Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1929, p. 11

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$ x 3 'paths whic! KING AND BENNETT CUSHOVERTHE. HELLOG TREATY "The Opposition Leader Says Treaties Alone Will Not End War Ottawa, Feb, 20.--"There is no roy- al road to peace, but there are many lead in that direction, and the Briand-Kellogg pact is one * of these paths." ' "his signature to the treaty as "a large part of this sentence Premier Macken. zie King defined, for the benefit of # the house of commons yesterday, the "treaty for the renunciation of war signed at Paris last summer, On that occasion the prime minister affixed an» ada's representative, Yesterday he moved that the house of commons 'register its approval of the treaty, The senate of Canada has alrea ratified the pact, : After a discussion which occupied the afternoon and evening, adjournment of the debate was moved by C, H, Cahan, Conser- vative member for St. Lawrence-St. George, J Mr. King sketched briefly the his- tory of the treaty, which, he said, has now been accepted by 63 na- tions, Its fundamental origin was "to be found in a feeling of revolt against war on the part of all nations which have had to do with war in the re- cent past." The treaty did not pretend to es- tablish machinery for the prevention of war, but it called forth from the nations of the world "a solemn re- nunciation of war as an instrument of national policy." A i The League of Nations did not in- clude within its membership all the nations of the world, said the Prime Minister, in pointing out some of the advantages of the treaty, The United States was not a member of the Lea- gue of Nations, but it has signed the treaty for the renunciation of war, One or two countries were in the same position, Support of the treaty coupled with a note of warning that there must be disarmament if peace is to be more than a dream, was the burden of the speech with which Hon, R. B, Bennett, Conservative leader, follow- ed Mr, King, SEVERELY BURNED AS CLOTHES, SATURATED WITH OIL, IGNITE Winnipeg, Man,, Feb, 20,--Because he lighted a cigarette when his cloth- ing was saturated with lubricating oil, Howard Finlan, 24, lies in a hospital here today with severe burns, Em- loyed at an oil company, Finlan had sh pouring oil into .containers all day and when he struck a match for his cigarette his clothing flared up like a torch, Other employces saved him by the use of a fire extinguisher, FAMOUS ACTOR LOSES EFFECTS BY FLAMES AND WATER Regina, Bask. Feb, 21, -- Fire yesterday badly damaged the Reg- hin Theatre here and Bransby Wil- liams, famous English character actor, lost among other effects, his valuable collection of plays through damage by water, Members of the cast lost valuable costumes and music. No estimate of the damage was given out. The origin of the tire was not ascertained. Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Rold is guaranteed to banish apy form of Pile misery, or money back, gives quick action even in old, stub- born cases, Hem-Rold is a harmless' tablet that removes blood conges- tion in the lower bowel--the cause of piles. It brings joyful relief quickly and safely or costs moth- ing. Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell it with this guaran- tee. OOLY Mt DAL OF FEE New "HM.S, London" To Pay Visit To London Harbour London, Feb. 21--HM.S. Lon- don, the new cruiser which is to become the flagship of the First Cruiser Squadron of the Mediter- ranean Fleet, has just been com- missioned at Portmouth, When she reaches Malta she will beconre the flagship of Rear-Admiral] H, W Parker, C.B,, C.M.G,, in succession to the Frobisher, which will remain in Squadron as an ordinary ship, Some time wil elapse before rn, M, 8, London reaches Malta, and a proposal is afoot that she shall make a visit to the Port of London, and thus give the inhabitants of the great city an opportunity of behold- ing the vessel which is maintaining the direct association of London City with the Royal Navy, H, M, 8. London will be the possessor of a remarkable collection of plate and pictures that have come to her frun city sources, Lord Ebbisham, dur- ing whose Lord Mayoralty the Lon- don was launched by Lady Ebbish- am, is giving her quite a gallery of old naval prints which illustrate her from the old battleship London to which they were presented in 1905-1906, a silver model of tne White Tower of the Tower of Lon- don and a pair of silver dolphin supports, took a year to make, There is also a silver challenge shield for annual competition amongst guns' crews of the ship, and three silver loving cups, copies of those belonging to the Mercers' Company and given by the Com- pany itself in commemoration of the fact that it took the lead in building the old warship, Loyall London, in 1665, There is also a ship's bell, which is modelled upon one of the famous Bow Bells, and swngs in silver brackets, H.M.8. London is of 10.000 tons armed with ei~ht 8-inch guns, be- It | ing one of the latest vessels built up to the requirements of the Wash- ington Treaty. PETERBORO SUFFERING Peterboro, Ont., Feb, 21.