Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jan 1929, p. 8

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some | & PAGL GH 1HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MUNDAY, JANUARY 28, 1949 War Hero Made Commander of Australian Squadron London, Jan, 28.--One of the most thrilling episodes in the whole naval history of the war is recall- 8d by the appointment of Rear-Ad- miral Evans to command His Maj- esty"s Australian Squadron, effec- tive March 18 next. Evans, com- mander of the destroyer Broke, achieved wide renown for his part in the checkmating of a ralding German destroyer patrol when for probably the only time in the war there was hand-to-hand fighting at sea, Frequent Raids In 1917 German destroyer pa- trols made frequent raids on Dover Stralts in support of their submar- ines, On April 20 the raiders, who had been proving somewhat troublesome, did not escape edsily. The system of British patrols had been changed since a German at- tack in March, There were two patrols and one of them consisted of the "Broke," Commander Ev- ans, and the "Swift," Commander A. Peck, The German force, con- sisting of the 2nd Flotilla, which comprised their best and fastest boats, was in two sections. One went off to the South and appear- ed off the French coast, The other about six boats, hugged the north- ern shore and fired at the English coast off Dover in an aimless sort of way. The nicht was dark, and at 12.45 a.m. they were on their way home about 3 m., East of the South Goodwins on an easterly course when they were sighted on the port how about 600 yards off, by the "Swift" and Broke," steers ing an opposite course. There was no challenging, The "Swift" fired a torpedo, put her helm hard a-starboard and attempt- ed to ram, but passed through the enemy's line and went off in pur- suit of the leader. The "Broke' fired a torpedo, turned hard to port and crashed into G42, the 3rd boat in line. A hand-to-hand fight ensued in the darkness with Ger- man hoarders, who were driven back by the fo'c'sle gun's crew led by Midshipman Donald Gyles. The i "Broke's" engines were disabled by a shell, but she shook herself clear and completed the destruc: tion of another destroyer, G85, al- ready disabled by one or both of the torpedoes previously fired. The reserve division which had put to sea from Dover, only arrived in time to help pick up the German survivors. This ended the raid of April 20, which made the "Broke" and Commander Evans famous, and with the exception of two ineffec- tual sorties on April 25 and May 2, when the Germans shelled Dune kirk and Ramsgate, stopped such ventures for nearly a year, Rear-Admiral Evans will now have under his command the two new 10 000 ton cruisers, H.M.A.S, Australia, and H.M.A.S. Canberra: the light cruisers Adelaide and Brisbane; the seanlane carrier Al- batross and flotilla leader Anzac, two gubmarines beine comnleted, and 11 small destrovers. He is 48 years of age, a native of New Zca- land, ORIGINAL "WILD MAN OF BORNEO" IS BURIED AS A PLAIN CITIZEN Plattesville, Wis.,, Jan. 28.--The original "Wild Man of Borneo" has just been buried in Greenwood Cemetery here, "Sylvester Hendershot" was the name they put on the headstone. He was 82 years, and had spent his last years, broken in health, at the Grant County poor farm. For 20 years Hendershot was Barnum's "Wild Man", Then came domestic trouble, and the wife of "The Wild Man of Bor- | neo", and their five children, left him, Hendershot was found in a shack near the farm last week, eold, hungry and dying. For 20 years Hendershot was | | Barnum's "Wild Man'. Then came TIME TABLES C.P.R. TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking 'effect 1201 am Sunday April 2. 1925 4 Goirg West Daily Daily Daily except Sunday, Daily Da:ly except Sunday, Going t Daily Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday. Day Daily times shown above are times trains depart fron Oshawa Station. C. N. R, TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound £23 a.m.~Daily except Sunday. Al 8.58 a.m.--Sunday only, I 9.59 a.m.~Daily. | except Sunday. y except Sunday, y except Sunday, 2 p.m. --Daily. 1 pm.--Daily except Saturday 12.09 a.m.--Daily. 12.25 a.m.--Daily. Westbound | 4.442.m.~Daily. | 5.45 a.m.~Daily. y except Sunday, 8.07 . except Sunday, 2.06 p.m.~Daily except Sunday, 4.37 p.m,--Daily, 7.14 p.m.--Sunday only. 2.27 p.m. --Daily except Sunday. 