. The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Office, Dundas Street, next the Post Office. Telephone 434. REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES HOLDEN, CONT Y ALARMED INCREASED COST PROVINCIAL ROADS | Ontario County Must Raise $17,087 This Year for Highways MUST ALSO ISSUE $81,000 DEBENTURES "Many County Councillors Object to Provinces Road Bill : (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 15,--Ontario coun- ty will raise $81,000 by debentures and $17,087.83," by 'general levy for its share of the building and upkeep of provincial highways through the county during 1928, This represents®20 per cent of the total amount spent by the provin- cial government on highways in the county during this period, The county will also pay $425,02 to the Canadian Pacific Railway as its share of the cost of erecting a wig-wag signal -on the Whithy- Lindsay highway crossing at Myrtle Station, Reeve G, M, Forsyth, of 'Pickering, objected to the payment of this amount on the ground that it was a provincial highway and the county should not have to pay. * Reeve J. M, Kenny pointed out that it was an order _of the railway board and he did not see how the county could escape payment, The council voted to pay the bill, Alarmed by Bill The size of the province's road bill was alarming in the opinion of several couneillors. Reeve Fore syth brought in a motion that the "KIDNEY PILLS ! 7 4 p¥ > y 0 KIDNEY BAC kac HE DDER LE HEuUMmAT! If county. SERIOUS CHARGES To Appear in Court Before Magistrate Willis This Afternoon (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 14,~Chargel with seduction of a girl undar sixteen, Ernest Johnston, of 51 Mutual street, Toronto, was arrested by hie Guuneon as he siapped off the Oshawa bus yesterday afternoon. Johnston had left Whitby Thure- day but his movements had been traced to Toronto anl then to Oshawa. He practically surrender- ed to the police yesteraay, 'Two other charges will also he prefer- red against him one of giving li- quor to a minor and of having liquor in an illegal place, The police found Johnston en- tertaining two locat girls. in a shop off Brock street north, on Thursday night, Chief Munson suspected that there had been drinking but was unable to find any evidence to confirm this be- lief until one of the girls confessed that the accused man had given her liguor. In the meantime Johnston had departed from town but the police kept in close touch with his movements and when he returned yesterday afternoon he was aware that a warrant had been issued for his arrest, The action of the police in find- ing Johnston and the two girls fol- lowed a report received from friends of one girl that she had not returned home from school, Johston wag lodged in the coun- ty jail and 'will appear before Mag- istrate Willis this afteroon, counties in future be not required to pay 20 per cent on building and 20 per cent on upkeep for provin. cial highways owing to the fact that the counties receive no direct revenue from these highways. He also recommended that the proy- ince be urged to discontinue pav. {|ing operations in the county tms year, Strong Objections The resolution met with strong objection from. the members from the north townships, however, who declared that their electors were looking forward with anticipation to the paving of provincial roads through the north section of the Deputy Reeve Bowman, of Nhitby, contended that the north- arn munieipalities were anxious for Pl paved roads and had the same right in this regard as Whitby, Port Perry or Uxbridge. The motion wag withdrawn without being put to the. vote, REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY your Walch is not giving satisfaction we can rcpair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Qshawa Railroads. 10 King st, W, WATCHES COUNCIL MAKES GRANT OF $300 10 ONTARIO REGIMENT EAST WHITBY DEPUTY. REEVE MAKES A STRONG PLEA Motion to Make the Grant Carried By Almost Unani- mous Vote (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 13, -- A grant of .