--With the mercury clinging to 14 de- grees below, Peterboro is suffer- ing the coldest spell this winter, Oshawa Luggage Fancy Leather Goods and Novelties Agents for Hartman Wardrobe Trunks SPECIALS for the Week End Lumbego Belts $1.25 to $2.25 Ladies' Purses ....50c to $4.50 2 only, Ladies' fitted Swit Coin Purses, Key Tainer, Ash Trays, Dog Collars, Dog Sweaters, Dog Blankets, Loaches. HARKNESS AND HARNESS PARTS AND SUN- DRIES ALWAYS IN STOCK. REPAIRING NEAT- LY AND PROMPTLY DONE. Saywell & Sons 19 BOND ST. W. PHONE 338 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1929 TWO FINE PLAYS OPEN IN LONDON BR London, Feb. 21,---~When assailed with the assertion that the Lendon Stage is in a decadent state theatri- ful Mauagers 3 on I retort ere are not suificlient playgo of the right sort make Aajalene sentatin of good plays a commer- clally suecessful proposition. It seems as if this assertion is now to be put to a double test, judging by what is talked and written about two plays which have just been put {on in the West End, The Lady with a Lamp, by Regin- ald Berkeley, has been deemed by some worthy to be placed on a parity with Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan, This play comes to the West End after a try-out on what may be called a non-commercial basis, It i | is concerned with Florence Nightin- gale's life and work, and is hailed as equal to any chronicle play we have had for many years, for it con- trives to be theatrical without be- ing false to the known facts about its heroine, Although there are theatrical effects the plece never loses its real quality of an arrest- ing biography in dramatic form. The character of Florence Nightin- gale is a fascinating creation, as is that of Lady Herbert, wife of the brilliant young statesman whom Florence Nightingale, if students of her career are correct, harried into his grave with her schemes of army medical reform, Journey's End, by R, C, Sherriff, is remarkable for two things, It is a war play, pure and simple--and people who ought to know have roundly asserted that no war play can ever earn pronounced favor. | Moreover it is a play without "love interest," for there is not a single female character, All three scenes are the same, a dug-out near St, Quentin, The play at first blush might apprar to be a photograph rather than a drama of trench-life, but the wonderful effect it produces Jles in the fact that it compels u full realization of so many of the war emotions, "Here we have na trench and a number of young men going about the business of war," says one critie, "I for one do not see how more could be added this theme without subtracting from fits realism, Surely every work of art is to be judged by its success or fail- ure in achieving what it sets out to do, It seems to me Mr. Sherriff has succeded perfectly." Other critics are even more laudatory, The play had a magnificent recep- tion and so far has heen drawing full houses, With plavs such as these the Lon- don stage has b gun the New sea- son under the happiest conditions. SUDBURY EDITOR T0 APPEAL CONVICTION Fined $1,000 With a Six Months' Term on Seditious Libel Charge Sudbury, Feb, 21.--Aarva Vaara, editor of the Finnish newspaper Va- pus, was sentenced to. six months' imprisonment and a fine of $1,000 or two years by Mr, Justice Wright, night on a eharge of publishing se- ditious libel. The jury returned a verdict after three hours' delibera- tion, . The verdict was reached after A, W. Roebuck, Toronto, counsel for the defence, had delivered an'im- passioned plea for acquittal, Coun~ sel for the defence stated after sen- tence had been passed that an ap- peal would be entered, Vaara was charged, following publication by Vapus of 2 articles on December 4 last, which were held to be reflections on the king, The articles referred to the king's illness and drew comparison be- tween the comforts surrounding the king and the condition of the "working class." The newspaper is the organ of the Finnish workers' organization of Canada, Mr. Justice Wright, in summing up for the jury, said the editor had overstepped the mark of common respect for the king, "It was a most inhumane act," his lordship said, Counsel for the defence present- ed a number of motions, all of which were ruled out, His lordship also ruled against a protest against the manner of Vaara's indictment, In his address to the jury Mr, Roebuck pictured the king as the most tollerant and most patient of monarchs, Would Regulate Grading of Wheat By Careful Binning Ottawa, Ont., Feb, 21--The un- loading and binning in public eleva- tors of certain grades of wheat is the subjeet of a resolution placed on the order paper of the house of Commons by T. L, Donnelly, (Lib, Willow Bunch), Mr, Donnelly proposes that "The grades of wheat known as numbers 1, 2. and 3, northern and 4, 5, and 6 wheat, billed to terminal points should be unloaded and binned only in public terminal elevators, under such regulations as will prohibit LINDY OFF AGAIN ON INSPECTION FLIGHT Curtiss Field, N,Y,, Feb, 21, Col, Charles A, Lindbergh started yes- terday on the first lap of an in. spection flight over the trans-con- tinental air transports prosposed course to the West coast, mixing of the grades either in the elevator or when being loaded into boats or cars, or in transit for mil. ling or export. The matter will | come up for discussion in the house | shortly, If Lindbergh's honeymoon trip includes a visit to Paris he will have to forego his reputation as the "Lone Eagle."