Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jan 1929, p. 14

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PAGE FOURIEEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929 CANADA THE INDEX T0 ALL DOMINION Eminent Professors Say Do- minion Leads in Growth of Empire Units London, Jan. 17.--Reviewing the . pecently published booR, 'Canada and World Politics," by Professors P. E. Corbett and H. A, Smith, the Times' Literary Supplement says in part: Whe two authors of this short but very able and closely reasoned book were, when the book was writ- tem, excellently placd as well ds eminently qualified for the work which they took in hand. Both of them Fellows of colleges at Oxford, Mr, Corbett was, and is Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor of, Roman Law in McGill University, Montreal, having previously serveu as assistant legal adviser to the In- ternational Labor Office of the League of Nations, H. A, Smith was at the time of writing Profes- sor of Constitutional Law at McGill but has since hecome Professor of International Law in the Univer- sity of London. They both wrote ps Canadian citizens, says Profes- Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes § DowncastEyes Eyes tell _ Your Character Brown eyes for strength--Blue for generosity--Gray eyes for jealousy--Sparkling eyes in- dicate beauty, yes, good health, too! 0 Jou eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow --indicating an out-of-sorts condition -- due to constipas tion? If so, you need $ eects oureyeswill™ gp, getable Sell the sgory. Product ons Read about Character from the Eyes in future Beecham Advertisements, ales Agents: Harold F, & oy Limited, Toronto at TIME TABLES C.P.R, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect 1201 a.m. y, April 29, 1928, Going West 5.48 a.m. Daily. . Daily . Daily except Sunday, Daily. . Dail: SIGEDS Sunisy. Daly Sunda; . Daily except y, Daily except Sunday, Daily. a.m. Daily. All times shown above are times trains @epart from Oshawa Station. C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound 8.23 a.m.--Daily encept Sunday, 8.58 a.m,~Sunday only. 9.59 a.m,~Daily, 1.17 p.m.~Daily except except except Sunday. : Sunday. Sunday. p.m. ily, 11.39 p.m.--Daily 12.09 a.m,~Daily, 12.25 a.m.~Daily, 4.44a.m.--Daily, 5.45 a.m.--Daily, ji Daily except Sunday, except Saturday, Westbound y, 7 a,m.--Daily 2.06 p.m.--Daily 4.37 p.m.~Daily, 7.14 p.m.--Sunday only, 7.27 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. 8.45 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and aftes Nov, 4 Going West Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 6.15 a.m. 7.10 am, except Sunday, except 'Sunday, Arrive Hospitu 10,50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. 4.35 p.m. 6.45 p.m. EEBEEE rEoananniSoxn & © 8 %9.45 p.m. 10.55 p.m. 10.00 p.m. PPPPOPPPRPRERY Going East Leave Leave Arrwe Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 6.30 am, 60am /2 am. : 7.50 a.m, 8.20 am 8.50 am. 2.20 a.m. 10.55 a.m - Leave Hospital #100 a.m, 2:00 p.m. #25 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 11.00 p.m. Fone mar Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Ceing West Leave Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m. 12.15 p.m, 2.30 p.m, 4.30 p.m, 6.30 p.m, busses to Arrive Hospital 10.00 a.m. 12.25 p.m x9.00 a.m Jam. x11.30 a.m p.m, 1.45 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 3.45 p.m. 4.15 p.m. 5.45 p.m 6.15 p.m. 7.45 p.m 8.15 p.m. 8.30 sm. xJ0.00 p.m. 10.30 pe. 10.45 p.m. Going East Leave Leave Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville 10.15 a.m W30 am 11am 12.45 p.m L.30 p.m 2.45 p.m 3% p.m 4.45 p.m 5.30 p.m 5.45 p.m 7.30 p.m 8.45 p.m, 9.30 p.m 11.15 p.m. 30 pom, 12.00 p.m through busses to 1.00 p.m. 11.00 p.m. Time marked "xz" Whitby Hospital Special Busses For All Occasions e Rates and Carefu) Drivers T A GARTON Proprietor Bowmanville- Phone 412 or 348 Phone 2283 Oshawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince 5t.