Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jan 1929, p. 6

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of TS Po PR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929 Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERS ONAL The Times invites the ¢o- operation of {its readers in contributing items to this column. Send In a postcard or phone 86. NS Mrs, E, J, Jennings has returtied to Chicago after visiting her sister, Mrs, William White, Centre street, * w * Mrs. J. J. Eaton, leader in the Junior Department of the Standard Trainin School, was the guest of afternoon, after being confined to the Oshawa General Hospital, * % Mrs, F. Bull attended the private view of pictures in the Art Gallery of Toronto last evening. Mr. and Mrs, R, Y, Eaton acted as host and hostess, Col, W, H, Price opened the exhibition in place of Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, who was unable to attend on account of illness, * * * The Sons of England entertained last evening at their weekly whist drive in the 8,0.E, hall, There were 10 tables in play, The ladies' prizes were awarded to Meidames W, Bar- rett, H, Nicholas and Wenn, while the following gentlemen received the prizes: Messrs, G, Smoker, F, Marshall and G, Cordon, These prizes were given in 'the form of vouchers, The spegial prize was a- warded to Mr, H, Marshall, ELECT OFFICERS AT MEETING HELD N. SIHGOE CHURCH Women's Association Com- plimented on Splendid Work of the Past Year SE ---- The first annual meeting of the Women's Association of the North Simcoe United church was held in the church on Wednesday afternoon, and was well attended in spite of the sickness prevalent in the locality, The president, Mrs, (Rev,) Irwin, con- vened the meeting, After the devo- tional exercises the president spoke of the theme of the hymn just sung, "More Love to Thee O Christ," be- ing the great aim of the association and with this in view excellent work i INSTALLATION OF OFFIGERS HELD SUNSHINE LODGE Presentation and Banquet a Featuring of the Gathering of the Rebekahs The annual installation of officers of the Sunshine Rebekah Loi lace last evening in the Oddfellow's Ball, District Deputy President, Sise ter Bruce, and installing staff of the Port Hope Lodge conducted the in- stallation ceremony, The following officers were install- ed: Noble Grand, Sister McCullough; vice-Grand, Sister Purdy; secretary, Sister Jacobi; treasurer, Sister Hazel Waring; recording secretary, Sister arden, Sister Bond; con- E, Terry; NEWLY PUBLISHED BOOK RECEIVES GREAT OVATION London, Eng, Jan. 13.--'The Land of the Frozen Tide," a book by Louise Rourke, wife of W, M, Rourke, accountant at Fort Chipe- wyan in 1924, receives a column of notice in the Times' Literary Sup- plement, One course of information upon which she draws to refresh her memory about life in the north is a letter of her own which she has borrowed fromy the friend to whom it was addressed, "It is written on two enormous double sheets of paper, each single side measuring 16 inches by 237%. The paper which had been lying at the Fort for over 40 years until I put it to use is covered with my smallest hand-writing, and 'I esti. mate that it must contain at least nine thousand words," The size of the stationery, the length of the latter--there is noth- space And the hillt ardens yield this vw A, a tea. "SALADA" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' SEVEN MEN KILLED AS PLANE FALLS Only One Survivor Who is alton houses, which it missed in its mad descent. Because it was so completey smashed, Captain F. F, Christine, acting commander of the local air- port, said that the cause of the ac- cident may never be known. The plane had travelled less than a mile when the few witness- es who saw the disaster saw the ing incongruous in either; and time are not measured by the standard of the world outside, Even ductor, Sister Morgan; inside guard- ian, Siste Gray; chaplain, Sister Cameron pianist, Sister Lorraine Mrs. Hales Barker, Arthur street, during the week. could be done for the church and she also gave praise for the splendid re- sults of the united efforts during the is Critically Injured--All U.S. Army