Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Feb 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1929 FLU TAKES TOLL ANON INDIANS FARTHER NORTH Air Force Service Receives Information of Inhabitants North of Pickle Lake Toronto, Feb, 16.--Influenza is tak- ing its toll in Indian encampments ven farther north than: the Pickle ke area on the Albany river in the Patricia district, according to a let- ter which Capt. W. Roy Maxwell, director of the provincial air service, #has received from Pilot Gifford Swartman, : Swartman is the provincial aviator who flew Dr. W. J. Bell of Sioux Lookout, into the Pickle lake area about a week ago when news of the epidemic in the wilds first reached the outposts of civilization. Describing this trip, Swartman re- lates a conversation which he had with a Pickle Lake Indian who stat- ed that three weeks previous, while making the rounds of his trap line, he had met another Indian from the north, The latter had told him, that conditions farther north were very bad and that there was much sick- ness, At Pickle lake, Swartman writes, 13 or 14 sick Indians--the whole population of the camp--were herded into the main cabin which was about eight feet by fourteen feet in 'size. Three of them had died then and another would probably die that night, Dr, Bell thought, Only one man in he camp was able to hunt or fish and he, Swartman says, was apparently not very ex- pert for the camp's food supply was low. Outside one cabin a dog was hanging by the neck, frozen stiff, The latter does not explain, but it is sur- mised that the dog died from lack of food and care when virtually the whole camp was ill 4 The main encampments north of "TIME TABLES | C.P.R. TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect 1201 om Sunday April 2, 1928. Going West 548 am Daily 6.23 a.m. Daily Daily except Sunday, Daily Daily t Sunday, Daily Daily except Sunday, .m Daily except Sunday. . Daily i .m Daily All times shown sbove are times trains depart from Oshaws Station. C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound 8 a.m.~Daily except Sunday. a.m.~Sunday only, .59 a.m.=Daily, ' .17 p.m.~Daily except Sunday. .32 p.m, ~Daily except Sunday, 47 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 42 p.m.~Daily. p- a. a. ON Ome © m.~Daily except Saturday, m.~Daily. m,-Daily, Westbound a.m. ~Daily, a.m.--Daily, a.m.~Daily except Sunday, a.m.=~Daily. 07 a.m.~Daily except Sunday. .06 p.m.~Daily except Suaday. p.m,~Daily, p.m.~Sunday only, p.m,--Daily except Sunday, p.m.~Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Eftectrye ». mod alter Nov, rn va N= DIL BTLE 2 84a wonuma 2: LNNAN PENT GNES L] Arrive Hospital 10.50 a.m 12.45 p.m 43 pa 6.465 p.m BELERERES PerPpPOPLEYPS PEERREEER 10.55 pou. i Leave Arrve Oshawa Bowmanville . 6.50 a.m. 2 7.50 a.m. 8.50 a.m. 10.20 a.m. 12.05 pam. L3 p.m. 245 p.m. 4.10 p.m. 5.05 p.m. 6.05 p.m. an p.m. pam. 10.10 p.m. 1.00 p.m. PE Bi SPEREEREERE! 435 pm. 6.50 p.m. NPaw 3 10.00 pm. & 11.30 p.m. T..ae marked re through Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND nULIDA™ SCHEDULE the Pickle lake area are the Windi- go lake and Trout lake; camps. « At the later there are 800 Indians and an Anglican mission, The clergy- man in charge of this mission is Rev, Leslie Garrett, who is now on leave and is staying at 4 East 16th street, Mount Hamilton. r. Gar- rett has been in old Ontario all win- ter and will not return to the north until late spring. Collegiate Chatter * The two paintings purchased by the Students' Council and the Board of Education from the ar- tist Mr, George Chavignaud are now hanging temporarily in the school library, A final resting place for the pictures cannot be determined till the new addition to the school is completed next term, but it is most likely that they will occupy a prominent position somewhere in the corridors, The two pictures are water colours, one a landscape of Old Quebec the le other a Dutch village. 