~ ar sor Smith in a note on his transter to London, but "neither of us would adm!t thet there is any necessary conflict be'ween the Imperial and the Cancdian point of view." Eldest Daughter Canada is the eldest of the self- governing Dominions, and from first to last at each stage of devel- opment has given a lead to the others. It is well said in the intro- duction that "the theory underly- ing the syestem of. responsible gov- ernment in the Dominions must be reckoned as an original' contribu- tion of the British people to politi- cal science," and that *'the practice has moved much faster than the theory." Tt is all to be traced in the story of the relations between Great Britain and Canada. Of what kind then was and is this, so to speak, Index Dominion? Whatever inference can be or ought to be, drawn from the historical fact, the Dominion of Canada was, and is suf generis among the oversea na- tions of the Empire.°Tt was, and is, not lke, but unlike all the other Dominions, unlike even South Afri- ca, with which it has more in com- mon than with the Dominions of the Pacific. Its development has not been simply the growth and expan- sion of a British Colony; it has been the evolution of a composite community made up of two most diverse races and hordered hy a very powerful foreign, though in part kindred, nation, Self-govern- ment and--what has perhaps heen an even more important factor in the British Empire, for it must in course of time have compelled self- government -- the formation of larger anits came into the Emnire primarily in a case the circumstan- ces of which were wholly uniane, Moreover, when formed, this Do- minion owing to its French element and under the guidance of the ereat French-Canadian leader Sir Wilfrid Laurier, developed in Empire rela- tions a strongly marked policy of aloofness, The influence of Canada in the Empire made for "severally" much more than for "jointly"; and the attitude adopted by the Cana- dian Government towards the Treaty of Lausanne showed that aloofness was still dominent in Can- ada after the war. Wise Nationalism By very acute and exhaustive an- alysis which carries full conviction, the authors of the book conclude that "a wise nationalism {is not in- consistent with a larger unity," "So far as Canada {8 concerned, we are convinced that senaration, and any policy which tends either in form or in substance towards separation, will he a disastrous error of jude- ment" and "looking at the matter from a still wider point of view, we believe that the maintenance of its own unity, is perhaps, one of the greatest services which the Empire ean at nresent render to the cause of civilization," CAPSULES WONDERFUL Remedy for Indigestion OU who suffer from dys- peptic ills, ask your drug- gist for a box of Pink Cap- sules For Indigestion. Unless all your stomach troubles van- ish he will refund the full pur- chase price. Thousands have found stomach health this way. They're sold by Karn's and all good druggists. Pile Sufferers You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause --congestion of blood in the lower bowel, Nothing but an internal rem- edy cap do this--that's why ecutt- ing and salves fail. Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guaranteed to quickly and gsafe- ly banish any form of Pile misery or money back. Jury and Lovell and druggists everywhere sell it with this guarantee, WHY SUFFER frem oh RUTTETR NEURAT GIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA or NEURITIS RHUEUMATONE The wonder remedy will banish all your aches and pains Sold at all good Drug Stores or direct from the manufacturers RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont. The book is very outspoken, and in expressing their views on the strategis position of Canada. Two parts of the book have, perhaps rather special interest. The first is the reference made, in the chapter on '""The Empire and the League of Nations," to the "dififculties which may arise from the dual position of the Dominion in the League and of Canada in