Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Feb 1929, p. 6

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ARG Fe * x * . For Anything the Homemaker and the Housekeeper _ TOWEL ADVICE It has been stated most brides start their married life with a good- ly stock of towels, but it is a mis- take to put them all into use at the same time. The better plan is to take part into daily use, keep a second part as reserve stock, to be drawn upon as the towels in daily use wear out, and keep the very best for special occasions. Then the reserve stock as it is drawn upon should be replenished each 'yvear as sale time comes 'around. In this way it is never nec- essary to replace an entire house- hold supply all at once, which is a very costly purchase, . It is not possible to.lay down ab- solute rules as to the numbers re- quired but an average estimate would be an allowance of three bath towels and four bedroom tow- els per person for* general use. Bath towels are made in varying pizes, textures, and degrees of thickness, Bath sheets are better avoided in the long rum, for they are not only expensive to begin with but heavy if washed at home, and ruinous if sent to the laundry, A couple, however, should be kept in reserve, for they are of considerable convenience in cases of illness. \Tur- kish bath towelling may be either of cotton or linen. The cotton kind fs cheaper and softer, but is not so durable as the linen variety, The best Turkey towklling is woven with a double thread, and in the cheaper qualities the coarse weave of the ¥ igh : : The Women's Corner a . Ld * of Interest to material {8 apparent between the pile when the towel is held up to the light, The entirely white towel, is not popular nowadays. The su- perior qualities of colored towels have chenille-finished ends, with designs so charming and varied that they may be selected to harmonize or match any bedroom or bathroom, The newest allover colored bath towels are known as rainbow tow- els, and they are striped in varied pastel ghades, : Hand towels of linen are always preferable to those of cotton. Their extra cost is always compensated for by the longer wear, and they are generally huckaback or diaper, attern the latter being the softer. for everyday use a plain hem or a hem-stitehed border is best. The more elaborate kinds are embroid- ered at one or both ends, and em- bellished with a monogram or ini- tial, But the desire for cglor has invaded even in this department, and some delightful towels are to be had in which there is a soft shaded *border in blush rose just above the hem. A monogram in the same shade makes these towels as original ag they are attraetive, The sizes of hedroom towels vary considerably, but a good serviceable average will be found in 24x40 in- ches, Small guests' towels should be included in every household outfit, for it makes a towel for every guest | a matter of very little trouble in laundering at home or expense if sent out, WOMEN'S MEETINGS OAKLEIGH LODGE, L.0.BA. The regular . meeting of the Oakleigh lodge, L.0.B.A., was held on Thursday evening when the Degree Staff of the Victory Lodge 1..0.B.A. exemplified the Scarlet degree, in a very efficient manner, Credit is due to the officers of the Victory lodge for the excellent work. During the business meeting, Mrs. J. Walker was installed as recording secretary, Mrs. D. Har- rison as Chaplain and Mrs. Hudson as Inner Guard of the Oakleigh | lodge. A great amount of business was transacted after which refresh ments were served and an cnjoy- eble social hour spent. AMICI CLASS A business meeting of the Amici class of the First Baptist Church | was held at the home of Mrs, Jack | Wallace, 103 Bond street east, on | Thursday evening, The main item of business was the election of of- ficers for the ensuing year. The following officers were elected: president, Mrs. Ada Il.etson; secre- tary, Helen Morison: tredsurer, Peggy McKay; recording secre- tary, Eleanor Harris. rn was decided to divide the ¢lass into two groups under the leadership of Annie Farrel and Violet Cridge, for the purpose of Be Ready When your Children Cry 2 for lk Baby is likely to wake you amy night with that sharp ery which means just ome thing--ocolic! Be ready. Keep a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria in the house. Few drops of this pure vegetable, pleasant-tast- ing preparation comforts a colicky, fretful or feverish baby in a jiffy. In a few moments your anxiety is over and baby's sleeping soundly again. And you've only done what your doctor would advise. He'll tell you Fletcher's Castoria doesn't con- tain any harmful drug--that it's safe for the youngest infant and effective for children of all ages in cases of constipation colic, gas, diar- rhea and those upsets when you don't know just what is the mat- ter. Avoid