PAGE | WLi.VE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1929 'DUNNINGER SCORNS BELIEVE NESSAGE Magician Attacks Mystic 2 Notice From Spirit World New York, Jan 17.--The mystic * message, "Believe," allegedly sent from the realms of the spirit world by Magician Harry Houdini to his 'widow here, was under new attack. Joseph Dunninger, magician, and 'like Houdini in his lifetime, an un- relenting foe of spurious psychic phenomena, was the generalissimo in the latest effort to disprove the validity of the message which Mrs, Toudini herself had declared con- vinced her of its genuineness, Aiding him in his attack was a -* fish-handler, Joseph Bantino, 28, from the Fulton fish market, old stamping ground of former Gov. Alfred E, Smith, . ' Dunnigerfi Bantino and a smal army of press folk descended upon Mrs, Houdini's apartment while Dunninger without even rolling up his sleeves produces Bantino and Bantino produced a story designed to cast doubt upon spiritualism in the "Believe'" message. In a word, Bantino related that he had coufted a girl who knew one Daisy White, herself a magic- fan and acquaintance of Houdini. Bantino opined that Rev, Arthur Ford, medium in the transfer of the message, had received it from Daisy White, who, in turn, had had her code and the message from Houdini long before he ever becanre a spirit, Mrs, Houdini seemed bewilderd at this new turn, but indignanuy refused to believe that Daisy White had had her husband's confidence She said she had found letters from Houdini to the woman, who, she added, had often brought her "fes- sages' from Houdini, "But.none ever came in our se- And your own sense of taste will convince you. "SALAD A' TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' cret code," she said. Dunninger then gave an exhibi- tion of reading messages reporters wrote and secreted, and oltereu Ford $21,000 if he and his spirit could read a message he would write and secrete. Later Daisy White at TIord's apartment admitted knowing the fish-handler slightly but said she had never discussed Houdini in that quarter and never had said she got Houdini's code before his death. Mr. Ford observed "Mrs, Houdini accepted the message as genuine and that is the important thing." He denied having any material or spiritual assistance from Daisy in his communication with the world beyond. This ended the night's develop- ments. Mrs. Houdini claimed still to helieve: while the scoffers con- tinue to scoff. J TOWN ASKED TO LEASE LOT FOR LIQUOR EXPORT DOCK Windsor, Jan, 17.--Because the foot of McKee road, Sandwich, is considered a particularly favorable spot for a liquor export aoc, the town may enter the export field as lessor of a water lot, which in turn will be leased from the Ontario government, Application has been made to the town council hy Charles Har- wood, one of the big liquor export- ers of the Border for the lot and has offered the town council $100 a month for it. On the other hand the council has been informed that it can have the lot from the Ontario Government for $50 a month for five years, lease subject to revoca- tion on three months' notice, The council has shelved the mat- ter for the time being by referring it to the finance committee, In the meantime, other parties, inter- ested in a nice water lot, will be given a chance to bid. OSHAWA FOLKS By W. H. Karn LITTLE WILLIE'S Six YEARS oLp/ WILLIE BUT LITTLE CAUGHT A coLp/ WIS. THROAT SORE $0 MA] vir remedy here, Don't neglect a sore throat, Bring his prescription here. Suisun SAID WE'LL HAVE WAS VERY | TO GET HIM SOMETHING PA / : RUN RIGHT DOWN TO - KARR MOTHER'S PETS 257: [60 To GET WEL\ Seek the proper If it's very serious see the doctor. He knows our drugs are pure, our pharmaceutical knowledge profound. PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFF)» KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PICNIC HAMS 18-- reame COTTAGEROLLS 1 3-5 LB. Qs. EACH Maytield Brand In the Piece BACON 29:u. MACHINE SLICED PeamealBackBacon33clb. 25¢ 1b. Mayfield BUTTER{3 » Braeside Brand "Finest Butter in Canada" Brand 44ec lb. CLARK'S SKINLESS CANNED 16-0z. Jar Jam UTC Salt. "3 or lodized COOK'S FRIEND Balicg Powder 16-90%. 32¢ VICTORY BRAND PICKLES 30-0z. Botile Sw. Mixed 45. a 00 000000000000 0000000000C0CGCEEOCEe vg \ Regular Values Tomato Catsup 19¢ Post'sBranPkg.12¢ Figs 8-0z. Jar 25¢ Grapefruit Tin 25¢ 21¢ 10¢ CHEESE New Cheese 28¢ 1b. Nippy Old 35¢clib. Kraft Cheese 39clb. Yb. Pkt. - 23¢ CANADIAN OR PIMENTO GENUINE SWISS GRUYERE i223 5¢ Chateau Cheese ib. 37¢ INGERSOLL OR McLAREN'S CREAM Smalil4eLarge24c 66 WHITE" It's Wrapped This is a very dainty loaf, sweeter, ard makes ideal toast. For Parties or Afternoon Teas, this is just the loaf, as it makes ideal sandwiches. Soaps & Cleansers SOAP x SOAP 3 for25¢c Palmolive Soap Gem Lye 2 Tins 2§¢ 8.0.8. 