Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SI» THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDA., JANUAR - cmon [Woman 8 Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing ftems to this eolumh, Send in a postcard or phone 36, Mr. J. Fitzgerald has been spend- ing a few days at his home in Cole Lake, ee Captain Arthur Cavanaugh, of Cobourg, is visiting his sister, Mrs, Walter Terry, 106 Ww 'ood street. Miss Aura Brooks, ba street, left today for Hamilton, where she will be the guest of Miss Dorothy Iaidman for a few days. ¥ 0% * Miss Rosamund Duff, W.C.T.U,, | provincial field secretary, is the gnest of Mrs. A, J. Stalter, King street east, while in the city, x Ld » Mr, and Mrs, Dauphin, Manitoba, announce the engagement of their eldest dangh- ter, Orpha Margaret to Franklin 'Jay Goyne, son of Mrs, L. V, Dis- ney and the late Charles 1. Goyne, The marriage to take place early | in February. * * * Miss Rosamund Duff, W.C.T.U. field secretary, has been in the city this week visiting the publie schools and her addresses un Scientific Temperance have heen well received. Miss Duff will give an address Tuesday afiernoon at the annnal W.C.T.U, tea in King street United Church, » * » provincial ed at their weekly whist drive last evening in Sons of England hall. There were seven tables in play. ~ RHEUMATISM? Neuritis? Sciatica? T- BCs brought speedy relief to Mr. G, Burrows of Chatham, Ont. He bad terrible Rheumatism in his thigh. ! After the first dose he felt better, says: | "In half an hour all the sharp st abbing. pain had gone. Two more doses cleared away every trace of pain." T-R-C'sare equally good for Neuritis, Sciatica, pal and d Neuralgia, Quick, Safe. No harmful drugs. 50c and $1.00 at | Jour druggist's, 18 '8 TEMPLETON'S R RHEUMATIC CAPSULES » Music Teachers London College of Music (Eng.) Would Lke to hear from energetic nd influential teacher, lady or . , with a view to appoint- a as Local Secretary for the L.C.M. examinations. P, s as to duties and re- on to the ORGANISING SECRETARY FOR CANADA WW. H. Shinn, 2 Alfred Bldg. Winnipez, Man, Robert Buchanan, | |The ladies prizes were won hy Mrs, F, Brown first; Mrs, L, Brown second; and Mrs. F, Glover, third, The following were the winners of the gentlemen's awards: Mr, J, Or- ford, first; H. Cunliffe, second; and F. Brown, third. The special prize was won by Mr. G. Smoker, » * Lebanon Lois: was "at home" last evening to 'about 200 guests when the members entertained at a dance and supper in the Gen- osha Hotel. The rotunda was dec- orated and furnished for the occa- gion by the Luke Furniture Com- pany, The ballroom, which was lighted with vari-colored floor lamps, was the scene of the dance, he music was supplied by the Royal Canuck's seven-piece orches- tra, under the management of W, H. Barnhart, Supper was served about midnight, RUGBY GHAMPS BANQUET GUESTS MARY 1. SCHOOL Murray Johnston Cup Pre- gented and Players Get Pins and Advice Mr, C, I, Cannon, supervising principal of public schools in Osh- awa was master of ceremonies last evening when the ladies of the Mary street Home and School Club banquetted the public school sen- | being The Sons of England cntertain- | = ladvice MAKE AND FIT CORRECT STYLE OF huss AND GUARANTEE TO HOLD RUPTURE SECURELY. EXAMINATION FREE . We specialize in ABDOMINAL BELTS ior rugby champions at their school, Tables were beautiful in their decorations of blue and gold, the school colors, the color scheme carried out in the whole hall. Donated Cup In a well worded address, Mr, Cannon congratulated Lhe boys and expressed his appreciation of the interest showed by Mr. Murray Johnston im boys' sports, especially rugby. Myr. Johnston is an enthus- iastic athlete, and showed this in- terest by donating a cup for the winning senior team, Mr. Neil He- zelwood donating one for the jun- |fors. As Mr. Johnston was unable to be present, Mr. Cannon present ed the cup to Roy Garrow, captain of the rughy team, who replied suitably. My. Blow Mr. John Blow, now of fcc, | Toronto, spoke a few words to the boys. He stressed the fact that | Oshawa boys were good, clean {sports and said any team would be zlad of an opportunity to play with thenr, He gave them some good abont good sportsmanship. Mrs. MecLaughlin, president of the club, presented each of the players with a specially designed pin in the school colors. Adair Whitely thanked the ladies for their gifts. Proud of Them : Miss 'Storrar told the boys she was proud of them, the honor of clean play being more importnt in her eyes, than the winning of the cup. Miss Keddie and Mr. Robin- son both congratulated the boys on their victory. Mr. Blow assisted by Miss Allin at the iano, led in a lively sing song, which followeu, The boys and teachers were ask- ed by My. Cannon to assist in giv- inz three rousing cheers and a tiger to the ladies for gheir splen- did supper. LIGHTS ITH RE FOOD 70 FISH (Popular Mechanics Magazine) By hanging electric lights over jLpout pools at a Colorado hatchery a way has been found to provide {the fish with an extra supply of {food on whic h they thrive and grow larger than in pools without the 'ghts. The rays of the lamps lure osquitoes, moths and other in- ts which fall into the water and devoured. \SPIRIN The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one nuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the fo If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is not? Headaches are dispelied by Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin--at any