Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Feb 1929, p. 6

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The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper Occasionally we meet a girl, prob- a married women, who does not the least thing about sewing rankly admits it, She may say, 't be funny, me make a dress! y I can't even sew a hem straight," $s not an accomplishment and @ honor goes to the girl who can ke a dress which looks like a aris model and not to the girl who openly admits that she can not sew. Sewing is generally considered one of the things that women can do nat- urally and it is rather a novelty to meet a married woman and a mother who can not sew. The trouble is ey were not taught the art of han- diwork when they were young, Gen- erally it is the fault of the mother, for she may never have given the girl a fair chance to learn the first principles of sewing, If the home where the older women members of the family are sewing all the time the children naturally learn to sew. hey see mother or sister with a piece of material on which they are working some pretty design, or which they are making into some wearing apparel, they get the desire to sew and by watching the experienced seamstress they learn the first prin- ciples. 4 owever it is a wise mother who takes the time and patience to teach her girls the proper method to adopt, In the olden days in England the irls were often sent to schools to earn to do the plain sewing properly. Then there were teachers, now the mothers are the teachers, The first thing to impress upon the child is that they should never sew unless they have proper light, To sit in a room which is lighted by a lamp which is placed at the extreme end of the room, is a dangerous thing, for the child's eyesight is vastly more im- rtant than the sewing, Have the Fight falling over the left shoulder, Bring the work to your eyes. So of- ten you see someone sewing bent away over and then they wonder why they have such pains in their neck and shoulders, Bring the work to you and not your eyes to the work, The first sign of an experienced seamstress is whether she uses her scissors every opportunity or whether she uses her teeth, There are man reasons why you should not bite o threads with your teeth, In the first Place it may be injurious to the teeth, econdly it is a simple and excellent way of spreading diseases, Finally it may soil the work, Knots are the experienced sewer's horror for they make the back of fancy work very unsightly. The back of the work should be finished as neatly as possible, A knot should never be used except in basting or where it may be concealed, In fancy work it is wise to finish the flowers or the piece of the design you are working on and not carry the thread over to a design which is distant from the other, In basting the basting threads should be as long as the seam which is to be basted, Tt will be found that a backstitch is more secure and dur- able in basting. Use a short thread in sewing; not fonger than an easy comfortable movement of the arm. All perma- nent stitches should be small and even, Of course it is impossible to have the work quite as clean when you have finished sewing but it may be kept clean if you wash your hands before beginning to sew, If your hands perspire freely dust them light- ly with cornstarch or talcum powder, When you do stop sewing put the needle in a case, fold the work neatly and put it in a sewing basket, Remove the slevedge from cotton goods before hemming as they do not lie smoothly when left in the seam. WOMEN'S MEETINGS EMILY M, WARREN TO GIVE ILLUSTRATED LECTURE ON CITIES OF ROMANCE The members of the Home and School Council of the city, in re- oll mh ara gt Con hy ss Eeina gh WITTE One woman writes: "I would it worth its in gold", Another says: "It is the best thie 1 have ever taken for Bron- This from 8 man: "It fs sure 8 wonderful medi- cine", "Coughed for 18 but it was stopped your marvellous med cine", asserts another, of let- ters in our attest the unigue power of s" in For severe colds accom- taining their good name for ex- cellent entgrtainment, are bringing to Oshawa on Wednesday evening Miss Emily M, Warren, a talented artist, who will present an illus- trated lecture on "Cities of Ro- mance', Miss Warren has travelled through all the beautiful cities of Europe and Asia and has drawn some of their beauty spots. These have been made into slides and will be shown at the Centre street school auditorium on Wednesday evening, Miss Warren will also tell in her interesting way the history of the slides, and stories of the cities shown, WOMEN NOT ANXIOUS TO BE MISSIONARIES Niagara Falls, N.Y,, Feb, 18, -- Dis- cussion