3Pdfudag 14¢ Classic Cleanser Soap Chips 2 1b. 25¢ RINSO Gold or Comfort 3for17e 3 for 21e¢ 6 Pad' Package 23e 8c Tin New Package 10¢ Of Outstanding Quality re §5elb. Onions Y Sw.Mustard 4 SourMixed Chow ( WATCH OUR WINDOWS Domino §5e¢ lb. It is to your interest to do 37 this and note the splendid values we offer. RICHMELLO 75¢ ib. ® 0000000000000 066606000 00 0.0 Crop Report The fall of snow the latter part of last week was generally welcom- ed in all parts of the province ac- cording to the weekly report of the Agricultural Representative Branch Ontario Dept. of Agriculture. While there is still insufficient smow for good sleighing in some parts of southern Ontario, reports are most cheerful farther north where haul- ing and work in the woods has been held up until recently for lack of snow, The supply of roughages is generally reported abundant but grain apears to be a scarce com- modity and concentrates are in de- mand. The normal number of beef cattle are not being shipped out at the present time, A goodly percent- age of the cattle were bought in at high figures last fall and are being held in the hope of advancing prices, The hog situation is most unsatisfactory and reports would infer that much breeding stock fs being sacrificed. Milk production is apparently up to normal and dairy cattle are in strong demand. In Hastings County, according to Jos. Wilson, Agricultural Repre- sentative, the seed drill survey con- ducted by the Agricultural Repre- sentatives in co-operation with the Dominion Seed Hranch is already bearing good fruit. There is not only an increased demand for re- | gistered seed, according to Mr. Wilson, hut keen interest and in- quiry regarding fanning mill screens, Brant Conditions generally in County fairly quiet. Illness in many sec- tions of county has interfered to considerable extent with general situation, Producers are comment- ing on high feed costs and prevail- ing price of farm products, Little demand for farm labor. Bruce Most farmers have an abundance of hay and other fodder; fairly lib- eral amounts of bran, shorts, 'west- ern oats, corn, with increasing amounts of commercial feeds being purchased to supplement home grown grain, Dufferin Thirteen car loads of finished steers were shipped from Dundalk a few days ago and the price re- aliz d for the best quality steers, we understand, was $10.50, The monthly Horse I"airs, which have been held at Orangeville for some years are passing into insignificance At the January Fair only one horse was shipped out frome the district. On the other hand car loads of Western horses are being shipped into this district and are selling from $75 to $125 for horses weigh- ing over 1600 lbs. in good conat- tion. The bulk of these Western horses vary in age from three to eight years old, Durham Egg production is high for this season of the year as a result of fine weather, many poultrymen getting from 60 to 70 per cent. pro duction, There seems to be an in- creased interest in poultry raising for this coming year. Some of our poultrymen here are planning on raising pullets to sell at from 6 to 10 weeks old. Glengary All supplies with the exception of hay are very scarce and more con- centrates feeds than usual are being bought, Halton There are fewer heavy cattle be- ing fed this year. Practically no sale for small pigs, the farmers are carrying the latter along with the hope of increase in price dur- ing the summer months, All classes of stock generally in good condition owing to the abundance of good feed. . Kent The farmers of this country this year are not taknig advantage of the potato market by putting up their potatoes as Grade A. This is allowing the Maritime Provimces to place their potatoes on our mar- ket at a premium of about twenty- five to thirty-five cents per bag. With th: quality of our _ potatoes this year, our own farmers should be getting the advantage of this premium, however to get this they must grade. At present there are about eighty cars to leave the coun- ty. The onion growers have hand- led about ninety-five per cent. of the onion crop this year, the first year of their operation. The Onion Growers' Co-operative Association with a membership of one hundred