drugstore--with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart Aspirin is tb€ trade mark (vegistered in Canada) indicating Rayer Manufactn: re. While it mita- 48 well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture. to assure the public against i * tcademark. tions, the Tablets will be slamped with their * 'Bayer Cross a FOR UTILITY WEAR A one-piece dress of sheer tweed with plain sheer woolen vestee in double-breasted effect, rolled with collar in one-sided rever styling. Flaps of patch pockets that top in- verted plaits of skirt are also made of the contrasting fabric. A touch of embroidery in angora wool adds feminivity to ths smart tailored sports dress. It's a smart utility type that is {included in every fashionable woman's wardrobe. Jersey, wool crepe, crepella, wool reps, flat silk crepe, crepe satin and veivet also appropriate for Style No, 294, It will make a very attractive morning or house dress of linen or orchid shade with white linen contrasting, or of wash- able rad!am silk in stripes or all- over floral pattern with plain self-fabric contrasting. Pattern is furnished n sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches f bust. Price 20 cents fin stamps or coin (coin ig preferred), Wrap coin earefully. Trans. Emb. No. 11136 (blue) costs 20 cents ex- tra. A Rr, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON ott, SBR To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find .......... cents. Please send pattérns listed be low: sesnssnssssrnssss B12 1000000, TR) Reateeles, 3 », dood] NAME .o0ssssssnsssnessssssss Address ,, Town Provinee. ,.ssusssesninssnssss Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. Phd A NO.MARRIAGE RECORM) (Letters in the London Times) In the village of Waterperry, near Oxford, there has been only one wedding in nearly four years. ssssssssssssssssssssens RE RE REE SORE = whether this constitutes a record. --The Rev. John Todd, Wheatley, dxtordd(-- The Rev. John Todd's record of one marriage in four years is probably surpassed by many other parishes. Here, for in- stance the last marriage was in 1922, more than six years ago. It may be that this is the reason why visitors flock to St. Audries in such numbers, because they think that since the parishioners neither mar- ry mor are given in marriage, they are as the angels in heaven.--The Rev. J. Basil Rust, St. Audries, Somerset. - it would be interesting to know | CURVES the Girls With Curves 'That Blows "Qld Timer" Greets the News, With Thankful eHart and Eyes That Plump Girls Will Be in Style Next Spring -- Rejoices That the Day is Dawning for They're Hugged--Bones Deecreed Less Beauti- ful--Skirts, Still at the Mercy of Every Wind (By THE OLD TIMER) AHEAD Who Won't Crack When Fashion dictators tell us that the plump girl will be in style next spring==and glory be! Faced for months and even years with the thin, emaciated and scraggy and lean bit of femininity, known as the fashion plate, we old timers at least, learn of the change with thankful eyes and thankful hearts, It's ten years since tho girls have been permitted to be plump, They've starved themselves, dieted, swam, raced and gallopped themselves into 'thinness' just to be 'in style', Now we're going to hoist Miss Plump on a pedestal--admire her curves--and acclaim the damsel whom Nature has 'treated right'. It's about time, too, It'll be a rest for the eyes of us old timers to see Miss Plump blossoming forth--girls with curves here and there; girls who can sit on a park bench comfort- ably; giris who can affect the plim- sell lines of a canoe; girls who constiutte an armful and don't crack when they're hugged, The good news came out yester- GLEE SINGERS ARE COMING TO OSHAWA Will Appear in St, Andrew's Church on Saturday, January 26 If, as is so often alleged, Great Britain holds no great position as musical nation, one thing is certain and that is the supreme pre-em- inence of is Cathedral Choirs, and particularly its boy sopranos. For many centuries this has been the casc, purity of tone, beauty of ex- pression, 'and the acme of .perfection in unaccompanied singing being their salient features. In the forthcoming visit to St. An- drew's church, Oshawa, on January 20, of Mr, Edward Branscombe's Westminster Glee Singers these fine ouglities will be abundantly exempli- fied, and although a measure of sac- red music will pe included in their program it is mainly in the secular forms of Cathedral singing that their greatest appeal will lie, Variety Glee, madrigals, part-songs, solos day when 2000 garment retailers of America met at the Hotel Astor in New York and celebrated Easter just a little bit ahead of time, Henceford, according to the fashion dictators, the road signs will read "Curves ahead', All these years we've been sat- isfied with girls with high insteps, bony knees and wasp waists, but now--and glory be--the world has gone out that bones have become less beautitul, 'he plump ones will still display their wares, be it said, and the short skirt given another lease of life, In the ballroom the skirt may be any distance from floor, but on the street the great American, or Cana- dian (or what have you?) knee cap will still be on display at the whimsey of every wind that blows. Street skirts have faileg to get any farther south than one or two inches below the knee--or :nore or less---or what have you? What will Miss Plump wear be fashionable? Well 'Fandango' a burnt orange for sport or street wear--'"Follage green' for afternoon dresses, and also Rosand, and Bonnieblue what- ever