of the problems and methods of the missionary work of the Y.W.CA, in foreign fields at the joint conference of the foreign divi- sions of the United States and Cana- dian Y,W.C.A, disclosed that the as- sociation is having difficulty in find- ing women to fill the missionary posts abroad, Mrs, E, E, Cotton, member of the foreign division of the United States Y.W.C.A, said that women were not so anxious to go in- to the missionary work mow because of the many activities offered them at home. STARS Wise men, you know, suns, An' moons an' stars, Say that those tiny spows or light Are other worlds "way off from ours. who study milky ways, an' Of course, these men are awful old An' wise, an' yet it can't be true, I know the stars are little holes With bits of heaven shinin' through, ponied By Jever, headoch or meuralgis, take LAXPYRIN and Buck- boy's Misture and guich wulicf will follow, sss GOULD NOT WORK FOR on oe In hn Ji iis THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1929 SWATHED HIPLINE P Youthful semi-sports type that ex- presses new femininity in swathed hipline and one-sided flared treat- ment in skirt, To prove its news ness, it chooses sheer tweed with plain woolen for turn-over collar, and grosgrain ribbon for tie, Style No, 352 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust ed § is easily made, and is as practical as it is smart, It is very attractive in lustrious crepe satin in black, tomato red silk crepe, Royal blue rayon velvet, printed rayon velyet in wine-red tones, and black wool jer- sey, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred), Wrap coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine, showing all the most ate tractive Paris styles, embroidery, PRT SI SO TS SEI 3 Ca PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department # Oshawa, 3 Enclosed And ,,.,..:,., COBLS, 4 Please send patterns listed be J low: L sossnnsssnnsssss BIZO s0ssssss 3 POPP NINIIIIIIIS size sesrsrre 8 sossssnsnsssnnss BIZO s00sssse . PEPIPIPIIPIPIISP POPP IRIIINIINITYS ; L r ' Name BOPP IPRIIIRIPIINIIIIIYS AGAress sisssssnssssssssssses Town Province BRP RRNNNINIIIRININIS SEPSIS IPIPONIINIPINS > 4 p 3 3 4 4 4 p 3 3 p . 3 p p . 3 p p 3 p p p 4 . 4 3 p 3 3 p 3 3 a J we we FPIZMAURICE RESIGNS POST AS FREE STATE AIR CHIEF Dublin, Irish Free State, Feb, 18.--Colonel James Fitszmaurice, one of the three who first made a non-stop westward crossing of the | «4. North Atlantic by airplane, has re- signed as the chief of the army air force of the Irish Free State, He held this post before the historic flight of the Bremen. Colonel O'Higgins also resigned his command of the medical ser- vices of the Free State forces. Al-|add together 12 officers resigned and 49 retired to the reserves, These last included Colonel Austin Jrepnon and Major General Cron- YOUTH AWARDED "BRAVERY NEDAL (B Press) London, "Ont, eb, 18, = Ross C, Garrett, 12, has been awarded the gold medal of the Royal Humane So- ciety for his bravery in risking his life to save his pet dog, "Trixie," Starrett with several chums were walking along the river bank on De- cember 26 when the dog in attempt ing a short cut across the ice broke through, Garrett seeing the dog anging to the edge of the ice umped in and lifted him to safety, e then climbed out himself with the help of the other boys, MISS MORROW IDEAL MATE FOR LINDBERGH New York, Feb, 18, -- Miss Anne Spencer Morrow, the future Mrs, Charles A, Lindbergh, was described by friends today as an ideal mate for the flying Colonel, ; Both are of the old-fashioned type as contrasted to the modern flap- per and the slick-haired youth of to- day, But Miss Morrow is not ad- verse to a bit of fun and to her in- timates is known as a laughing, fro- licksome young woman, just as "Slim" Lindbergh in his mail flying days was known for his practical jokes and harmless horseplay, Born in Englewood, N.J., a fash- fonable suburb across the Hudson from New York, Miss Morrow is twenty-two years old, five feet, five inches tall, has large brown eyes and dark brown unbobbed hair, The Colonel is twenty-six years old, more than six feet tall, and blonde, Both are Presbyterians, Mr, and Mrs, Lindbergh need not worry about the wolf at the door, The Lone Eagle hopped to fortune, as well as fame when he made his flight to Paris, although he has de- clined many offers of a financial na- ture, and Mr. Morrow was a partner in J. P, Morgan and Company before he became ambassador, elpful ints For arassed ousewives A teaspoon of vinegar added to the lard for frying prevents the articles being fried from absorbing too much fat, A jelly and blancmange can be re- moved easily and cleanly if the out- side of the mould is dipped in hot water for a couple of seconds, Do not leave the mould in the water too long or the jelly will become liquified again, Scotch Macaroons 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 2% cups rolled oats, 1 et butter or margarine, 2 teaspoons vanilla, . Beat eggs, add sugar, and continue beating until light and fluffy. Sift baking powder over pats, add to the first mixture, and at well. Add melted butter and yanila. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greas tin, 1 the drops two inches apart. Bake in a3 moderately hot oven, and remove very quickly from the pan. ime in oven, 15 minutes. Tem- perature, 375 degrees. Servings, 24. Cheese for macaroni, sauce, etc, will be smoother if run through the chopper instead of grating it, using a medium knife, Use only the inner part of celery for salads and prepare an endive in same manner as lettuce, * Raspberry W 1 cup hors Wai s, raspberries, 2 cream, % cup walnuts or pecans, Cut marshmallows in small pieces, ld fo rasybistios Bd Let on ns col until ly , Whi; Pa until stiff and fold into buku oui mixture. Add nuts. Serve The Tins arviee tee or telephone 35. Mr. and Mrs, L, A, Koch were in Markham yesterday, where they were the guests of rel atives, LJ LJ Ll Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Coad, Sim- coe street north, are spending a few weeks in Regina, Alberta, * * LJ Master Karl Perry id visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs William McCabe, in, Napanee, LJ Miss Winogene Pipher, Bruce street, spent the week-end with friends in Toronto, . * * Mr. Ben McKnight of Detroit is spending a few days with his mo her, Mrs, Mary McKnight, Al- bert street, , x % . Mr, W, E, N, Sinclair spent the week-end at his home, . Simroe street north, and returned to his duties of the Legislature today, Mr, Ronald' Sexsmith has re- turned to the city after spending a week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, George Bexsmith, in Napanee Ld »* 1] 1] Angus M. Hood of Upper Canada College, Toronto, spent the week- end in the city, visiting his father, Mr, M, McIntyre Hood, LJ] LJ . Miss Gladys Roan of Sault Ste, Marie spent the week-end in the city, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Herb Ogden, Bruce street. LJ Miss Edythe Cawier of the Uni- versity of Toronto spent the weeck- end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, E. F, Cawker, King street east, * » Mrs, John Gowan Bnd daughter, Margaret, Elgin street east, spent the week-end in Kingston, where they were guests at the Hotel La Salle, Ld Ld . Mrs. 8. C, Shergold and child- ren of Mimico were the week-end visitors with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, James Moffatt, Ken- neth avenue, * LJ » Mr, and Mrs, Morris Tamblyn « « Social and Personal - - of ite readers in Send in a postcard Miss Reta Bennett, all of Bowman. ville, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Boddy yesterday, * * * ~ Rev. J, H, Woodside, B,A,, LL, D., of the 8t, George's Presbyterian Church, London, was the guest of Mr and Mrs, A, R, Hamilton, Athol street east, during his atay in the city, Mr. 8. A, Siéievss and Miss O, Hancock of Kiscoty, Alberta, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs, W, J, Wood, and Mr, Wood, Elgin street east, Mr, H. BE, Tripp "attended the annual dinner of the Seventh Canadian Siege Battery Assogia- tion, which was held in the Queen's Hotel, Montreal, on Sat- urday, Mrs, Ross Perry, *Brock street, was called to Kingston on Sunday to be with her sister, Miss Haze! McCabe, who is undergoing an operation in the Kingston General Hospital, . [J [J The Sons of England entertain- ed at thelr weekly whist drive on Friday evening in the 8, 0, E. hall, There were seven tables 'n play. The ladies' prizes were awarded to Miss A, Cowley (first), Miss Jessie Downey (second), Mr. W. Ashton and Mr, L, Keller re- ceived the gentlemen's first and second prizes, respectively, The special prize was awarded to Mrs, Bentley. The prizes were given in the form of vouchers, CR An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, F. Newman, Nassau street, on Satur- day, when they entertained in hon- or of their eldest daughter, Addie, who celebrated her seventeenth birthday, The evening was spent in dances and games, Misses Rosie and Dolly Pratley gave several dances and Mr, Jack Morris. in the role of female impersonator, en- tertained the guests, Miss Newman recelved many fine gifts, Supper was served to about twenty guests. That annoying hump fn the centre of the tablecloth may be avoided by folding it three times lengthwise before making any cross folds, The linen will also lie smoother, To clean a rusty knife with an onjon stick the blade in the onion and leave it there for awhile, When a prized piece of furniture cracks fill the crack with beeswax. When the crack is varnished over $e beeswax or crack is mot motice- able, Serafina di Leo, sa Dblack-haired dark-eyed beauty, in her seven- teenth year, whose voice has been praised by Mary Garden as having greater possiblities than did Ger- gldine Farrar's, has left for Italy for a year's training prior to debut in the Metropolitan opera next year. She is the ledest of five child- ren of @ workingman. ; 1 vg gasnishied ith Jieees of marshmal MAY SAVE GIRLS FROM RADIUN HoLD Doctor Thinks He Can Find Way To Dissolve Particles New York.