Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jan 1929, p. 2

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{ ; / {HE OSHAWA DAILY [IMED, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1241929 - WH ITBY Representative--] AMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15--Office 484 'Whitby May Move in ~ Matter of Erecting Big Grain Elevator TWENTY YEARS OF ~ SERVICE ON THE ~~ WHITBY BAND . Completion of the Welland Canal Will Enable Largest Lake Boats to Enter Lake Ontario -- Town Served 'By Two Great Railroads, and Centre of Large Pop- ulation, and Harbor Land ALMA RUBENS WILL APPEAR IN COURT Movie Actress Is Accused of Staging Rowdy Parties Hollywood, Calif, Jan, 12,--The manners and morals of the beau- tiful motion pleture actresses of Hollywood are due for an airing Wm court Jan, 17, when Alma Rubens appears to plead that she was falsely accused when her landlady sald she staged rowdy parties in her bungalow apartment. Miss Rubens' trial was schedul- ed to start on Tuesday, but press. ing affairs elsewhere detained the actress, and shy a peared In court an hour late te find that a bench warrant for her ~erest had been issued by Municipal Judge Elliott Gibbs, Miss Rubens explained matters to the Judge, and he re- scinded the hasty warrant, but re. quired her to post bond of $500 Great Chess Monster Wants Improvements Capablanca Suggests 100 Square Board And Addi. Enliven the Game London, Eng., Jan, 12.--How to liven up the ancient game of chess ~=more accurately described as an exact sclence--~how, indeed, to pre- vent it becoming dead within 15 years, is the subject of a letter con- tributed to The Times by the inter- national champion, Senor Jose Cap- ablanca, Fault, he declares, lies in the ability of the modern mast- or to memorise thousands of games by heart, until he sees the time coming when such a one will he able thus equipped to draw every game he plays, The remedy he sug- gosty is for a hundred square board instead of 64, and the addition of two new pieces, He says in part:-- whether posal would not accomplish ali that Senor Capablanca desires--name'y, the avoidance of the monotony of almost inevitable draws in games, between masters, master play within years. If so, it would surely he pre- ferable to Senor Capablanca's sug- the board, to continue running al- ways on diagonals of the same col- or on which it was originally plac- tion of Two Pieces Would | ¢¢ 'Unlike Senor Capablanca, my correspondent did not proposa to add to the present number of pizc- es or to the present squares on the board. Nor did he, as Senor Capablanca does, that the pawns should be allowed to move one, two, or three moves on the first move insted of one or two moves only, as at present, number of propose Aveid Monotony, "It is a question in my my correspondent's mind pro- the which most accomplished he says will kill the next 15 Representative Phones: Office 587; Rest dence B11. Bowmanville, Jan, 12.--The Music Study Club will hold its next meet- ting in St, Paul's lecture room on Wednesday, January 16th, at eight p.m. The topic for the evening will be "American Composers" and will be in charge of Mrs, M, G. V. Gould and Mrs, Munroe A. Neal, Citizens awoke Friday morning to find the streets covered with a man- tle of snow, Walking is dangerous as the pavements were coated with ice and there have been a number of nasty falls, Many know from per- sonal experience that the pavements were not softened any by the slight thaw on Wednesday night. However, there were no hones broken, Mrs, Hanna who has been visiting her daughter, Mrg. Fred Knox, Queen street, has returned to her home at Mono Road, Mrs, James H. Scobell, Ottawa, Her Sore Back was Quickly Relieved Dodd's Kidney Pills were Recommended by Friend "I have used Dodd's Kidney Pills for Sore Back and Kidney Trouble, I was not at all well," writes Mrs. M. Nesbett, 272 Bell St., Ottawa, Ont. "A friend told me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and I must say I do feel well since I have been taking them. There is nothin better for Sciatica, My husband was very with it, and all he took was Dodd's Kidney Pills and he is fine now." Backache is generally Kidney Ache, This pain usually indicates some disorder of the Kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills relieve Backache by ton- ing ho 3 the Kidneys to do their work of strain. ing all the impurities, the poisons, out of the blood, , At All Dealers, S00 Duds Mri Es Cn gie DODD'S KIONEY No people great who worn-out pioneers can he considered will permit their old, Canada's export trade Jum $100,000,000 in eleven months, It to be deserted [is to be hoped some nation does when they havé passed the time of | not rise up and call this diserimin- earning.--Hon, Peter Heenan, ation.-----Toronto Globe. : . Game is Dead i it w Fad who has been visiting Major and is Cheap Dr. McGillivray eceives to Ingure her appearance on Jan "Imagine a game in which some En ora aroma. Tuvove less Mrs. W, J. Hoar during the Christ- j Congratulations for Work | The complaining witness in ne |bslf-dozen experts neither win nor | nace necessitate no change nt ajl as and NewYear's bolicays, * has Whitby, Janu. 12.