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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1929, p. 1

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| The Ox awa Dail Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer yy Times A Growing Newspaper in a Growing City Dar Econ: Sundar aad "rid OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 10 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy. FOURTEEN PAGES y Improving Yooh 3s s" slow improvement and .. given more substantial 'Lond wd Aberdare Dies ; , Feb.. 21--Lord Aberdare : of ,; president of the Univer- : GJ ales, died yesterday at the «f7years, ky * & 0» ¢0 Chicago police rtment from the city's hands and ve it {o the state has been placed ore the Iinois senate. X Explorer Returns aise, Chile, Feb. 21--Captain r Hubert Wilking was enroute to e Cove States today after several months. spent in Antarctic explora- work, He left here yesterday rd the SS. Ebro Jor ew York. : Earthquake Shock 'Belgrade, Jugoslavia, Feb, 21-- earthquake tremors were felt day at Milanovitch, about 65 miles of Belgrade, Furniture, pictures 'erockery were displaced but there was no great material damage. Railway Expert Dies Ottawa, Feb, hd Ad Ogilvie, erly meghanical expert for the ard, of railway commissioners and pneer of the Canadian railway ser- vice, is dead here, He was in his St year, L he 'Open School Clinics St. Catharines, Feb, 21--At a spe- cial meeting called for the purpose, the board of health decided to open five free clinics in the public schools of the city for the free vaccination of the pppils. ' ® ii | General Maxwell Dies 'Capetown, Union of South Africa, Féb, 21-General the Rt, Hon, Sir John Grenfell Maxwell, one of the most brilliant of Britain's soldiers, died' here today of pneumonia," He was years oud. "Mosquito at Soo 'Sault Ste. 'Marie, Feb. 21~Though the weather was at zero, George aksvitch captured a live toad near be: A.C.R. stores, and Billy Sullivan, gd 13, found a live mosquito crawl- dnig on the sunny side of his Albert street" home. ' LJ * #® Voleasio In Eruption 'Hilo, Hawaii, Feb,.21--Kilauea, the Jarg of the volcanoes slowly cool- t forces was belching. flame today. crater Halemaumau, the ' 3,00 Fire," and pro- fing a spectacle for hundreds of s here during the height of (} social season. "2 3 by. Window nor, . Sussex, Feb, 21--King orge had another satisfactory day today, it was officially stated at Craigwell house last, night. He sat by.an open window most of the day, i cold weather and an east wind. Towards evening the increas- ing gold necessitated closing the 0 * % 9 *. | Commission on Taxes Cobalt, Ont., Feb, 21--At a special meeting - yesterday afternoon, the town council with Councillor Trudel alone . dissenting, decided to give Chief of Police Stromberg two and 2- half per cent commission on all back faxes he collects, hnsteat ; of on money en 1 n over , the original intention. | . Unknown Men Killed Chester, N'S,, Feb, 21--The decapi- 3? of an unidentified man was.' f on the railway 'tracks t three miles from here at noon ," "A card bearing the name "y, Hi. Smith" was found on the dead' man, who is believed to have fallen between the cars of a Liver- pool-Halifax train last night, Cardinal's Condition Grave Vatican City, Feb. 2I--Cardinal Vico, prefect of the Sacred Congre- gation: of Rites; Who has been ser, sously jll has made no progress and his condition is regarded jas grave. is 82 years old. Cardinal Fruh- Aschbishop of Florence, who "has been ill, 'is now improving np fears are entertained for him. . To Be Deported pagans Falls, Ont, Feb. 21-De- proceedings have started against the two Polish youths who entered the United States by way of a tube carrying high voltage powerlines across the hier, hi is expected they wil shi Poland within 2a few pe: No . of the smugglers has been x. x x . Another Hamilton Strike Hamilton, Ont, Feb. 21--Another ke oceurred in this city today when ' and fifty employ- " Brothers, clothing deserted the plant, 'higher wages, recognition 'union, and ter ns. "The strike was called by the local 210. of the amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, _ WEATHER a: Out, Feb. Z1-- Areas Hime while and North Caro- a ] . ; 0 i George Adamo Arrested - Co COMMANDER BYRD HAS DISCOVERED NEW TERRITORY Govt. of Manitoba in Perilous P osition as Result of Investigation Land Found in Antarctic is Claimed for the United States NAMED AFTER