Men plane glide helplessly over a row of houses, crash through a tree and Mr. Earl Latenslager, leader in the Boys Work at the Standard Train- | ing School, was the guest of Mr, and | Mis, J, C. Young, King street Ariind ~while in the city, rf *® wo | Miss Mary Allison, leader of the | Girls' Work section of the Standard * Training School, .was the guest of | Mrs. F. Vice, Gladstone avenue, dur- | ing her stay in Oshawa, 0 *% * Miss Mazo de la Roche, well-known authoress, and Miss Carolyn Clement are sailing from New York January 10th by the Vuleania for Naples and will be in Sicily and Italy until spring. * * * In the account of the election of officers of the Ontario Temple No, 1 of the Pythian Sistérs the name of Sister Mabel Cunningham, who was clected to the office of degree cap- tain, was omitted, * »* * The many friends of Mrs, T. 8, Wilcox will be glad to hear that she has recovered sufficiently from her recent operation to be removed to her home, 190 Centre street, this It May Be Urgent raided a Shanghai # | the Daily OBSERVE ANNUAL DAY OF PRAYER | AT KNOX CHURCH Mrs, A. R. Hamilton Named as Delegate to Presby- terial at Toronto The annual day of prayer for the Presbyterian Church in Canada was observed at the monthly meet- ing of the W.M.8, of Knox Presby- terian Church yesterday afternoon, It being the first meeting of the year the newly appointed president, Mrs. A. R, Hamilton, presided, The meeting opened with the singing of the hymn, "More Love to Thee, O Christ," and prayer in unison, Three scripture readings were giv- en and prayer offered by Mrs, Laughlin, Mrs, Buchanan ard Mrs, George Roy, Named Delegate During the business part of the meeting Mrs, A, R. Hamilton was appointed delegate to attend the fifteenth annual meeting of the Presbyterial in Victoria Presbyteri- an Church, Toronto, on January 24 and 25, Mrs. Cousins rendered a vocal solo, Mrs, Hamilton made a few remarks on 'Stewardship Within the Kingdom." The meeting was closed with benediction in unison, BURN 'STREET ANGEL' FILM AT SHANGHAI London, Jan. 12.--Seventy Italian sailors armed with knives and pistols moving-picture ouse showing the film "Street An- gel," seized the film and burned it, Mail's Shanghai corres- : | pondent reported. Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy had deseribed the picture as a gross first year, Yéar's Reports The minutes of the last meeting vere read and approved, and clear reports of the year's work were gi- ven by Mrs, S. Perry, secretary, Mrs. A, Reardon, treasurer, and Mrs, E, Dadoe, convener of the flower com- mittee, Letters of thanks for flowers sent out to the sick were also read by Mrs, Dafoe. Beginning as an Auxiliary of the Sunday School with a roll call of eleven members the association has grown greatly and the interest is een, Mrs, Irwin expressed her ap- preciation of the honor conferred up- on her in electing her president when she and Mr, Irwin were called to this pastorate and asked to be reliey- ed of the duty this year, Officers Elected The election of officers for the year was conducted by the pastor, Rey. A, M. Irwin,. and were: honorary president, Mrs. A. M, Irwin; presi- dent, Mrs, Battle; first vice-president, Mrs. Valleau; second vice president, Mrs. I, Gillette. Mrs, Sandford Per- ry was unanimously acclaimed sec- retary, a position which she has very capably filled since organization, Mrs, Reardon was also asked to remain treasurer but declined and Mrs. Har- ry Smith was elected to that office, rs. R. Keel was elected convener of the flower committee, Congratulated The pastor complimented the la- dies on their success in the past year and offcred kindest wishes for the new year, Mrs, Battle was then ask- ed to take the president's chair and thanked the ladies for the election | Si 38,40 and 42 inches bust, Patterned wool jersey, plain black wool jersey, homespun in new rust shade, navy blue wool crepe, navy blue wool reps, black crepe satin, bottle green yelve- teen, printed sheer velvet, silk crepe to office, The group system of work was arranged. The association was invited to the home of Mrs, Perry, Hortop avenue, for the February meeting. A few words of thanks and sincere