---The fact that Education S case is Mrs, Elisabeth Uhl, owner |l08e, but always draw, The game, |i) t1,0 present board, and be much Tolarnads we, Meath. Ottawa. whi v a large new grain elevator has been as ucation Secretary of the bungalow court where the |®% & game is dead; it has lost ail its |). complex than what Senor Cap. | hac PEC: -] : Meath, oY AWA, ho ¢ built and placed in operation at a actress lives. She alleges Miss Ru. |'nterest; It become Intolerabls 10 |apiancs proposes. 1 should tear | rome stopped oft on his way homo i Toronto harbor after that port had By Staff Reporter) bens staged wild parties and prom- |P!ay and intolerable to watch. Tour- that Sonor Capablanca's proposal | and visited his father-in-law, W. B. been without an elevator for many i AHy Jeporier). ised to produce testimony of other |haments are now gone through |w,u1g make such a dificult and | Couch, Centre street Sle resu mes . years, has caused many here to | Whitby, Jan, 12,--Dr, C, I". Mc |pponvinent figures fn the motion | Without the loss of a single BAM | complicated game that it would he-| The annual meeting of the Horti- 4 y ly wonder whether it might not be |Gillivray, M.O.H., today completes |pictire colony to support not only |PY Players who could never have lame ono ron masters only, and al- | cultural Society will be held in the a " > ; possible that an elevator would be |twenty years of seryice as secretary |yha¢ allegation, but the charge done so some ten years ago. In together fail to secure popular fay- | Council Room on Tuesday, January Pe ll | (od BY (KS % ~built at the local harbor, allowing [Of the Board of Iiducation, DI thay the actress frequently prowled tournament after tournament there 16," on the other haid, a trial of |15th, at 8 pam. It is hoped there | * 0 Port Whithy to again' participate {McGillivray has always been keen- around the front lawn late at nignt is no "brilliancy and few tom about a score of games on the lines | Will be a large attendance as elec- | b { 50 a in the rain trade. Welling IY Jnistenisd Ju eduiations! matters scantily clad, brandishing a flash- Ringtions are poraibe, esas var) proposed by my American coren. | tion of officers will take place and etweel Within a few years the Wellan ) 'e- | light, an doccasional y using ob- d pondent which [ played wit , | plans discussed for the year's work. 8 canal will have been opered to traf- (tary has made him an invaluable | ene language. J and the position after the opening |, my brothers Wii vith as Mr. Wm. Dobson, B.A. the newly TO *{o]l RES, - member. Born and raised in Whit- makes combinations out of the "| appointed headmaster of the Boys' fic and the largest lake boats will he able to enter Lake Ontario from the upper lakes. Toronto has heen without an elevator for years, so has Whithy There was a time when the local harbor handled at- most as much grain as the port of Torcnto. Why The question is then asked whe- Not Whithy? by, he has always been in close touch with conditions in the schools hers and his advice is always valu- ed. Valued Official At a recent meeting of the boaru one member referred to the secre- tary as 'the watchdog of its -fin- LONG, DANGEROUS JOURNEY MADE question, Meany" 'le the average number of mover ® * game in tour- naments among great players is in- creasing, sport Not Suicide "There should be nothing sur- prising in this when we r2member what has happened in other games; billiards for instance. But surprise, his proposed new game would noi be beyond the capacity of average players." PROSPECTS FOR INDUSTRIAL PEACE Training School, has brought his family to town and has rented W. J. Furze's house on Scugog street. Miss Galbraith, Whithy, was a re- cent guest of her aunt, Miss J. Galbraith, Queen street, Miss Susie Bailey is visiting in Belleville, guest of her sister, Mis J. A. Archibald, | | WINNIPEG Commencing January 3rd The National will operate daily Toronto to Winnipegas follows: Lv.Toronto 900pm. E.T, Ar,Sudbury 5.40a.m. "" ; ." He pointed out that Dr. ther an elevator might not also he ances i BY A Wi M AN sent t, is expressed from ! ARNE | Ar, Winnipeg 845a.m. CT, F built at Whitby for ihe town ig |McGllliviay was thoroughly aware 34 Bot FeSent men! is oan © LAD'S COUGHING REMOVES | (Second Moming) servad by the two great railroads, |0! the laws governing edueat on n = of chess who do not understand | GROW IN SWF | _ COPPER LODGED IN LUNG EQUIPMENT: On and After Jan 5th is close fo a large centre of popu-|Ontario and through this know- Lad D th Mills will What hae happened, and why. The B Kitchener, Jan, 12--No operation Lv.T 9.00 Y EF lation and land the harbor here |ledge was able to obtain grants for y orothy } best players are sometimes accuser | | was necessary to remove the one-cent Ld Aid 6. ig Cif is uch cheaper than at Toronto, 'the schools which otherwise might T 1 Th h F h st play 2 Tee { coin' from the Jung of Donald Fer- Standard Sleepers-- Te bury 10a.m, Ener ClL £ Roan ' be obtained. The trustees are rave roug renc of being dull and unimaginative, | Stockholm, Jan, 12. New and i > ores Xe Tourist Sleepers-- | Ar, Winnipeg 10.00a.m. C.T, There is that when the |mot be o ' 4d wanting in initiative because | ' A . guson, six-year-old ward of the. Kit- Dinerand Coaches. (Second M 3 d new ca ned, renewed ae-|a¢ one in wishing their secretary Guiana yl Mi pp 5 (hopeful prospects for lasting indus- | chener Orphange, at the hospital on iv WEY arbor i i their play shows no "brilliance,'" |tria] peace in Sweden have sprung | Frida OI al : ai