Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Feb 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 PAGE FIVE = SERVICES King Street Church SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 24th THE MINISTER, REV. C. E. CRAGG, WILL PREACH BOTH SERVICES 11 am~--"THE CHURCH'S SUPREME NEED" 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. A cordial invitation is given everyone to attend. A class to suit every age. 6.45--Song Service 7 pm.--"THE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH" EE ---- p< | SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE GH Ane Mo A. Per sa Hr . Dr " of The Orpheus Male Anniversary Music -- Morning Service Anthem--ROCK OF AGES Bowles, Solo--~HEAR MY ORY, By Mr. Arthur Davies, Solo---BEHOLD GOD IS MIGHTY. Mr, Arthur Fisher, fred Wooler. EVENING SERVICE Anthem WAITED FOR THE LORD, Mendelssohn, The duet anthem wiil be sang by Mrs, E. F, Farrow, Solo--SUN OF MY SOUL, Mr. Arthur Fisher, Duet--~-WATCHMAN NIGHT? By Sargeant. Fisher and Mr, Arthur endon McClure, Duet---80 THOU LIFTEST PETITION John Stainer. Myr. Arthur Davies, WHAT Solo--LIFT UP YOUR HEADS. By J. Clar Mr. Arthur Davies, From the Crucifixion, Mr. Arthur Fisher and Quartette ARTHUR DAVIES, well-known young Tenor, whose voice of silvery sweetness and beauty has enraptured audiences through. out the country, WILLIAM FISHER Tenor,,' being the pos- sessor of a voice of beautiful quality, Alfred Wooler, By Al makes him ganization, By portion of the Mrs. Dunn, and "a hit. By Carey. OF THE Mr. Arthur Davies, ette, duction, THY DIVINE By equalled only ee] MONDAY EVENING February 25-8 p.m. Orpheus Male Quartette Recognized as Calida Premier Singing and tertaining Organization ---- of the Astiaiging Orguit well-known artistes: ist of no mean ability, are always a delight to every au.lience. {OBERT POWNER, come to about 95 per cent. humor of their program. ner as a singing Comedian is more than He is simply a riot whose fun is of the clean wholesome variety, and who always sends his audience home with aching sides, His fine Baritone voice blends beautifully with the Quart. ARTHUR FISHER Basso, needs no intro. With his fine Bass-Baritone voice of beau i.ms timbre, he has en. deared himself to thousands of people, His solo work being particularly effect ive to lovers of good, rousing songs. Group these four artistes together and the effect as a Male Quartette can be ima~ined ~-a truly wonderful! blend of harmony, a valued member of this or- Mr. Fisher is an Elocution- His readings Here we of the "Bobby" Pow. Baritone, by the music of a Church LH ------------- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Of the Uafted Church of Canada REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister Sunday, February 24 11 a.m.~Morning Subject: "Ample Supply For All Our Needs" 3 p.m.--~Sunday School and Bible Classes, Men's Class--Mr. E. J, McGirr, B.A. 7 p.m.--Rev, Geo. w. Irvine, B.D., will conduct this service COME AND WORSHIP 11 am.-- (Beginning lantern. ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. R. A. WHATTAM "The First Word from the Cross." 2.30 p.m.~Sunday School. 7 p.m.~Popular Song Service. Study of Holman Hunt's world famed picture, "The Light of the W. Everybody Welcome. of a series.) " with . 1] First Baptist Minister: Rev. Johm Galt AM, Our Dead", " P.M.---""What is Christian Baptism?" B.Y.P.U. Monday, 8 p.m Young Women's Mission Circle, Tuesday, at home of Miss Letson, Prayer Meeting -- Wed. Spm, ° Men's Club, Thursday in + School Room. Choir Rehearsal, Friday, Spm. ALE ARE INVITED Biesseu Centre Street UNITED CHURCH REV, W. P. PLETCHEJ B. ' J, 11 a. m. -- "Follow Me". Special C.G.LT. Service. 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 pm. -- "What Of The Sheep, If The Shep- herd Be Smitten?' Installation of , Sunday School teachers and offi- cers, Monday evening, 8 p.m.--Young People's. us THAT MAN PAUL Look at that man Paul, Men call- | ed him a madman. I wish we had , who consecrated his life to man He had one motto: "This one {thing I do." He hadn't 40 arms; If he had, you would never have heard , | of him. He threw his whole life into one channel. "This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind. and reaching forth unto thos» things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize cd the world upsidedown--it was |of the high calling of God in Christ wrong side up before, There was a ' Jesus," -- , L. Moody, What Others Say LORDS PRAYER AND MISSIONS Oshawa, Ont. Dear Editor: I could never understand how the man who does not believe in, or give anything for the support of Missions can sincerely offer the Lord's prayer. Such a man thinks only of