Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jan 1929, p. 5

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IHE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1929 PAGE FIVE Suburban and District N ews Gathered By "i .mes Staff Reporters and Correspondents, Shi NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Jan, 17.--The death sccurred in Albion, N.Y. on Decem- ser 22nd, of Thos, Compbell husband of Nellie Glover and one time resi- dent here. While here Mr, and Mrs, Campbell lived at the house where Mr. 'Thos. Heaslip lived before build- ing his new house. His wife is a sister to Messrs, Will and Edward | Glover, North Oshawa, Fred at Co- lumbus, George at Belleville, Mrs, Joe vallant at Port Whitby, Messrs. avid and Richard at Morden Mani- toba. He had been ill a long time and confined to his Led the past year, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Glover and two children Betty and Joan of Har- | mony spent Sunday with Mr, and made the motoring quite dangerous. Mrs. Will Glover, Mr. and Mrs. R. J, Brown motored make the hills, to Hillier Sunday to the home of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Alexander, They remained until Tuesday to attend the funéral of Mrs, Brown's grandmother, Mrs, Wm, Dryden, who had lived with her daughter, Mrs, Alexander for some years, Mr. Edgar Glover was guest at the Durant banquet on Wednesday even- ing at the King Edward Hotel, Tor- onto, Mr, and Mrs, A, Gerry and Mr, sand Mrs, George Alchin of Oshawa totored to Toronto Thursday, The entlemen will be guests of the Roger ay Radio banquet, Mrs. Fred Snudden who is in Osh- awa General Hospital with flu and pneumonia is somewhat improved, Miss Jennie Walker, nurse-in- training in the hospital for sick children, Toronto, is visiting her sister Mrs, Bruce Glover for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blight and mily with Mr, and Mrs. Will lover, on Monday. : Mrs, Stork is still very ill Mrs. Mervil Hare and baby Evelyn of King are spending a few days with her father, Mr, Solomon, Sr. who is ill. HARMONY Harmony, Jan, 17.--The community extends deepest sympathy to Miss Florence Baker and Mrs. L. O. Clif- ford in-gheir sad bereavement in the loss of their mother. Mrs. H. Hunking and Miss Helen Hunking visited Mrs, C. Marlowe in the city on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. H. Huggins and fam- ily of the city spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J. Clark. Congratulations are being extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Fare- well who were married lass week. My. and 'Mrs. N, Lyons and baby Darbara of North Oshawa visited Mr, and Mrs. Roy Terwillegar on Sunday. ; Mrs. Wm. Wilson of the city visit- ed with Mrs. J. Clark recently. Master Ross Cellan of Thornton's Corners is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter, who were 1ecently married are being wel- comed to the vicinity. Mrs. A. Terwillegar, Sr., is ill and confined to her home. The Trail Rangers met on Wed- nesday night, most of the boys be- ing present. The regular business items gore through Mr. Tima:ins gave a taik on the sin of swearing and smoking. Games were played and a social hour enjoyed by all Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark enter- tained a large number of their friends at their home on Monday night, it being the anniversary of the birthday of their son, W. Clark. Friends were there from Orono and the city as well as from this vicin- ity. The evening was spent in danc- ing, music and games. Refresh- ments were served about midnight and the party broke up in the early hours of the morning the friends wishing Mr. Clark many happy re- turns. ; KEEP YOUR APPETITE YOUNG If the things you used to like disagree with you, take a-tablet of Pape's Diapepsin after a meal. It displaces the excess acid in the stomach, sweetens your food, and digests it. The nourishment from it produces good, healthy tissue and blood; you gain weight and strength, and with that comes a healthy, youthful color. Thousands of people who suf- fered from stomach trouble for years, praise Pape's Diapepsin for their good health and young app tite. They can now eat anything taey want. That's why 5 milion packages are used a year. Any druggist will supply you with Pape's Diapepsin, because it is indispensable in every home. Mrs. W. Peterson lost her mother at Colborne last week, She had the flu and contracted