they are, Dut all this is secondary to the joyful news that the scrawny fe- male is going out of fashion The world is soon to acclaim Miss Plump, It will be refreshing for the nid timers with keen eyes for beauty to know that, afier all, girls have | curves. to with vocal accompaniment, concerted number for boys' voices, male quar- tets and vocal dances will all be rep- resented, the whole forming an ab- solutely unique entertainment. Wher- ever these gifted vocalists. have ap- peared, and this includes every part of the British Dominions, they have been received with the greatest vn- thusiasm. Their most recent tour of Australia, New Zealand and India reached to 625 concerts, and in Syd- ney alone they gave no less than 42 performances, which constifutes a record in the domain of concert giv- ing. A GLIMMER oF HOPE (St. Catharines Standard) Senator McDougall, close friend of Premier King, declares that the St. Lawrence deep waterway will bring immense prosperity to mil- lions of people. There is hope that the project will emerge from the maelstrom of politics some day and finally be put through, For better values in HARDWOOD FLOORS LAL) BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like new, Storm windows, combination doors, General Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Phone 481, repidence 180r2, Tit in place wonderfully. Climbing First, "Ziegfeld picked her for his "Foilies", Next, she was chos- en for "Rio Rita" and now War- ner Brothers will present her in the movies. Dainty Agnes Franey is climbing; heiped by clever danc- ing and seldom equalled beauty. Miss Franey says: "I don't be- lieve in overlooking anything which helps add to your attractive- ness. I am most particular about my bair and so many friends com- pliment me on its softness and lustre that I am sure my method of caring for it is right. Nearly all the giris I know here in New York are using it, now. It is so easy, All we do is put a little Danderine on our brushes each time we dress our hair. It makes my hair easy to dress and holds It has gotten rid of my dandruffs It keeps my hair and scalp so com- fortable, that I don't shampoo half as often as I did before. And best of all, it gives my hair a softer, more silky and lustrous appear- ance than anything [I've ever found." Danderine quickly removes that oily film from your hair; brings out its natural color, makes it fairly sparkle! Dandruff usually disappears when you use Dander- ine. « Waves, "set" with it, stay in longer. It's delicately fragranced; isn't oily; doesn't show. It's economical. The 35c bottles will last several weeks. All drug stores recommend and guarantee it. T. H ESTABROOKS CO., LIMITED --Saint John, N.B., M 45ca J; Ib., and 10c pkgs. 14 1b, cA Guarantee that relieves you of all risk S° many cheap teas and inferior bulk teas are offered for sale that it is often difficult for a woman to select a tea that is completely satisfac- tory--a tea of supreme flavor, invig- orating freshness and matchless quality. As one of Canada's foremost import- ers and blenders of the finest teas, we take full responsibility for the tea we scll--both to the grocer and the woman who buys it, For that reason we guarantee the unvarying high quality of every package of Red Rose Tea, and our guarantee means exactly what it says: Here is the Guarantee-- "Buy a package of Red Rose Tea and use as much as you please. If you do not like it better than the tea you have "been using return the unused part in the package to your grocer and he will return the full purchase price." Will you make this trial? Buy a pack- age and know the utmost in fine tea, Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea--90c a Ib., Red Rose Red Label--75¢c a 1b., 38c a REDRO TEA isgood tea Red Rose Orange Pekoe is extra good » In the best package--Clean, bright cluminum I, T VETERAN CHATHAM DOCTOR CELEBRATES 90TH BIRTHDAY Chatham, Jan. 19, -- Dr. T. K. Holmes, dean of the medical and surgical profession of Ontario cele- brated his minetieth birthday. Dur- ing the day he received many guests. Dr. Holmes is in splendid health for a man of his advanced years and he is still the interesting conversationalist that he was in his younger days.. SAULT MARINERS PREDICT NAVIGATION IN MARCH Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, Jan. 19.-- With an average break in the wea- ther from now until spring local ma- rine men are looking for quite an early opening of navigation this year. At this time in 1927 St. Mary's ri- ver and the lakes were covered with thick ice and the closing days of the navigation season were a nightmare. Some marine men optimistically forecast less than a foot of ice in the river which will quickly disap- pear with the first warm days and the customary spring showers. oid | timers on the lakes or at least sc onc | of them look for an opening of | igation around the middle of Marct | Commercial fishermen who conduct | their operations during the summer along the north shore of lake Super- jor are anxious about an ice supply and some of them believe all the ice used 1 il have to be transported up! the lake in boats. I 1 SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa REPAIRING Ss WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your Watch is not giving satisfaction we ean repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal and Och- awa Railroads. 10 King St. W. Phone 189 Yonce saw A Gum-Drop ARE You GumDnops? J LiKE To Luk " THAT olp i} LoLLipor

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