Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1929, p. 4

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h Ld * PAGE FOUR Lo... : PAGE i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 : J ey z "Am ---- : : : = = rr J Tr ® , government. The case attracted much attention be- i [ n i be shava Baily Times cause of the vile nature of the inneundoes against the ib YOUTHS AFRAID T0 : - lO Succeeding monarch of the Beitish Empire while he lay on 4 That n THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER bed of sickness, and all Joyal Britishers felt the in- i " : sults as if they had been given to them personally. » g ; Body M LIFE The sooner that Communist propagandists under | Let the peace talk continue; it's better than war talk, stand that the law proposes to deal severely with « ss of ---- them, the sooner will their activities cease. They are Don't forbid your girl Those Remaining Will Meet carrying on now in a spirit of defiance, waiting for Cigarettes and such; : Challeng e Successfully Says the police to act against them, in hope that they can It you let 'em smoke ours " ? pose as martyrs in the eyes of their own kind, A They don't talk so muc yy pom Authority- few stiff prison sentences, however, would soon put Fr ndon Opinion.., y James W. Barton, M.D. Through Equi . ' vada mak [3 Jo up Mm eNt--Compartment-Obse. Sn end to that ist of bravata, 30d. mghe the "I wonder why he's a bach- MIND CURES a pi ad oF ty aes Car--Standard and Tourat Sleepere--Cotonet Cas nd Do , realize that Canada is a country which has no place | elor?" ; rg rire rede ly fe Sig M. R Lv. Toronto Daily 9.00 : for Communistic ideas, and in which the activities of ."Oh, poor fellow, he did- I sometimes feel that if some mem- | fo : s 3 . ly 9. p.m : ; ! nen rtune in the city is, according JOHNSON, Ar. Winaj; « 10.00 2nd Communists will not be tolerated. n't have a car when ne was bers of the regular medical profes- [to Dr. G. I. Christie, president of Ar ". #00 a.m day young." sion could take a course in faith or [the Ontario Agricultural college. C. Pp, A. r. Regina 11.08 pm 2nd fo SPOILING THE CHILD : * 8 x mind healing it would be well for [that he is afraid of the effort of C. I. R. Ar. Calgary " 428 pm 3rd « . Bids fonds "shovtioy man Hem. and Heir Palients, - thinking. Oshawa, Ont.| Ar. Vancouver 8.18 pm 4th « 3 : : i ends life.' --headline. erhaps he | , And similarly, if some of our "It takes a man of business, a . ' :..: A o An fadependent newspaper published every atier. The Windsor board of education has decided | would think a second time about | faith healers could see under the |man who is not afraid to meet a a also at Regina fi a} Winnipes lor all points imoon except Sundays and legal holidays, at | 8&ainst corporal punishment in the sthools, It has | writing "cheerio" if he had the | X-ray or fluoroscope, just what 1s |multitude of problems to be a suc- : RE # Calgary i "Oshawa, Canada, by Mundy Printing Company, | disowned the old injunction "spare the rod and. | thing to do over again. happening in a normal individual us|cessful farmer nowadays" Dr. : Limited: Shas. M. Mundy, President; &. RM. | spoil the. child," and has decreed that before a mare ik One who is ailing, Suristle declared bi an address to 0 id Ofergoshsakes, who' a ¢ under the microscope the [the Toronto Bankers' educational ; Alloway, tary. child hy Suda] ue De Juices in this way, the thunk it, The W.G.C. om Shanges going on a tissues that are gesonigiion, +The greatest challenzg abe Times 1s a member of the Canae parents mus notified. en's Gossip Club) of Apple ee from any ailment, and thosc|to a man's. thinking powers and L ha Dens we ally Canadian Daily Newspapers' As To those of us who Went to school a good few | Crate Center have decided to | hat are affected by the poisans from [Recqurcelulngss comes 10-day, from sociation, The Ontario Provincial Dallies and the | Years ago, this seems like an absurd proposal, All put on a campaign 'w rawse n iy oy : By nals, or Sher part ut rally speaking. the bo 4 Audit Bureau of Circulations, of us had our share of whippings from the school- Honey lor 3 mime) to