$500 to Ontario Regiment, form- erly the 34th Battalion, CEJF., was voted by 'the county couneil in session yesterday afternoon upon amendment moved by Major R, B, Smith, deputy reeve of East Whit- by, and Deputy Reeve Luther Mid- dleton of Pickering township, to a clause in the report of the county finance committee recommending with Reeve, J. by, as eye LX been authoriz- ed to prepare plans for the enlarge- ment of fhe registry office as per instructions of the inspector of le- gal offices, COUNTY WILL BUY TRACTOR, GRADER Allow Children's Aid Soci- ety to Sell Shelter at Oshawa (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 16.--In aecord- ance with a recommendation of the county roads committee, county will purchase a 30 horge- power tractor, grader and a road maintainer for county road purposes at an estimats ed cost of $7,700. Ontario a ten foot blade The county progeny committee, Kenny, of Whit- Acting upon a recommendation of the county property committee permission was given by the coynty council yesterday dren's Aid Society to sell the Chil- dren's Shelter at Oshawa as a new for the Chil- that the matter of the regiment's , shelter Is to be er rected shortly, request be left over until the June' session, The council was in committee of the whole with Reeve Jno, Rogs of Thorah township, in the chair, when the clause of the report was read, Major Smith, - who com- mands "A" Company in the regi- ment, immediately took the floor and in an eloquent appeal urged his colleagues to consider vne need of the regiment. He harked back to the days of August, 1914, when so many members of the reeiment were ready and prepared to offer themselves in the defense of their country. Many of these men, he stated, had never returned but their names and the name of their regiment would live for ever in the hearts of the people of Ontario county. Since 1918, he declared, the regiment had received no out- side assistance and was now sore- ly in need of new camp* equ'p- ment. Lieut; Col, H, E, Smith, officer commanding, had asked for a grant of $1,000 but he could say with assurance that the regiment would feel that it had the backing of the county if it were voed $500, He did not wish to see the matter "shelved" and he asked who other than the regiment could defend the farms and towns of Ontario coun- ty if the coutry were invaded by an enemy, Deputy Reeve Middleton, of Pick- ering township, concurred with Ma- Jor Smith's remarks and was pleas- ed to second his motion of amend- ment, The regiment, he felt, was worthy of every support. On behalf of the finance com- bridge, assured the represetative from East Whithy that the com- mittee had no idea of "shelving" the grant but wished to give it ad- equate consideraton, Cries of "question, question," in- terrupted the discussion and, when the amendment was put to the vote it carried almost unanimously, Mrs. Archibald Robinson who had lived in St. Stephen, N.B, for the past 32 years died recently in that city, aged 85, Clump of fresh green ferns was found growing the other day by I. A. Perley in the Portabello Stream agreement the renewed agresment the county and Oshawa share in the adminjs- tration of justice on a per. capita basis. of upkeep of the legal offices, ed for county purposes alone, be born by the county and city ac- cording to population. committee ed, mittee W, G. Cassie, reeve of Ux- |G, ship; Reach Township; Ross, Roy Park, of Brock township; Miss E. A. McKay, county treasurer, and Mr. COUNTY COUNCIL RENEWS AGREEMENT (Continued from lage 3) R. A. Hutchison, of Whithy, would tontinie to act as school inspeetor or county and Oshawa city, i The committee reported that no conclusion could be arrived at with regard to apportioning the cost for thg extension of the registry office at Whithy, It mended that the matter be left in the hands of the Inspector of Le- gal Offices for Ontario, both the south portion of the therefore recoms= Terms of Agreement Under the terms of the original to be incorporated in means that the cost court house and exclusive of those us- will This Jail upkeep, including salaries and fuel will be born in accordancz with the same ratio. and provision of its own prisoners, acs cording to days. The county city must each pay for the the number of prison Those who acted on the special for the county, includ- Warden Adam Dobson, Reeve M. Forsyth, of Pickering town- Reeve Geo. MacMillan, of Reeve John B, of Thorah township; Reeve A, E. Christian, county