Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Feb 1929, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, FEBRUARY Hi, 1929 PAGE FIVE WILLIAMS AND MAPLE LEAFS WI -- JUNIOR GROUP FINAL TONIGHT Maple Leafs Take Early Lead to Defeat Pirates 2-1 Cotton, Toronto Boy, Scores' Pittsburgh Goal -- Dun.| can and Blair Count in the First Period oronto, Feb, 11,--First period 1s by Art Duncan and Andy r, the first well-earned on an PI ae effort which went the length of the rink and the second, due to a spectacular bit of stick- handling by the centre player a face-off near the Pirates' goal proved sufficlent to give the Maple Leafs a victory over Pitts- burg in the final clash between the twp teams this season, AS a re- sult, the Leafs took the tour game series hy 2 to 1 with the other en- counter being a scoreless tie hnd they kept pace with the Montreal Maroons in the struggle for third place in the standing in the Cana- dian group of the league and a place in the play-off series for the championship and the Stanley cup, The score of Saturday night's engagement was 2 to 1, the Pir- ates getting back into the running by a brilliant goal by Harold Cot- ton with less than six minutes to play. After Cotton's counter, the Pirates staged a determined of- fensive that kept the Leafs" well hemmed in around their own goal and made the final minutes just about as exciting and nerve-wrack- ing as the followers of the local club have experienced for some time. For the first two periods except for occasional offensive flurries by the speedy Pirates the Leafs had the game well in hand and as the half-way mark was passed in the final twenty minutes, it began to look as if the locals were going to score their third shut-out in the last four games, but Cotton was not to be denied, Cotton Gets Pirates' Goal Phe local lad who subg on the Pirate gs lett wing was out to show his home town followers of the game that he is a real hockey player and he turced in a brillant effort and made a better showing than any oi the players wio are with other clubs in the league havé this season. Cottos never gave up and after the remainuer of the Pirates appeared to have res gned themselves to a coat of kalsomiue he nept on going and gave tie loc- al defence plenty of trouble, Kor a while the visitors were content to "let Harold do it,"" and finally he did. He broke down the leit boards and arove. in a low angle shot on which Chabot did tae splits but just too late, the part.al- ly blocked rubber glancing over the goal line for the counter, This awakened his team mates and they went after the equalizer in a reckless manner and the Leafs had all they could do to keep them from tyicg up the game, Chaoot was kept busy but turned asiue all shots that percolated through his! defence. The visitors were a.ded by a penalty to Duncan wio wus sent off when White crashed icto the loeal goal posts although the defence man was never closer than ten feet to the attacker, White dashed down but lost his balance and almost carried the goal through the end of the rink, It was a close and exciting fin- fsh and while the visitors may have deserved arother counter for their final five minute attack the score of 2 to 1 somewhat flatters their showing. For fifty-five min- | pense of utes the Leafs were the better team, except for occasional sorties by the Corsairs, although on some of these Chabot was called upon to make brilliant stops. The lo¢- als were in on Miller a number of times but he was steady in the net and turned aside many shots while on other attacks the Leafs missed chances hy over-anxiousness, Maple Leafs--Chabot, goal; Day and Art Smith, defence; Blair centre; Bailey, right; Cox, left; Duncan, Lowrey Horne, Pettinger and Horner, substitutes, \ Pittsburg--Miller goal; McCaf- frey and Roger Smith, defence; Frederickson, centre; Darragh right; Milks, left; Holway, McKin- non, Drury White and Colton, substitutes, Referees--M, J, Rodden, Toron- to, and Louis Berlinquette, Mont- real, First Period ' 1, Maple Leafs, ,Puncan , ,,12.26 2, MapleLeafs , ,Blair , ,, ..6.06 Second