him- self. How can he pray "Thy King- dom come" and make no effort to promote the Kingdom? The Lord's prayer, amended as per copy enclosed, is the only part of that marvellous compendium that the self centered man can hon- estly use, At the present time several churches are appealing to their people for more generous support of their noble Missionary enter- prises. If you could kindly find space for the enclosure, in fairy good type, on your Saturday Church page, it might be helpful. As a subscriber I wish to express my deep appreciation of the high stand tak- en on all moral questions in your editorial utterances, Very sincerely INTERESTED READER. THE LORD'S PRAYER AMENDED (For the jap who gives nothing 'or Missions My Father Who art in Heaven, + + +» +» = Give me this day my daily bread, and forgive me my debts as I forgive my debtors; and lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil; . . . . » Amen, . Rev. T. D. E. Raynor in Knox Church Tomorrow The preacher at Knox Presbyter- fan Church on Sunday will be the Rev, T. de Courcey Rayner, who come from Wallacetown, Ont. Mr. Rayner is well-known throughout Eastern Ontario, as he was at one time pastor of the First Congrega- tional Church, Woodstock, and later went to the Congregational Church at Watford, After church union, however, he threw in his lot with the Presbyterian Church, and has for some time occupied the charge at Wallacetown. He is an excellent preacher, and has won for himself a splendid reputation in all the charges he has occupied. CHRISTIAN GIVING ) A' gentleman called on a well-to- do merchant for a contribution to some charitable object. "Yes, I must give you my mite," said the man. "Do you mean the widow's mite?" asked his friend. "Certain- ly," answered the merchant. "I shall be satisfied with half as much as she gave," said the solicit- or, "Now, how much may you be worth?" "Oh," said the merchant "about $75,000." "Then," said the friend, "give me your cheque for $35,000; that will be half ag much as the widow gave, for she gave, you remember, all that she had, even all her living." The man was quite embarrassed by the proposition, but he was not the first person who had tried to shelter himself behind the widow's mi, But it is a dangerous refuge, eration of the ministers, the Daily Times. i == We Page It is the aim of The Times to devote this page every Sat- urday to matters concerning the churches and the religious life of the community. In this effort we invite the co-op- leaders of the city. Articles antd-news of a religious or semi-religious nature, as voluntary contributions to this page will be we'comed, in the hope that it may be made a source of he'pful inspiration to the people of Oshawa and district. These contributions, of course, should be distinctly non- controversial, but should rather be inspirational in charac- ter. They should be addressed to The Church Page, Oshawa church workers and religious me C.G.LT. SERVICE IN SIMCOE ST. CHURCH A special service sponsored by the Canadian Girls in Training group of the church will be held.on Sunday morning in the Simcoe Street United Church. Miss Avis Marshall, of Toronto, one of, the leaders in C.G.I.T, work, will be the special speaker for the occasion, A feature of the evening ser- vice will be a special song service to begin at 6.45 p.m., just prior to 'he opening of the regular service. ANNIVERSARY AT KING ST. CHURCH Orpheus Male Quartette of Toronto to Provide Special Music To-morrow will be a big day In the history of King Street United Church, which celebrates its an- niversary at both the morning and evening services. Owing to the fat that this will be. the first anni- versary since the Rev, Mr. Cragg came to the church, he is to con- duct the services himself, and will have sermon topics appropriate to the occasion, The special feature of the day will be the presence of the Orpheus Male Qaurtet of Toronto, which will sing special music at both services, an excellent program of numbers suitable to the oceasion having been selected. On Monday evening, there will be the annual anniversary concert of the church, and the Orpheus Male Quartét will again form the feature attraction of the evening. CEDARDALE UNITED HOLDS ANNIVERSARY On Sunday the Cedardale United Church will celebrate its second an- niversary.' Special seryices will be held, with the Rev. A. M, Irwin, of the Sime Strect North United Church preaching in the morning, and the Rev, F, T, Maxwell, of St. Andrew's United Church in the evening, Special music will be ren- dered by the choir. In the afternoon . there will be an open session of the Sunday school, to be addressed by the Rev. C, E, Cragg, of King Street | United church, The General Motors Orchestra and a number of assisting artists are presenting a concert on Mon- day evening in connection with the anniversary celebration, and on Wednesday evening the Young People's Society is giving a special evening for the young people of the church, A Father and Son Ban- quet is being held on Friday even- ing. GIRLS' SERVICES AT CENTRE ST. CHURCH The morning service at the Cen- tre Street United Church to-mor- row morn will take the form of a sp-cial Service for the C.G.LT. group of the:church, with an appro- priate message by the pastor, In the evening, the officers of the Sun- day Sc 1 will be given their of- ficial ifstallation into office, WILL YOU DO IT Our own thoughts of Divene things, our own efforts to waken or work the right feelings must be giv- en up, our power to worship must be brought down and laid low, and every approach to God must take place under a very distinct and very quiet surrender to the Holy Spirit, Prepared by Rev. Clarence rr for Commission on Evangelism of: Feders/ Council of the Churches of Christ in America, Coorg 1953 - 1 ic for the Week T AND MY HOME" Memory . Verse for Sunday "For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother" (Mark 3:35) (Read: Luke 10:38 to 42.) MEDITATION: So Jesus adopts himsclf into every Christian family and makes our homes His own. The privacy of our homes is the more sacrel because {it Includes Him, The home in Bethany was a favored retreat of bur Lord. He was more than an honored guest there, He was one of the family. Apparently it was there He elected to spend His last Sabbath on earth. This is for me a very precious day because I can spend it at home with my own dear ones in the most delightful intimacy. Here love reigns supreme. Here faith" has its perfect fruitage for we can trust each other completely. Here we re- veal ourselves as we never do else- whre. There is no pretending here-- it would be useless as well as dis- loyal. We know each other as we know nobody else. We know each other's faults but behind them we perceive an inexpressible loveliness, SLE 'circle complete. In this comforting seclusion I am at rest, Here if anywhere in this troubled world there is peace, Let me make the most of this day of sa- cred privilege in the sweetest com- panionship life affords, There are the empty chairs too--Ilet them be occupied by the vanished ones who live forever in my heart though I see them in the flesh no more. We will speak of thenr to-day as though they were but temporarily absent-- which in very truth they are. In spirit they are here as in spirit the Master also is here making the PRAYER: My God and Father who has appointed to me my place and work in the world and hast also given me a secure refuge from the storm in this home of mine. I thank Thee for this Lofd's Day which closes the door behind me and the hopes which sustain me. And I pray that Thou wilt give me grace to improve the day, both for myself and for my dear ones; that no unkind or care- less word of mine bring a pain to these loving hearts. And may the mention and the memory of those who sleep in Jesus bring Heaven nearér, where is our eternal home, Amen, Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts, REV. R. B. PATTERSON M A Incumbent, 503 Masson St. Sunday, February 24 11 a m.--Morning Pray- er, "Some Lenten Hymns and Their Lessons, "Jésus, Lover Of My Soul." 3 p.m.--Sunday school. 7 p.m.--*8t, John To The Church Of Ephesus." Monday, 8 p.m. -- Rev. Caplan Antle of the Pacific oast, St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts CANON C. 2 JepENUIER. 39 Atho) Street West Sunday, February 24 Holy Communlon--3 am, 1 am ~-Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre 8t.=-2.30 p.m. 7 p.m.--Evensong. Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome SIMCOE ST.UNITED CH CH Minister: REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. hurch OF. Bagot St. Good Singin Fine Fellowship Helpful Services Sunday Services 11 AM. Phone 148 Phone 3128 - Special C.G.LT. Service Speaker Miss Avis Marshall, Toronto "THE FOOL" 3 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 6.45 p.m.