pneumonia. A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Winter "on Wednesday when about twenty- five friends of Mr. and Mrs, | Winter gathered there as a surprise and rendered them a miscellaneous shower. The young couple received many beautiful and us¢ful gifts. The evening was spent with games and music. Refreshments were served at midnight and the merry makers de- parted for their homes wishing Mr, and Mrs. Winter a long and happy married life. The flu epidemic seems to be abat- ing. Fe slippery roads on Thursday found it almost impossible to Some s But no serious ac- cidents occurred. The Sunday School meets from 2.30 to 3.30 now and all are cordially invited to attend. Plans are being made for a supper in the near future. CLAREMONT Claremont, Jan, 18--Quite a num- ber from the village are attending the automobile show which is be- ing held in Toronto this week. Miss Irene Norton is spending 2a week in the eity, Miss Hamilton is able to be out again after being confined to her home for several weeks. | Mrs, J. Bushby is recovering from a very severe attack of the flu. Mr. Wm. Thompson is quite ill at his home here and is under the doc- tor's care, Miss Bessie Graham spent last week at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Graham. A miscellaneous shower was ten- dered Mr, Robert Rawson and bride at their home on Wednesday even- ing. Mr. L. Pilkey is quite ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Luther Pilkey, The flu epidemic which has con- fined many to their homes during the past few weeks is gradually disap- pearing. Mr, Frank Cooper who has been faid up for some time is able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. David Pugh of Lake- field spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Morgan. Two of our curling rinks went to Markham one day last week and played a friendly game with the curl- ers there, Mr. N. Burton who has been re- siding with his daughter in Wood- stock is spending a few days with friends in the village. The bad condition of the roads prevented many from attending the Sunday School convention at Picker- ing on Tuesday. Our fire company had a call Greenwood on Sunday night to fight the fire that destroyed the store and post office there. The members of the Baptist church held a véry successful wood bee on Monday last when a large amount of wood was cut and hauled to the in | church yard. The committee charge wishes to thank all who as- sisted in the work. Miss Margaret Pugh, who has been attending the Normal School in Toronto is confined to her home here through illness. . Wilker; librarian, Miss H, Walker, he Board is looking for a goodly number of subscribers this year, PICKERING Pickering, Jan, 17--Miss M. Ro- bertson spent the week end at her home in Whitby, Mrs, M, Rankin received news the other day that her brother, John Henderson of Gormley, had taken a stroke, and was seriously ill, We hope for an early recovery, Mrs. K., Devitt of Toronto spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Mechin, While driving north on the Sta- tion Rd, on Ee evening, Mr, Chris, Fair had the misfortune to run into a standing freight train and damaged his car almost beyond re- pair, Mr, Fair turned his lights off as he neared the track so as to see any headlights more clearly and that fact together with a slight snowfall prevented him from seeing the train, which had stopped at the station, Mr, Fair escaped uninjured, The choir of St. Andrew's United Church are preparing for a concert to be given under its auspices by the Simpson Ave, Young Men's orches- tra of Toronto, on oid evening in the church auditorium, The young men which comprise the orchestra, are all talented artists and are all capable of solo work on their re- spective instruments, They are to be assisted by Arthur Bartlett, tenor, and George Clark, reader, It is so seldom that such a musical treat is provided for the village and the choir are looking forward to a splendid evening, Mrs. John Murkar has heen spend- ing a few days this week in Toronto, with her daughter, Mrs. D, J, Cal- laghan. Mr, Edward Crawford is confined to his "bed through illness. His friends wish him a speedy recovery. For the second time in thirty-one years, every one of the sixteen schools forming the Pickering Town- ship S. S. Association, were repre- sented at the annual convention held in St, Paul's Church, Pickering, on Tuesday, Jan. 15th. The day was a profitable