WIFE Extensive Aeroplane Flight Results in Mapping of Vast Area (By Canadian Press) New York, N.Y,, Feb, 21,--The New York Times, St. Louis Post- Dispatch and their associated news- papers announced today that Com- mander Richard E., Byrd in an ex- tensive aeroplane flight made with two planes on Monday last, discov- ered and mapped in parta a vast new territory in the Antarctic, which he has claimed for the Unit- ed States and has named for his wife, Marie Byrd Land. Commander Byrd has also dis- covered a -second new mountain range, eastsand south of the first discovered by him recently and named Rockefeller Range. That range is within territory claimed by th British and known as the Ross Dependency. Outside British Area The new range discovered on contain peaks between eight and contains peaks betwee eight and ten thousand feet high, It is out- side the limit of the British claims and is in the new Marie Byrd Land which lies between Ross Sea and Graham Land, Large Area Explored - About 40,000 square miles "of Antarctic have now been explored from the air by the Byrd expedi- tion. In the last flight the Rocke- feller Range was mapped by Aero Camera the entire new section was sketched and the unchartered coast line east of the Bay of Whales mapped by. Captain Ashley McKin- ley of the Army air Service, who | was in the second of the two aero- | planes that made the flight, FAMOUS HUNTER 1 MAULED BY LION Life Was Saved By Another. Member of the Hunting | Party . Nairobi, Kenya, British East Af- rica, Feb. 21.--Jack Lucy, famous English hunter is in a serious con- dition at a local hospital from a hor- rifying mauling by a lion, Lucy, who was out with Count and Countess Balbo on a hunting expe- dition in Kilimanueza, Tanganyika, was stalking through a donga when he walked sight into a full grown lion lurking there, The beast was of the black maned variety, said to be the fiercest of the lions. Lucy did not have the faintest chance for action as the lion sprang instantly and struck him down. It mauled him ferociously on his left side and probably would have killed him outright had not another mem- ber of the hunting party named Pad- vincial constable Pike, Sioux Look- lar arrived on the scene. The lion turned on Padlar, but was shot dead I ee er The chick at close range, Cotton Crop is Aided by Floods (By Canadian Press) . gd . port Sao Paulo, Brazil, Feb, 21--It is an DL Pr ap oetatn, 2 laundry at Narrow Lake. ill win that blows no good. Reports from the interior say that floods and torrential ran.fall which, it is estima- ted, will reduce the coffee crop by at least 25 per cent have turned the cot- ton crop from a probable failure to darmerie forces and a group of ban- dits f brisk battle at Chaul s fought a bris i Ear girls of Lac Beauport, which start- ed last summer when two young an expected bumper yield, The flood waters have subsided| near here today. sufficiently to permit restoration of{and four bandits were killed in the Santos. rail traffic with ' British Miners Complimented on Good Behaviour Durham, Eng, Feb, 21--"The mining community of the county of Durham has behaved itself in a highly commendable manner in a time of great industrial dis- tress," declared Mr, Justice Swift in addressing the grand jury at the Durham assizes, He con- gratulated the county on the ab- sence of serious crime, there be- ing only ten cases against 54 at the corresponding assizes of last year, ' His lordship pointed out the county's population was 1,500,000 and the absence of crime was re- markable when it was realized that the county had been passing through. so much industrial trouble. CIGARETTE BUTT CAUSE OF BAD FIRE Four Steamers Involved in a Blaze on Detroit River at Ecorse (By Canadian Press) Detroit, Mich., Feb, 21, -- Fire believed to have been started by the carelessly flicked cigarette butt of a rum runner last night burned two lake passenger ships and a steam tug tothe water's edge and seriously .damage an- other excursion steamer, with es- timated damage of $250.000, The ships were tied up on the Detroit River at Ecorse, The Sappho, a ferry boat owned by the Nicholson Universal Steam- ship company, the Erie, a steel ship owned by the White Star Lines, the Dover, an excursion ves- sel and the tug Annie Molles were the ships concerned. Fire department officials said they believed the fire was started by a lookout for rum runners who surreptitiously had gone aboard one of the