Sti too i to sec ould be only are not leaving 1 Ee Dr. - SUBSCRIPTION RATES master, and we are all ready to declare that we the club i, Xe nan cleared up by simple removal of |Christie said. "There is a large d : oy on poh 4 © ( are a lot the better for them. Why, schoo! days * % 7 Naat 1s hinderin Nature, Surely By hove on our good farms, Delivered have wer: 5 Bigg: Rpg n oh would not bave had nearly as much thrills in them In Ancient Athens the residents Jie ir. ested leeth oF fon. A 10Y ie nye jade he suelr StoBIE-FOR LONG & y Counties of Ontario, Du ig d N rth per. | Without the occasloval application of the strap | are forced to live upon the roofs of | jer' js jug EE gh a Lo they are tackling the fob in ounties 0, Durham and Northam their houses on account of the : ie as Seeing mm a E : STOCKS BOUNDS GRAIN jand, 88.00 a year; elsewhere in (nnada, 84.00 or the birch rod to the proper places. great floods in that territory. This case of a broken bone that the|® Way that is going to make their a year; United States, $3.00 a year, But modern ways are not the same as the 01d | we repeat is another blessing that brgken ends arc adjusted to onc an- farang 2 atie's add y Otfice: Reford - TORONTO. OPIIUD days of the little red school-house, Nowadays | there are tenement houses, for one | chance to tal one will: get 2! nd FB it gi SD) WEL STON 95% . 4 the school teacher and schoolmaster whips a child | never can tell when the Oshawa | You can readily see that a gagular | Panking co-operation in the creation S. ERSO Manager i €07 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Tele | ,, i, own peril. In Windsor, the rule has been | Creek will rise up una 'demand | practitioner, viewing what the Yabor- |Of new wealth from the soil. The oF. EY N, Local . Jem i Slamte 0107. H. D. 'Wresidder, repre | 14 down that the parent must consent before a | 'Dat We Tetire to the roof. atory has taught him in the last few [Changes of the past 25 years, he FILE Wing tren i= ' whipping can be administered, and most people There is a justice. A bandit Jeass, Ts Hitle patiencs. willy 'sind Sale. ol dapesed A oY wh n King Street East, Oshaws -- Abeve CPE. Ui re REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S. will decide that, it there is any whipping to be in Crotia thought so much of Accordingly when he comes across | is purchasing power had not al- Phones 143 and 144 Powers and Stone, Inc., New York and Chicago. done, thes would rather do it themselves, or have the law thei that he executed |a case where the patient is troubled | W8Y8 kept pace with his newly- ee om : ptm: if left undone, That may not be the wisest way, himself when the hangman |in spirit, complains of pains or loss |Criated needs. : , tailed. of power in parts of the body, and It is in this modern farming A FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1929 but, untortunate.y, in these wouern days, it is so he cannot locate an organic cause | that the help of the banks is most : ---- the usual way. The Lite of Julius Caesar | ior same by means of the laboratory, | Important," he said. "The rural r What the school trustees expect to happen to | (Being Part Two af a series com- | X-ray, or microscope, treats the bask TUUAger ik a Sy mpathens i ¢ discipline in their schools under a system of that menced some time ago). |patient with scant courtesy. oruign la ee TE : OSHAWA'S JUVENILE COURT PLAN. | dls In ther school under a wm of that | 5,203 1352 JL ag, | He ha is become hs, os Slane roves he 67st bo ANTICIFATE Jo : --Announcement has b de | important part of t y, that is * . of LL The plan which has been formulated for the es- ey effective' when the unruly boy knows 'hat | pare'that Mr. C. Julius 2h Foe the mind where, her of in: Fog ing at the college at Guelph to We can safely say that ninety-nine r tablishment in Oshawa of a juvenile court shou is parents have the right to forbid punishment by | peror-elect of Rome, af a dinner |feclings, and actions really start, Yaite hig standard & agriculture, nt. of the dissatisfacts ith given a decided impetus by the visit fo thi y this parents huve the right .0 torbld