Period, No score, Third Period 3, Pittsburg, ,,.Cotton , , ,14.45 Final Score -- Maple Leafs 2 Pittsburg 1, OTTAWA SENATORS LOSE TO DETROIT Detroit, Mich,, Feb, 11,--Ottawa Senators took a 2 to 0 beating at the hands of the Detroit Cougars in the Olympia arena here on Sat- urday night, and Capt, Reg. Noble, bulky Detroit defence man, had the prime hand in the proceedings. The Senators held the Cougars scoreless in the first period ana fought hard to overcome the slash- ing drive the Detroiters put on in the next two frames. But Noble, in two long sweeps down the ice, one in the second and one in the third period, won the game for his team, He scored the first goal un- assisted, and in the final period went down the boards and placed the puck so that Sailor Jimmy Her- berts could drive it past Alex Con- ncll for the second marker, Ottawa worked hard and looked zood, Clancy, Kilrea and Finnican showing a cembination that had Dollie Dolson, the Courar goalie, busy all the time, but they could not get through to bulge the twine, Tho teams, Ottawa---Coal, Connell; d:fence, A, Smith and Claney; centre, Nigh- bor; wings Kilrea and Finnigan; £rbs, Touhey, Grosvenor, God'n, Elliott, Shields, Boucher. Detroit--=Goal, Dolson: defence, Noble and Prydze; centre, Con- yorg! wis, Hav and Coop-r; subs, urie lerberts, Lewin", Juris i", Brophy, Of" cial*----D, Ritchie Montreal, and F, Foyston, Detroit. DETROIT COU Lis ¥ FROM PIRATES Detroit, Feb, 11.--A third per- fod drive won a National pro hoc- key game for the Detroit Cou ars 3 to 0 here last night at the ¢x- the Pittsburg Pirates. Nearly 8,000 persons saw the game Two of Detroit's scores came while the Pirates were two men short, penalties having been exacted, Geo, Hay, vet-ran Congar wing man, ac- counted for two goals unassisted, while Carson Cooper scored the other on a pass from Sailor Jimmy Herberts. Joe Miller, Pirate goalie, was given a hard night in the net, the Ccugars breaking through for many shots at him. The Pirates found . "Dollie" Dolson, Cougar goalie, unbeatable. 'The teams: Motor Loans! We can Finance or Re-finance your Car or Truck-- Quickest Service--Lowest Rates. Compare our Rates with any other company, Oldest Established. Swanson, McKenzie & Co. || 2 King Street East. The wise man mever waits till is driven by necessity: » Secure your are available COAL now while best services Concer Lomes Coar.Co. Laren, J. H.R. LUKE Manager Phones 871 -- 931 -- 6°7.W Bonspiel Plans All Complete At a meeting held yesterday, the chairmen in charge of the various committees in charge of de« tails for the Oshawa Curling Club Annual Bonspiel reported every- thing in a satisfactory condition, An entire new sheet of ice has heen laid and the quality is not surpass. ed by any, : The entries are not all in as yet but the ones that are indicate the class of curling that will be wits nessed by the spectators, Harvey Sproule and his well known Can- ada Life rink will be down from Toronto, This team as followers of the "roarin" game are rated as one of the best in Canada, The Browers rink of the Lake- view Curling Club also well known, along with the Dobson family rink made up of father and three sons, from Beaverton, are entered, There are approximately twenty rinks from the Oshawa Curling Club en- tered, The draw takes place tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock, and the games start at 10 o'clock the same morning, The trophies and prizes in the various class fields, are on view in Anderson's window this morn- ng. SIEBERT'S GOAL DEFEATS BRUINS Montreal, Feb, 11,--The Mont- real Maroons defeated the Boston Bruins, 1 to 0, here Saturday night in one of the most ruggedly- fought Natlonal Hockey League battles witnessed here in years, The game also was one of the most interesting seen here this season, and close to 12,000 fans were kept in an uproar throughout, Babe Siebert , big left winger, scored the only goal of the game after fifteen minutes of play in the final period, his bullet-like drive from left wing, just ingid» the Bos- ton blue line, catching Thompson unawares. Despite