craft to watch for a signal from the Canadian shore, THREE IDENTIFIED WHO DIED IN FIRE Report Received of Disas- trous Fire at Narrow Lake, Ontario (By Canadian Press) Port Arthur, Ont, Feb. 21+Sergt. Hake, of the provincial police, yes- terday received a report from pro- out, giving the names of the three in which they were living at Narrow Lake was destroyed by fire in the early morning of Feb. 10. One of the men was identified at the time as C. H, Tyrell, Winnipeg, but the names of the other two, Leo Goguen and Cleveland Bolk, were not known here until the provincial officers re- was received today, Goguen Battle With Bandits Bucharest, Rumania, Feb. 21--Gen- struggle which lasted two hours. » Outlying, Torcnto, Feb. 21.--Bears cer-{down under." tainly know their weather. They [Says it was only two below at the may be mized up with the oecea- folie, but nightear travellers are ready sional swarm of bees when they {ia "in toto" stamped its feet and seek honey but mo one can gainsay | cheerfully watched the fact that they know their probs. | drop. Lots of people were caught nap- ping when the cold snap rushed in {a manful 30 below. wilh un-angelic tread. "Steaming radiators and flapping arms evi- [ashes of defeat must be tasted be- denced that fact. Some people even | cause cantakerous Saskatoon up- bad the thermometer inside to make sure the house didn't become {low. And this in the midst of com- too hot and thereby missed obsery- ing the coldest registrations of the winter. Toronto did its best to get "way Ontario Districts ie For Cold Snap Leadership Which will permit. Ls Basuport The weatherman give him an argument. On- the mercury St. Thomas led the parade with Ingersoll did her best with 22. Yet the bitter held the honors with a mild 22 be- pargtive mildness as Moose Jaw was three above, Battleford only 10 w and Prince Albert revelled a "springlike" 14 below, Premier Bracken Asks for an Adjournment of One Month to Give It an Op- portunity to Straighten Out the Situation INVESTIGATION IS CONTINUED TODAY Government May Attempt to Form a Coalition With the Liberal Party in Order to Remain * in Power -- Resignations Not Yet Ac- cepted (By Canadian Press) Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 21.--Hon. W. R. Clubb, whose resignation as PREMIER BALDWIN | TO MEET EXECUTIVE OF MINERS' UNION Will Discuss Proposals for Economic Betterment of Local Mines FUND IS GROWING Some Mines Are Being Re- opened as Result of the Cold Wave (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) London, Feb, 21,--Premier Stan- ley Baldwin will meet the full ex- ecutive of the Miners' Federation to discuss the situation in the coal fields on March b. A J. Cook, secretary of the Federation, says it will submit practical pro- posals for handling the economic position, Some coal fields' correspondents express the opinion that the spurt of prosperity now being exper'enced provincial minster of public Works | nav he partly due to the cold wea- is still unaccepted is expected to resume his evidence when the Sev- en Sisters Royal commission contin- ues its sittings this afternoon, Mr, Clubb profffered his resignation ther, although an increased demand from abroad is also visible. In the House of Commons last night it was stated that since January 78 its employing 11,000 followng the last session Of the miners" have been reopened. The commission last Friday, when he y,rg Mayor's relied fund has reach- testified that he had purchased | ¢; 5 'total of $3,475,000, not in- Winnipeg Electric stock while the lease of the Seven Sisters Falls to the Company was still pending. Laurence Park, assistant to the president of the Winnipeg Electric Company, will follow Mr, Clubb on the stand it was stated today. The original intentions of Col. Arthur Sullivan, counsel for Lieut.-Col. F. G. Taylor, Conservative leader, to call W. C. McKinnell, M.L.A, for Rockwood, have been altered and the member for Rockwood is not expected to testify for some days, " A Hectic Day Winnipeg, Feb," 21.--At the close of one of the most hectic uays in the political history of Manitoba, reminiscent to old- timers of the days preceding the .all of the Roblin government the situation in regard to Premier Bracken and his cabinet, stand as +0.lows: The government has not yet ac- cepted the resignation of Hom, W. J. Major and Hon. W. R. Clubb, attorney-geperas and minister of public works respec.ively. Consequently no new appoint- ments to the cabinet bave been made. The premier on Friday will move a resolution calling for the adjournment of the iegisla.ure for one month until the royal commission considering charges in (Continued on Page 2) gi 4 3 REMOVE iC¥ BLOCKADE (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Begrade, Jugoslovia, Feb, 21.