imitations. Genuine Cas- toria bears the Fletcher signature. J the devotional exercises business --_ ~7 «4 ch NL CASTORIA conducting an attendance competi- tion. Refreshments the hostess at the meeting, were close served. by of the CENTRE ST, LADIES' AID There was a splendid attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Centre St. United Church on Thurs- day afterno« with the president, Mrs. J, Johnston, presiding, After a hymn and prayer by the presi- dent, the scripture. reading was read by Mrs, Koch, Plans for the coming years were | discussed, and the following | group leaders appointed: Mrs, H. Ogden, Mrs, J, McGill, Mrs A, V. Drew and Mrs. C, I. DeGuerre. After the business a splendid pro-| gram was given, consisting of solos by Mrs. Frayling, reading by Mrs. Drew, and piano solo by Mrs. | Hodgkinson, | A social half hour followed, tea | being served by the executive of the Society, ALBERT ST. LADIES' AID The Ladies' Aid of Albert street United Church held their regular meeting at 2,30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the mew church, The president, Mrs. D, Cameron, con- vened the meefing and welcomed the unusually large number of members and visitors, who were in attendance at the meeting. Dur- ing the businses session the ladies decided to hold a salt and pepper shaker shower at the next meet- ing, the shakers to be used by the Aid. The treasurer's report show- ed that the dedicatory supper re- turns were very satisfactory, The report also showed that more than $800 was cleared by the ladies in the past year. Following the discussion of busi- ness a short musical program was given, which included a vocal solo by Mrs. D. Karkeek and a piano solo by Miss Irene Brown. Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Irvine of Cedar- adel spoke a few words to the ladies. After the program a social hour was spent. NORTH SIMCOE W. A. The members of the Women's Association of North Simcoe United Church gathered at the home of Mrs. 8. Perry, Hortop avenue, on Thursday afternoon for their monthly meeting. The spacious rooms were filled to cap- acity. The president, Mrs. Battle, convened the meeting = and after matters were discussed and carried through in a thorough and efficient manner, A gratifying result of the work reported by the leaders of the different groups gives splendid promise for the year. Many new members were added © the rapidly growing roll and the association has assumed heavy re- sponsibilities for the church. The president was re-elected to repre- sent the association in convening with church boards. Mrs. Dulmage was elected press secretary. Mrs. Nicoll sang sweetly "Friend 0' Mine" and Mrs. Valleau offered an interesting and encouraging reading entitled, "The Starless | Crown". The attention of the mem- bers" was drawn to three interest- ing events in the mear future. A tea is to be held at the home of | Mrs. Fox, 656 Carnegie avenue, | by Mrs. Peel's group of the Associ- ation on Wednesday, February | 13, sale of homemade cooking and | candy by Mrs .Valleau's group at the church on Saturday, February 16 and a congregational "get to- gether" social evening at the church on Wednesday, February 20, when the ladies of the associ- ation will be in charge of the re- freshments. it was announced that the March meeting wou'd be held at the church on the first Thurs- day in the month and will be con- ducted by Mrs. Gillette's group. The meeting was brought to a close wiih a hymn and the benedic- | Edward Farrow, Mrs. R. W. Millichamp and her daughter Maisie, of Oshawa, snapped by C.P.R, photographer just before the C. P, liner "Empress of Scotland" sailed from New York on a seventy-two day cruise of the Mediterranean, "AT HOME" PROVES SPLENDID AFFAIR New Genosha Hotel is Scene of Gay Event Arranged by Masons The fourth annual "At Home' of the P'entalpha Chapter. of 'Royal Arch Masons in Oshawa was brought to a most successful con- clusion and vouched as the great- | est social ¢vent of the chapter in the new Genosha Hotel last night. More than 150 guests were present {and later sat down to a sumptuous supper in the dining room. The dance which was presented by the Pentalpha Chapter, was give en under the leadership of a com- mittee composed of W. R, Chap- main, chairman, James Milligan, Albert Wilson, William Babe, Norman Purdy and Ambrosa Henvy: The patronesses were Mrs. W. R. Chapman, Mrs. C. Pirie, Mrs. A Wilson and Mrs. J. Milligan. Beautiful gowns adorned the ladies while the gentlemen were dressed in the customary evening clothes. The orchestra occupied a corner of the spacious ballroom, musie being supplied by the Royal Canucks. Throughout the evening cards and dancing took place, many in- teresting and splendid features be- ing included in the latter. Paul Jones, and Rye Waltzes were play- ed and proved extremely