5 0» The students of the Dovlestown High School Doylesiown, Pa, have again acknowledged our magazine "Acta Ludi", Early in 1928 we ex- changed school magazines the Doylestown H. 8, and recently the library received the Feb. 1929 edition of their monthly namely "The Torch', which makes mention, as before, in its exchange column of Acta Ludi, Teams Defeated The 0.C.I. basketball teams suf- fered two losses last Friday at Scarboro and are now forced from the running for group honors. East York juniors have cinched their group while Scarboro H. 8. has come out ahead in the senior race, Both these teams are .to be congratulated on their triumphs and should make a good showi in the semi-finals when they mq first the winners of the, westgrn Toronto and district group. x % 0% The O.C.I. teams finighf' their schedule today when they meet the fast East York teams in the the 0.CI, gym. The East York lads were the victors on their own floor and the locals are out for revenge, v : The girls' team journeys to East York today minus the ser- vices the captain, Miss Alice Ross, who has sustained a minor injury to her foot, New Pin Arrives The sample of the new O.C I. pin has arrived and is being passed around to the different forms for inspection, The design is a credit to the school and the Students Council when it comes to taking orders should find little trouble indeed. Members of 5th form are svort- ing their own new pins which ar- rived last week. They are of dis- tinctive design finished in the school colours, red, green and gold. Debaters at. Rotary At the Monday nooh luncheon of the Oshawa Rotary Club fonr O.C.I. s.udents presented a debate as the major item of the program which was supplied by 'Rotarian A. E «O'Neill principal of the O0.C.IL Mr. O'Neill introduced Mr, C. -- | The New Remedy e, colds Jp WH f Rheumatism « SUFFER with | paper | ¢ M. Ewing of the 0.C I. staff to the ¢lub and Mr, Ewing in turn in- troduced the debaters and the tople isy men and women are et of thgsexerciser in the dor a dive! of your bowels as mticHE real get from an hour with the Oils, salts and or ry ? " like Cascarets, 0s ¢ ® only, mechanical or chemical * weak§p your bowels, bow- lL you yge Cascaggts yo | | They ma from ag ich stimulates fhe peri- tio} andgexercises th vel mus- othing else does shis! That's why ing at th§ rat¢ of 20 mil- es a year, and pepple) everywhere on them to relieve hggdsehes, bilious- bloating, gestion, con- STRENGTHEN THE BOWELS HANDY INGED-TOP TIN BOXES THEY WORK 4 WHILE YOU SLEER id and Mr. Albert L can tell of their argument, namely, "Re- solved that the Port of Vancouvep is destined to outstrip in imvort- ance the part of Monreal during the next quarter &emturv." } "was upheld by Miss Dorothy .Crothers 'and Mr. George C ell while Miss Jean Mathewg-and Mr. Kenneth Heddon suppopted the negative side of the argument, "It was the The afiirma.l same debate that Wiss Crothers and George Camp- bel won from the Bowmanville High School debating team a few weeks ago, however, no decision was given on this occasion, . - The evening of the final debate between the O0.C.I. and Whitby High School has been set for Thursday the 21st. Everybody is welcome, come and support the Oshawa team, Miss Marie Valleau Glass, » * A pronounced success fittingly describes in short the premier production of the O,C.I. staff play- ers last evening, The comments of many of the large audience who witnessed the production are high- ly flattering. But that is sufficient as a full account of the plays may be found elsewhere in this issue, let the student body however ex- tend their heartiest congratula- tions to their teachers upon the outs.anding success of the pres- entation, . . Ask any O.C.I, student how he enjoyed the staff plays and if he you without first nearly laughing his head off its a won- der. "Didja see--?--" "Wal I guess but wasn't--?--a scream." *"I'il say and how." This is just a snap of a conversation overheard, . LJ members * The of = the cadet corps who are acting as ushers at the plays certainly look smart in the new uniforms and they had better keep in (rim for the pro- |: duction is to' be presented again on Saturday evening as well as to- | night, KINGSTON MAY BE ON AIR LINE International Airways Have Matter Under Considera. tion at Present Kingston, Feb, 16. -- Now . that Kingston is to have a municipal it may be included in g first regular air passeng be established in Canada. J, F. Mac- Brien, well-known here ag the for- mer Chief of Staff of the Canadian Permanent Forces and at present managing director of the Interna- tional Airways of Canada Ltd., in replying to a letetr says that it is the intention of the company with which he is associated