appreciation of Mrs. Irwin's SIMPLE CHARM Too much cannot be said about the importance and simple charm of sheer woolen, as expressed in chic slender Style No, 336. It combines youthful- ness, serviceability and warmth with- out weight for all-day wear. fronts of bodice are underfaced and rolled forming revers, with straight collar attached, with separate vestee, Belt of self-fabric or suede. Skirt has cluster plaits at each side of center-front, with straight back, which makes it equally suitable for woman of larger figure. The inset slim It is de- ed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 35, kindness in acting as president were | in tweed pattern, and cocoa brown voiced by Mrs. G. R. Dulmage. Mrs, Irwin made a suitable reply and by the request of the president the meet- ing was brought to prayer, dull silk crepe with vestee of biege silk crepe are smart suggestions. Pat- tern price 20 cents in stamps or coin close with | feain is preferred). Wrap coin care- { fully. Mason; junior Past Noble Sister E, Mason; outside guardian, Brother Knox, Following the Bruce was presented with bowl, on behalf of the lodge. A ban- quet was served to the guests and members, MATERNAL LIFE HELD IN'T00 LIGHT ESTEEM IS REPORT Canada's Infant Mortality Rate Highest Among Civilized Peoples Brandon, Man., Jan, 12--"Build for the future' is the admonition of the report on public health and social service prcsented to-day to the United Farmers of Manitoba in annual session, Attention was diree- ted to the reports of the Manitoba public health survey and Manitoba Medical Association maternal and infant mortality when they are government commrittee to consider made public, Maternal lengthy comment mortality the Women's organization. phasis was placed on the federal department of health report which listed Manitoba's maternal and in- fant mortality rate as the highest | in Canada and Canada's rate as! one of the highest among civilized ! is eld in too | i den, 8 South Norwich farmer, com- peoples "Maternal lif light esteem," the report stated. T. Mathers, | mitted suicide Reviews by Dr. A. installation Sister in the report, read by Miss Mabel Johnson, repre- sentative of the Brandon district of on the railroad, far to the south, to miss a train meant waiting a week for the next, There are analogous differences in housekeeping, Mrs. Rourke finds plenty to say that is new and entertaining about char- acters as trite as the servant-maid and the plumber, The plumber was the local magistrate, One infers from the narrative that was all probably quite good fun for a healthy young woman as long as the domestic problems to he sol- ved were new, and while Indians and trappers and sleigh dngs, as being strange, held an element of romance, Mrs, Rourke gives much of her space to the Indians, She represents them as being in a state of transition, As trappers they are skilled workmen who earn good pay, and claim and are ac- corded the same accommodation as white men, As trappers in the fur country of the north it is in the interest of their masters that they should live a life natural to them; and thus they are better off and remain more "Indian" than the tribes of the south, who merely cumbered ground that the whites wanted for their crops. Thus Mrs. Rourke was in a position to collect and re2ord much interesting In- dia lore, Har Indiana hold to many of their old beliefs. Her house boy, when reproved for not having car- ried out an order the execution of which would have been accompan- iad with noise, excused himself by saving "You were asleep. I covid- n't dn that!' "When prassed for a 122«nn he told me that if he woke me suddenly from sleep my 'shad- cw' would 'net cet hack," and that I :hould nro ally dic," she ga'd. FOLDS CLOTHES AND PLUNGES TO DEATH Woodstock, Jan, 12.