pumsument oy | given him by his political colleagues | What is my thought? . a0 de is A an he hey pel cen © SrssasIac oa po evening of Judge Harkness of Toronto, who has made the teacher or principal of the school. Ip the government buildings, re. L That 4 Here - ely an organ cla; er," : the so-called modern house is due y= an intensive study of juvenile court problems, and is Matters of this kind run very much like family | fused to become a party to any ef- |: de pent the removal 6} "urf we can raise the income of to a decided lack of foresight when ly of : for whereby he might laterally be. |it should be the first thought. 1f| arth ze of x g w well fitted to give information and advice on the | quarrels. Families may have their private quar- | come king, Mr. Caesar, although there is no cause, then this shold) Canadian lurme by 3100 a Year" the build'ng was being erected. subject. rels within themseives, but let an outsider step | loclaring that the crown wag a De carefully and patiently exploin=d oR ARCH C0 Toting power in There is no use comp'aining of n The need of a juvenile court exists in every com- { in, they are united against the intruder, Thus, | splendid specimen, would make no jo patient, and the cure may then | pe qominfon." d d P g % munity where there are large numbers of children, | while the parents may believe in whipping their | comment to the press on his inten- | "on Te hor hand il 2 netient bos RR warpe oor, sque-ky floors, e and particularly in a community which, like Oshawa, | own children, let an outsider start the whipping Hous ot. hated that he Would lieves that he has »n ailment, the ART EXPERT FIGURES cracked panels and suchlike, if the s has a busy industrial atmosphere, and has, also, a process, and immediately there is trouble, And | che hope eT 10 Gaul in worry and fear of it can so affect | " houce was built within a price or fairly large foreign element in the population. The | trouble a-plenty lies ahead of the school author- | negotiations with the Gaullites on ' his system, stomach, intestine. and AS DEFENCE WITNESS range > project has already been given the approval of the | ities of Windsor as a result of the boards de- | the anti-war policy which most of Sther parts that a sevions condition IN SLANDER SUIT Sy da d 'ficati | city council, but it is well that steps are being taken, cision. the nations had hitherto agreed | The faith healer can be of t =2n Tc Spec cations ate ava: ic by the presence of Judge Harkness here tonight, to upon. . sa help here by so bw Al 2 Se New York, N. Y., Feb. 22.--Ber- eb'e for everything enter ng a " enlighten the citizens as to the benefits it will bestow EDITORIAL NOTES E tient"s mind 'that he aff c'= a. ce, nard Berenson, dean of Euroge:n build'ng and are guarcnteed. In 'e on those young people who might fall into ways of Domes and Bi) hat Jie Tecate phys ~ian, by being art (xperts, who says he rclies on the loa~ run they cost less There ; .X a, y a - 4" dd -- oR. 15 < 1 s A : : : Chicago has built a new $7,600,000 prison, but | White, gleaming in the moonlight, | pI'sh, 4 he i a dopo- is no compromise with quality. > The visit of Judge Harkness, however, will not the trouble seems to be to catch criminals to put | Reflecting in the waters of the bay, | (Registered in accordance with the [sition as a defence witness to-day : ae mean much unless he is given a large and respre- | Darkling sinister waters, Copyright Act.) in the $500 000 slander of title suit sentative audience. Those people and the organiza- 4 Fadving, botling Mis molten lava, brought by Mrs. Andree Lardoux #* * % ; hi ei res 3 ive: , perfum laden, 1 p 5 ' As tions which have interested themselves in the juvenile Men may rise to the top merely because they | Or fetid with the odor of camels; Halu agaiusly Sir Joseph Fc pA A court problem should show their continued interest Pe ecause Sir Joseph said her paint i ; . have ability, but they cannot stay there very long | Perfume of flower petals, ing 'La Belle Ferroniere' was not x by their attendance, and the public generally should | 0 they have character And stench of the unclean; from the brush