--Five young New Jer- sey women who were expected to die within a' year because of supposed radium poisoning, have been given new hopes of prolonged life by a new scientific opinion, The five young women who "point- ed" tiny brushes with their lips to paint Juminous dials upon watches, were doomed by science to die, be- cause, science said, the infinitesimal portions of radium which they had absorbed had attached themselves to their bones and were breaking down the red and white corpuscles of the blood through a terrific bombard- ment of Alpha rays. It was described as a condition which could mot be cured. But now science has made a second guess. It may not have been radium after all; it may have been mesotho- rium, which although 20 tifnes more radio-active than radium, is soluble, while radium salts are not. And the mesothorium, dissolved in time through the processes which science knows, may be eliminated from the bodies, It is the hope of Dr. Robert E. Humphries, of the O i Hospital at Newark, where whey fave been continuously treated, he can find a means of dissolving the salts and rebuild the wasted tissues. Last June the US. Radium Cor- poration, for whom they had worked when they contracted their ailments, 10,000 and and family, Miss Joyce Luxton and |' WHAT IS PROPER AGE FOR MARRIAGE : Hygiene Expert Gives Opin. ion After Investigating Many Cases ---- Memphis, Tenn. -- What is the proper age for marriage? "A young man should not marry until he 1s 26 and a girl until she is 22 years of age," in the opinion of Mrs, Margaret Wells Wood, not- ed hygiene expert, Mrs, Wood has spoven to young Sople in virtually v State in he Union and has in gated hun- dreds of cases in which early mar- riage figured prominently, peak before a group of col- lege and high school students here, Mrs, Wood advocated the teaching of sex in all public schools above the Jogos. 0 "The trouble, in a large part at least, with our present ar system is that young boys and girls are physically ready for parenthood frome six to eight years before they are mentally and emotionally ma. ture," Mrs, Woods said. "Even when they are mentally and emotionally mature, they lack the education that is 80 necessary for parenthood," she said, "I don't believe in birth control; that isn't the purpose of marriage, "Men and women who do not want children should not marry, If they are physically unable to have children they should adopt, not one, but several, for the presence of children in the home makes it a much happier place to lve," Mrs, Wood said, Big vault of Fredericton bank was found to have passed through the re- cent fire in excellent condition with its contents intact and papers and shelving untouched, means & Blue Box money saved-- ARELESS WASHING is harder on clothes than actual wear, experts say. colored alkali, fibres are w They wear out sooner! Lux contains no ha than twice as long/* rio ao ong' Every time you wash silks, rayons, woollens or things with soa; s containing harmful ened, colors dulled. That means money wasted! Don't run the risk of buyi soaps--whether flakes, When you buy Lux you know it is safe! rmful alkali--nothing to injure the finest fabric, the most delicate color, With Lux, clothes, curtains, blankets, em- broidered linens, printed cottons--sheer and fabrics, too--stay new- unknown chips or . Lux is sold only in the blue box, never in oulk, *E: great movie studio in Hollywood, New York musical show, buyers for 112 ft stores, use Lux, to keep clothes new If it isn't in the blue box, it isn't Lux Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto. By Grace G. Drayton -- TDN 4 p & 3 \ IAA TARE NEA / \ - y v \ Ag %) ©) - y Dolly, Bobsy AND COMFY HAD WALKED, AND WALKED AND WERE WERY TiRSTy AND LP 18 Ts BRANCHES SAT A LITTLE Yerrow DWARE SAVE vs iA save vs [" AND THERE WERE THREE BIC Liens Core Down THE HLLSIPE 2-48 TUeY CAME To A Bis Orange Thee 1 & 8 RRP T "RAYPHERSAOS TRIPS HPO FEERECR. BO NS VP BR RY ER FERLEEERRE RP FR BR im EE a»

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