the fact that the Maroons won by wne goal only, and by a counter that was scored on rather a long distan e drive, they were full value for their win, stewart, Trottier and Robinson all had good scoring chances when at close quart.rs with Thompson hut marvellous work by the Boston goalie robbed them of likely gains, Ninete:n peaalties were ulcted out during the contest, Maroons getting teu, and the Bruins nine, Hooley Snuth, Montreal delcnce- man, was the "bad man" of the night, drawing five two-minute rests, He and Eddie Shore, Dos- ton 'defenceman, staged somewhat lot a private feud all night, aud Ehore had four minors to his cred- it. In fact, £hore, reput.d to be one of the most brilliant hocle, i:ts in the ga..e to.ay, vas a mar.ed man throu hout ,and Smith was not the only Maroon player that paid special attention to the big fellow. The teams: Boston--Goal, Thompson; de- fénce, Shore and kitchman; ccn- tre, Carson; wings, Oliver anu Gal- braith; subs, Clapper, Lone, Gainor, Ma nay and We land, Montreal--(oal, Denedict; de- fence, Dutton and Smith; centre, Stewart; wings, Vyard and Sie.ert; subs, Hicks, Phillip, Trottier and Robinon, Offici..13--Alex Romeril Bobby Hewitson, Tornoto. CANADIAN COPPER HAS AN ADVANTAGE OVER ORE OF SOUTH Quebec, Feb, 11.--Erection of copper refinery either here or near Montreal will enable Quebec to produce fine meta. cheaper than the famous Cerro de Pasco mine in Peru, which now has the most economical produc.ion, says J. Y. Murdoch of Toronto, president of Noranda, in connection with plane which brought him here to inter- view Premier Taschereau, the Chambre de Commerce and the Qeubec harbor commission. "Copper is expensive at pres- ent," said Mr, Murdoch. "It is now around 18 cents per pound, but the price can go as low as 12 cents, and we will be in a posi- tion successfully to meet competi- tion anywhere in the world." That, Mr. Murdoch emphasized, was be- cause of the richness of the ore in the Rouyn fieids, with its 25 per cent of precious metal. Two plants are to be erected in this province, Mr. Murdoch added. One a copper refinery, the other a zine refinery to care of zine ore from the Rouyn, Cheb- ougamou and Gaspe areas. The locations are mot yet fixed. At present the company is concen- trating on the copper refinery, its situation will be determined by advantages in rail transportation and hydro-electric power, of which between 20,000 and 25,000 horse- power will be required. And, for exports, the plant must be near a ocean port. 50 WOMEN STUDY TO BE AIR PILOTS Oitawa, Feb. 11. -- Nearly 50 women are learning to fly in Can- ada according to flying club fig- ures received at the eivil aviation branch of the National Defence Department. Two have already been given pilot's licenses. There are 15 active clubs in Canada, with a membership of 2.- 493, of which 111 members hold private pilot's licenses and 28 com- mercial certificates. Eight new clubs are being formed. Two aircraft are provided each cub by the Government free of charge and one extra machine is given for each one the club mem- bers purchase themselves. Aporox- imately 26 airplanes will be provid- ed by the Government this year, it is estimated. and "February 7 J -- Dixon. eeeeesseve 1'Armour oya0v 13 Carlyle. ,vvie0eees 7 Branton .,, 11 Fishleigh veeeeve 14 Carlyle (o000 7 Fishleigh +veevv4.14 Carlyle ..... Daniels defaulted sen: 10 Armour , .... Anderson Coad defaulted Anderson Daniels defaulted DIXON ess vrrnvere 7 BHI crvrnnrs CQOPEY. sass vasss 8 Ellis sveenves 1 February 8 Henderson, .......14 Hoar ,,v4s04 11 Luke. ssvsrryeenns 14 Hare .o0vees = Luke Carnwith def'It'd Hodgins, .sseveees 6 Carnwith ,., 9 Henderson. 12 Lander ,...4 12 Holland Germond, ,.,. sees +8C. EH Lambert, .. ees 9 C, E, Hare Lambert, .sesvees 10 Henry 10000 Holland, , ve ope 060014 Lander .... A 14| N.Y.American 1 Shicago , . 8| s Canadiens, .2 HOCKEY RESULTS National Yéague Maple Leafs, .2 Pittsburg .. Montreal....1 Boston , ,. Detroit,.....2 Ottawa , . LR) 1 «0 sO} 0] 8 Detroit,.,,.3 Pitsburg . ...0 N.Y. Rangers .38 . 