of Leonard da show enough interest in a matter of vital importance dads The clear tenor of a lover Vinef. to the community to go to the meeting in the city Singing to his beloved; Aft r stating in the deposition hall and be enlightened, as they undoubtedly will be. Probably Lindbergh has found that fiying alone | The tender, pleading notes that, in his opinion, the Hahn por- shaw? Lumber Lo can become really horesome at times, especially | Throbbing through the sience, trait was only "a wretched copy" . EX-SERVICE MEN'S HIGH IDEALS when one has too much of it. The Swiss swash bt sandalled feet; gn IL Ro Limited a . shrill scream that ends e Louvre and generally accre- er -- In a strangled moan, dited to Da Vinci, Berenson admit- No citizen of Oshawa will have any fault to find Tee © Podestriap has ifn % 4 ait dea} The rushing thud of approaching Prepared by Rev Clarence] ied his reliance of his "Sixth 25 RITSON ROAD NORTH with the ideals of the Canadian Legion as they were n id 0 8 men ; Wilson DD, Ror Commission ense, 3 "éxpressed by Alcx Shields, provincial secretary of | 11ke to have the whole road to themselves, Youd sud QUEL Voicts! clemation: on Engelism of Fedens] Council A Hc ei TELEPHONE 2821-2820 the organization, at the gathering of ex-service men S---------- shrill cries of "Allah! Allah!" on; of the Churches of Christ in | Louvre Masterpi-ce, but stated that o in the Rotary Hall on Wednesday night. The prin- The automobile is probably saying that it does The slow shuffling steps : - Amemca 'he no longer doubted. il ciples of the organization, and particularly those not care who makes the nation's 1aws so 100g 38 | of those who carry a heavy burden. y j which pledge its members to work for the best in- it can be the force behind the building of better | Land of beauty and hideousness, Copyright 1929 terests of Canada in peace, just as they fought for | Toads. . Pushy sie evil, fascination and their country in time of war, : fa hi der, fe Topic for the Week L- un pn i Mk an as Land of romance and tragedy. "LENT AND MY WORK" THE RECORD ~BREAKING NEW NASH "g00" i- of citizens, oe Other Editors' Comment -- vs a =Belhe. Memory Verse for Friday n The Canadian Legion is different from any other Hein: Das ist i. v Mab he endured, as seeing him organization in the Dominion, for its initiation cere- RENRUT. |who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27), Eb mony was one of blood and sacrifice, an initiation 4 TRINCELY MAN (Read: Hebrews 11:23 to 30.) p- given on the battlefields of the empire. Its mem- Many happy returns to Sir Joseph Flavelle who . MEDITATION: Now praise we : as bers are bound together by ties of comradeship and | celebrates his 71st birthday. He is a merchant » Bits of Humor - famous men. I may not forget that Form [/ rs fellowship which were forged in the flames of war, | Prince in every sense, and with a princely heart this. is Washington's birthday. It i e- and which are growing stronger as the years go by. and a princely mind he may well stand as a model appears that Washington was af |! i There is still a great work for the Legion to do, of what Cauaga ¢an 40 iu the WAKIDE of & Wan, THE VERY LATEST iii ig Liking] a ut th la or for there are many injustices yet to be righted, and MUNICIPAL GOLF Little Boy--What's all these|which he inherited and sought to to P ce many problems to be solved before the country has (London Free Press) Women here to 4 oii increase it by all honorable means. of done its full duty to those who placed their bodies The Thames Valley Golf Club last year showed stairs HAT oy ve been up- A The nile time the lack of self- ° ° n as a living wall between Canada and her enemies,' | @ surplus of $7,000, which was used in capital ex- " > yo {Eeaking: the shoot unsliishuess of im [| | rd g 2 es, penditure, Since the club was started a few Babies is common enough. his patriotism are an example to bi To solve these problems, the Legion needs the active years ago there have heen surpluses totalling some "Yes; but this is 2 new one, an' | public men and to those in private support of every ex-service man, whether he served I expect they