Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Feb 1929, p. 20

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IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 oo ~~ 6.3 a Ey. House Dinner )--Goldman's Band, 5% ,Day at Pennsylvania Coll 3% xB¢ ¥tir Entertainers. ')=Damrosch Symphony or- Sen Toronto, Hockey, Toronto vs. 9.30 Won. Chicago. Dramatic story--"Gang- 10.00 NBC (WEAF)--Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, ~ 11.15 KSTP St. Paul. Ft, Snell Band. aul ing ri Te-Nigh 12.00 WLW _Cinci. Mythical Night Jack Little (3 hours). SUNDAY PROGRAMS 3% YE (394. Few York. Children's hr. .30 i. Sunday School. . Way © "i Ky Services (2 BEV WHR" G10)_Clevdland, LB.S.A. prog. 258.5)--Rochester. Services, WHAM 10: 45 WCAE (242)--Pitts. Radof Shalom Syn. e, Beaton: Services. R 85 Buffalo. Services. 1n.00 crea 357)--Toronto. St. Pauls Angli- KDKA (306)--Pittsburgh. Services. WRC (10) Vashington. Services. 11,30 WTMJ ( Ch iwankee. Organ. 1145 KYW 2 D=Cu icago. Church oe Christ Scien 12.00 RFAB * (389) Lincoln. Services. 12.30 NBC System: Sylvester Hour WEAF, Ww. z Sa .5)--N.Y. String Quartet to Ww 1.00 Whi S10) Cleveland, Orchestra. Ww, to N.Y. ists . Hour WIR. 2) Shenandoah, Sacred Songs stem: Peerles: 3h roduce WEEIL WIA WT. » WTMJ, W KSD, S) KYO, "WFAA, KPRC, C. WOAL, WGR, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Organ; Ar. tist fea 200 WEES (508)--Boston. Sager Hour to V. tem: Biblical Drama BE SR 'CAE, W WTIC, KSD, Wey, WFAA, KVOO, WHAS, WDAF. w. HAM (258.5) -- Rochester, Melody La Rey mphony wiz, KYW, WJR iid WhzA, Nona: wi wkY » WRENN, Ww ' 2.30 NBC System: Socal ¥ WEAF, WTIC. WIP (sm philadelphia German Prog. 3.00 WBZ (303)--Sprin nghield. Cor Gopcerty NBC Sem: Ta WRC, R. C "aia Neo wi LBW, WRHOX, NBC 8 Yi N Toten: 'oun; ence to VIZ. WL WSB, WBT, KSTP, 3.30 WWJ (326)--Detroit. Detroit WGY (379. §)-Schenectady, 4.00 Colymiia Network: Cathedral NAC, WEAN, Yo Ww, ~ AS, WGHP, WCAO, KMOX, WSPD, WHK, RC, WLBW, 4.00 NBC System: Dr. Parkes Cadman to WEAF,. WEEIL, W WIJAR, WIAs: WCSH, WLIT, WGR, WCAE, VOO, WHAS, WSM, WSB, KO. Wey, WFAA, WBT, WOW, WKY, NBC System: Marie Damrosch pro. gram to WJZ. NBC. System: Symphonic hour to TAS, §, WADC, WHAS, KMBC, WCAO, WSPD, WNAC, WMAL, WCCO, Peoples Confer- KWK, WBAL, WTMJ, WREN. Symphony AIS WIR (00)Detrot, Talk; Musical 43 " (273)--Atlantic City. Concert pro- WE McKinney Musicians to XSTE. WLW, KWE, . WIJR, WREN, 5.00 Ryw -hie, Musical program is BC System: C Colds Travelog to WJZ. (256)--Phila. News; recital." wen '(428)--Cincinnati, 5.15 WPG (273)--Atlantic City. 5.30 Columbia NAT: : Bross Nes, > A wag. KNOX, ne OW NBC Twilight Noor' WEAF, "WGY, WRC, WCAE, sb, WY, whi } KOA! NBC Harry E. Foutick to WJ. WEA" WLW, 1 KWK, WBZ, WBZA, WREN, WHAM. 6.00 ROKR (306)--Pitts. Orchestra. NECA stem: American Legion Band EI, WCAE, WRC, Kpne, WTAM, KSTP, WTIC, WDAF, KSD, WW! WGR, WJAR, WTAG, .WCSH, K 00, WOW, VIM], WFI, wor WGN, "WOAI, KOA, WFAA, WHAS, WSM. wes' (405)--Atlanta. Vesper Services. a YerL (309)--=Chica, Radio Leagu etwork: doe slang" Sal Hour WEAF, WEBEL, W GY, W WhaE. Wen ROD, 'WTAM; ef WDAF, WER. WOW, WTIC, 'WTAG. { Anglo ¥ Persians to WIZ, WBA WEBAL WHAM KDKA, WIR, KWK, » WREN KOA, ket, WEBC. 7)--Toron St. Andrew's Prebye (306)--Pitts. Services. CAE (242)--Pitts. Music hour. BC stem: Old pany's program F, WEEL WTIC, WIJAR, WTAG WCSH, oR WGY, WGR NBC C., System: Chicago Symphony to WGN, WTMJ, 'WOW, WDAF, KSD, WHAM (258.5)=Rochester. Religious NBC System: The Nomads to WJZ, WBAL, KWK. 7.00 hit (428)--Cincinnati., Dinner prog. AM (280)--Cl eveland, Ores estra. 