, WWJ, WLIT, WGK, WGY .5)--Schenectady. G. . Nae tem: ' Mobiloil RIN ps WIZ, WBZ, WBAL, WHAM, KDEKA, Whkir ok: Eves, Wein KPA WOAL" Wt i : Columbia Network: A WCAU, WCCO, wr. WMAQ, WEAN, WFBL, KMOX, WRVA' (270)--Richmond. Studio ~fea- ture; et. NBC System: Intimate Musicale to WEAF, H, WLIT,' WRC, WCAE, KSb, WOC, wWwr, KOA (31)--Denver, Brown Palace or- chestra. hap (875)~Ft. Worth, Sunflower irl, + WCCO (370) = Minneapolis-St, Paul. Musical program, NBC System: Sylvania Foresters to WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, KWK, KYW, WIR, WBAL, WHAM, WREN, WLS '(M45)--Chicago, Kiltie Band, boa Wag min Opera, "Marria of Figaro" to WOR NAC, WSPD, KOIL, WLBW, WIAs WC WADC, WMAQ, WEAN, W WMAK, WMAL, KMOX. WCAO, WKRC, WGHP, WGL, KMBC, WHK 9.00 CFCA (357)=Toronto, Shea's Hippo- Vee s t m Shavers to stem : WEAF, WEEL WTIC, WGR, WGY, WTAG, WCSH, WR WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WGN, M7, WJAR, WOC, RSD, WOW, WDAF, WBAP, KPRC, WOAI, WHAS, WSM, WSB, WEI KOA, kvoo, XSTP. ' ory stem: r08, " WBAL, KYW, Wik, Wiz WBZA, KA, KWK, WEREN, WLW (428)--Cinci, Franklin ensemble. WRVA (270)=Richmond. Variety pro- gram, WFLA (388)~Clearwater. Open House, bio Bitar, Maytag Radio- ette, NBC System: Palmolive Hour WEAF, | WEEL WTIC WTAG, WOC, KSTP, WRC, WCAE, WTAN, WWI, WON, WIM], KSD, WGY, WOW, WDAF, KVOO, WLIT, WHAS, W§M, WSB, WBT, WIAX, WMC, WHAM ,(258.5)--Rochester, "On Wings f A NBC ystems Cabin Door to WIZ, KDKA, W Sweethearts to BW, WCAO, WA! WOWO, Wi WSED," WLBW, W. KOIL, WPG' (272)--Atlantic City, Entertain. ers, 10.00 WBAL (288)--Baltimore. The Mary. landers. WCAH _ (209, lumbus, Dance Mara thon; Hawalians, WHAM (258,5)~Rochester. News. 492)--Phils,. Adelphia orchestra, wiw' (428)~Cinei. reat Adventures. Organ; | Collegiate Chatter At the Monday morning assemb- ly, Mr. Eugene Durant, business manager of the Collegiate Staff players, presented the prizes to the winners of the staff play ticket sell- ing contest. Miss Ida Volleau of 2C won the indivdual prize for selling the most tickets, Miss Volleau sold twenty tickets and for her efforts receivea a book which Mr. Durant explain- ed had been fittingly chosen for the winner. The second prize, a five pound box of chocolates for the form sel- ling the largest number of tickets, went to 3A. Miss Betty Wilson ac- cepted the reward on behalf of her form. Now that the basketball 'season has pasesd, work has been begun on the program of the annual gymn display which will be held in about a month's time. Miss Dryden girls' instructress in physical training has had her classes turning somersaults, head- stands, etc., at the practices this week for the girls' tumbling exhi- ADC, | bition which wa a feature stunt last year, The boys have been receiving some coaching along these lines as well from Mr, Patterson. Some ex- cellent talent has been brought to light from among the boys of the school. You should see Frankie Andison 1st form '38 1-2 footer" show the elongated members from 5th form how to do a flip. Keep the coming gymn display in mind and you will have an opportunity to do so, and that is saying nothing of a multitude of other interesting numbers, In last week's column an error was made concerning the paintings purchased for the school from Mr, Geo. Chavignaud. The picture pre- sented to the school by the Board of Education 18 expronly for the . achael library and thus will not be ung in the corridor as is the one bought by the students gouncil, The officers training corps in connection with O, C. I. School ca- dets is now under way. The pur- pose of this course in officer train- ing is to educate the boys to fill officers and non-commissioned of- ficers positions in the cadet corps. The inspection of which comes this year early in May. To date the nom- inal roll shows a total of 250 names which will constitute an excellent corps. More of the new uniforms purchased last year are