wants to see the lat- [life as well This combination yof 0 . R-SCIVi $30,000, all of which have been used in develop- or conflicting traits 1 i Ben rs as officer or as private in the ranks. The Oshawa | fing the course. The municipal course has not cost | fashion. Angus a Jertinens to this \ » branch has not been as active for the last few years | the taxpayers of London one cent. NO KICK' COMING as elsewhere is in the The sive here t= as it might have been, but it now seems to have taken _ "gy, T've been out of work for |Presence and authority. If I seek SN DSLIARS AND CENTS VOLUME, n+ on a new lease of life, and its progress will be watched HARD TO ANSWER a year, and haven't had anything first the Kingdom of God and His ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL FIGURES 3 with interest by the better-thinking people of tl (St. Catharines Standard) : righteousness, then all things else { Ford brctuded 1- comity y E Doone of We Stratford Beacon-Herald quotes a Stratford wo- Sotent io Satin a moses. | opi will take care of themselves. ) at ye man to the effect that the average income of her opr / PRAYER: Lo : stood n maki i if husband is about 1 a.m. And 3g Ju pray, could I'd like to, but I sprained my (only Sovereign rin Ta Thou N July 1, 1928, Nash winth ng it, by a tremendous margin, 5s THE ADVANCE OF SCIENCE. happen in a city like Stratford, to keep & man out |3nkle on your pal this morning 50 (all the temptations and trials in dollars and cents volume of the outstanding motor success of mod- a of bed until one o'clock in the morning? In Afraid Joull Dave to_set out through the storm and stress of my sales, exclusive of Ford, according to ern automobile history. ; d . : a" -- enable i i Scarcely a day passes without some new wonder WHO PAYS FOR ADVERTISING? Ontario, are invisible Be hance who the official Sguzes for the year ending Why? Because Nash gives them the of science being heralded in the newspapers and (Personalized Publicity) are visible may neither allure nor at that date. Twin-Ignition motor . . . gives them magazines of the world, There seems to be nothing The manufacturer d n " IRISH affright me. Amen, " : . . a2 oy ! rer does not pay, because adver : On January 1, 1929, just six months cars equipped with the Bijur central. 4 too difficult for inventors and scientists to attain, and tising increases the demand for his product. The "Well, my man," said the Irish SD cae + > J ins : - PF ry J 7-3 in all their work they are moving forward the pro- | increased volume reduces the manufacturer's | doctor to his patient, "what's the Further Restrictions later, according to the same official ized S13 lubrication system , + » i. gress of civilization s overhead and makes possible a decreased selling | Matter with you?" : figures, Nash stood fourth. with hydraulic shock absorbers . ; » a o IY] BE Da, i ; a . price. Besides, the manufacturer obtains that in- "Pains in the back, sir," re- on Campaign Funds with bumpers front and rear... s e striking instance 0 the wonders of science is tangible but bankable asset--goodwill plied the patient. In this very brief period the el + Spare the new automatic telegraph-printer which is now in The retailer does not pay for advertising. Ad- "I'll put you right," sald the| 'Toronto, Feb. 22.--No brewery, Nash "400" has completely change tire lock » vs €3£3 completely, luxurir operation in The Times' ofiice. As one watches this | vertising increases his turnover, bringing him |d0ctor, handing him a few pills. [distillery liquor association public p £ pletely changed ously equipped . . . af #0 extra cost. machine in operation, one wonders at the skill and | Quicker profits on his investment. 