--Alfred Sin- last evening by provincial psychiatrist, and Dr. D. | jumping into the creek that runs A. Stewart, of Ninette Santarium; covering the mentally-defective and through his farm. Sinden had been living alone ,ana yesterday after- Middleton, Pa, Jan, 182, -- The big army transport plane, C-2, car- ried seven men to death when it was smashed to pieces in a desjer- ate attempt at a forced landing a few minutes after taking off from the army air depot here Fri- day, Only man of the eight soldiers from Bolling Field, Washington, who started on the return flight to their base, escaped with his life, He is Sergeant Patrick Conroy of New York City, who last night was unconscious an in a critical condi- tion, suffering from a fractured skull, The Dead The dead were: Lieut, Henry R, Angell, Birm- ingham, Ala, Staff Sergeant Henry C. Tron- an, Washington, D.C, Staff Sergeant Ru _lp J. Le- hutta, Washington, 1 ' Master Sergeant . .-ph B. Me- Carthy, Washington, L.C, Private Samuel P, Jones, Bell- buckle, Tenn, » Pri, Mike D, Kelly, Minersville, a. Private Clarence E. Birch, Chi- cago. Just Wise The great tri-motored Fokker, of the same type as the Question Mark and the ship Commander Richard E, Byrd used in his flight to the North Pole, was a twisted drop, a shattered mass, into the rain-soaked ground. WOODSTOCK CHAIRMAN Woodstock, Jan, 12~Dr, J. M. Stevens was elected chairman of the Board of Education for 1929 at the inaugural meeting of the board Fri- day. He was elected as chairman late last year to complete the term of the late Dr, 8, M. McLay, who was chair- man at the time of his death, WHY SUFFER Rheumatism o NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO SCIATICA or NEURITIS Sold ot oll Drug Stores direct ol pond oy, ii dig RHEUMATONE LABORATORIES Oshawa, Ont, mass of wreckage on a vacant lot | within 50 feet of the two Roy-| {tubercular situations, comprised a {noon a neighbor named Lynch considerable portion of the state- called at the Sinden farm and of- ment from the committee on {fered to help bim do the chores. health and social service. {He later decided that he would Movements toward the establish- | stay at the farm all night. Sin- ment of public health areas served | den stated that he would need some by a permanent health board in |bread for the evening meal, and Brandon and Portage districts were leaving Lynch in the barn, went to | recorded, together with the indica- [the house and donned his best tion of the necessity of impressing (guit of clothes. Lynch waited on citizenry in general the velue [nearly two hours for his host's re- of human life. Municipal consider- | turn, and then becoming alarmed, ation of the medical question 1p (telephoned meighbors. A search Springfield, Clanwilliam, McCreary | was instituted and it was not long and Minto--where the "'municipal | until the searchers came across the doctor" plan is supported -- was |farmer's clothes, neatly folded on commended in the report. the bank of the creek. Need for yearly medical examin- ation for all was the cemmittee's deduction. from the statement that of 300 Winnipeg normal students examined in September ard Octob- er, 1928, 259 had defects. After tabulating facts on deaths and cases of communicable disease, the report asked: "Are we alive to the need of vaccination?" should it be made compulsory?" A resolution was recorded urg- ing the desirability of recording defects of registered births by a code number, since "'notice of birth" cards are forwarded through open mail to the health devartment. This move is an outgrowth of a re- solution last vear asking tbat such' defects be recictered. It was pointed out that figures indicated that preventive drops in babies eyes, as mow reauired by law, have been administered in 96 per cent. of rezistered cases in eom- parison to 65 per cent. at the time the ruling was first enacted. 4 Attention of members of orzan- i ization was directed to the report of the Roya! Commission, headed by Miss Charlotte Whitten, investi- y gating the working of the Manito- ba Welfare Act. misrepresentation of Italian life, The sailors raided the operator's box in the moving pieture house, l ADIES' AID 0 | ere oe A ssaulted the Chinese operators, seiz f t% PATTERN PURCHASE 2 d the film and burned it in the COUPON x oe CENTRE STREET Annual Roll Call of the Church to Be Held on January 23 When your Children Cry for It Castoria is a comfort when Baby fs fretful. No sooner taken than ] the little one is at ease. If rest-,52in of $4,219,366 over last year's less, a few drops soon bring