8s--Played Sunday, Canadian American League 0] New Haven, ..1 Springfield , .0 Boston,,....0 Providence . .0 American Association Minneapolis, ,1 Tulsa ,, ., ...1 Duluth... ...,8 8t, Louis , ,,1 Intermediate O.H,A, z Georgetown ,2 McMaster z--Georgetown wins round 6--2, Junior OH.A, Trenton,,,..3 Belleville , ..3 % Kitchener, .11 Stratford , ..3 z--XKitchener wins round 16-6. Senior N,OH.A, Porcupine, ,,.3 Iroquois Falls 1 0 ve ee 3] Kirkland Lake 8 Haileybury , .4 the best of ice Monday night, hest time of your life Watch coming events column of Ernst Vierkoetter, winner of the stroke of business. Toronto this morning. is reached as to the venue of next cities are bidding for the race. It is understood that Norman come the handicap. between The Printers' Guild and The i the GMC, Blue be®ils expicssed the neighborhaod of the National Yacht club, SPORT SNAPSHOTS The management of the Motor City Stadium Rink wish to thank their many patrons for their patience during the mild spell. But will assure them || tie. There will be a Carnival at the Motor City Stadium Rink in the near future, so get those ancient costumes out of the attic and come have the this paper for further notice, 1927 Wrigley marathon at the Cana- dian National Exhibition, has been signed by the Parkdale Ladies' Athletic Club to take charge of the swimming section, The securing of Vierkoetter by Teddy Oke, sponsor for the Parkdale club, is being looked upon by swimming enthusiasts of Toronto as a clever Vierkotter suecceds Alex Duff, who was «coach when the club was known as the Parkdale Dolphinets, . Norman Ross, Ethel Hertle and Gertrude Ederle are due to arrive in The trio, at the request of William Wrigley, jr. are testing the water at Chicago, Cleveland and Toronto before a decision year's Wrigley marathon, All three Ross will take a plunge in the lake in _ He has our sympathy, Scction A of the Oshawa Curling Club Interrink schedule has becn com- pleted with the winner the ¥, LE, Lillis rink, The other two sections have not completed their listed games, but wiil have done so soon, and the playoff date will be announced later, pre > . » PH . \ The Shamrock juniors face a two goal lead in their game with Bow manville tonight, but should hit their stride and be good enough to over- A delegation from "Ye Torwin Place" drove out to the home of W. H. Moore in Pickering to com, lete plans for the hockey game to ake place Torwin "Hotteniots," Mr. Moore, sr, 8 great rugby and hockey fan and an ardent follower his opinion oi the Oshawa City ho- cikey as that of being ve:y satisiactory, touching on the old sore spot, the Jack of an Arena in Oshawa, his prediction 1s a worthy ice paiace tor Osh- awa hockey teams in the season 1929-30, HOCKEY RECORDS The s andings of the c.ubs In the two sroups of the ational iiockey league, inciuding last night's gawes, are as follows: Canad.an Group PWLYT.FRAP Americans 33 16 10 7 38 33 49 Canadiens 31 13 6 12 47 37 so Montreal 32 12 11 9 47 44 33 Maple Lis, 33 15 156 3 62 59 33 Otawa ..30 6 13 11 35 46 23 American Group P.W.L 7T.F. AP .»33 17 8 8 bb 40 42 .,»30 16 10 4 52 37 36 ,.»31 14 10 7-63 42 35 ,31 7 15 9 30 47 23 5 23 4.26 59 14 This Week Tuesday--Montreal ai Conadiens at Pittsburg; at Boston, Thursday--Rangers at Maple Leafs; Ottawa at Montreal; Cana- diens at Chicago; Boston at Pit- tsburg; Detroit at Americans. Saturday--Montreal at Maple Leafs; Ottawa at Pitsburg; Am- ericans at Canadiens, Sunday--Maple Leafs at Detroit; Boston at Chicago; Pittsburg at rangers. Rangers Boston Detroit Pittsburg Chicago .. 32 Games Ottawa; Detroit League P.W,.L.T.F.A. P Detroit o..29 19 8 4 Windsor ,.27 17 9 Kitchener 28 14 11 Millionaires 28 12 13 Buffalo ...28 11 13 London ...27 10 15 Niagara .. 27 10 15 Hamilton . 27 8 17 Monday-- Detroit at Windsor; Kitchener at Hamilton; Buffalo at Milliopaires; Niagara Falls at Lon- don. Wednesday--London at Kit- chener; Hamilton at Niagara Falls. Thursday--Buffalo at Detroit. Friday--Buffalo at London. Saturday--Hamilton at Detroit. TWINS DEFORMITY Peculiar Case of Webbed Feet and Hands Particulars of a strange deform- fity affecting twins were mentioned when Dr. Waldo, the City coroner, recorded a verdict of "Death by misadventure" on Alfred Dyer, aged two. The child, LELAND DELEATS a ENGL AsL AR RLUBY Twickenham, Eng, Feb, 11,-- Ireiundg woud aa luceiudlione rugay Dluccid APO Lig Bud toudy By » to ©. 