clerk, Oshawa Approves Mayor T. B. Mitchell, of Osh- awa, announced this morning that a recommendation agreement will be made to the Osh- awa city council at its next meet- ing, by the finance committee which has been dealing with the matter. Mayor Mitchell, A. Blackburn, mittee of the city council, ed of Alderman P, to renew the city treasurer P, and the finance com- coOmpos~ A. Macdonalld, district, N.B, | Seven Winter Coats go on Sale Tomorrow Morning for $5.00 Each SIZES 16 TO 36 Broadcloths and Marvellas FUR TRIMMED | Regular Values up to $37.50 ~ On Sale at' $5.00 each Ww. A. Dewland Limited chairman, and Alderman G. Hart, W. Boddy, I". J. Perry, D. Douglas, G. Morris, C. A. Mason and R. Me- Donald, recently met a special com- mittee of the county council to dis- cuss the new agreement, It is _un- derstood that there is little chahge in the proposed new agreement from the one now in force, and it is expected that at the next city council meeting the council will au- thorize the mayor and clerk to sign the agreement years. for the next five In twenty years, it is predicted the money value of human lives in this country will about six times the national pro- perty value. from Dr. 8. S. Heubner, insurance expert of the University of Penn- sylvania. average man is himself 90 per cent, of his estate. be reckoned at The forecast comves He estimates that the 'Bowmahville Daily ° Times Miss MARGARET CLIMIE Representative Phones; Office 38% Resi. dence 511 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS DEFEAT PORT HOPE Win First of the Home and Home Games By 4.2 Score Bowmanville, Feb, 14. -- In the first of the home and home games, the Bowmanville High School hock- ey team out-smarted Port Hope Collegiate 4--2 last night, The game was fast and exceptionally clean, In the first period Oscar Jamieson scored two goals en long | shots, Port Hope, although much the heavier team, diu not have any effect on the local kids, With two minutes to go in the first period Sherry scored for Port Hope, leav- ing the score 2--1. The Bowman- ville boys had the edge in this frame, In the second period Greenaway scored for Port Hope and the fast playing kept the spec~ tators on edge. Port Hope had a slight edge of the play this period. In the third and last period Blemon scored twice for B,H.8, but. Port Hope should have had a couple of goals this period. B.H.8, boys travel to Port Hope Tuesday night with a two-goal lead. The teams were: Port Hope Bowmanville Haskill Adams Sherry Lunney Strong Jamieson Sneyd Gunn Greenway Williams Berbert Osborne Gallagher alternate Moore Davidson alternate ' Slemon PLAY 18 RECEIVED (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, Feb, 14.--In spite of counter attractions, St. Paul's lecture room was filled to capacity on Thursday evening when the Eb- enezer Young People put on their goal defence defense wings wings ° centre ST. VALENTINE'S TEA AND SALE OF WORK SUCCESSFUL EVENT - (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Feb, 15.--A large num- ber of guests attended the St. Val- entine's tea and sale of home made cocking and fancy work held in the school room of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, yesterday after- noon, by the church mission band, under the direction of Mrs. W, C, Wilder, the president. The tea tables were prettily decorated with Valentines and fancy candles and tasty refreshments were served, consisting of salads, sandwiches, tea and cake. The large assortment of delici- ous home madz baking which was on display at the various booths re- ceived a ready sale while many beautiful articles of fancy. work were also sold. A considerable sum was realized from the sai, MERCHANTS SUPPLY PRIZES FOR MEET| (By Staff Reporter) ' Whitby, Feb, 15.--A number of splendid prizes have been received from local merchants in prepara- tion for the big speed skating meeting to be held at Burns' Ar- ena next Wednesday night under joint auspices of the 2d Whitby Boy Scout Troop and the Whithy Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club. Entries have been received from may points and the event promises to be one of the most successful in the sport history of Whitby. Bilious ? ou be ie Suns ISENEDY.