Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jan 1929, p. 8

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0} . tor a gertainty, | attack was | out of one. | get.ing under way but in the last i They seemed very slow in break- | time to be ready for their attack. PAGL ZIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929 SHAMROCKS WIN -- CITY AND SIMCOES INTERMEDIATES LOSE Shamrock Juniors Win From Bowmanville in Exciting Game Skating Tonight at New Rink The Motor City Skating Rink is io be epen to the public to-night After receiving many @ét-backs the management has at last completed the uphill climb and there is four inches of jcc ready for the waiting Oshawa blades that will take advantage of its smooth surface to enjoy some long over-due activity, At first it looked @s though the club house | was not going to be completed by the time the ice was ready, but owing to the weather these spaci- ous dressing rooms have been all fitted gut and will be in readiness tor to-night's crowd. riototleisiotoeeldododoipelo debbie, B, MORSE Lonfrieesgeadeaiorirnfoiosforforfonfofeoforforisnforfonl® Just before we start let us pay tribute to "Doc" Cameron, He was and always will be the father of Oshawa's hockey and his sudden a shock to all, Ore that is felt not only in Oshawa but ail over. The loss . to hockey is more than anyone could express but he was not only highly held in hockey but in every other phase of life, * * * Simgoes had bard luck last night and everyone who saw the game say Port Hope were lucky to win. The boys thought they had a couple of goals which were not counted, This does take the pep » 5 8 Bill Conlin has secured his re lease from Sammy Lowe and play- ed for Simcoes last night but not having practised with them could not show his real form. Ld LJ » Burr scored their lone tally and leads the boys for gozls having five to his credit, LJ LJ L Pete Peterson played a real came on the defense and for fur- ther games will probably boli down this position, LJ LJ] LJ Oshawa's city team were de- jcated by the 'crack Willowdale team. This aggregation have a small Lunch of boys but with more team play Oshawa should be able to sic them a real battle, LJ LJ L thd 'Oshawa boys got a littie over afixious at times probably lack of condition. This caused several of them to sit where they were of no use, the penalty box. Ld *® . The big train has a hard time period made some beautiful solo rushes. * ¥ & Tommy Johnston was hitting them high, wide and bandsome and will no doubt team with Cros- scit all year. Gosh, if he wields a razor, like be does a stick don't go near his shop. ® * * The 'forward line played hard Lut lacked combination and spirit. ing giving the McPherson clan ow Dill 'Joyce showed better condi- tion than expected and checked ir forwards. time after time but ould not break through their strong defence, * » * i"ietcher played the last period aud seeded to bave the edge over Dick elearing faster. On A other thiugs they were about equal. = AS *® Monday night the boys take on i greatly improved Varsity tach and believe me they fight. they lose this game they will oui of it. That applies for both teams, Varsity and Marlboros Win | University of Toronto and Masi- | bergs won the O.H.A. Group 4 junior games at the Arena last night, defeating 'Toronto Canoe | Club and Parkdale Canoe Club by [Candler: wings, Lunney and Jack- | to Winasor Zl team is so powerful. to 3 and 15 to 1, respectively. the first game, U. of T. out- ed aud outchecked their oppon- ents throughout and earned their | victory. While the Blue team | led the score om the Red Ring- | . the game was by no a Gunn, Morrison, Arundel the Sharpshooters, Gunn Scoring Two--Game Was Fast Throughout -- Both Local Defense Men Play- ed Stellar Hockey, as Did Leveque in Goal -- Few Penalties Securing an early lead in the fire. period, the Shamrocks, Osh- awa's representatives in the junior O.H.A, series, defeated Bowman- ville 4-1 in a hard fought contest witnessed by a large ¢rowd at Burns' Arena, last night, This is the second win of the season for the Shamrocks and' they are now well on the way towards winning the group title. Every member of the Shamrock team wore a black