-- After all other efforts had failed, Jugoslay army engineers, equipped with modern heavy artillery, today blew up huge sections of ice block- ing the Danube between Belgrade and Panchevo in order to make a channel for steamers which have bgep imprisoneg for the past fort- night. LEGISLATURE ENDS BATTLE ON BATHING Girls May Now Bathe Lac Beaupont, Que. Quebec, Feb. 21.--War between the city of Quebec and bathing women were arrested. for disport- '|ing themselves in the city's water supply, ended yesterday before the legislature, when a clause was in- uebec's. new charter bathers to dip as of yore. The hew charter clause says that nobody may bathe within seven miles of the intake. That bars swimming in Lac St. Charles, but the now famous girls of Lac Beauport are to be unrestrained, as the lake 'is outside the forbidden area. London. Tey. dee Dis ee. wife of Sir Oliver Lodge, died yesterday at her home near Salisbury, aged 77 years. Before her marriage, fifty-one years ago, she was Mary Marshall, daughter of the late Alexander Mar- shall. Like her husband, she was 2 sincere believer P the possibility of cluding the government's pound- for-pound contribution, AVALANCHES AND FLOODS STILL BAD HEAVY TOLL IS STILL BEING TAKEN IN EUROPE Calamitous Floods Occur in Parts of Thrace and Macedonia (Cable Service to The Times by Canadikn Press) London, Feb. 21, -- Floods ang avalanches have taken a heavy to of life and property in the lsalkan States and neighboring countries, Disrupted communications hnwev- er, prevented the full extent of damage oeing known here, today, Particularly was this true of the area through which the Danube and its tributaries run but -enougn was leirueq from TLrace and Mac- edonia to indicate almost calami- tous inundations ther:. The elovraneus =2ul Thessaly toc were stricken wifn the cver- flow of the Vardar, the Struma, Nestos and Maritza rivers. Several villages in the valley of the Struma were entirely coveres with water and at Serres a military bakery and large railway br'dge were car- ried away. Thousands of acres of valley land are under water, Australia Will Send Explorers To the Antarctic Canberra, Australia, Feb, 21--S, M. Bruce, premier, announced in the House of Representatives today that the government has decided to or- ganize and equip 'an expedition to the Antarctic. The expedition will be under the leadership of Sir Douglas Mawson and will explore that part of the Antarctic directly south of Australia, supplementing the explorations of Sir Douglas in 1911, y DIES IN 100th YEAR : (By Canadian Press) London, Feb. 21--Mrs. Michael Bergson, mother of Prof. Henri Bergson, the famous French philoso- pher, died in London today. within the year of her hundredth birthday. mp hanio Picton Fruit Police Were Given Informa- tion from Two Different Sources Linking George Adamo With Fatal Acci- dent to Nathaniel Etcher of Harmony COMPANION IN TRUCK TOLD POLICE STORY Adamo Arrested This Morn- ing and is Being Brought Here for a Hearing on a Manslaughter Charge -- Jury for Inquest Impan. elled Picton police have arrested (ieorge Adamo, fruit dealer, of that town, on instructions of the Oshawa police on a charge of manslaughter following the acei- dent on Tuesday night on the Kingston highway at Harmony, when Nathaniel William Eteher, 13-year-old newsboy was struck and killed by a motorist who fail- ed to stop. Provincial Officer Taylor who has been conducting an investigation in the county was this morning despatched to bring Adamo. to Oshawa where he will be arraigned before the magistrate, Young Etcher died at the home of W, F. Ferguson at 8.10 o'clock Tues- day night after he had been picked up from. the ~ pavement by Edward ane and C. Daymond of Kenneth avenue, this city, No evidence was uncovered at the time of the acci- dent that would lead to the identity or the whereabouts of the person who struck the lad. Police. Given Aid When it became known in the city that the boy had been killed by a hit and run driver, three persons, residents of this city, gave mmforma- tion to the local police which aided greatly in finding the man alleged