'Take ome of these a quarter of contractor, bank, insurance or rail- the p of theautom industry, Ninth to fourth place in just six months ly the brain power of the man who conceived it, and The consumer does not settle the advertising | 80 hour before you feel the pain |way corporation will be allowed to ; : P Juz S12 Mt a brought it (o its present state of perfection. Truly, | Pill He obtains the benefits of lower Prices made |Oming on" make contributions to the eampaign With unmistakable enthusiasm, mo- because the new Nash "400" is she ir Jroug Js Ire : ue 7» | possible by the increased volume that advertising oe funds of any political party in the torists everywhere have placed theic only car of all the mew cars with every id it can rank with radio as one of the clectrical won- assures, AT THE MOTORCYCLE SHOW [province of Ontario if the bill in- stamp of approval upon this new Nash mew and progressive feature! "! ders of the world, No one pays for advertising! Advertising pays At a motorcycle show an engag- | troduced by J. G. Lethbrdge, Pro- 2) It requires some stretch of imagination to con- | for itself--and pays the manufacturer, retafler and | ed couple were examining the ex-|Sressive leader, and given first g w : w _ ceive 2 machine which operates automatically and re- rig oii a pron: besides. Who pays the salary Bivite, The ssiesman, aserasied Sealine in the legislature becomes N A ony H 40 {i of : DENY hi o I] r salesman?' he star salesman . n a very expensive specimen, urg- » peoducss Fats sages i ty pewtisten form, Shih are 201, Of enter ust yar salesing A ol a , urg When the bill was introduced it 1a ing placed on similar machines many miles away, | ¢iging "What's the price?" asked the was greeted with smiles from all Leads the World in Jotor Car Value And to watch the machine is to intensify this feeling girl in businesslike tones, The |fronr Pron, oUse and the comment of wonder. lts delicate mechanism seems almost to : man mentioned & figure of AIArM- {cant you star your rn s ar il IMPORTANT "400" FEATURES -- 0 OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL possess a brain, so accurate is its operation. . 1 ing height. stop ours?" in-Ignition motor Alumioum pistons Bijur centralized Longér wheelbases Marvellous as it is, it cannot be said that it will - Bits of Verse - - "Good gracious!" said the girl,| © Ti >15tiion a ik probe A Be ion Ou-piése Salon - zdways remain the last word in electrical science, for | 1ivhat do you think 1 am--a pil-| PRINCE THE BEST SALESMAN plugs New doubledropframe gi. vric clocks fenders B inventors are cver busy, ever striving to improve . . THE LAST MERCY 4 Moi hi 15H Hy EVER HAD High compression Torsional vibration i Clear vision front w that which has already been invented, and to produce | Lest you believe there is madness in me, Wales is re Das lhe Prine of Houdaille and Lovejoy damper Esttsiora gi pr pillar posts n. new things for the human race to marvel at and 1 wo ] Slione tune i Madness ton ely tish goods the empire "ever had said shock sbuospers World'scasiest stesting nickel Nash Special Design joy. Jou, Sir Francis Joseph ent Conclusive Na .beari front and rear ne enjoy. p recently in : 7-bearing crankshaft : a n ie Etched on the sky's last hour of blue. speaking at the annual dinner of the Salon Bodies (bellow crank pins) Short turning radius bumpers 1- THE SUDBURY LIBEL CASE. Lest Jon Defiere there has come often some olden BIS |olent ie oe des Ie ye A or n me, rise afraid, referring to the remarks of the i The sentence of the Finnish editor of Sudbury to I shall be Jeaving you cool and golden, } y un- Prince on salesmanship at the Bri- EID -NASH MO TORS 'BE 2. tom of Six months imprisominent and 3 Sou of Chiselled in sunset, bordered in shade, to {ile people thoy Shalt say, Thus |tish industries fall banquet, when on a i Tas r : ais) saith the Lord; set before his ro; ad $1,000 on being found guilty of seditious libel should I am too mute to go dancing after you the way of life, and the way of whether A ince questioned Dundas St. West WHITBY Fhone 122 ar be a salutory cxample to others of his kind who may Your magic of face, your thimble of years, death.--Jeremiah 21:8. up to the standard of British work- to fee! disposed to carry on propaganda discrediting And 3 hal pray God for an hour of laughter, PRAYER--Our Father we remem- | menship, and urged manufacturers ) the British monarchy and system of constitutional B31 Got | ve kind and pe Fi oh Zs Za" Bl hy von Bn, 1 0 Sova 23d 3tuay loreien map: A . |

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