Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Feb 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1929 Rt Cl Cle lf Rt tl A fl Women's es a T * * 'The Women's Corner * For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper Ld * A UI BAKING HINTS Regardless of how many times you make some things they are al- ways wrong, You may get a recipe of a cake that was particularly good. when someone else made it and then when you make it your- self it is a dismal failure, There are certain dishes which are stumbling stones for many house- wives and today we are going to try to clear up the mistakes of many, To many of the older house- wives these will be ancient history but the younger ones should be given .a helping hand, Just as the faults of children should be cor- rected when they are young so the cooking faults of the bride should be corrected when they are just beginning. Potatoes of all the vegetables, are served the most often in Cana- dian homes and it is for this reas- on that we discuss the faults in the cooking of potatoes first, Too often they are served soggy in- stead of mealy, The mealiness of a baked potato depends first upon the potato itself, That is, the more starch the potato contains the bet- ter it is for baking. As new potas» toes contain less starch than those gathered later in the season, do not try to bake them, Because potatoes are so starchy they need intense heat to bake them, The oven should be reguiuted at about 400 degrees F. This intense heat turns the water in potatoes LO steam, and unless some of this steam is allowed to escape before serving the potato is apt to be soggy. Therefore when the pota- toes are about done, pinch them " so as to crack the skins slightly or prick them with a fork, then leave them in the oven a few minutes Jonger to dry out. Boiled potatoes work on the same principle--when done the steam should be allowed to escape. That is why, after draining off the water the saucepan containing the potatoes should not he tightly cov- ered, Leave the lid ajar' and keep in a warm place, or shake gently over the fore until the potas toes appear white and mealy, New potatoes are always more popular . Give Your Child Enough Vitamins For Good Health SCOTT'S EMULSION Is the Agreeable Way! To Obtain the | Benefits of Cod-liver Oil remember is that the uw 1LOF Vitamins Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. for boiling but they are always more solid than older ones, Another problem of the Cana- dian housewife is to make a cream sauce that is appetizing and not lumpy. There are so many places where a cream sauce may be used to advantage and of the result is not of the best an entire course may be ruined, To make a perfect white sauce requires a little time and careful aitention, Two important things to flour must be thoroughly cooked because, like potatoes, it is mostly starch and extreme heat is necessary to cook starch so that it will not taste starchy, The second thing to remember is that the sauce must be stirred constantly while cooking in order to have it smooth and velvety, Did you ever eat.a meal that is perfect, ,the potatoes are cooked to a "T"" and the meat is just brown enuogh and is the particular kind you like most--and then the brown enough and is the particular fond of a lot of gravy so you do not stint yourself and then the en- tire meal is ruined, The gravy is greasy, lumpy and thin as water. If you have then you might send these suggestions to your hos.ess. Gravy must be made as carefully as the cream sauce, Thick, pastry gravies are usually the result of "dumping" flour into an uncertain amount of pan-fat, and pouring boi.ing water from the kettle un.il it looks about right. It may ap- pear pbout right while cooking, but by the time it. reaches the tabie and has cooled sligh.ly the excess flour cools to a pasty con- sistency, Measure the fat left in your roasting pan, instead of guessing at it, otherwise you are apt to have too much and thus gei a gravy where the grease will rise to the top. After you have meas- ured the fat accurately a few times you will be able to judge the amount, The correc. method is: To 4 tablespoons of pan fat, add 4 tablespoons of flour and stir with a long handled spoon until the flour is brown, but not burned. Too hot a fire will scorch the flour and spoil your gravy 2 cups boiling water are then added gradually, stirring constan.ly, Bring to a boiling point and boil two or three minutes, Strain and serve, LOVES Young love is passion Old love is peace; Such is love's fashion Never to cease Young love's a carol; Old love's a psalm; Child love is wild love; Old love is calm; Young love is rapture; Old love ig rest; Shy wings for capture; Deep heart for nest; Dawn love is silver. Wait for the west: Old love is gold love-- Old love is best. ~--Katharine Lee Bates. Its Purity makes it dissolve freely Because Sunlight is all solves freely and less soap it dis- it is required to make those rich lasting suds you want. Almost instantly its billows of pure suds begin the work which leaves your clothes beautifully white and fragrant with cleanliness. Let a bee Of Suslisht prose bow uch more work it can ordinary soap. for you than ity on every sconamy--ionger life to your eCaon to your TRIM---SLENDER Trim, slender model with diag- onal closing bodice, with straight button-trim side, with plal s be- low, A strap of self-fabric or rib- bon, caught at shoulder and slip- ped through bound openings in fob fashion, is sportive, The vestee with open V-neck has an attached rolled collar, Style No, 369 is of lovely sheer tweed in purply-blue tone, wi h vestee of matching silk crepe, Black wool jersey with white silk vestee, coppery red homespun with silk crepe in beige, crepe satin in mahogany brown with beige silk crepe, and dark blue velevet with caramel crepe satin are a few of many interesting combinations, Designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 inches bust. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefuliy, We suggest that when you send for this pattern, you enclose 10 cents additional for a copy of our Fashion Magazine, showing all the mosp attractive Paris styles, em- broidery, etc, a a a I PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Ont. Enclosed find ,......... cents, Please send patterns listed be ow: : TIE NE OY a aN a Na Name sevosssssnssssssssssssss Address ,...00000000000000000 Sessebessssressssnss Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully, CORLEW TET TT WT TTT a ah J 0h 20 2 0 Se ee a a a SD | CATARRH-- SOOTHING REMEDY "Nostroline" is the finest thing for Catarrh or Cold in the Head. Pleasant and instantly effective! Rid this plaint 'regular or telephone 35. The many friends of Mr, Thomas Oke will be pleased to learn that he is doing nicely after his second operation in the Oshawa General Hospital, * % % Rev. C. E, Cragg, pastor of King street United Church, in company with Rev, Harold Stainton of Courtice, Rev, A, R, Richards of Port Perry, Rev, John Griffith of Blackstock and Rev, J, W, David- son of Seagrave are at- tending the spiritual meetings of the United Church ministers of Oshawa and Cobourg presbyterials, which have been held in Port Hope will be concluded today, LJ LJ . About twenty friends of Mr, and Mrs. H, E. Tripp gathered at their home on Celina street last evening to surprise them on the occasion of Mr, Tripp's birthday, During the evening, which was spent in cards and dancing, Mr, Tripp was presented with a jardiniere, The lady's prize was won by Mrs, Webb, gentleman's, Mr, Wright, and the consolation prize, Mrs. Tripp. LJ LJ ] The choir of Centre street United Church entertained a splendid audience last evening at an attractive and unusual Valen- tine social, The school room was appropriately decorated with red and white and the program was in keeping with the day, A duet by Mrs. and Miss Hodgkinson opened the program, A short sketch, en- titled "A Dream on St. Valentine's Eve", was given, in which Grand- pa was seen sitting in an old arm- chair, dreaming of his Valentine of years ago, As he dreamed these PAGE FIVE - - Social and Personal - - The Times invites the cooperation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard Interests in the Home ~ and the Commu; nity | | | Ca ---- Valentines came to life, and enter- ed from the centre of a large heart, to entertain him with songs and readings, When the dream scene was ended contests and games were enjoyed, which were followed by a Valentine supper. » * * St, Valentine's Day was fitling- ly observed last evening when the Material Department of General Motors entertained at a Valentine dance in the General Motors Audi- torium, Mary street, The music for the evening was supplied by the Royal Canucks orchestra, The stage of the auditorium was dec- orated with Valentine decorations and the balloons and sepgentite, which featured different novelty dances, made the hall a scene of gaiety, J The novelty dances, which were introduced into the program at in- tervals, were heartily enjoyed, The lemon dance was the cause of a great deal of merriment, The ap- plause which greeted the Paul Jones and the length of time the orchestra was forced to play for these dances showed their extreme popularity, The winners of tha lemon dance were Miss 8S, Bern. ning and Mr. J. Bond, while the Jucky number dance was won by Miss B. Germond and Mr, B, Stal- ter, For those atiending, who did not dance, tables were provided for bridge. The prize for the. hold- er of the lucky number among the players was awarded to Mrs, J. Gray, Supper was served at midnight, and during the intermission several musical' numbers were given, The dancing continued until 2 o'clock, WOMEN'S MEETINGS | NORTH SIMCOE W. A, In the accoun. or the tea held at the home of Mrs. Fox, Carnegie avenue, by Mrs, Keel's group of the Women's Association the name of the church was erroneousiy given as Knox Presbyterian Church, instead of North Simcoe United Church, Among those serving was Mrs. Spinks. KNOX CHURCH W. M, 8, The regular meeting of the Knox Church Women's Missionary Society was held yesterday after- noon, There was an increased at- tenuance, The devotional exercises were conducted by Mrs, James Mc- Cormack and Mrs, Parker. The secretary, Mrs. D, Archer, read he minutes of the last meeting, The president of the Society, Mrs, A. R. Hamilton, gave an ac- count of the Toronto Presbyterial W. M. 8. meeting, which was held in Toronto last month and which Mrs. Hamil.on attended, This ac- count was very interesting and showed the work, which is being carried on by the various Socie- ties in the district, PYTHIAN SISTERS The Ontario Temple No. 1 of the Pythian Sisters held their meeting on Thursday evening with Sister Iva Cliff, M. E.C., in the chair. The degree plified