to shortly institute an air passenger service from Montreal to Windsor and that consideration would be given stop- ping at Kingston, The final decision as to whether Kingston will be included as a stop will depend on whether the air mail schedule. which is at present handled between Montreal and Toronto by Canadian Airways, a subsidiary of International Air- ways will permit it and the suit- ability of the Kingston airport. International Airways is the lar- gest air organization in the Domin- fon and is already operating a fleet of forty planes. It is the intention of the company, according to Mr. MacBrien, to shortly put-a number' Do YouOwn Your Own Real Estate " CUTLER ¢§ (ESTON For that § ol ST. Ww. 7 og fit Calls 510-1560 low ish uyeps" Ppy' Bung Italian ptignally' mo B 00 for with fair terms Phdne 1550 Puone 32614 t, Oshawa J of big tri-motored aeroplanes into service, PRIESTS MAY NO JOIN ROTARY CLUBS Rome, Feb, 16. -- Roman Catholic clergyman will not be permitted to join Rotary clubs, according to the opinion of the Consistorial Congre- gation announced this afternoon, T| opinion was handed down in 5- ponse to. the questions some bishops as to whether prigsf of their dioceses might participgfe in Rotary meetings and enroll inr®clubs, An editorial in the Osservatore Romano on January 22 said that Rotary clubs may do considerable good but that their negative attitude towards religion creates a void in which the germs of Masonry may be generated, I. D., Sutton of Tampico, Mexico, president of International Rotary, is planning a visit to Rome and it is FOR SALE $3,300 buys 5 foomed brick dwell. ing on lot 35 x 134 ft, Ready for trim and furgpce, Wired ¢ stove, Can be gompleted f Garage suitablg, for wo x 14 ft.,, with padi formerly used ly located, A SHG J DUNG PREY 4 Prince SF URI . - Ld Phone Oshawa, Ont. understood that he will seek audien- ces with Vatican authorities in an attempt to change their impression of his organization. the persons of Mayors Thomas ". Lanspeary. of Walkerville, and Frank D. Riberdy, of Ford City. "I think it is only fit and proper that these stores should pay a husi- ness tax, said Mayor Lanspeary. They are piling up big profits and they should be taxed." Mayor Rib- rdy declared that not only should the liquor stores be taxed but that the tax should be heavier than that paid by other places of business, THINKS THEY SHOULD PAY Windsor, Feb, 16, -- The move started in Windsor by Ald. Frank J. Mitchell to have Government liquor stores made subject to tax- ation, found hearty supporters ELLA CINDERS--A Too-Close Call A GIRLS MIND WITH HER FACE! 'T BEAR TO SESS SETS ns o-- vo ---- By Bill Conselman Plumb and OGEEGOSH~-- CAN'T YOU MAKE THEM RING OFF UNTIL OL y RE ON, CINDERS, CURTAIN'S RUNG hy OPI EAN NAA AA ER AR A ARRAN Cana as VAISALA. ? orgy al throug With ker barga BRINGING UP FATHER-- By Geo. McManus CA >! A Wi HERE, DUKE - wo TAKE T He SETS Te AS PESE = SHOW - YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO Le 5 MY HOUSE ABOUT TY TO-NIGHT AN' TOLET YoU TAKE URLESQU \ ME - | 1999, 1at'] Ecasmre Service, fue, Great Britain rights VM DO GLAD YOU CAME HOME EARLY - THIS 1D THE BARON LONG HME JUST ARRIVED AND 195 ANXIOLS TO SEE AH! MRS-JGGD- | JUST CALLED TO ASK |F "YOU WOULD PERMIT MR-JIGLD TO GO TO THE THEATER WITH ME TO-NIGHT- MY HUSBAND HAS TO TAKE ME TO THE OPERA -BUT I'M BERTIE Sanan Mois YOU T HIM - CN EW You wi Mon LLENJOY HIS COMPANY THIS 1S A GREAT SURPRISE- | WANT YOU TO MEET THE BARON LONG - FELLING TOMMY I THE PHRASES WHITE ELEPHANT. AND, AN iB £LEPHANT ON HIS HANDS, ARE. USED TO DEMOTE A DIGNITY OR POSSESSION THAT § 1745 ALLUSION TO THE SACRED WHITE - ELEPHANTS FORMERLY PRESENTED BY THE 1046 OF SIAM TO A MEMBER OF i5 URL HOM HE WISHED TO DESTROY. SINCE THE ELEPYT REAROED AS SAE EQUATE] THOULD HAVE TO CARE FOR IT ACCORDINGLY, YET i Th & T0 00 50 OULD REDUCE Hit T0 POVERTY. HH b SHE STORY DOES MOT AGREE WITH FACTS AS THE : TOA TIOBLEMAL THE KING OF SAMLALOYE BEING DEEMED HORTHY TO Orit SUCH A CREATURE. ©1925, King Pentures Hyndienbs, Tuc, Groat Britain rights - TILLIE THE TOILER--Well Rewarded (FALE - SEcue TIES NORTON WHO FOUND THOSE AND TELL +i TO Hes, ME, NORTOM - THIS SONES OF SIMPRINS AND COMPANY = COULD You COME UP TW THE OFFICE TILALAE LEFT WITH HUM FOR A RADE

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