to have committed the crime. . They were A. C, Lycett, John Staples, and W. A. Moore. Police declare that these men were proceeding east in their car near Bowmanville when a truck ran into them from the front. They attempted to get the car to stop but were unable to do so, and turning around, gave chase,, Al- though the car cluded them near Newcastle, they had acquired its license number, and this they turned over to the police here. With this evidence in hand, local (Continued on Page 3) AGREEMENT REACHED IN BOUNDARY DISPUTE Santiago, Chile, Feb, 21, -- The Tacna-Arica boundary dispute, born in war and striving through 45 years of international strife, bas been settled by peaceful means. Official announcement here to- day says that an agreement has been reached between the govern- ments of Peru and Chile, the two countries involved, by which the province of Tacna goes to Peru and that of Arica to Chile. LYONS' CHARGES MAY FIND ECHO 'Toronto, Feb. 21.--The charges made by Hon. James Lyons (Con- servative, Sault Ste. Marie), that the I.F.0. candidate in that riding had received brewery contributions in the 1919 election, may give rise to Liberal attacks in the legislature y. Liberal members are threatening to'demand substantiation 'of the charge. A. F. Cunningham, the U, F.0. candidate, states that he never personally received any funds from liquor or brewery interests and has King Walks for First Time (Cable Service To The Times By Canadian Press) Bognor, Sussex, Feb. 21. --King George has achieved his first real walk since the beginning of his illness. His Majesty walked around his bedroom with the aid of a no knowledge of them having been offered to or accepted by his cam- paign manager. Many members of the Opposition claim that they have been compell- ed to.produce evidence to support any charges which they have made and state that they expect the same demand to be made on the Con- servative member. Dies of Injuries innj Mas, Feb. 21-R. A. C. stick yesterday he was weak and his nurse hovered at his side, but he negotiated a turn successfully, communication tween the hv and the dead, " Wi ("Pat") Manning, 49, prominent bar- rister, died Soday from the effects of injuries received when struck by an automobile on 2 downtown street on Monday, PICTON MAN HELD FOR KILLING OF BOY Dealer to 'Be Sent Here to Face Charge of Manslaughter Protest Made on Imprisonment of Eamon De Valera (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Dublin, Irish Free State, Feb, 21---The question of Eamon De Valera's imprisonment in North- ern Ireland for violating an or- der against his entering northern territory, was raised in the dail by the opposition, President Cosgrave explained that the Irish Free State govern- ment had done everything pos- sible by making representations but had no power to interfere with the northern government's administration of its law. The opposition still expressed dissat- isfaction and it was agreed to debate the question further, ARREST OF SUSPECT FOR GANG KILLING Detroit Gunman Held By the Police After Making Rash Statement (By Cavpadian Press) Chicago, Ills, Feb, 21.--"Nosey Joe" Lewis, with prison records ip Minpis and Leavenworth, has been arrested in Detroit in connection with Chicago's gang massacre, A "murder map" was found in his pocket. It diagramed the territory along the Lake Michigan shore contiguous' to the North Clark street garage in which the seven gangsters were executed just a week ago. The arrest was made last night after "Nosey Joe," or George A, Lewis, as he identified himself, was overheard to say he had "bumped off a party in Chicago." A murder charge was placed against him at the request of the Chicago authorities, The Detroit police however, would not discuss the police nor say for what mur- der Lewis was held. JURY FINDS MAN DIED BY ACCIDENT Oscar Provencher Succumb- ed Following Blast at Cobalt (By Canadian Press) Cobalt, Ont, Feb, 21--A verdict of *accidental death" was returned by a coroner's jury which yesterday af- ternoon_ enquired into the death of Oscar Provencher, who died here from injuries sustained in a blast at the Keeley mine last Saturday. The evidence taken today showed that the missed hole into which Arthur Hardle, the other man hurt had drilled apparently had been loaded by Hardle himself on an earlier shift. Gas gangrene caused Prevencher's death, Dr. Case said. Hardle was badly injured about the face, and eyes. INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC ON SOUTHERN ISLANDS Suva, Fiji, Feb. 21.