mourning band in respect to the memory of Dr. D, R. Cameron, prominent Jhysician and leading figure in local sport, who died sud- denly yesterday morning, Jack Carmichael, of Toronto, acted as referee, and did not hesitate to hand out penalties when necessary, Both teams kept up a terrific pace throughout all three periods, and bat¢led merrily, while many stiff body checks were meted out bee hind the respective blue lines, Many of the fans consider it one of the best exhibitions of junior hockey seem on Whitby ice for some time, The Shamrocks forced the play early in the first period, and Arun- dell at centre, with Gunn on right wing and Morrison on left wing, went down the ice in fine style and checked consistently, The Bow- manville "Homebrews'"' apparent ly were out to revenge their defeat of a week ago and bored in like hornets. during this stanza when Jackman; on left wing, scored on a nice com- bination effort with Hooper, the big left defence man. Oshawa evened the count, however, when Gunn, who displayed speed to burn, at right wing, slipped through the defence to beat the visitors' goalie, after receiving a pass from Rowden. A few minutes later Morrison placed the Sham- rocks in the lead by securing a sec- ond counter on a puss from Black. Both teams were at a deadlock un- til the last three minutes of play, Gunn again figuring in the scoring when after slipping around Hooper jhe took a pass from Rowden, and | placed a bard shot in the nets, giv- | ing James no chance to save. Ob two. occasions the visitors had a chance to tally but were blocked by cool work on the part of Leveque. The period ended with the home- sters leading 3 to 1, There were three penalties, one for Oshawa, apd two for Bowmanville, The Shamrocks entered the sec- ond period minus Gunn, the sturdy right wing man, who during the intermission was found to have suffered .a severed artery in his right foot. his place and gave a good account of himself. This frame was feat- ured by a bang-up brand of hockey, | including dazzling speed and stick- handling. The homebrews tried: hard to score, Candler, Lunney and Jackman going down in three-man combination, time and time again only to fall upon the rocks of Row- den and Black on the defence. Hooper also rushed well and dis- played some nice stick handling. The Shamrocks resorted to a three- man defence which proved effec- tive in wearing out the visitors. Oshawa grew two rests during this frame, while Bowmanville received one penalty. 'The homesters resorted to the offensive in the final stamza, but play was fairly even. "Doe" Row- den, 'hufky defence man, proved hard to pass and showed up wen when he carried the puck. Bow- manville was trying desperately to even the count, but their efforts failed. On one oceasion, Hooper stick handled his way through the entire team, only to be beaten by Leveque. The Shamrocks main- tained their lead. however, and threatened to increase it. The threat became a reality during the last three minutes of play throuch ! combination work on the part of Arundell and Morrison. the former coming close in to fool James. at this juncture there were only five men on the ice for each side as Hooper and Rowden were coolinz their feet in the penalty box after attempting to mix it. The game ended 4 to 1 in favor of the Sham- rocks. : The line ups: Bowmanville --Goal., James: det fence, Rundle and Hooper; centre. man; subs, Piper and Jamieson. Shamrocks--Goal, Leveque: de- fence, Rowden and Black: centre, Arundell; wings, Guan and Morri- gon: subs, Sleizhtholm and Drinkle. Referee, J. Carmichael, Toronto. (-sided affair. The. ability dis- | «4 by both teams made the Ring Paddlers were never able to nza~ement one of the best games nn in the group. University of Toronto provided upset in the opening game by ubling the score on the speedy ronte Czace Club saxtet. 