one for the Sunday School worker, and all of the three sessions were. filled with interest, The presi- dent, Mr. D. Annis, was in the chair. Important items .on the program were addresses by Rev. H. C. Priest provincial worker, and Rev, H. R. Stephens, and the report of the pro- vincial convention held at Galt, was given by the appointed delegate, Mrs. G. M. Forsyth. Of special in- terest was the Boys' Conference, held in the afternoon which was led by Mr. Gerald Cowan, Two splendid addresses were given by Mr, James Gibson of Caledonia, premier of the Older Boys' Parliament, and Mr. Harold Anderson, member for South Ontario. Sonecial music was provided by the St. Paul's choir, and Mrs. Tan- ner of St. George's Church. The fol- lowing officers were appointed for RUPTURE I NOT A TEAR NO BREAK TO HEAL Some people have a mistaken idea that rupture is a tear, Rup- ture is not a tear, but purely a muscular weakness in the abdom- inal wall, Trusses merely brace these muscles, but do not strength- en them--on the contrary the gouging of the ordinary truss pad often increases this weakness, be- cause it tends to shut off blood circulation, STUART'S ADHESIF PLAPAO-PADS are entirely dif. ferent--being mechanico-chemico applicators--made self-adhesive purposely to keep the muscle-tonic, called *Plapao'" continuously ap- plied to the affected parts, and to minimize danger of slipping and painful friction, No straps, buckies or springs attached, Soft as vel. vet--easy to apply---inexpensive, Awarded Gold Medal, Rome, Grand Prix, rraris, Honorable Men- tion ,Panama Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, etc, For almost a quarter century satisfied thousands report success--wiinout delay from work, Stacks of sworn testimonials received even from the far corners of the Earth, Process of recovery is natural, so no subsequent use for trussess, Be Sure to Call Thursday, Jan, 24th, at Central Hotel (Oshawa) From 10 a.m, to 7 p.m, Free Demonstration By Mr, A, BE, Mitchell It cost you nothing to examine and have demonstrated to you privately this scientific self-treat- ment, which so many others at est under oath freed them from the truss and saved them from the knife, Remember the time and place. If not able to call, write for FREE TRIAL PLAPAO Address Plapao Co., 998 Stuart Bldg. St. Louis, Mo, 1929: President, Mr. Leslie Morley; vice president, Mr, M. S. Chapman; secretary-treasurer, Mr. J. H. Mi- chell; superintendent Girls' Work, Mrs. Forsyth; superintendent Boys' Work, Mr. Gerald Cowan, superin- tendent Adults' Work, Mr. D, An- to ASSESSORS "The Council of East Whitby will hear at Messrs. Conant £ Annis' office, Oshawa, at 2.30 p, m., January 21st mext, in person or by letter, anyone wishing the posi'ion of assessor for 1929, The Township is to be divided as follows: School Section No. 1; School Section No. 10; Union School Section No. 6, as one ares and the balance of the Township as the other area. The annual meeting of the Clare- H mont Library Board was the library rooms on Saturday. The following officers were elected. Presi- dent, Mrs. G. M. Forsyth; vice president, Dr. N. F. Tomlinson; secretary, R. J. How; treasurer, M. held in| P. G. PURVES, CLERK. nis; superintendent Home Dept., Mrs, Johnston; superintendent Teach- ers' Training, Rev. Roy Rickard; superintendents Temperance Work, Mr. Jas, Todd, Mr, Found; superin- tendent Missionary 'Work, Mrs, L Hagefman; superintendent Children's Work, Mrs. C, Plaxton; delegate to provincial convention, Mr. M. S. Chapman. The convention will be held in Claremont next year, Much credit for the success of the day is duc to the women of the three churches in town, who -combined their forces in serving dinner and supper to the visiting delegates, The icy roads which have appeared during the past few days have been the cause Ay a large number of mo- tor accidents, The local garages are kept busy towing in the damaged cars from along the highway. On Wednesday, Rev, J. C, Clugston, of Columbus, who is well known in the village, had an accident just a mile cast of the village. A car coming from behind hit Mr, Clugston's car throwing it into the ditch. An axle was broken and other damage done but fortunately Mr, Clugston, his wife and daughter, who were occu- pants of the car escaped injury, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, Jan, 17.