--Woodstock Sentin- el-Review, family can do it so well, rT "It fis a recognized fact that perfect cleanliness is essential to the preser. vation of health, I bring comfort and satisfaction to millions of house- wives because I kee, spick and span and protect their with Healthful Cleanliness, For greater economy Old Dutch is unequalled. No cleaning does so much as Old Dutch in their homes For children's gilments--no i Cit Sner relief thas love it. following his conviction Tuesday |. PAGE ELEVEN ARREARS CAUGHT UP IN ENGLISH SOCCER london London, Eng. Feb, 21. --Soccer football teams in the Brit. ish Isles yesterday wiped off some of their arrears of matches, Results were: . The English League, Third divi- sion, Aston Villa 3 Shetfield Uniteq 2; Bolton Wanderers 2 Sunderland 2, The English League. Second divi. sion, Middlesborough 1, Oldham 0; Motts Forest 2, Swansea 1, Th eEnglish League, Third divi. sion, {Southern section). Southend 3, Walsall 1, The Scottish League. First divi. gion, Hibernian 8, Clyde 0; Raith Rovers 2, Aberdeen 2; Falkirk 3, Third Lanark 1; Ayr 1, Kilmar- noek 6, The Scottish League. Second division, Arbroath 7, Dumbarton 1, 50 INJURED WHEN FIRE BREAKS OUT IN NEW YORK TUBE Nw York, N, Y,, Feb, 21,--Fifty persons were injured, four men and two women seriously, and 200 passengers were affected by smoke and fumes Tuesday night, when fire broke out in the first car of a New Jersey-bound seven-car Hud. son tube train, 1,000 feet west of the Christopher street station in Manhattan, The injured included. Alfred Lichtenberg, 32, a security salesman of 114 Lincoln street, Passaic N, J. He was taken to Belle- vue hospital, where his condition was described as critical from in- halation of smoke and fumes. Alfred Rudolph, 36, of 38 Van Cleaf street, Clifton, N.J,, also in Bellevue hospital, suffering from smoke inhalation, Condition not serious, Panic-stricken passengers tramp- led one another in attempting to get ff the stalled and smoke-filled | rain, Most of them reached the the Christopher street station through ampother train, that was ola to the rear of the stalled rain, ! The train which caught fire car- ried about 1,000 homeward-bound commuters. SCENIC BEAUTY OF U.S, FALLS AGAIN UNDER DISCUSSION Washington, D.C,, Feb, 21,-- The Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee have decided to have hear- ings on the treaty providing for preservation of the scenic beauty at Niagara Falls, ; enator Borah, of Idaho, who fs chairman, was authorized to name a sub-committee to conduct hear- ings for those who are protesting BS et A ee give ose Tea its table goodness, Every package guaranteed. oe REDRO TEA "is good ted" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good against diversion of water provid. ' the water powe) provisions of the ed by the pact. Iuither study of | treaty also is evutemylated, ARROWROOT Proved Purity improve upon, and Quali that no imitation can oe In the store or on the 'phone always ask for Biscuits LAU H1#« = Dad y PF iP 70 i Wn 3 v 0 WN 2a amos ss i ho Wi | NE NTIL | got the Loblaw habit I simply dreaded to have {o help out on the week-end shopping, for the old-fashioned way of asking and waiting seemed such a terrific waste of time--Now it is different, for I have learned that by helping ourselves in a Lob- law Store we not only gel Beiter Foods al Lower Prices, but we also save a great deal of time. Leaders in Modern Merchandising Items Marked SPECIAL On Sale Feb, 21-27 39-156 SIMCOE STREET Golden Bantam Corn Carrants esi, presses Skinless Fi, Serve & Bnjoy Diamond = More Energy Than PRRPPPAPIPPPIP Ir 2 Pearl Barley ponapp "or ti V, 16¢e Beans Solio ney; fee 2c Cof feelin" Sit; Lb. 57¢ Vs-lb, 29¢ Oatmeal i255 Lb. Bec Lavoline Things cise" ,, 2 Phgs. 23¢ Pools 19¢ Lb. 7¢ Tapioca and go CE 2 Los. 17¢ Oatcakes ERE ........, Phy. 14e ormicelli srs rsnsens 2 Lbs. 23¢ Spaghetti 5% risers , 3 Lbs, 23¢ Milk Soup Paste Be visirrersss 8 LS 28¢ Ready-Cut Macaroni Wo ssn snnss, & BE: 232 Sweet Mustard & Sweet tl, 29¢ 13-02. Jar 32¢ Cleanser Bioans ons... 8 Tins 18e Cake ,..... Lb, 32¢ Fresh Valencia Cake wrrsssriers Evil Pare Honey orn... Tin 66c New J (FF - Neo. 8 ee Honey Corned ET ......... Tin 24¢ Junket Powders - ¢ 7 § I Red Currant Jelly Little Chip Marmalade Brit omen Jar 21c CILLETT'S A Pure Flake HA Pure Lard Carion 1 8 Fry's Club House Pe agssicetal OL1 VES iso tin 20 | | patric 1 8e Bottle SPECIAL-~ Crosse Blackwell's Sweet or Sour Mixed or Sour Chow ' 10-0%Z. i= | sPECIAL- OM FLOOR WAX 1b, Tin Paste Yipb Liquid Wax Porridge Oats Coline Puniimied BE

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