'The 'ents gave their best perform- >» to gate, and they are bound to 'e @ strong bid for the second n which fizures in the | Richardson start- svoriug in dhe opening per- when he took Brydson's pass eat Hunnisett, but the Univer- piaye overcome. . The game provided some thril]- ing hockey. Following Richard- son's goal, Billy Bell tied the score with a shot from the bive line that glanced in off Neale's pads. Then Laing put the IU. of T. team ahead with a shot from a scramble in front of the T.C.C. net He followed with a solo effort from the face-off that caught the Pad- diers flat-footed. Clare Melutyre skated in alone for Toronto Canoe Club's second goal, which ocom- com ram in three goals soon ter and took a lead that the Red pleted the scoring of the first per- iod. Their solo counter came Drinkle substituted in | East and West in the Week's Canadian Sport Calender «By Jimmy Thompson | | [TOC HIS WILL BE { BRITISH CRLUMBIA 1 OLDS PROVINCIAL BADMINTON DETROIT TOURNEY THISWEEK 7 YO - NIGHTS "NHL. GAMES|" OTTAWA AT PITTS BURG CANADIENS MONTREAL AMERICANS AT TORONT AT BOSTON Forum, behold something titanic. For nowhere is hockey so fiercely to victory. Tonight will witness the third such struggle of this season. The first time 'les Canadiens" pulled out on top at 3 to 1. However, in the next game they played overtime, yet finished without either side being able to score. During this game both goal-.enders stopped 37 shots apiece and each team drew 16 penalties. Considerable heat has been generated in Western Canada over the decision of the C.A.H.A., handed out by Mr. I'ry, that the University of Manitoba Allan Cup champions must abandon their proposed western | professiona's. | generally, and acted in a high-hand When the Maroon: and Canadiens cross sticks. in the Montreal tour on the ground that some of the western teams are managed by Pacific Coast fans are protesting vociferously at this contested as there, with French-Canadian fans backing their country- {slur and have turned heavy guns, not only on Fry, but on the Can- men to the last ditch and the English frantically whooping the Maroons adian Olympic commi tee, who, they claim, have made a hash of things ed manner, Next week the Vancouver Lawn Tennis and Badminton Club will conduct the British Columbia provincial badminton tourney, and on March 7, 8 and 9 will hold the deal of badminton silverware is alre of it is likely to remain there. Dominion championships. A good :ady on the Pacific Coast, and most On Monday the Seattle team of the Pacific Coast Hockey League are due to visit Vancouver, Will tk hey twist the Vancouver lion's tail? Not if the latter knows anything about it, SPORT SNAPSHOTS | The popularity of the late Dr. Cameron was in evidence at all three hockey games in which Oshawa teams were playing: The three local O.H.A. teams wore a' piece of black ribbon, up in Port Hope a minute's silence was observed, and Willowdale sent a wreath to the popular sportsmen, The Shamrocks had the edge on the play last night and won fairly and squarely, They look like one of the snappiest junior aggregations which Oshawa has boasted for some time. It is only fair, however, to state that the visitors put up a game fight and extended the locals to the limit, Last night's brand of hockey would do credit to an intermediate group Those who witnessed the game agreed that they received their money's worth, The lads travelled fast and gave all that was in them. Stiff body-checks behind the blue line were in evidence. There was niuch hard checking but play on the whole was clean and free from under- band stuff. Referee Carmichael injected a little comedy on the side. He kept up with the play all through but on one occasion did a quick-seat act when he skated backwards into a roughspot . Ie was on his fect in a flash, before any had noticed his plight. The second humorous stunt came in the third period when Morrison and Lunney collided at the boards. They were both skating in the same direction and as they fell they clung in cmbrace and sprawled on the ice together for a distance of several fect. _ Guan's injury will likely keep him out of the game for several days. This will be a loss to the Shamrocks as he is a strong consistent player and a goal-gettcs. The tib-bit of the three was without doubt the junior game. The lo- cals won and it was commented upon as being one of the best games ever played on Whitby ice. selves with good brand of hockey that was in them. Simeoes' line up was somewhat changed and for the better so PH must have been working also. Up in Willowdale the weather was-just as stormy as any place else J the smart checking of the home team made the going like the wcather. | "Big Train" Crossett looked as though he was in a cage on the small | suriace, but puiled off some nice rushes ncvertheless, not withstanding alse jou. { : Every City player was in there trying, but the two McPhersons were {hard to hold. Harold Boakley: phoned the results down here after every period. | Th . they would be welcomed here an Millionaires Lose time. Certainly Torouto faus apparently unawarg that - Oke's ---- The pace was lightning fast 1a Windsor, Jan. 12.