to be ord- ered thus there will be two crack squads instead of one, Cadet in- structor Mr, C, 8. Patterson has been supervising the weekly shoot- ing trials, the winners of which will be announced in the near future, For the second time since its do- nation in 1921 the J. H. Jury shield for Bowmanville, Oshawa and Whit- by Interscholastic debating has come to the O.C.I. with the topic "Resolved that motion pictures have more influence on the public of North America than the daily press or periodicals" in guestion, Miss Marie Volleau and Mr, Albert Glass of the O.C.I, upholding the negative side of the argument were successful in convincing the Bow- manville judges that their subject was more in truth than that of the Whitby team composed of Miss Ruth Taylor and Mr. Orville Rob- ertson, Mr, J, H. Jury presented the shield to the winning team immed- iately after the decision was an- nounced, : At the Friday morning assembly Mr. C. M. Ewing, who has coached both bebating teams this year pre- sented the shield to the four deba- ters, Miss Dorothy Crothers and Mr. George Campbell who won last month from Bowmnranville and Miss Marie Volleau and Mr. Albert Glass the winners of Thursday even- ings debate, It is a great honour to have this shield in the school and praise is due to the students who are responsible for bringing this honour to the school. Mr. Durant has made known the fact that the proceeds of the staff players production last week ex- ceeded all expectations, Expenses have all been cleared and the bal- ance is more than sufficient to pay far new curtains which alone mean an expenditure of $500 dollars, Any surplus will of course go to further stage improvements, MAIL SERVICE IN N.S. AND N.B. COMES UNDER DISCUSSION Portland, Me., Feb, 26.--An am- endment to the White-Jones Mer- chant Marine Act of 1928, author- izing the Post Office department of the United States to make contracts under the act for ships. carrying mails between that country and the Province of New Brunswick has been introduced in the house by Representative Wallace White, of Maine, who, however, has little hope of any action thig year, since the end-of-the-session jam was al- ready on at the time of his motion. The Post Office department is not in favor of the amendment, since the purpose of the act is to build up overseas trade through the provision of generous long-term contracts, and because mails be- tween Canada and the United States, which, with the exception of mails for Nova Scotia, are ex- cluded from the benefits of the act, may be carried more quickly by train, The Eastern Steamship Lines, which propose building two fash boats for service between New Yor and Portland and Boston and New Brunswick, claim that only long- term majl-carrying contracts such as are provided for in the act, will Do YouOwn Your Own "LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Hstate Insurance avd Loans. Pnone 8254 11 King St. East, Oshawa SEE DISNEY REAL ESTATE Specially priced «$4,500 $100 cash payment. Bale ance as rent, New 6 room make the building of these ships possible. The provision that ships plying between Nova Scotia and the United States come under the terms of the act was included last year in the shape of an amendment by Mr, White, : . OFFER COPPER AND ZINC FOR GOLD IS CROWN'S CHARGE Cobalt, Feb, 26.