7.30 NBC Frtem Major Bow Sane to WEAF, v AR, WRC, WSM WSB, i WGY, KSD, * WTIC, WT. NBC System: Baldwin Concert to WIZ, KYW, WBZ, WBAL, KWK, HAM, WJR, WLW, WREN KOA. WHAS, WSM, WSB," WKY, WFAA KPRC, (337)~Shenandoalr. Musical 200 KENF Bolsmbra Network: "The Samovar" to WABC, WFBL, WCAO, 9 KOIL, WHK, WLBW, WMAL, WCCO. : WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Johnson's orchestra. 3 System: Enna Yeitjck Pied to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBA! HAM KDKA Wi Pu WoA a Bible Study. 8.15 NBC Bram Colliers Hour to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, KOA, KYW, WREN, , WLW, WBAL, WHAM, KSTP. 8.30 Columbia Network: La Palina Smoker EAN, WFBL DC. 111290 WDAF Atwater Kent WSPD, W. L Whar (492)--Kansas City. 9.00 CHRC (340.7)--Quebec, 1 2 Special Programs for Sunday .30 NBC (WEAF)--Peerless Reproducers .00 NBC (WJZ)--Roxy Symphony J 8.00 COLUMBIA--Symphonic Hour 4.00 WTAM CLEVELAND--Cleveland Orchestrs 6.30 NBC (WJZ)--Anglo-Persians 7.00 WGN CHICAGO--Chicago Symphony to WTMJ, WOW, WDAF, KSD, KSTP 8.156 NBC (WJZ)--Colliers Hour 9.00 COLUMBIA--Majestic Theatre--Wendall Hall 9.15 NBC (WEAF)--Atwater Kent Hour * WEKRC, WBBM, WItN WCAO, WHK, MOX, MBC, Koi, WOWO WGHP, WCCO, SPD, 9.00 KOA, Denver. Second U.S. Engineers Nae OW Z)--Edison Wi ¥ Su , Fireside Frofram: stusical WSB, wes ST WRC, WGY, WGR, KSD, 9.15 hi Syst em: Atwater Kent Hour to WJ, KOA, WEAF, WRC, WCAE, Y GN, SD, GR, WGY, bt] WGY, WFI, WAM, WOW, KV F. WSE, WBT, WOAT KPRC, KSTP. WLW (428)--Cincinnati. Gembox Hour. NBC System: Jubilee Singers to WJZ, WTM, NBC Ww, Wn (487)--Milwaukec. Feature prog Riems El Tango Romantico to KWK, KDKA, WBZ, WBZA, 10.00 oxRw "(384 4)--Winnipeg. Ft. Garry concert. bia Network: De Forest Audions P74 WNA WEAN, WFBL, 9.45 WwW Ww, W. WCAO, WOWO, KMOX, WSPD. 10.15 WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Reveries. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Concert or- chestra. NBC SY Siem 3S ujcusker Program to Var Y, WTAM, WHAS, WSB * RTP, WCAE, WTIC, WRC, Wok, ww, WOW, WEBC, , WRVA, A. yatem: HL Singers to WJZ, RWK, LW. 10.30 ih Souvenirs WABC, Network: /N. KRC, WEP, WHE, WOWO, KMOX, WMA 6 System: Light Opera to WEAF, WRC, KOA, WHAS, WGY, AL (394.5-N.Y, Violinist. (428)--Cincinnati. Musicale. WJR (400)--Detroit. Amos 'n' Andy; Dance music, Yua (447.5)--Chicago. 4 Bible reading. Wee (272) Atlantic City. Musicale. WSB amie "Bright Spots." 11.15 Ab ans. Paul. Amos 'n' Andy; once: KT (309)--Seattle. Salon orchestra. MAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Concert orch. WGY (379.5)--Schenectady. Television. YER (216)--Cleveland. Club Madrid. ENR (345)--Chicago. Variety (3 hrs.) Wen (416)--Chicago. Dream Ship Dance Music, Amos "n 11.45 12.00 NDAY'S BEST FEATURES 9.30 NBC Efi EAR) Motors! Program Co hone bile [ay NBC aia)" cal Folks," 103 N1 BC (VERT Di, Te re icago Madrigal Club. WLS HONBE WERE Oper, "The Pearl MONDAY EVENING PROGRAMS 428)--Cinci. T: Market