'Ane scusie AL DR lle Was tuluve Poluls 10 nolhung in are- laud 8 iaVOr, Abicradalioual ruswy laic.es boeineen arciand wind mage land vesai in lbp and Lie resd..s base been: cugiand won 31; lies land 14, arawn 3. Tae match was p.ayed in dul, threatening weatver on a fust turf, 'the Lume of Yori was present and was introduced to the p.ayers, The Irisamen started off with great dash, At the end of live minutes Sugden flung the ball across to Arigho, who kicked it ahead, Brown, the English full vack, should easily have cleared but he blundered and the bail came to Davey, who scored a try. It was not converted, England started a forward movement but couid not no progress against the fierce Irish tackling. The teams were battling near midfield at half-time, Two minutes after resumption Young sent S.aden away and the latter, when checked, passed Lo Aarvoid, who, although ° bowled over near the line, managed w get the ball to Smeddle, who scored right under the posts. Wil- son bad mo trouble converting. The Irishmen pressed with tremen- dous epmergy and scrum followed scrum on the English line. Twenty minutes from the restart Sugden dashed across the English line for a try in the corner. Ireland had a narrow escape near the end but Wilkinson dlundered when a try appeared certain. The balance of the game saw Ireland easily hold- ing their one point advantage. YOU POOR KID, WHY ARE YOU 50 SKINNY Don't your Mother know how to put pounds of good healthy flesh on your bones in just a few weeks? Tell her every druggist has Mc- Coy"s in sugar-coaied tablets now so that in just a few wecks she can help you get back your ap- petite--make your body stronger --your feet nimble and your mind keener Tell her if they don't help great- ly in 30 days she can get ber _| money back. Tell her that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets are full of weight increasing and * energy creating substances and are the most suc- cessful flesh producers and health buiiders she can find. One sickly thin kid age 9, gain- ed 12 pounds in 7 months. She must ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn or any good druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets--60 tab lets--$60 cen 's-- economy size $1.00--as pleasant to take as candy, I Canadiens Slip When Rangers Tie New York, Feb, 11.--In one of the fastest games of the National Hockey League season, the New York Rangers and Montreal Cana- dlens played to a 3 to 3 deadlock here last night. Before a crowd that completely filled Madison Square Garden, the Flying French men twice went ahead of the, world's champions, only to have the Rangers equal the score, The tle leaves the Canucks in second place in the International group, one point behind the New York Americans, who passed them Sat- urday night, Sylvio Mantha big defence ace, was the leader in the Canuck scor- ing, passing to Art Gagne in the second frame for the first goal, and tallying the second alone two min- utes later, The second was a trick affair that caromed off two Ranger skates and finally slid into the net under Goalie Roach when he fell. Howie Morenz scored the third counter on a pass from Mondou. Bun Cook and Boucher combined to put the Rangers ahead in the opening period while Murray Mur- doch and Sparky Vail tallied in the third frame to give the Rangers a Both were fine individual plays Murdoch slapping the puck into the goal off Morenz's stick, Dn Cer § : Junior Chatter : By "RAILBIRD" 3 2 lloilo iodo Tonight's the night, and the stage is all set at Burns' Arena, Whitby, for what promises to be the season's best hockey thriller-- Bowmanville vs, Oshawa Sham- rocks--And it will be a mighty struggle right from the start, The local Irish have a tough road ahead of them a3 they are fac- ing a two goal deficit on the round, and a