--Iin one of the opening period with the de- the most sensational battles ever (fences turaing back the desperate seen in the Canadian League (he (thrusis led by the rival marksmer, Windsor Bulidozs last might de- In vain the puck-carriers tried to feated the plucky Toronto Milliou- |zet to close quarters, mo goals re- aires by 2 to 1 and had a crowded [sulting. In the second dash, how- arena frantic with excitement. The {=ver, Toronto early threatened to visitors threw a bombshell 'nto the [break up the struggle, but Young Windsor camp by carrying the [and Rive, who went cleanly past play to the all-star locals and bat- the local defence, were beaten by tling every inch of the way in a [Goalkeeper Cox. Then Windsw game effort to take the verdict. So {took a hand in the close range brilliantly did they perform that shooting, and the fans were on there were many fans who cheer- [their fect most of the time, making ed them to the echo. la terrific din as the torrid pace It seems to be the irony of fate | continued. No quarter was asked that this fine Toronto team should or given, and finally Green, one of have received such poor support in the Toremto stars, went dowu, the Queen City that Owner Teddy |groaming in agony when he collid- Oke, thoroughly disgusted, has ed with the brilliant Cliff Me- stated that in all probability he | Bride. Bill Cameron replaced will move the team out of Toron- Green, but the latter returned es- to. If the Millionaires are as entually and plared bang-up strong as they appeared tenight !hocker. Simcoes Lose to Port Hope in Clean Fast Game 3-1 | Bure Gets the Simcoes' Only | | 'Goal -- Ice Was Sticky But Play Fast -- Port Played an Entirely Diffcr- ent Game of Hockey -- | Atkinson Did Well at All | Times | | | { | | | { The return game between Oshawa | social section will once more get into | Port Hope Ontarios Stride with a cribbage tournament at | | Simeoes and was played last night on slow ice | {in Port Hope. Despite the ice both teams played fast clean hockey, which was a decided improvement | over tlie former game which was | marred by numerous penalties and! stalling. Reg. Burr scored the Sim- | coes only goal putting himself ahead of any of his teammates by scoring | five so far this season. Port Hope Sniper counted three times, Ware, Bowen and Higgerman doing the scoring. : The Simcoe players all wore a | piece of black ribbon out of respect for the late Dr. Cameron and silence § of one minute was observed before | the start. 7? The first period opened up fast | {and indicated a good game of hoe. { | key which prediction proved right { Port Hope reversing their style of | play were rushing the Simcoe net {| Ware broke away and after stick | . | handling his way down the left hand { fence scored on a nicely placed hard drive. The period ended with Port | { Hope being the only scorers, Port ill, Simcoes @ | i came back fighting hard | {and rushi Port attempted | | again and again to bulge the twine but could not beat Micks in the Port goal. Port Hope still playing a clean brand of hockey broke away fast and coming down three abreast, Bowen shot it in on a lovely combination. Burr and Atkinson on a lovely pass- ing rush scored for Oshawa Burr get- ting the goal. These two boys play- ed a wonderful gzgue. Atkinson com- ing toward Port fast was checked hard and broke a skate which sent him to the dressing room for the remainder of the period. No fur- ther scoring this period and the Port were ahead 2 to 1. The third was a treat teams | keeping up the fast pace, early in {the period Port Hope scored in a scramble in