NBC C system: Bill' and Jane 16 WEAF EDKA (306)--Pitts, ' Markets; News; k Man, NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Music to WRC, Noak wow, he (303)--Springfield. arkets; din. music. . Wiz (394.5)--New York. Orchestra WLW (428)--Cinci. Seckatary Haw. kins, 6.30 CKCI (340.7)--Quebec. La Soleil News. KDKA (306)--Pitts. Dinner music. ' WBAL a) paltimore, Dinner music WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Air School WGR (545)--Buffalo. Statler Orchestra wey (379.5)--Schenectady. Dinner mu- 7.00 Crea Toronto, KY 294)--Chicago. Hamp's orches. Wha 2 $0) Soringheid Lowe's orches. (283)--Baltimore. Soprano; pi- bids PAL NBC System: Vallee's Orchestra WEAF, WSM, WTIC. Tos 216)--Cleveland. Music; Moon- Trio. AT (400)~Detroit. Lingeman Min- strels, So. Sea Islanders to NBC System: WIZ, KWK. WLW (428)--Cinci. Talk; Glad Girls. WSB (405)--Atlanta. Pomar's Orches. 7.30 CNRO (434.5)--Ottawa. Uncle Dick. o RW (384.4)--Winnipeg. Dinner mu- 5.00 Wi 5.30 6.00 Palais d'or Musicale. to WCAE 240) Pitts, "Your Radio," Uncle imbee. Weku" (256) Phila. Almanak and mu- Nic System: James G. MacDonald to VEAL WFAA; WKY, WOW, WLIT, Yaz (545)--Buflalo, Entertainers. BC System: Roxy and Gang to yz Wiz, REN, WBAL, KWK, KDKA, WH. WRC, WBT, WBZA, WIR. Wie Meh, WSM, WEBC. WRVA (270)--Richmond. Feature, WTAG (517)--Worcester. Capital Thea- tre Overture. 7.45 WEAF (454)--New York, Piano Twins to WOW, WKY, WLIT. 8.00 CNRO_ (434.5)--Ottawa. Concert orches. 8.00 8.30 90.13 & a (a. 5)--Ottawa. 10.30 N WBAP (74.8)~Ft. Worth. = Musical BE Sy System: Firestone Concert WEAF, FW WEEL . WTIC, SD, KPRC, WO C, TP, woul, WHAS' WSM, WSB, 'WBT, My Ci, Prof, Kyrock; Jack Columbia twork: School Daze to w w K, ~WMAL, WAAC, WEAN, WHK, KOIL, WJAS, iC, KMOX, KMBC, WATAG, WLBW,, WCAU," WGL. NBC System: Ys P. Gypsies to WEAR WEE KSB: WG 34 WTAG, Er WAM WIAR wi WBA, WRC, WCSH, WGN, we WCAE, WOC. NBC Goes: Duo Discs to WJZ, WBZ, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, WIR, KYW, 'KWK, WREN, KOA. ow (508, ~Omakia, Ferris program. Columbia Network: Ceco riers to WOR, WJAS, WADC, WKRC, WSPD, WCAU, WGHP, WMAQ, KMOX, WGL, KMBC, KOIL, WCAO, WNAC, WEL, WMAK, WEAN, 'WLBW, WHK, W WRVA (270)--Richefiond. String quar- Wane (461)--Nashville. Courtesy pro- gram, ENRO (434.5)--Ottawa, Musical World a FCA on =Toronte, eRew™ Cit2)--Toronto, Chain program ur LA *(339)--Clearwater. News; Musi- re stem: [Edison Program ta WJZ, wig WBAL, KDKA, WIJR, KYW, KWK, WREN, WEBC, KOA. WL w (428)--Cinci. Minstrels, Columbia Network: Physical Culture Philharmonic L," WSPD, WMAL, WGL. Fon (272)--~Atlantic City. Concert or- chestra. NBC System: Motors Party to WEAF, WEEL, WWJ, OC, WCS H, " WSB, WB, KOA, : "Real Folks" to WIZ, A, HA WBZ. WHAM, KDKA, WLW, WJR, KWK, WREN, WBAL. Columbia Network: Vitaphone Jubilee WGL, Q. 0X WHK, RABE Ww LBW, ' KYw '(294)--Chicago. Concert orch, Colimbia Network: Burn's Pageant to WOR w NAC, w EAN, VEAL (283)-- Baltimore. The Patter. WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. Smith's or- chestra; News. WISN (268) Milwaukee. Feature; Krue- ers Band. NBC Svstem: Blue Danube Nights to WIZ, WREN WLW (428)--Cinn. Hamilton Club: Orchestra. Y RVA (270)--Richmond. Richmond or- Play "A Cup Diese tem : Fo ire to 'WGY, 'WCAF. Wria (333)--~Clearwater. Popular sic, Wip phil, Dougherty's orch. WJZ ( N.Y. Miladys musicians. i i 0) Si s A Si ow! a) Paul, To Andy also WIR PRC, WDAF, NBC System: 2 Overs aS At "Fin ers" to WAS WEL WAX CrwhVA' We WGR, WCAE (242)--Pitts. Radio Jubilee. WGN (416)--Chicago, Tomorrows Trib; Hungry Five. WIP (492)--Phila. Warren's Orchestfa. NEC System: Slumber music to WIZ, WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Meyer Davis orchestra. WOS (476)--Jefferson City, Young's orchestra. LIS W IB (400)--Detroit, Orchestra. MAQ (447.5)--Chicago, The Aerials; Concert orchestra, 11.3 CRE A aleary, Male quartet. OR _(422)--Newark, Astor Orchestra. 11.45 - NAC Gir--Bpston. Gallagher's orch. 12.00 KYW (294)--Chicago, Edgewater Beach Wek (3i5)--Buffal Organ. --Buffalo. WGN (416)--Chicagos ream Ship; Dance music. WHN (27)-N.Y. Lowes Theatre; O ly WLW (428)--Cinn. Gibson orchestra. MOTOR FEED PIPES FROZEN IN PARIS Paris, Feb. 22 -- Intense cold which froze up the feed pipes of 11.00 hey OD Toro rch '|the motor was advanced yesterday by investigators of the French ministry of aviation as the cause of the crash of Dieudonne Costes, after he had covered only a few "|miles of a projected five-day air Journey from Paris to Indo-China. Joseph Le Brix, who had gotten the jump on Costes by taking orf for Hanoi the day before yesterday, was detained to-day at the airfield near Cairo Egypt. He arrived there at 8.45 a.m. after a flight of nearly 1,400 miles from Tunis and had hoped to get away within a few hours for the far east. | VALUABLE REVENUE .FROM MEAT EXPORTS Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 22.-- Meats exported from Canada during Janu- ary were valu-d at $984,638, ac- cording to the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. This was a decrease as compared with December's figure of $1 396,482 and as compared with the total of $1,459,050 for the pre- vious January. Of the total $480,686 renresents ¢lbeet: and hams, and $227,779 fresh eef. Afrplane mail service is now in RINE IN Lo SHONS INCREASE Capital Crimes Total Seven for Last Year--Expenses Higher Toronto, Feb. 22.--A slight in- crease in crime generally in To- ronto was recorded in the annual report of the Board of Police Com- missioners for 1928, Last year's expenditure for all police needs totalled $2,228,655, leaving a balance for the year of $28,834. Capita crime, that of murder was increased by two, there being five murders in 1927, while there were sevn in 1928. Property (including automo- biles) reported stolen, was valued at $2,291,716, as compared with $2,017,625 in 1927. Automobiles stolen represented a value of $1,- 453,415. Total value of property recover ed was $1,778,035, or 77.6 per cent. SALE OF RAILWAYS IS RATIFIED BY ALBERTA Edmonton, Feb. 22.--Provincial government-owned railroads of Al- berta yesterday passed into the con- tral of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railways, follow- ing a debat in the legislature that lasted through one afternoon and part of another. Yesterday afternoon, the legisla- ture without division, gave third reading to the bill respecting the sale of the Edmonton, Dunvegan and Brtish Columbia railway; the Central Canada railway; the Cen- tral Canada Express company, and the Pembina Valley railway, there- by ratifying the sale of these rail- roads. : COLD WAVE AND HEAVY SNOW SWEEPS THROUGH MID-WEST Chicago, Ills., Feb. 22.