845 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective ¢. aud alter Nov, 4 Going West Leave Arrive Arrive manville Oshawa Whitby Hospital 7.00 a.m 7.25 aan. 8.10 a.m. 8.3 a.m, 9.30 a.m, 3.45 aan. 10.20 a.m. 10.35 an 10.50 a.m. 1210 pom. 123 pm. 12.42 p.m 2.0 p.m 2.20 p.m, 3.00 p.m 3.20 p.m, 4.10 p.m 4.3% pm. 5.15 pam 4 *6.15 p.m 6.30 p.m, 6.45 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 9.15 p.m p.m 10.20 p.m 10.40 p.m, 11.40 pm, (L355 p.m, fis no pm. 11.15 pm. fume marked "x" ate ) Hostal, domestic trouble, and the wife of "The Wild Man of Borneo", and their five children, left him, INDIANS OF THE WESTERN COASTS HAVE NEW 1EGEN | Aged Widow of Chief Made Happy By a British Knight Vancouver, B.C.," Jan. 28,--Over in the home of the Capilano Indi- ans across the inlet from Vancouv- er there is a new legend now for copperskinned mothers to pass on {° dusky babes as generations fol- ow generations, It is the story how Santa Claus came all the way from Great Britain to drop a gor- geous shawl about the shoulders of Mary Capilano on Christmas day, It was the 83rd Christmas on Burrard Inlet for the aged widow of the late Chief Joe Capilano, but one of the happiest. "I have not long to live," she told friends who called- on her Christmas Day and fourd her in the little Inaian reser- vation church. But her friends are optimistic. Old Mary has heen saying that she has not long to live for many years, they claim, and her resignation to an early death -is belied by her wanderings. For Mary Capilano and her canoe have been a familiar spee- tacle in Vancouver harbor for years. In sunshne and rain, storm and calm, she may be seen navigat- ing her frail dugout canoe skilful- ly throuh swirling tide rips of the narrows. And that's how she met the fairy godfather who despatch- ed Santa Claus on the long trip from England. Met Benefactor It was one day last August that the aged Cinderella met her bene- factor. She was putting off from the immigration wharf in her Feli Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER "stab 'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South WHY SUFFER from Rheumatism ¢ NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA or NEURITIS RHEUMATONE RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont. W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street E. | Orders Promptly Delivered canoe on a return journey to the reserve, Standing on the pler was Sir Francis Vernon Thompson, of London, head of the King Steam- ship Line, chatting with some Vancouver friends who told him about the old Indian woman and her courageous journeys, It was about a week later that | the Narrows nearly claimed the 'cauver newspapers and a clipping . life of Mary Capilano, Striking out | was sent to Sir Francis Thompson alone for home ag usual after a day | who from the first had shown an in the city, she ram into choppy | Interest in the aged Indian wom- seas off Brockton Point. The can- an. Do YouOwn ce became half filled with water and only franic bailing prevented | it capsizing, The storyo f her jadventure was published in Van- are available. Phones 871 -- The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity. Becure your CONGER COAL now' while best services Conerr Lemen Coar Co. Livrren, J. H. R. LUKE Manager 931 -- 627.W Then, a few days before Christ- mas, came the sequel in the form of Sir Francis' signature on a cheque for $25 as a Christmas | present 'for the plucky old Indian | woman whom I saw while in Van- couver, commencing her voyage back to the reserve." Your Own RITISH AVY 1S LETT, NICHOLLS A HALLITT teal Estate Insurance ard Loans. Phone 32514 COMING T0 CANADA 11 King St. East, Oshawa Mystery V. C. Will Tell of His Thrilling War that they purported to iy Then he Experiences ee ay Suu: EET danger even to the exent of of-| fering themselves as targets to Ger- man torpedoes, the mystery ships succeeded in inducing U-boats to approach thein. One of the most dramatic parts of the Admiral's story is when he describes the lightning-like change which took place in the aspect of his ships as soon as a U-boat had London, Jan. 28.