front of the Simcoe net, {it is not known who was the lucky | one. { | From then on Simcoe forced the! play, Atkinson broke through and with only the goalie to beat looked like a cinch goal, Hill threw his ; stick which deflected the puck and i Simcoes were cheated once more. Hill drew a four minute penalty. The only Oshawa penalty came to Burr when he and Heggerman locked | horns and were chased. { Simecoes never stopped trying and once again the goal keeping of the veteran Micks saved the day for Port. Score Port Hope 3, Simcoes 1. | Simcoe team was:--Geal, Garri-| son; defence, Walton, Peterson; cen- tre, Atkinson; wings, Burr, Bren- ning: alternates, Collin, Whitten, | Prior. . ; » { Marshall found the puck SOCCER NOTES The annual general meeting of the Oshawa City ¥, C. at which officers for 1929 will be elected, will be held at the Y.M.C.A. on Friday next, 18th January, at 8 p.n. All members, players, and everybody wishing to join the club for the comirg season will be welcomed. Owing to the prevailing epidemic jof fiu the whist drives have been discontinued for the present but the the Sons of England Hall on Jan- uary 30th, From then on the usual whist drives will be held. The agenda for the annual gen- eral meeting will appear at a later date. mp Varsity Wins Third Straight, The University of Toronto entry in the O.HLA. senior race made it three straight wins when they de- feated St. Michael's at the University Arena last night by a 2-0 score. The two teams battled for fifty minutes without a goal; then, halfway threugh the final period, Bruce Paul | broke away on one of the prettiest plays of the night to split the Irish defense and beat Mueller for the first tally of the night. A minute later lying in front of the net atter Harley's shot, The Port Hope team must have had some horse sense drilled into them | at all times and checking hard and | and batted it in for the second and since their last game as they played a good cleam game and surprised them- lean, near the end of the stanza | final goal of the game. The play was fast throughout the game, and the gruelling pace seemed to tell on the St. Mikes players. In the first half of the game they kept up to U. of T.s pace, but in the last hall they were content to let the Blue team do most of the at- tacking. St Mikes played a defensive game throughout, the forwards fall- ing back to their own blue line to: wait for the play. The students' for- ward line, on the other hand, met the invaders at centre ice, with the result that Snyder in their goal was called on to stop only about one shot to Mueller's four or five. - Mueller Stars Again "Stuffy" Mueller, in the nets for St. Mikes, was the outstanding star of the team, and, without his stellar performance the score would have been much greater. On several oc- casions the Students were right through the defense, only to be turn- ed back by the diminutive guardian of the Irish net. Freddie Miller and "Red"Foster let the St. Mikes at- tackers, and the latter was extreme- ly dangerous on several occasions. Ross Paul, on defense for the Irish, turned in a clever game, and his rushes were a constant threat. The game was clean, though stren- uous, and, while there were numer- ous upsets of attackers by the op- posing defenses, only six penalties were handed out. St. Mikes were the chief offenders, drawing down four enforced nests to their oppon- ents' two. Most of the penalties were for minor infringements of the rules, and there were practically no offen- ces of a serious nature. A boat loaded with $60,000 wor h of contraband liguor sank off Key West a few days ago prob- ably saving many lives.