con- (Assessment which was fixed at tentment. No harm done, for Cast- | 314,219,366. The assessment in- oria is a baby remedy, meant for |c'udes an extra $350,000 placed babies. Perfectly safe to give the On the Michigan Central tunnel by youngest infant: you have the decec- | Virtue of a new 15-year agreement | United church met on Thursday af- tors' word for that! It is a vege- | at $1,350,000 as drawn up between | ternoon for their regular monthly table product and you eould use | the city and railway compary in | meeting and election of officers for it every day. But it's in an emer- | Toronto this week, i the coming year. The following offi- gency that Castoria means most. cers were elected : honorary president, Some night when constipation must | Mrs. W, L. Henrjy President-- be relieved--or colic pains -- or | 's. J. Johnston; first vice-president, other suffering. Never be without | s. L. A. Koch; second vice-presi- it; some mothers keep an extra { dent, Mrs. C. I. DeGuerre; sccretary, bottle, unopened, to make sure | Miss V. Samells; treasurer, Mrs. E. there will always be Castoria in | 3 James; pianist, Mrs. Goodwin; flow- the house. It is cffective for older | g py or committee, Mrs. H. Odgen and children, too: r-od the book that | . 8 Mrs. H. Kelly; press reporter, Mrs. comes with it. L. A. Koch. Many members express- | ed their appreciation of the years of Ee vc pa 7 €elchierd faithful service given by the retiring CASTORIA To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. i ASSESSMENT OF WINDOR Enclosed find % Please send patterns listed be Z |] SHOWS $4,000,000 JUMP Windsor, Jan. 12. -- According to Harry A. Webster, assessment commissioner, the total value of Windsor's assessed property for all tox purposes is $74,094,425, a low: sossnsnssssspsss DIZO 4000000 Address ..osssssssrssssssrsss Town Province ssssssssssssssssssss Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully. Camas nad A PRAYER 0 li me patience with another's ault-- The pettiness that sways but for a time-- May I have grace to bear with his affront Plans were made at this meeting Wo Ske Bot Mis--io) Wipe, oft r the annual Roll-Call of the church | "ay words may too, give wound to o be held on Wednesday evening, tender heart, 4 anuary 23. After the business was | Set guard before my lips, ere I completed tea was served. By hasty speech should cause an i; : - hing smart, VICTIMS OF DOUBLE SHOOTING a [ |MAY RECOVER DOCTORS STATE | © "iter vaca neve with me o'er Sarnia, Jan. 12.--Matthew Doyle of Port Lambton, who Thursday shot himself after twice wounding his wife, has a chance for recovery, | {doctors stated. Mrs. Doyle is still iin a critical condition. The Ladies' Aid of Centre street SARA RRNNNPNNNIINIRRRNS SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies' Coats and Dresses, at the FASHION SHOPPE ORDER The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one enuine Aspirin, The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer , it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is mot! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin--at any drugstore--with proven directions, £ AND FIT CORRECT STYLE OF TRUSS AND GUARANTEE TO MOLD RUPTURE Y. EXAMINATION FREE . ion president, Mrs. Henry. AUTHORS & COX. LTo J 55 CHURCH ST. TORGH E00 ET Winter Feeds For Stock We have a complete line of the best protein feeds on the market for dairy cows and the price is right. GLUTEN COTTONSEED JILCAKE MEAL HOMINY DAIRY RATION BRAN SHORTS, MIXED CHOPS, ETC. My aid and fellowship--O let me not Add burden to his load, lest he should fall. Rena Chandler. a Canada) Bayer M While 18 manufa to the b) - facture, to assure the public against {mits Phone 227 29 Simcoe St. N. Ly Too GLAD To HELP ---- HEIR (7% fin... 1 : TTL GooDBYe AND GoD BLESS You, SAD PAPA AND MAMA" pouse -- © 19, King estore Syndienta. Ine. Great Briin rights reserved. se Dollie Booey AMD Co LAND THEY WERE Sup Downs The BaAnSTERS AN FRONT of ThE Fie MiHen! Atiof A | ~ SUDDER-THERE WAS A GoBlLww STING AND FounD Him TiceT ASLEEP. 1-12 8 ON ONE OF THE ANDIRONS veg Pra a Tien They Took A Look AT THE BABY Hove

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