--SONG SERVICE 7PM. " THE MINISTER WILL PREACH 8.15 FRIENDSHIP FIRESIDE SERVICE A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here. True Ministry We had the scntence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raiseth the dead (2 Cor, 1:9). These are weighty words for all Christ's servants; but we must be His servants in reality, in order to enter into their deep significance. If we are content to live a life of indolene and ease, a life of self- seeking and self-pleasin,, it is im- possible for us to understand such words, or indeed to enter into any of .hose intense exercises of soul through which Christ's true-heart- ed servants and faithful witnesses in all ages have been called to pass. We invariably find that all those who have been most used of God in public have gone through deep waters in secret. It is as the sen- tence of death is written practic- ally upon self, that the power of resurrection-life in Christ shines out, Thus Paul could say to the Corinthians, "Death. worketh in us; but iffe in you," Death working in te poor earthen vessel, but streams of life, heavenly grace, and spirit- ual power flowing into these to whom he ministered, This, we may depend upon fit is the true secret of all effective min- istry. It is an easy matter to talk about ministry; to set up to be min- isterg.of Christ; but, oh, how has the rofessing church departed from the divine reality of ministry! Alas! the heart sinks at the bare thought of it. Where are the Pauls, the Gideons, and the Joshuas? Where are the deep heart-search- ings and profound soul exercises which#4bave characterized Christ's servants in other days? We are flip- pant and wordy shallow and emrp- ty, If-sufficient and self indul- gent. Need we wonder at the small results. How can we expect to see life working in others, when we know so little about deat work- ing in us? May that eternal Spirit stir us all up, and work in us a more pow- erful sence * what it is to be the o-hearted, single-eyed, devoted g-rvants of the Lord Jesus Christ, ---C, H, M, GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, February 24 WELCH'S PARLOURS ).30 a.m.--~Sunday School. 10.30 a m,.- Public Worship 7.30 p.m.--Evening Service. dev, A. C. Hahn, 266 Athol St.: B. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME Calvary Baptist Church (Athol St. Near Simcoe) Rev. H. A. . ckland, B.Th. Pastor 11 A. M, "A MIGHTY PRAYER" 3PM Bible School with Adult Classes. 7PM "IS SORROW EVER BENEFICIAL?" The Old-Time Gospel will be sung and preached Morday 8 P. M. "Daniel's Prophecy." Everybody Welcomed KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Sireet Rev. John Lindsay, B.A., Whitby Interim Moderator Rev, T. DeCourcey Ray- nor, Wallacetown, Ontario, will preach at both services, 3 p.m.--Sunday School, A Cordial Welcome Always to Knox Church SIMCOE STREET TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts, REV. S. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. Sunday, February 24 8 am.--Holy nunion, 11 a.m.--Matins and Sermon, Special Lenten Service. 3 School. 7 p.m.--Evensong and sermon. Second of a ser- jes of addresses on 'The Prodigal Son." Com- p. m. -- Sunday Wednesday evening-- 7.30 p.m. -- Course of addresses on 'Women of The Bible." PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday, February 24 Surday Schoo! 10.00 a.m Worship, 11 am. Evangelistic Meeting 7 ». m. Prayer Meeting, Friday eight o'clock. Committee in charge. Strangers Wslcome, North Simcoe St. United Church Rey. A, MANSELL IRWIN, B.A., B.D., Pastor 89 Greta St. Phone 3263W 11 a.m.--Rev, G, W, Ir- vine, B.A, B.D. 7 p.m --*Our And The World." Pastor, Monday, 8 p.m.--League address by Mrs, Carscallen of On ario Ladies' College, Whitby. Church The CHRISTADELPHIAN ' "The Kingdom of God Is Within You" (The Pharisees!) ; Explanation--Christ, the King of Israel, was standing among or in the midst of em, Read--Luke, 17, 20-21 Gnarginlt Matt, 23, 27-28; Luke, 19, 38-39; 12, 31.32, Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St. W. Sunday, February 24 Sunday School, 10 a.m. 11 a.m ~--Morning Ser- vice, 7 p.m.--Evening Ser- vice. [ GOSPEL HALL | 40 Nassau St. Special Gospel Services Sunday, 3 pm, 3.30 and 7 p.m.; and each evening at 8 o'clock, ex- cept Saturday. Speakers: Mr, Gillespie and Mr. H. McKay. If you are concerned about Eternal come and hear these earnest preach- ers. All are welcome, Unity Truth Centre 8. 0. E. HALL, KING ST. E. Sunday, February 24 11 Way, or vice. Tuesday and Thursday services at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 3 p.m. All Welcome, --_-- a. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, February 24 UBJECT "MIN Morning Service at 11 am. Sunday School 12.10 am, Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Ban through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- jond she services and to make use 0 1] Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorised and periodicals subscribed for. Open on l'uesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. Airplane mail service is now in Everybody welcome | EE full operation from Alberta through to Winnipeg, Man. ne a

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