--Detroit Free Press. commencing at 8 p.m. | Morse Scored City's Only] Goal-- Joyce's Checking Featured Throughout and Crossett Stood Out on His Solo Rushes -- All Felt the Need of Bigger Ice -- McPhersons and Under- wood, Willowdale's Best After journeying to Willowdale Arena on North Yonge St, just outside of Toronto in a young tlizzard, Oshawa City lost their first game of the season 6-1, The Willowdale team have now won four league games and each player has been playing since early sea- gon, so they had a decided advant- age over the City who were playing their initial game of the season. Small ice surface, the smart poke checking of their forward line and | the goal keeping of Holmshaw | were responsible for the win which | came as a surprise to the Oshawu | followers. The City boys all worked hard | and deserved more goals than they | got, Johnston scoring one tha was not allowed, Morse got the one goal that was counted and worased | hard for it, keeping the Willow- dale net minder busy for some time before he succeeded in beat- ing him. Joyce and Crossett also looked good, but both were un-, used to the small ice, The Oshawa players all wore a| piece of black ribbon pinned to the sieeve of their sweaters as a tribute to the late Dr. D, R, Cameron who died yesterday morning. Dr. Cameron was the president of the Oshawa City Club | and . had planned to accompany | the team to Willowdale, The | Willowdale management made ar-| rangements for a wreath to he sent to the late sportsman from their club. First Period The ice was sticky and slowed the p.ay down considerab.e, the players frequently leaving he puck behind as they skatey up and down. W.llowdale played a ciose checking game, not backing up even a little and breaking up many a p.ay before it reached centre ice. They were also content to shoot from far outside the defence never once trying to pene.rate, After five minutes of unsensation- al hockey, Underwood, circiing his | own goal, shot a high fast one that landed in the right hand cor-| ner of the local net. Joyce drew | the first penalty of the game, a] minor for a body check on the; forward line, ! { Barnett of Willow-| dale got a slight dig in the face] with the puck but continued the game. Bond also drew a penally| | for using hig body, but Willow-! | dale failed to score in ei.her | player's absence. With the period nearly over the McPhersons on 2a Cramped on Small Rink City Team Lose Opener 5-1 4 HOCKEY RESULTS Senior QUECH'S veveery 3 Preston: .ivv... U, of T\ vsuivee 2 St. Michael's ,. Intermediate Peterboro ..... 6 Bowmanville ., McMaster ...,. 4 Hornby ....... Pt. Colborne ,, 2 Grimsby . Simeoe ....e0ve 7 'Caledonia .,... Willowdale +400 5 Oshawa seeeeee Dunnville ...e0 1 Cayuga sveesess London East . 4 Ingersoll ...... Woodstock ..., 3 London Bat... Watford ...... 3 Glencoe ...0see St, Thomas .... 3 Alvinston xGuelph ....... 5 Preston x20 minutes overtime. i «ses 3 Port. Dover .... eseve - NNO W=~m Ot Fergus: seveeees 2 Elora Port Hope .... 3 Oshawa ....... Stouffville ...se 5 Port Perry .... Brampton ..... 4 Georgetown ory Junior Peterboro St,J 3 Lindsay ....... Oshawa +......» 4 Bowmanville ,, U, of T. .» 6 Toronto CC. .s Marlbors ,..es.15 Parkdale CC... Brantford ...., 2 Port Dover...,. London ,....... 3 Ingersoll ...ce0 xStratford A'ns 4 Goderich seve x10 minutes overtime. Kitchener 10 Preston New Hamburg 9 Clinton .. Aurora , 5 Markham ,.... Queens Win From Preston Kingston, Jan. 12.--Queen's de- feated Preston in the opening lo- cal O.H.A. senior game here last night by the score of 5 2 to win the first senior game played here in ten years, It was one of those old-time, thrilling games from start to finish, with Preston showing plenty of hockey ability, but lack- ing 'the condition to stop the fast Queen's forwards. It was really the work of "Chum- my" Lawlor, erstwhile Kingston intermediate, which won for the iricolor, he being undoubtedly the star of the gainc. His stickhandl- ng- was dazzling and his shooting efiective, and but for the spectae- plar work at times of Schmaltz in the Preston nets the count would have been much higher. Bellring- er ran him a close second for hon- ors, while "Bubs" Britton played a strong game on the defence, I hh 8 C0 10 = at G0 = BY To a 0D OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS' HOCKEY LEAGUE, 1929 At a meeting held ip Centre St. School Thursday evening the fol- lowing list of officers were e.ected for the Hockey League in the Schools: Hon. Pres.