--A report received here says thirty persons on Futuna island and forty on Wallis Island have died of influen- za, Futuna and Wallis Island are dependencies of New Caledonia, 8 French possession in the South Seas northeast of the Fiji Islands. n Informed Police REPORTS HEARD OF CHINESE UPRISING OF SERIOUS NATURE to Government, Goes to the Scene ARMY IN MUTINY United States Cruiser Rush. ing to Centre of Trouble in Shantung (Cable Service to The Times by The Canadian Press) Manila, Feb. 21.--The light cruiser Trenton left Manila today under orders to proceed to Chefoo, as the result of a reported uprising in Shantung. War Lord Involved Shanghai, Feb, 21,--Reliable in- formation at Dairen, Liaotung (Japanese territory), today said that Chang Tsung-Chang, war lord and former military governor of Shantung, left that city yesterday for Chefoo, Shantung, the centre of the anti-Nanking manoeuvreing, Chang's whereabouts heretofore have been something of a myste.y. He was accompanied to Chefoo, it was sald, by Ataman Semenoff, and three other Russian generals form- erly associated with the White Russian 'army in China. Only meagre reports were avail- able here from the Shantung cen- tres but it was believed the situa- tion there was developing rapidly, Formerly Powerful Chang Tsung-Chang was one of the most powerful of the old Nor- thern war lords. A series of re- verses last summer preceded his flight to Port Arthur and later, it is believed, to Dairen. Nationalist troops were never able to capture him. His return to Shanghai might be regarded as significant in the light of 2 mutiny of fornfér soldiers of his at Lungkow, Asks Ratification Paris, Feb, 21--The cabinet today decided that it will ask the chamber of deputies to discuss ratification of France's signature to the Kellogg renunciation of war pact on Feb, 20, HEAVY SNOWSTORM STRIKES NEW YORK Force of 40,000 Men Called Out to Clear the Streets (By Canadian Press) New York, N.Y, Feb, 21---The heaviest snow storm of the winter struck New York today. . The snow started to come down heavily after midnight and by 8 a.m. the weather bureau reported that 5 inches had fallen. The fall for the entire season up to this morning was only 68 inches, The weather bureau said there was every indication that the snow would continue all day. Metropolitan snow shovelers, who have been on vacation practically all winter, were called out in force, The street cleaning department ordered out 1,500 men at 345 o'clock, called out double that number an hour later and by 7.50 a.m. mustered ten thousand emergency laborers, SAND DUNES FAIL T0 GIVE UP BODY Regina, Bask, Feb. Bla Wed, nesday night the snow-ca sa dunes of southern een had failed to give u fhe body o David Kates, former ilton cloth- ing salesman, who, according to the alleged confession on Heimie Rav- insky, was battered to death and robbed early last May. Up until a late hour, Ravinsky, assisted members of the RCMP, scouted the district between Tomp- kins and Gull Lake in a desperate effort to unearth the hidden grave. Brantford, Feb. 21.--The Indian is a good weather prophet. Last year the night selected for the tra- ditional white dog feast recorded coldest might of the year. On Tuesday night the feast was officially recorded here that the temperature di to 20 below zero, again the coldest night of the year. Since the feast of the white dog is scheduled for the coldest night of the year and since last year §t in January, and this year. in February, it can be seen that the cold weather picker on the reserve is keenly on the job. 2 temperature of 15 below zero, the | past. Indian Tradition Fulfilled By Feast on the Coldest Night No action has been taken by the Brant Humane society to prevent the sacrifice of a dog for thé feast, though it has been talked of in the In the first place the In- dians do not always possess a pure white dog. In the second place the sacrifice does not necessarily take place where the feast is held. Then, too, it fs held that sacrifice has good autlfority, for the Bible con- tains many references to instrue- tions to make such sacrifice of ami- mals. It is held that killing a white dog for sacrifice is no more Stoel than the killing of a hog for meat, y Former War Lord, Opposed Lol ERB EUR Ar, LE ET - Bn oe lc Par 1 ~

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