fighting Bowmanville squad who are also making their last stand for section honors, so the fur is bound to fly, and the action is geing to be fast, The 'Kids' are determined to stay in the running and are out to do or die in their attempt to keep Oshawa on the hockcy map, and earn recognition, also 'to get a fol- lowing fromr Oshawa and district fans, which has been sadly missing all through the seuson, The locals' efiorts under most discouraging circumstances, in i~ juries, loss of players, and weather conditions, have been worthy of good pu'liec support. The Kids are g.ving their utmost at all times, but no team ean plav (3 best be-ore empty galleries, and with no fol- lowing to spur them on to the su- preme effort, This colyumn pr.di ts that if the Os_.2.a fans and fannettes are on deck tonight to root the boys along, that the kids will kick throu'h with a good win, and section hon- ors to bcot--So let's get out ard Loo:t them oa to the necessary. . will be worth it, Ta'king about rinks (and are nas) which are so sadly missing 1» Oshawa. How many r.ading th are aware that ! rs" "om Li Garden, in New York, is complete- ly fire proof, alu Guvs mut tua. a single p.ece of lum.er The ma. auditorium is 200 feet wide aid 375 feet long, seating 19.000 per- sons around the 110 feet by 240 feet arena floor in the centre, Some There is not a single column ir the main arena, the immense roo being carried on trussés spannin from 49th to 50th Street, weighin., 60 tons each. The absence of col umns affords an unobstructed vie of the arena from every point of the structure, Shades of Burns' Arena Hockey Emporium! But we will venture that the fans wno are over in Whit- by tonight will see a tussle which will make their hair stand on end, just as much as if they were trying to sing an unaccompanied yodel in the big New York "Garden." You be there and see if I'm, not right. "Whitey" Loosemore, the smart blond boy was out again with the "Ardiel-Munroe-McFayden" Irish on Saturday and looks real good. He may be used tonight, and will add strength to the local's attack at that. "Doc" Rowden is going great guns right now and will make life miserable tonight for "Jumping Johnny" James--Go to it "Doc" boy, burn 'em in all the time. With the change in the weather, a real fast sheet of ice should be available tonight, which will help the Shamrocks considerably in their onward march. The poor weather lately, has been bad for practices, games 'n everything. "Frenchy" Leveque, black eye and all, after the practice Satur- day, vaulted the rubbing table, took the stairs in two jumps, dashed out the arena door and strangled a taxi! We wonder if he thought he was goin' to be late for supper, or something? "Bill" Arundell--"How do you like that mew washing machine you got up at the house? "Vic" Burr--"Not so hot. Every- time I get im it, them paddles knock me black and blue"!!! 222? #204 (How come, "Vie?") So long, for the present. gang. And if I don't see you all at Whit- by tonight, I'll--(Well, just be there or you'll be missing it, and I don't mean mebbe.) | hockey dump! ei | After Bad Start Williams Wins at Milrose Games Noses Out Wildermuth at' ermuth, the Tape -- Relay Team Also Wins, But a Dropped Baton Loses Race for the Girls, Who Run One, Two, Three in the Sprint ~--Conger Beats Nurmi New York, Feb, 10.--With fif- teen thousand throats yelling for his opponents, Percy Williams, of Vancouver, fearing a false start, drew momentarily back as the gun went off for the 50 yard sprint in the Millrose games at Madison Square Garden last night, Karl Wildermuth, Jimmy Daley and Jimmy Quinn, the fastest sprinters in the United States, were away ahead of him, Then the great Canadian began to run and won the race just as he had won his preliminary both sprints at the Olympic games and his indoor races at Boston and Newark a few days ago, The fifteen thousand realiz- ing it was no use were polite, Williams' time was 6 3-5 sec- onds, 2-6 of a second slower than the world's record, Wildermuth, the United States champion' was second; Daley, third, In the other events