in a capable manner. After the meeting a Valentine party was held, The hall and tables were tastefully decorated with kearts. For the entertainment of those present a short sketch was given by Sisters Gillard, Harmer, Cliff, Northey Jr., Hurst, Russell, Lee and Brother Harner. Mr. Har- ner was director of the play. Re- freshments were then served by the following convener and com- mittee: Sisters Hurst, Disney, Hyman and McKay, KING ST. LADIES' AID The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid of King street United Church was held yesterday after- noon in the Sunday School room. The president, Mrs, O, D. Friend, convened the meeting, which was opened with hymn and prayer. Following the reading of the min- utes of the last meeting the secre- ary gave her report, in which it was noted that thirty bouquets were sent to the sick in the past month, During the business meet- ing it was decided that, in view of .he fact that the Congregational "at home' of the church is being held on March 14, which is the regular meeting day of the Ladies' Aid, the meeting of the Ald would be held on March 21, A musical program was given which was opened by a vio.in solo by Mrs. Kinder. Mrs. A, C. Cam- eron contributed a solo, in which the obligato was played by Mrs elpful ints For arassed ousewives In icing a cake a little dry flour or cornstarch sprinkled over the top of a cake before icing will pre- vent the icing from spreading and give it a smoother appearance, For sponge cake using hot water when the recipe calls for water will make the cake whiter; cold water produces a yellow cake. When you want to know f the cake is done, moisten the finger and touch the bottom of the pan if it sizzles as when you touch a hot fron you may know it is done, Otherwise it will not sizzle, One of those long handled brush- es, similar to those for cleaning milk hottles, proves indispensible in brushing the crumbs from the electric toaster, Try cleaning spinach or any greens with hot water instead of cold. Using a long handled skimmer instead of the hands. You will find the grit all in the bottom of the pan and the spinach clean and also New Reduced Prices on Kepler's Malt an od Liver Oil NEW PRICES Small ello lee © $900 | "= © $1.50 THE IDEAL AFTER "FLU" TONIC Karn's Drug Store Opposite Post Office Phone 378 We Deliver OLD PRICES Small rer wearin shrunken, It may be cleaned this way in less time than it ordinarily takes, When desiring to extract julce from an onion cut a slice from the root of an onion, draw back the skin and press the onion on a coarse grater in a rotary motion, Mix the plaster paris with vine- gar instead of water and you will be able to work with it for half an { hour without it becoming hard, Beat egg, add sugar and stir [thoroughly. Add cocoa or chocolate | Sift baking powder and salt into CHOCOLATE DOUGHNUTS ja little flour and add alternately { with milk, Stir in enough flour to 1 egg, 1 cup sugar, 1-3 cup cocoa | make a stiff dough, stiff enough to or 2 squares of grated chocolate | roll out, using about five cups, Cut melted with 1 teaspoon butter, 3 and fry In deep fat, A delightful teaspoons baking powder, 5 1-4 cup change from the ordinary plain flour, pinch salt, 1 cup milk, | doughnuts, mm---- a A A ---- fa Spring (TR Values In Brand New Goods That Will Cause Great Shopping Ac- tivity on Saturday Kinder. Mrs. (Rev.) Cragg gave an excellent Valentine story, in which she outlined the his.ory of | St. Valentine's Day, Mrs. R. Hold-! en gave a plano solo, which was | fol.owed by a duet by Mrs, Far-i row and Mrs. Foster, There was an exceptionally large attendance at the meeting and the proceeds of the after- noon amounted to $44.50. The mee.ing was closed with prayer, led by Mrs. Cragg, after which re- ifreshments were served by Mrs. Barker and her group, A Big Range of Dresses at $9.75 See Our Lime work, under the leadership of Sis- | ter Mabel Cunningham, was exem-; The Fashion 84 Simcoe Shoppe Phone 3083W Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner y 89 Simcoe 8¢. N, Phone 227 This Is Our Hosi- ery Sale Week. Don't Mies Com- ing to This Event VALUES IN FEB. RUARY that you cannot expect to duplicate in April or May. A Complete New Range of Ladies' Sweaters a n d Pullovers. $2.95 to $5.50 Many nev. lines bought specially and priced specially tc stimulate February Shopping. $2.95. 200 NEW HOUSE DRESSES 10 new styles added to the selection this week. Newest of floral and figured foulard prints. February Sale .............. sorseer Shes assis Sizes 34 to 52. Regular The New Silk Dresses At Our Popular Prices Are Simply Wonderful / New Blues, stunning Reds and Smart Prints are very much in the foreground. You must come and take a glance at this early show- ing. Flat Crepes, Washable Crepes, Celanese Silks, Prinied Silks. $8.95. $14.95 February Offers Great Price Inducements to " . Shop Now. Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce - By Grace G. Drayton ComFY Comes To THE MESCUE. THE Mess" wEAS TRLLwEe Doll wimax Tay ThepsnT o£ THE Suwa ~ AND SAD Tue) Ane GolBy -- a BuT A pic ROOSTER CAME AND CHASED ® AD THE MAVEMT, THE nice SEDs HENS SCRATCHES MP Aa R PETS HAD PLANTED AnD Poor Demy, RoBBY AnD Compy JisT CREP AnD pone 3 BT They Ane » Rig Te PLANT MORE SEEDS WHERE Slo CMUKENS ARS wERE Going To EAT ae SEEDS) ANY way Dolly, Aue Bey AnD CoMFy AVAY

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