--Another cold wave rode through the middle west yesterday on the crest of a heavy snow storm, that hanrpered traffic and added to the discom- forts causedaby a dozen other zero snans that preceded it. The snow was expected to be fol- lowed by tumbling mercury with sub-zero readings general from the Rocky mountains to the Ohio river valley. A littl> moderation is expec- GOLD SEEKERS MEET AT PRINCE ALBERT Prince Albert, Sask., Feb, 22.-- This city has almost overnight be- come the base for a new gold rush, with the Rottenstone Lake, Lac la Ronge, and Reindeer Lake mineral fields as its objectives. Sharp con- trasts in methods of transportation to the new Mecca for seekers of mineral wealth are seen daily. Already one company has estal- lished a winter flying base here, and to-day came the announcement that two other companies would shortly have planes in service be- tween here and the mineral zones. Yesterday the largest "freight swing" in the history of the city, drawn by tractors and horses left for the area, carrying supplies aud gasoline stores. Notice For Production of Pensions Papers : Made by T. Church Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 22.--The old age pensions scheme is the subject of a notice of motion for the pro- duction of papers placed on the order paper of the House of Com- mons by T. L. Church (Cons. Tor- onto Northwest). Mr. Church asks for the tabling of copies of all correspondence, or- ders-in-council, agreements and all other documents between the Gov- ernment of Canada, or any member thereof, and the government of the province of Ontario. or any mem- ber thereof, relating to old age pensions for the said province, showing the terms and conditions of such votes to the said Province in this matter." HON. J. C. PATTERSON IS CALLED BY DEATH Chatham, Feb. 18.--A serious outbreak of hog cholera has been discovered near the city. and Dr. F. S. Rhody, local veterinary surgeon, is co-operating with government officials to prevent the spread of the disease. Dr. Leslie, a member of the government staff. arrived in the city following the dis~overy and di- agnosed the ailment of the hogs as cholera. Forty-ei~ht valuable hogs were destroyed. The source of in- fection is being Investigated. : Flood in Toronto Toronto, Feb. 22.--The bursting of a water mmain on the corner of Bathurst street and Follis avenue last night flooded the surrounding district under tens of thousands of tons of water. full operation from Alberta through to Winnipeg, Man. Hour to WFBL, ted by Thursday with higher tem- WADC, peratures. WDAF, KPRC, KFNE, (337)--Shenandoah. Letter bas- West, WOAI, KOA, WBT, WEBC. MO! Ug NBC (WJZ)--Rox % 2nd, His Gang. EF et. 00 Columbia "School D: WLW A Cincinnati, Org: Golnbia Xe Nworks Nalestie 'AM (280)--Cleveland. Cleveland or. WAB: Yau ¢ J=Cle WMAK, NWCA, WJAS, TE Arm DIXON COAL "COMPANY Can Supply for Prompt Delivery NERAL MOTORS WOOD Phone 262 | "5p thd seonomical -- | 4 i=: Lines to SOLVAY COKE Central «LESS ASH NO CLINKERS «MORE HEAT! DIXON Coal Co. ALBERT STREET | OSHAWA OAL The Mines Produce

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