--Said to be the "bravest man of the British fleet," Rear-Admiral Gordon Campbell, popularly known in Enzland as the "Mystery V. C.," is sailing aboard the Aquitania, for a lecture tour of Canada and the United States, Real life tales of heroism at sea, unequalled by the most imagin- ative of fictiomwriters, will he told |2Pproached within short-range fir- by the Admiral. They will inclnde |Ing distance. In that connection he the story of Britain's "Q"" ships, [tells of how part of the ships out- otherwise known as 'Mystery | Walls, built for the purpose like Shing," and how they set about!" ".7Ton and geenery, anllnr- 4 their work of deroying German sub- |JRstantly raveal'n; wicied looking narines during the war. gun muzzles which. immediate! i Among other things the admiral |0Pened fire on the sunrised crew will describe how 3,000 colliers or' |' the enemy submarine, tramp steamers, were armed with rr = 12-ponnders, maxim guns. rifles and Saskatchewan's winnings at the tornedoes, all concealed so perfem- world grain and livestock show at 1v that outwardly the ships looked [Chicago numbered 45, of which 18 the innocent merchant steamers | were in wheat. $5,700 Value Beautiful brick bungalow, 6 rooms, all conveniences. Mantel, garage, location-- Carnegie Ave. Immediate possession. First offer of $5,000 with $800 cash gets this bargain, The Disney Real Estate Phone 1550 winnings in horses went to J. E, Falconer, of Goven, Sask., whose Clydesdales toook 12 prizes, in- cluding five championships, { Automobile Insurance Rates will be materially increased February 1 INSURE NOW Cutler & Preston Telephones 572 228 Night Calls 510, 1560, toy 412 Prince St) 2» Oshawa, Ont. American Vocabulary Increased by Many Peculiar Expressions ties of the army of film people who descended on Sharte'ces this week and 'shot' the fox hounds, the scene of the meet and many other subjects. They might even have 'shot' the fox had they been {alittle more nimble." . London, Eng., Jan. 28.--One of | ,the peculiar expressions which the ! movies have contributed to the] American vocabulary, is mention- | ed by the Times, reporting the! filming of a fox-hunting scene at | the Old Berkeley hunt. The | Times says: I "There might be grave misun- | In 1908, the province of Prince Edward Island had 540,619 &cres in field crops compared with 533,~ 463 in 1927. Nova Scotia had 714,000 acres in field crops com- pared with 702,000 in 1927 and New Brunswick had 900,000 acres compared with 889,000 acres in All the Canadian , derstanding concerning the activi- 11927, De mysterious nr X has priceless collection of art ard Jenels ~~ Reg. U.S Pace. OFF, Copynpht 1929 \ by Mewopoian Newspaper Service \ eed ELLA CINDERS--His Poorest Possessions BRINGING UP FATHER-- T USE THIS HOUSE TWO WEEKS A YEAR, SO ONLY THE POOR- EST OF MY POSSESSIONS ARE HERE --BY THE WAY, THAT RUG YOU ARE STANDING ON 15 WORTH 9% 500, O00! KAU Se-- ------ ns, rs ---- By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Look AT | THIS CANVAS BY dH REMBRANDT-- WORT My 2, A KING'S RANSOM-- FEET , YET ELIEVE FEEL ba! THAT BEAUTY 1S APOLOGETIC! THE WORLD'S BEST : INVESTMENT. A GENIUS NAMED CELLINI TOILED FOR YEARS TO MAKE THIS BEAUTIFUL BOWL--ONCE IT GRACED ¢% TLL eeT AN EMPEROR'S TABLE . NR ------ IT LOOKS STILL p y LISTEN-O'TooLE | | ' DON'T SMOKE ANY MORE THAN YOU DO AN I'LL BET "rou | KIN QUIT LON GER ALL RIGHT WOUL'RE CN FER A THOUSAND: WELL GoTo OINTY'S RIGHT NOW AN' SIGN PAPERS ON J LL WIN THD BET- pa' real ON AY 90° 4 ; 2/1 ) THROW YOUR CIGAR HATE TO TAKE A | RATS! IE | HAD AWAN-NYCUIRE THOUSAND AWAY FROM BAGNIN' THE PAPER | O'TOOLE-BUT WIN AS | NEED THE KNOWN THAT | MOST TO-NIGHT-1'D HI% BET AFFAIR WOZ ON NEVER HAVE TAKEN By Geo. McManus ERS "GRAND SHOKER TONIGHT aT STOGIES HALL ADMIDSI0N ONE. DoLLag [TELLING TOMMY '| SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN HOW DID THE PHRASE, ROBBING" PETER TO PAY PAUL ORIGINATE, DADDY ? In THE IT HAD 17S ORIGIN AND KiNG CHARLES IX CONSIDERING PLANS OF S7. PAULS CATHEDRAL RIVALRY , BETWEEN ST. PETERS AND ST. PAULS IN LONDON, TOMMY. § PRIATION WAS MADE FROM ST, PETERS CATHEDRAL (WESTMINSTER ABBEY) TO MAKE UP A DEFICIENCY FOUND IN THE AND THE PEOPLE DEMANDED, WHY ROB ST. PETER TO PAY ST.PAUL?® -- E2HE PRESENT ST.PAULS YAS PLANNED BY THE GREAT ARCHITECT, SIR CHRISTOPHER REN, AND 15 ONE OF MORE THAN 50 CHURCHES BUNT BY HIM AFTER THE GREAT LONDON FIRE IN 1666. WELL,I GUESS DADDY THINKS THE THINGS HE TELLS ME ARE RIGHT BUT HE SAID POPE GREGORY GAVE US OUR CALENDAR AND I KNOW IT CAME FROM OUR GROCER. ACCOUNTS OF ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. IM SORRY 1 COULDNT GO TO J MNIGHT, MAC THAT SHOW SATURDAY) | SOME GOOD! EDBIE BUNNI1S AN OLD FRIEND OF MINE MAC - AND HE GO BECAY THAT'S A LDT oF cocoa | CARE FoR Al EEE aa 70V | | You More THAN BETTER THAN ' DO EDDIE ov po ME To A WITH © 1929. King Features Syndicate. los Groat Britgin righ reserved WHY, MAC TT} [VEH, BUT WHY DID You GO THEN DANCE HiM IT WOULDN'T HAVE MADE ANY DIFFERENCE , MAC - YOU CcouLD H USE ANOTHER £ DANCE RRO EY TE Tn RE RN Fa PP ep pen re eal PE bet 2a bed TD at SN aa) HUNT OE'M™1 FEN E™ pr) abl © 0 sal Nee 0, Ba OA]

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