particular, It is pointed out that special importance atttch- es to Canada in the League as be- ing, in the absence of the United States, the only representative in it from North America, and that there is a tendency for the smaller nations to look to her as a leader, which resulted in her being elected in 1927 to a seat on the council. She 1s, therefore, called upon to he in some sort spokesman of the smaller nations and, as such, not to let the Canadian vote be merely a duplicate of the British vote. On the other hand, as a member of the British Empire, it 1s incumbent | upon her not to invalidate the unity | of that Empire by being In any way in the forefront of opposition to Great Britain, It is a very difficnlt position, but one in which she may render most valuable services as an intermediary between the great States and the small, the one thing needful being full and free consul- tation between the Empire -dele- gates before the meetings at Gen- eva. Wider Outlook The pages in which this subject is discussed are followed by an ex- nression of hope that active par- ticipation in the work of the Lea- zue of Nations may widen the out- Inok of Canadian polities; and this, the second point of special interest is followed up in the chapter on "Tno%ing Forward." In thig chanter comment is made on the narrow- ness of contemporary Canadian poli- tics, and a strong plea is put for- its writers have not wanted courage | ward for raising the political life of the Dominion to a level which TINPLES ON FACE AND HANDS Were Hard and Red. Could Not Do Hard Work, Cuticura Heals, 'Small pimples broke out on my face which later and were dard and red. Later pimples broke out on my hands and getting worse each day. I could not do any hard work with my hands on account of the breaking out. "1 began us and Oigtment and they helped me. I continued the treatment and after using two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment 1 was healed." (Signed) A. W. Babychuk, Wishart, Sask. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health; the Soap to cleanse and purify, Ointment to soothe and heal, and Talcum to powder and refresh. Sample Bach Pree by Mal. Address Canadian BP Sintment 3 and se. Talogm pre bos JWP™ Cuticura Shaving Stick 25c. would attract to rather than repel from it the best men in Canada. This, the writers hope may be the result of "participation in the af- fairs of a wider world." Comments and criticisms" of this kind are permissible in a study of '""Canada and World Politics;" but it behooves a reviewer to be mind- ful that Canadian political life and Canadian participation in or absti- mence from the affairs of the out- side world are matters for Canada alone. It will not be impertinent, however, to express a strong hope that there fray be no long delay in completing adequate human ma- chinery for ¢Jose, constant and fully responsible consultation between ' | the Governments of Great Britain and Canada. GOVERNOR IMPLORED TO COME TO AID OF VIRGINIA OYSTERS Richmond, Va., Jan. 17.--Gov- ernor Harry F. Byrd, of Virginia, has been called upon by a special legislative commission to save the Virginia oyster, After an investigation this com- mission reported to the governor that destruction threatens one of the country's most productive oys- ter areas and that the Virginia bi- valve,® delight to many palates, soon is to be extinct unless some- thing is done. The body asks that constructive mreasures to conserve and protect natural oyster rocks be adopted promptly. i Of tremendous Importance to Virginia, oyster production gives employment to approximately 100,- 000 persons, through nine months of the year, and is the state's sec- ond largest industry. : The committee found lack of en- forcement of the oyster prdtective laws, particularly those pertaining Man, 56, Eats Fried Onions, Pie--Anfjthing "Now at 56 years, I entfalmost overything. Since taking Adlerika, friend potatoes, onions, ple, agree with me fine.""--Thos J. Herbst. Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re- lieves gas and that bloated feeling s0 that you can eat and sleep well Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old. waste mat- ter you never thought was there. No matter what you have tri,' for vour stomach and bowels, Adlarika will surprise you. Jury and Lovell, Druggists, Do You Own Your Own . LETT, NICHOLLS AND | HALLITT of Real Estate Insurance ard | Loans. Phone 3254 || 11 King St. East, Oshawa to culling, as well as lax supervi- sion on the part of the state, Fail- ure to provide adequate funds for rehabilitation of natural rocks and a too slender compensation of in- spectord for full time duties also were charged in the report. Centering around Hampton and Newport News and extending through Tidewater section and much of Maryland, the trade finds many devotees, ranging from those who tend beds hardly larger than the one in which they sleep to these comprising thousands of acres, Small, crude hoats carry the humble workers to their activ- ities, while the hig producers em- ploy the best equipment science af- fords. ALLEGED TORONTO GIRL BANDIT ACQUIT- TED OF THEFT Jacksonville, Fla., Jan, 18.--An- ita del Valle alias Rita Lafleur, 17- year-old Toronto girl, was acquit- couples in an automobile on the i . . . See this "Close in" Home 7 Rooms--Brick--A:l con- v and mn. Gar. age attached to dwelling. Only 2 minutes to any. where. Specially red d REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572 228 Night Calls 510, 1560, for quick sale to $35,000. Easy terms, > Now owned by business man who is getting larger home, PHONE 1550 THE DISNEY REAL ESTATE i Associated Salesmen J. W. Lint Residence Phone 1221W || J. D. Rutherford Phone 638) | ted in criminal court yesterday on a charge of automobile theft. Her alleged accomplice, James Lit- tle, of Arcadie, Fla., was convicted on a similar charge. The couple were accused of stealing a car from | James D. Palmer here on the night | of November 10. They were im- mediately placed on trial again on a second charge of holding up two 4% Prince St, 'Oshawa, Ont." REAL ESTATE Automobile and Fire Insurance of all kinds 4 H. R. LUKE Phones 871, 031, 687W. Money to loan at 6% per \cent, first mortgages REGENT THEATRE BLK. same night that they stole the car. Little's sentence on the car theft charge was held up, pending com- pletion of the second trial, ELLA CINDERS--The New Owner p-- By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb BLe w I no KNOW! Tre ALL 2 IYESTERY TO ME! THE (1 , U. 5. Pac. Off; Copyright 1929, gh Bai Service 1-17 BRINGING UP FATHER-- | HOPE MAGGIE ID | GIT ME HOPE - [G= AN'| HOPE TT pill o> IN] © 1929, 1511 Peature Service, Ine., ALL DO THERE YOU ARE, YOU BIG CAMEL. A NICE TIME TO COME HOME - NOW, MAGGIE - LISTEN TO YOU HAVE BEEN UNTIL THIS WELL: IF YOO HEARD THIS ONE BEFORE- STOP ME! By Geo. McManus SHE HEARD IT BEFORE TELLING TOMMY WERE PUT HERE BY NATURE WELL TOMMY, L SUPPOSE THA ANT-EATERS THE MANY KINDS OF ANTS FROM ENTIRELY OVER-RUNNING THE COUNTRY f LY dull TO KEEP 4 IT FEEDS ON WHITE ANTS AND OTHER INSECTS. 175 LONG FLEXIBLE TONGUE COVERED WITH STICKY SALIVAS PROTRUDED AMONG THE INSECTS AND SUDDENLY WITHDRAW VIHEN A HUMBER HAVE COLLECTED UPOM IT. 17 15 ABOUT FOUR FEET LONG AMD HAS A PLUMELIKE TAIL. THE AARD VARK AMD THE PHATAGIN ARE AFRICA COUSINS OF THE AMT- an ER AND HAVE SIMILAR HABITS, PHATAGIN BETTY ANT EATERS, 1 WONDER IF THEY 8 WOULD LIKE A NICE FAT UNCLE ? W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered Felt Bros. 1 he LEADING JEWELER Estab ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South TILLIE THE TOILER--A "Phoney" Order I'VE BEEN WANTING TO ASK YOU FOR SOME TIME, MR. SIMPKING ,FOR A LITTLE NO. CERTAINLY NOT WERE ITs A GOOD THING | DID LET TILLIE SO SHE'S GETTI AN ORDER OVER THE 'PHONE IT MUST BE A BIG ONE , SHES BEEN ON THE 'PHONE HALF For A | ~ THAT WASN'T AR 1 WAS JUST PUTT INA LONG-DISTANCE 1 [TOUCH WITH ME FROM MONTEREY, AND MR. SEAPKING 3 ACTING FERFECTLN PR AS USUAL

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