popular. The whole lobby of the Genosha SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Hh. bes 29 Simcoe St. N. Phone 227 l was decorated with colored bal- | loons, palms and floor lamps she- sides lounging chairs and Chester- fields and the guests were made perfectly "at home' as soon as they arrived, Indian senate has amended its laws so that floggings shall be done on the lawn of the county court house in public, administered by the sheriff, ersonality! When Ziegfeld selects them, you can be sure they have personality. This lovely New York girl, now ap- pearing in "Rio Rita," has talent --and beauty, too--enhaneced by wonderful skin and the softest wav- es of dark brown hair. "When friends ask me what I do to make my hair so soft "and gleamy," says Miss Hargrave, "x have to think twice to tell them, be- cause I give so little time to it. The method I uee is very popular among New York girls. I just put a little Danderine on my brush each time I use it. I am letting my hair grow; but you'd mever know it, Danderine keeps it so soft and easy to arrange and holds it in place so wonderful. It gives my hair such a "or telephone 35, Mr. M. McIntyre Hood and Mr, L. S. Millman left today to.spend the week-end at their homes in Woodstock. . . Mrs, R. BH, Ardiel, Connaught street, has left for San Diego and Los Angeles, California, where she will spend the Jnter months, * * Mr. C. C. Patten, travelling pas- senger agent of the Canadian Paci. fic Railway, Toronto, was in the city on business yesterday. . » * LJ Miss ¥velyn Gay of the Ontario Ladies' College, i8 spending a few days with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Gay, Arthur street, x ¥ Migs Veran Trewin, Harvard avenue, Toronto, formerly of Osh- awa, is the guest of Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, King street east, over the week-end. * * * Miss Margaret Anderson of On- tario Ladies' College is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, C, M. Anderson, Division street, *. + w Mr, Charles P. Davis, Celina street, attended the twenty-ninth annual convention of the Ontario Association of Fairs and Exhibi- tions in Toronto on Thursday. /M'ss May Storie, who is a pupil at the Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, A. G, Storie, Simcoe street north. * * » Misses Beatrice and Helen Fraser arrived home from On'ario Ladies' College last evening to spend the week-end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Fraser, Simcoe street north, » LJ * Misses Harriet Swail, who fs at- tending Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, is spending the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. = - Social and Personal - - The Times invites the co-operation of its readers in contributing items to this column. Send in a postcard and Mrs, A, V. Swail, Masson street, 8 Miss Lois Mundy of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, who is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mun- dy, Simcoe street north, has as her guest, Miss Kathleen Elliott, also of Trafalgar Castle, * % % . LJ LJ Mr. and Mrs, James ¥. Crowdy, Coltrin Lodge, Rockecliffe Park, Ottawa, have sent out invitations for the marriage of their daugh- ter, Lucy, to the Hom, Kenneth Weir, son of Lord and Lady Weir of Eastwood, Renfrewshire, Scot- land, to take place in Christ Church Cathedral, Ottawa, on March 2, A reception will bg held aftarward at Government House by the kind invitation of their Ex- cellencies, ss The Sons of England held their regular whist drive last evening in the S.0.E. hall, There were eight tables in play. The ladies' prizes were won by Mrs, Shultz (first), Mrs Brown (second), Mrs. Holder (third). Messrs. B. Morgan, G Corden and H, Power were award- ed the gentlemen's first, second and third prizes respectively. The special prize was won by Mr, B. Morgan, The prizes were given in the form of vouchers, $5 5 Aboyt forty members of the Ever Read Bible Ciass spent an en- joyable social evening on Tuesday evening in the parlors of Simcoe street United Church, Mrs. Rex Harper, president, was chairman for the evening, Several musical numbers were given, including a piano duet by Misses Gertrude Adair an Kathleen Harper; read- ing, Mrs, Bigwoo; piano solo, Miss Gertrude Adair; reading, Mrs. ing, Mrs. Bigwood; pjano solo, Miss Violet Clarke; reading, Miss Kath- leen Harper. A social hour was spent and the executive served refreshments, CHIFFON HOSE FOR $12.50 A PAIR Scarce on Fifth Avenue is New York, Ib. 9.