--Mr. R. D. Preston. President--H. W, Knight. Hon. Vice Presidents--Mr, Can~ non and the Public School Prin | cipals. Secretary--=Shirley Fisher. Executive -- Messrs. Cannos, | succession of trys finally scored |. in Lycéit and Robinson. on a combination play that gave Dick Smith no chance, Johnny to Shrimp. Score, Willowdale, 2; Oshawa, 0. second Period Early in the second period, | Johnston scored for City, but the goal was not allowed after a iengthy dispute by all the players, the referee and the goal umpire. The man behind the net claimed | it did not cross the line. The style | of play improved, but Underwood | with his bullec-like shot kept | Smith busy for the greater part.| In a melee in front of the Oshawa | net Johnny sneaked the puck from | Johnston when he fell to the ice] and fiipped it in from right up| close. Then came the parade. Beal | was the first to arrive, a minor for | bodying on the forward line. Bar-| nett, number two, for charging. Johnny McPherson and Jack Bond | came togethér for a mix-up near the boards and then Houck. Osha- wa bad three men and a goalie, while Willowdale were left with two and the custodian, but there was no scoring done by either. Shrimp McPherson broke away | once but failed to beat Smith. The | troops filed back on and Bond | made a nice effort but failed by a miracle when Ho.mshaw de- flected what looked like a sure | pop. Underwood got a penalty | for charging and during his ab- sence his teammates with a nice combination play sailed right in and made the count four J. Me- Pherson to Shannon. The period ended thusly, Willowdale, 4; Osha- wa, 0. Third . Period Fletcher replaced Dick Smith in the mets. Ip the early stages Bar- nett got knocked down and injur- ed a leg that was a weak spot be- fore the game started, and was unable to finish the game. Shrimp McPherson in a burst of temper took a swipe at Crossett and was immediately chased. He as fol- lowed closely by Jack Bond who ran a Willowdale forward into the boards. After these two had left the box, their place was tak- en by Shannon and Johnston, both for tripping. Bernie Morse was working like a trojan all this period, making Kenny Ho.mshaw keep on the move. City seemed to have the best of the going this period, but were short on wind. Beal, left wing for the N. T. boys, broke away and scored om Fletcher with 2 back hand flip from in close. Fletcher was kept pretty busy but handled the remainder of the sho's in an Al manner, Consistent trying of Bernie Morse around the nets resulted in the omly City goal a= he shot it past after i1hree good at'empts. The rest of the period was fast and rough, but no more goals were scored and the game ended with Willowdale four It was decided to have two | series-- Senior and Junior--with | four groups in each. The follow- ing schedule was drawa up and approved, Senior Jan. 17.--Cedardaie at 8. Sim- coe, Sec. 4. Jan. 17.--Centre St. st King St., Sec. 1. 4 Jan. 22.--Mary St. at North Simcoe, Sec. 2. Jan. 24.--Albert St. at Ritson Rd., Sec. 3. . Jap. 29.--South Simcoe at Cedardale, Sec. 4. Jan. 29.--King St. at Centre St., Sec. 1. Feb. Sec. 3. Feb. 5.--North Simcoe at Mary St., See. 2. Feb. 12.--Winners of See. 1 and 2 play of in semi finals Feb. 14.--Winners of Sec. 1 and 2 play off in semi finals, Junior Jan. 18.--Ritson Rd.. at Albeit St., Sec. 3. Jan. 18.--Mary St. at North Simcoe, Sec. 2. Jan. 22.--South Simcoe at Cedardale, Sec. 4. Jan. 24.--Centre St. at King St., See. 1. Jan. 31.--Albert St. at Ritson Rd., Sec. 3. Jan. 31.--North Simcoe at Mary St., Sec. 2. 5.--Ritson at Albert St, and 4 play off in semi finale. Feb. 14.--Winners of Sec. 1 agd 2 play off in semi finals. Wie of finals to be arranged Tr. 1. A bo; Bales . Any y attending school eligible for Senior. » 2. Juniors are to be under 12 years of age, but any boy whose twelfth birthday has been since Sept. 1st is eligible for Junior. 3. If a Junior plays more than one game of Senior he fis mot eligivle i Junior. . D -A. rules are to govern. 5. Games are to start at 4.30 PT . Tie games will be subject to approval eof oi Viarid ecutive, on velvet. Score, Oshawa 1. Wowie,' 4s ok The Teams shawa--Goal, Smith; defence, Crossett and Johnston: centre, Houck: wings, Stevens and Bond alternates, Morse, Joyce, Fletcher. Willowdale--Goal, Holmehaw defence, Underwood and Barnett cen're, Shrimp McPherson: wings, Johnny McPherson and Beal: ak- ernates, Shannon. 2 Referee--E. Wortley. woe

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