~ clear, bh he gone, back oie acing ions, bi bilious at- ter than any mere laxative, Oni 360. Safe, mild, purely vegetable --~ The "MONCTON". Winter Outdoor Boot Made in 9 and 7 inch heights for men and women, and 6 and 5 inch heights for boys. 'The cold-proof Boot for all outdoor work or sport -- heavy i op With vouber sole and "A Rubber for Every Purpose" opular play, "Arnold Goes Into usiness."" This 4s the second time this play bas been presented in Bowmanville 'and was as heart- ily received as on the first occa- sion. Each member of the cast took his or her part in an excellent manner. During the evening instrumental duets were rendered, also a ladies' quartette, each number being well received. The Junior Missionary Society, nder whose auspices the play was given served refreshments to the cast at the comelusion of the per- formance. PUBLIC WORKS IN BOWMANVILLE LAST YEAR COST $171,000 Town's Share is $121,000 While County Pays $50,000 (By Staff Reporter) Bowmaavilie, Feb, 14.--Follow- ng is town engineer F, C, Palmer's report of cost of 1928 paving, sew- ers and water main construction: 29,7568 sq, yds, of cement con- crete pavement was laid by the town alone, the cost of which is di- vided as follows: Pavement $87,633.10 Storm sewers 4,736.28 Connections ../. " 8,167.29 Interest, legal fees, ete. 2,461.37 $07,908.04 Total Ontario St. sewer .......-. $377.75 Wellington St. sewer ....... 762.25 Liberty St. water nrain ..., 027,23 Wellington St. water main 835.41 Interest, ete reese 280,80 Total $3,192.44 26,898 sq. yds, of pavement were laid on Scugog end Liberty Sts., in which the counties paid $50,000, the items of expenditure being: Pavement, , eee $62,834.12 Storm sewers .. vo 2,405.95 Connecticns 1,259.25 Interest, legal fees, etc, 3,661.03 To complete Liberty St. 1,500. Total $70,140.35 Total construction... $171,330.83 Less counties share-... 50,000.00 Total debenture issue, 121,330.83 Paid from treasurer... 116,109.30 Balance in treasury... $5,221,563 The above figures do not include the cost of scwers still under con- struction on Elgin and Duke Ste. which will mean an additional $12,» 000 to $15,000. German invention is a steel- framer, canvas-covered boat for two persons, that can be folded and packed in two boxes for carrying in an automobile, ---- Probably owing to absence of snow, wild cats are being taken in smaller numbers than usual this year in New Brunswick. Bears, however, are a little more numerous in some sec- Spring Fey oe FELTS New Spring Felts----of extra fine quality--in the newest shapes--trimmed with the season's novel straw braids-- close fitting and brimmed models in black--Byrd Blue, --Royal--Sand--Beige---Brown--Green. Week End Special 98¢ A group of 100 hats reduced for final clear- ance at a price that represents but a fraction of their cost, Felts, Velvets, Metallics and Sat- ins in the lot, Small headsizes and Matron hats included. Reg. $2.98, $3.98 and $4.98. "Satisfaction Or Your Money Refunded." 3 King St, Nova Scotia Farmers' Association closed its 33rd annual convention at Truro after most successful sess.on, Over 400 young girls, students of Sydney, N.S. public schools are at- tending the domestic science classes, WDERS 0 's Worm 4 are sweet as sugar and so essily taken, They cleanse even the most delicate system quickly and thoroughly without any danger od are free from all narcotics, NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA Children like "Starts Monday | best from { authors. IN THE Watch For The Great Serial Story Starts Monday in the Daily Times . A thrilling, exciting, adventurous ZANE GREY 'story--"THE LAST OF THE DUANES"--one This red-blooded story has them all beat for aetion ~--romance--suspense. It's a wow! Follow the adventurous career of Buck Duane, out. w, quick on the draw but slow to do any unkind or yh and the outlaws, where danger lrked i in every nook and cranny. Only Zane Grey could have writivn this story--it contains all the elements that have made his books sellers.' He is known the world over--and many e "THE LAST OF THE DUANES" to be one of his best stories. Don't fail to START READNG IT NEXT WEEK Oshawa Daily Times JUST THINK! ZANE GREY AT HIS BEST Don't Miss FIRST Installment of the the pen of one of the most gi _ Don't miss it act. Read of the Texas of the Rangers