--In Alice Hughe's column in the Telegram, is found a note ahout hese of *'super sheer chiffon." which are made only in Paris and are so scarce that the Fifth avenue store that handles them can get only a few pairs every few weeks. Gertfude Lawrence has a standing order to send her every pair her size that arrives. Other lux- ury lovers have placed similar or- ders. The "super sheer chiffon' hose scll for $12.50 a pair. Miss Hughes does not stop there. She continues by telling of the Long Island society matron who also wears there hose. In faet she wears out three pair of super sheer chiffon every time she attends a dance, So sheer ar those hose that they can be rolled up into a little wad. The society women dons a pair places two spares in her evening case and If she doesn't wear out $28.50 worth of stockings in the evening, she hasn't had a good time, Extravagance is eonfined by no meaps to the sex that wears super Super Sheer ( Chifion Hose | 'of his customers wears $25 made sheer chiffon hose. The manager of a Fifth avenue men's shop told the other evening about one of his pat- rons who pays $60 each, for his shirts, They are imported to his es- pecial order. After he wears them a couple of times he give them to his Japanese valet who in turn takes them out and sells them. Another to order shirts, But he's more thrif- ty. He makes his wife wash them so they will wear longer. An inquest s to be beld at Wil- lowdale, where the body of a child was found in a box, It is said that a bottle was found near it containing a prescription, and the number of it was on the label, from which it is hoped to trace the relatives of the child. Ca¥) russes J HN 180 MADE TO 3 ORDER RE FN 0] 3 (0) ORDER WE MAKE AND FIT CORRECT STYLE OF TRUSS AND GUARANTEE TO MOLD SECOREYSY XAMINATION FREE. Une ABDOMINAL BELTS A hg le] osu ele) GN 45 I35 CHURCH ST. TORONTO silky, soft and lustrous appearance, friends are always commenting on it. There isn't a trace of dandruff left -now that I'm using Danderine regularly. And it keeps may hair and scalp so clean and comfortable that I don't shampoo half as often as I used to." Danderine quickly removes that oily film from your hair, brings out its natural color, gives it more lustre than brilliantine. It makes the hair easy to dress; keeps it in place. It usually checks dandruff. It isn't oily; doesn't show. All drug stores have the generous 35¢ bot- tles. A delicately fragranced neces- sity for the well-groomed girl! REPAIRING 10 King St, W, OUR SPECIALTY gf your Walch is not giving satisfaction we cam repair and: make it tell the correct time : D. J. BROWN . THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshawa Railroads, ? WATCHES ce | And it has held first place for thirty years. "SALAD TEA A" 'Frosh from the gardens' elpful ints For arassed ousewives A recipe for a date ple, which sounds as if it would please the palate of a connoiseur, has been submitted by G.L, and is as follows, DATE PIB 1 1-2 cups pitted dates, cut fine and boiled in half cup water until soft, Cool, add a few grains of salt, and sweeten to taste. Then add 1-2 teaspoon lemon juice, Fill an un- baked ple-crust with this filling, cover with a top crust, and bake in a hot oven until brown-4, . * » A pleasing variati-. ple is. DATE CUSTARD PIE Use the above filling and place in an unbaked pie crust. Then pour over this one cup swee® milk, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon sugar, and a pinch of salt, all mixed well, Bake until set. Place in a hot oven ten mindt:s, then cook more slowly until done. Cool, and before using cover with sweetened and flavored whipped cream, to the date * Snrall sized clothes pins, of the for holding curtains back from the windows at night. Clip~the glass curtains to the outer edge of the drapes and in the morning you ean release them Jithout a wrinkle, ' Grape fruit gets '& tengy taste that is delicious If served with a little grenadine and a dash of gia- ger. | I When eclgthing sticks to the var nish of the chair, rub the chalr 'with a cloth saturated with turpem- tine and follow with cloth dampened with linseed ofl. Rub vigorously with both applications. Dickens say that "Spite is a little word, but it represents as strange a jumble of feeling and compound of discords as any poly-syllable in the language." 9] INKHAMS PHENRIN patent fastener type, are excellent | > The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one genuine Aspirin, The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box, If the name Bayer tism proven directions, s, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is not! Headaches are dispelled by the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia ly relieved, Get Aspirin--at any drugstore--with spirin. So are colds, and , neuritis, and rheuma- Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce - we Will PLANT THEM in my Rose Gpapen Ban, PS Stn, 1 | Cann SURE EMOVGH THEY CREW aN TREE Full of Rosi-Colomiv SpECTACAYS THES A Bic Wanp CAME AND BLEW THEM Away To Tue fevm Conwens of Te EARTH WHOEVER iS Lusky ENovsM To Fino APAIR BLESS Daily - Boppy AND Comfy Tes

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