of the games Canada did well, Her relay team took the medley event, Phil Ed» wards the Olympic middle distance man ,in the anchor position, caught the baton a couple of yards behind Sam Martin of the Boston A.A, leaped easily after the United States runner, passed him in the first few yards and afterwards kept him well to the rear for the half mile, The Canadian team compos- ed of Percy Williams (220yards), Jimmy Ball (440), A, Wilson (650) and Edwards (880), turned in the time of 4.32 4-5. Edwards was second in the Mill- rose 600 won by Bernard McCarf- erty, The Summaries Millrose 600--won by Bernard McCafferty, Holy Cross; Phil Ed- wards, N.Y.U., 2nd; Oliver Proud- lock, Newark A.C, 3rd; F, A, Burns, Boston A.A, 4th, Time, 1:12 3-6. 50-yard international dash girls, first heat--Won by Miss Myrtle Cook, Canada; !Mizs Florence Jane Bell, Canada, 2nd. Time .06 1-5, Second h:at--Won by Miss Es- ther Laing, Prudential Insurance A.A.; Miss Ethel Smith Hogarth, Canada, 2nd. Time, ,06 3-5, rgetown; Jas, Quinn, ew York A.C., 2nd, Time, .06 2-5. 59 yard international sprint (fi- Bl Te i Gui » 30d; Daley, 3rd; Quinn, 4th, Time, 05 3-5, i ne mile international walk-- Won by Harry Hinkel, New York A.C; C. R, Howell, Toronto, 2nd; H, Cieman, Toronto, 3rd; Mack Weiss, Newark A.C., 4th, Time, 6:38 3-6. Rodman Wanamaker mile--Won by Ray Cenger, Illinois A.C,; Pa- avo Nurmi, Finland, 2nd; J. lL. Montgomery, University of Penn- sylvania, 3rd; Willle Goodwin, New York A.C,, 4th, Time 4:17 2-5, 440-yard girls' international re- lay--Won by U.S, (Misses Eliza beth Robinson, Carrie Jansen, Jes. sie Cross, Loretta McNeill); Can- ada (Misses rannr, Rosenfeld, Eth- el 8, Hogarth, lorence J. Bell, Myrtle A. Cook) 2nd, Time .52. International' medley relay-- Won by Canada, Percy Williams 220 yards; Jimmy Ball, 440 yards: A, Wilson, 650 yards; Phil Ed- wards, 880 yards; United States, Frank Hussey, 220 yards; Johnny Gibson, 440 yards; Frank Burns, 660 yards; Sam Martin, 880 yards, 2nd, Time 4:38 4-5, AMERICANS SCORE ONE GOAL VICTORY Fort Erie, Ont, Feb, 1,--New York Americans defeated Chicago Black Hawks in the Peace Bridge arena here Saturnight night 1 to 0. "Rabbitt" McVeigh, war veter- an, scored thé only goal going down the left fence and shooting to a far corner of the cage, A pair of Hawk defence men triea to bat down the puck, interfering with the view of goalie "Chuck" Gard- ner, who was late in his attempt to save, The contest was not spectacular, The Americans played -their cus- tomary defensive game and the Hawks displayed a lack of team play with only Johnny Gottselig showicg to advantage, "Herb," Gardner, Hawk manager, anly play- ed part of the first period on tho Chicago defence, It was the first of three games which the Hawks will play in the Peace bridge arena, They op- pose Canadiens here on Thursday and Boston Bruins next Saturday, A capacity attendance of 6,500 saw the first N.H.L, game ever to have been played here, The teams: New York:--Goal, Worters; de- ferce, Reise and Conacher; cen- tre, Burch; wings Connor and Broadbent; subs, Himes, Sheppard, Final--Won by Migs Cook; Miss Bell 2nd; Mrz. Hogarth, 3rd; Mss | Laing, 4th. Time, 06.2-5, 60 yard international sprint, first heat (first two to qualify for 50-yard fin2l)--Won by Percy W'i- liams Canada; James 8. Daley, Holy Cross, 2nd. Time, ,06 2-v. Sccond heat--Won by Karl Wil- McVeigh and Simpson. Chicago--Goal Garrer; defence Wentworth and Herb Gardine: centre,, Miller; wings, Gottscli; | and MeKinron; subs, Couture, Ar- | bour Taylor and March, | Officials--W, O'Hara and Dr, | E. O'Leary, Ottawa, sending out men All water rate accounts are now overdue and anyone who has not paid his bill is urged to do so at once as the Water Works' Commission is to shut off all ser. vices that are in arrears. W. C. Smith City Engineer, our OR your convenience swers inquiries and also makes quotations all day long. Let him be of ser- vice to you. Telephone 2821-2820 Oshawa Lumber Co. Limited 25 RITS0N ROAD NOATH Mr, Fowler an- b 3 =. (Tt AR | $4

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