--Sunday services were well attended. Rev, J. H, Stainton occupied the pulpit and as usual delivered a splendid address, An anthem was rendered by the choir. Rev, Mr, Stuart, of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit here next »uu- day afternoon in the interests or "Temperance." Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, of Toronto, spent Sunday witn 1¢u- tives in this community, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Osborne, of Providence, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Truman Power on Sunday, . Mr, W. L. Macklin, of Cobourg, recently spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Sam Snowden, Miss Carrie Power, Town, spent Sunday with her brothe:, mr. Chester Power, Miss Vera Power, of Newcastle, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mys. Charles White, Oshawa, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J, D, Stevens on Sun- day, Miss Beatrice Souch gpent the week-end at her home in Orono. The newly elected officers for the Sunday School for the com'ng year are as follows: Honorary ,.u- perintendent, Thos. Snowden; Su- perintendent, Harry Freeman; as- sistant superintendent; A, Laird; secretary, Clifford Swallow; assist- ant secretary, Edward Foley; treas- urer, L. C. Snowden; librarian. Fthel Axford; assistants, N, I. Met- calf and Ross Stevens; pianict, Pileen Hockin; assistant pianist, Margaret Abernethy; teachers, adult Bible class, C. H. Snowden: busy workers' class, Margaret Ab- ernethy; assistant, Mrs. W. J. Snowden; wide awake class, Mr. A. Taird; intermediate girls, Mrs. ». Swallow; assistant, Mrs. A. Laird; intermediate boys, Howard Foley: assistant, Lloyd Snowden; junior 7irls, Edna Swallow; assistant, Mrs. Roy Trull; junior boys, Hilda Foley; assistant, Jack Cator; prim- ary, Mrs. Sam Snowden; assistant, Mrs. M. Munday, Jr.; missionary Superintendent, Mrs. A. Laira. home department, Mrs. J. D. Stey- ens, Mrs. Sam Snowden; temper- anes, Mr 3 Munday, Jr.; cradle , rs. Ivison M Bruce Metcalf. nday, Mie gue was held on Wednesd evening. The meeting was pi with illustrated songs and a splen- did address on the life of Joshua, by Mr. Stainton, illustrated by lant- ern slides. In the absence of the president, Mr. Elgin Munday, Miss Souch took charge of the remain- caster and the topic by Mr. Clifford der of the program, The devotional topic was read by Miss Winnie Lan- And when millions like it better it must be so. "S A 3 AD A" Swallow, IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Sorel Courler) If, without any prejudice and with an absolutely impartial mind we consider the progress of the great commercal firms, we shall see that those which have made the most progress, which have achieved the greatest success and reached the front rank, are those which have advertised, Those that have not advertised, or have only done so to a trifling extent, are marking time and are forced to re- main in the second rank, Four Years Development Over a Million Miles of lesting stand behind the Outstanding Chevrolet: of Chevrolet History - a Six in the price range of the four] TE Fron Teun the gardens' | EVER has a new motor car come to the public more thoroughly proved in every de. tail than The Outstanding Chev. rolet of Chevrolet History, During the last four years, over a hundred six-cylinder motors-- representing every conceivable type--were built by Chevrolet engineers and tested on the Gen- eral Motors Proving Ground be- Cheviclet offers an oto Of W fore the present motor was de. veloped and pros 1 coteeet, balanced excellence that is extra. While the new six-cylinfler motor bile, From every standpoint= was in process of development, power, speed, smoothness, ac. other Chevrolet engineers were celeration and quietness -- its perfecting other parts of the 'ormance is truly amazing, Its chassis , , » the springs, wheels, ease and road-ability are axles, brakes, steering exceptional. And its outstanding wall were developed concurrent. beauty, smartness and luxury are ly with the motor so that the en. exciting wide-spread admiration. | c-19-1-208 Come in and see these Sensational New Carg= Now on Display Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. Oshawa and Whitby, Ontario PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA; LIMITED i a RESOLVED--It's "throat easy" By LOU SKUCE and HIS GANG or) LOU SKUCE, famous Canadian New York by the Toronto "Mail is » AACN Si se i ovoss the line." & Empire", says: fon

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