--A canvass bag containing 18 pounds, avoirdupois weight, of copper and zinc chips, will be the principal exhibit for the Crown when charges of attempting to obtain money by false pretenses are preferred against Pete Dia- mond and Jim Shubbe, who are so appear before Magistrate Fortier in , Sturgeon Fall's Police Court Shubbe and Diamond, who both Central, All con veniences. Phone 1550 for appointment, glve their home address as Toron- to, re arrested at Verner a week ago, and are held in North Bay District jail on nominal charges of vagrancy, while the police have been investigating their alleged connec- tion with a discovery in a stable behind a Verner hotel of a bag of supposed at first to contain gold, but whose contents mow prove to be baser metals, The value of the chips at pres- ent market price is just over $2. and the Crown alleges the men tried to dispose of the stuff to a Verrer man for $1,200, asserting that it was pure gold. So much like gold did it appear that a jew- eler in Sturgeon Falls pronounced it to be that metal, But analysis at the Timiskaming testing labora- tory here showed it to be about 51 per cent, copper, and the rest zine. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W, Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 AR, THESE J.C.YOUNG 4% Prince S Oshawa, ony. - -------- FOR SALE _ $3,300 buys » roomed brick dwells ing on lot 85 x 134 ft, trim and furnace, Wired for stove, Can be completed for $700 Garage suitable for work shop, 16 x 14 ft, with addition 7 x 14 ft, formerly used as dwelling, Centrale ly located, A bargain! J. H. R, LUKE Phone 871-687W King St, | TE ELLA CINDERS--In Other Words, No! A) rd \ A POV nr m---- By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb 4 i Columbia Network: Kolster Hour WADC, WOWO, KM WCAO, "WEAN, 10.15 WRVA (270)--Richmond. chestra, i WrG 272)--Atlantic City, M ance estras, 10.30 NBC System: Gold Strand Orchestra to F, WCAE, WGY, WEEI, WLIT, WHE. Woe, WGR, WOW, 'WTAM, WT WSM, WSB, WRC, WW], _KSD WBT, WHAS Cran * KPRC, WMAQ, wou wo bO%, WIA re Cinct, Fillraorss Band. WeAH (209)--Columbus, Cyncopstion NBC 'System: Vallee's Orchestra to EAL, KSD, WCAE, WKY, Ww], WGR (545)--Buffalo. Statler orchestrs, WIP oo Philer Warren's orchestra, ae (400)--Detroit. _Frolickers, WLW _(428)~Cinci. inging School. NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, WHAM, W. WHAS, WBZ. WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Dance or- chestra, Wi 300)--Davenport. Concertina band 11.08 Wedo GIy tps St. Paul, Eric) BRINGING UP FATHER-- THE TIME LIMIT mom WELL "TRACY: THAT MM I MUST BE ON MY WAY: Li. DROP IN AN SER YOU AGIN- VERY SOON" LWUZ JUST UP TO THE HOSPITAL TO 3, 11.15 WRVA 20 Fbmond. Organ, 11.30 KMOX & Louis, Wylie's or- chestra, WCAH (209)--Columbus, Serenaders. 11.45 KOA (361)--Denver. "A Shalimar of a, WSB _(405)--Atlants, Oglethorpe U. ub, Fiorito's orches, B--Cicaiens "Wiliams, Wy- hestra. 78 C6005 Deteols. Organ; Dance mu- 'WN DISLOCATES JAW ya or OTTAWA SALESMAN Ottawa, Feb, 26,--""Almost time to get up," thought George Char- bonensu, aged 26 years, 426 Queen Street, Ottawa. He stretched his arms snd yawned, the most prodig- fous yawn he had ever yawned, for it dislocated his jaw. With his mouth hanging open he attempted to tell his family something was wrong, His father hastily called or. Alfred E. Kuntz, who administered an anaesthetic and brought the Jaw back to its rightful place. George, who is s well-known sutomobile salesman in Ottawa, spent the rest of the day in bed. * Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELER Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South g¢ your Watch is not giving sstisfaction we can repair snd make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN Official Watch inspector for Canadian Nations] snd Oshawa RBafiroads, 10 King St. W, Phone 180 JAAN V ~~ oli ", OM A BOOK I WHICH LAY A FLAT UNDERNEATH THE BOOK LAY A PHOTO- GRAPHIC PLATE IM A HOLDER. ON DEVELOPING THIS PLATE SOME TIME LATER HE DISCOVERED AN IMAGE OF THE KEY ON THE PLATE. FOLLOWING UP THIS DISCOVERY GAVE T0 US, X-RAYS ©1919, King Festus Syniiosts, foc, Grrst Britale rights reserved. L WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THE DOCTOR MIGHT FIND SOME GOOD MORN! MRS. TONES ~YoudE NS QUITE 2 <2 W. + Osha B.A. ©. CON/ Solicif fam. © FRA} . Soliei ancer new Office W. >of Co "JOSE rister, ) ed eR | PEE[ JEiEed, [PERRI PISEERRIEEEIY

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