and twenty-five handled this erop which amounted to five hundred cars, business overturn of $375,000. They are paying particular atten- tion to the grading of their onions Increase Your Weight 5 Pounds 30 Days Or Money Back Real pharmacists and chemists everywhere know that McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets contain just the proven essential ingredients that increase weight create appetite build up the power to resist dis- ease and puts good solid flesh on skinny men and women. So now men and women who keep up with the time are tak- ing McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets--rich in 'health building, strength creating flesh producers and as easy to take as candy. So why not start to-day? Why not fill out those deep hollows in neck, cheeks and chest? Why go on through life with sunkn cheeks and narrow chest when you can take advantage of this straight forward offer. Try them for 30 days if you want to gain five pounds or more. And bear this in mind, if they don't help you in that time your money will be refunded. 60 Tablets 60 cents--Economy Size . $1.00. At Jury and Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, and druggists everywhere, EI -- in order to establish a permanent market. Oxford Pure Bred Accredited Breeding stock; notwithstanding the fact that more breeding stock has been sold out of the county during the last two and a half years than ever before, the quality still continues to improve and farmers are wall stocked at present. The depressing part of the farm business at present time is the low price of hogs. Renfrew 2204 cows supplied 9,851,376 1bs of milk to 11 Renfrew County Cheese Factories in 1928. 50,000 Christmas Trees were shipped from Renfrew County in Dec er to New York, Chicago and Philadel- phia markets. 10,000 of these were transhipped from New York to Cu- ba; Cutting and shipping operations lasted b weeks, and gave employ- ment to 2% men and 11 teams. Of- ficers of the Company state that 80 per cent. of the trees were taken from old pastures where they were a nuisance. The other 20 per cent. were cut from hushland where youn, trees were too thick. In this way the stronger and more vigor- ous trees were left and allowed to 1 ature, Trees used were of the Bal- sam variety and about 8 feet in height. Fort William Two car loads of grade dairy cows were brought in fromr old or The Snowdrift Fairy, with her magic touch, only" t f Snowdrift Flour, The lightness, whiteness, and Sse di of Bread and Biscuits made with Snowdrift Flour, touched the baking with a magic charm, A SNOWDRIF? rLoUR Ie A Ap MANITOBA PATE Sold in Oshawa by COOPER SMITH CO. 14 CELINA ST. » are as if a Fairy's wand had HARD WHEA . CO.. OF CANADA , LIMITED Sroronre OUR PHONE 8 Ontario last week. The price laid down here ranged from $110 to $150. There is a steady increase in the number of dairy cattle in the district. Horses are in excellent con- dition as there has not been enough snow for them to do much work in the bush. Milk distributors and the local creamery report a steady in- crease in amount of milk and cream produced but can still handle much more sweet and sour cream. Whole milk prices is $2.70 per cwt. at the farmers' gate, Now an old dance frock, with the shoulder straps removed makes a fancy lamp shade.--~Brandon Sun. Sometimes the business cares of a man fail to worry him unti] he goes home to dinner, -- a cry from ! The just for Nothing is impossible to the new Orthophonip Victrola---The world's greatest choirs---the finest © organs---maghificent orchestras---all for you. A faint tremolo in the uj i afar--deepening into a rumble of instrument is human, it low voiced vibrant majestic chords. touch of a master hand a weaving its spell like runs the gamut of emotion, air to stentorian triumph. You are thrilling to organ music--in your own An the giant pipes rising like the facade of great cathedral, Picture the fingers ne? Orthophonic giant dollar organ! Model 4-90 $190 or with electric drive $230 ou ' TY is Orthophonic Victrola music. "Matched Impedance" is Victor con "Smooth Flow of phonic Victrola--and reproductions possible And with this realistic music you your choice of beautiful cabinets Alvara og the and the name of the which applies rtho- makes these wonderful for you in your home, may have of artistic rare woods. Electric drive, if you t additional cost. All instru- ing. Prices from $1400 His Masters Vi Trade Mark Reg'd 'Victrola Sold in Oshawa D. J. BROWN if it bears the dog Trademark"