Connections at Winnipeg tivity t the harbor twenty more years of service in Prung | Friday. the coin working out by na- Tora W. This i hich might well [this capacity. Many others are of- Eng. Jen. 12 Te IR resourcefulness, bo courage. out of a good-will conference be-| (ural means, The lad's intense cough- bis be investiga - the Chamber of |fering congratulations and felicita-| I-ondon, Eng, Jan. 12, -- 'The |The fact is they are given no chance {tween employers and workmen Just Ving evidently loosened the coin and H. W. SHERIDAN, y 4 ad . only woman, indeed the only white [to show these qualities when play- |Leld in Stockholm, About 206 re-| whe: sons endeavo alee} 39 8 3 Commerce. tions. fi pi it 206 r when surgeons endeavored to take it 39 Simcoe St. 8, az person, to take part in a 2,000 |ing against their equals, or their |presentatives were sent from the : . : ; . 0) 5 mr ------ - 2, L pi . 4 4 ? : 4 ¥ ae fout it was discovered that the coin Telephone 515 1- mile trip through French Guiana to betters. They play simply the best |Swedish Employers Association | had passed further through the lad's | d SHOT PHEASANTS, study native religions and witch-|variations they kmow, and these (and the same number from the | system. The copper war swallomed h craft, is Lady Dorothy Mills, who {lead nearly always to a draw. They | National Lubor 'nion. last summer but its presence was 44 PAID FINE OF $5|bas organized the expedition end [play according to knowledge, as | All the specches were remark- not known until the youngster 'con- 3. has just sailed from Liverpool. they must. It Is a dull coaclusion, |ably moderate showing a gennine tfacted the flu ) ; t, Yao tor im "I hope to collect nrasks and but it is inevitable it a player is |desire to find a permanent solution | : r London, Eng, Jan. 12. -- AR ljaoje and shall go wher the spirit {to have regard to his position :n & lof labor digpuies. Several worth == i Australian, said to be a man of iyoves me," she said. "By travell- tournament, He cannot be axvected | while proposals were submitted A means and position in his Owain, alone one gets more into the [to commit suicide for the sake of | from both side country, who went out pheasant |gpnirit of tic country, I mever take |sport. The conference resuited in ap- | shooting in a _motorear during a [ayy arms on 12 expeditions because Scope for Talent pointment of a delegation compos- trip through Wales, found himself Ino: pative or animal will attack un-| spno demand, however, for 2 |ed of ebro of the i» the police court at Bettws-Y- l1esc you interfer: first. : liveller game, where there would |Emplo: re' Assoriation, five of the ost. ; "Travelling 18 jn my blood. {he more combination, rmore sacri- |National Labor Unions, and some The defendant was Thomas Biddy |v; itcheraft is a subject tiat inter- fice, and more scope for native tal- |members recignated by the govern- Guest, and he was charged With |cats me a great deal. African witch lone and imagination, and less room {ment. This delezation is to continue shooting at a pheasant on land be-|doctcrs give natives medicine mix for the chess player's least valuable |the work of formulating plans for longing to Lord Penrhyn. A game- ed with what they cil: magic, virtue, memory, is thoroughly .egi- {the realization of the aims of the keeper heard shots, and saw a man, | which is something I rather believe |iinate. Lot the critics, and let the conference. who he presumed to be chauffeur |i; Their magic seems to be akin first-class players, who suffer quite ! in uniform, leave a motor-car enter to our psycho-analysis or auto-|oy puch under the present system | i -- id a field, and chase 2 wounded pheas- |g, ggestion, and the primitive races as the average competent observer, | . | 2 : naa ant. The man pieked up the pheas- |know more about nature ir the have what they want. There must | tire y er { Winter eggs bring high prices. Make Hens lay eggs in Winter 0 ant and ran to the car, which mev- rough than we do. be a change in the game (as there | | and its like making them lay money, Pratt's Poultry Regu- ed off as he boarded it. A quantity | "They are not all cloaked up in has been in other games), not In is | I lator is scientifically prepared for the purpose and has proved of the tail feathers of pheasants materialism as we are. It is dif- structure or fundamental principles | or on erson | successful during many years of practical use among bad ben arranged fanwise at the ficult for a white person to see but such as to abolish the present | { poultrymen. We have thousands of testimonials, showing back of the car. through thé barrier of mrysticism |g awbacks and to give the pais . ! the steady laying-power, all Winter, of hens which have Guest informed the police ser: |which stands between them end loo more an unlimited lease of | eevis toma been kept in productive condition by 2 small daily ly geant that he had shot game all jejyjlization, and that is why I like |yice" he change, I am convinced, | of Wisi Frei: Posiry the way down from Dundee to Car- to travel alone. It is easier ta» win must be fairly far-reaching, for vo | b- If the things you used to like |lisle, where he had replenished his {the confidence of the natives." shifting the relative position of the an we % re disagree with you, take a tablet ammunition, and on {into North During her trek Lady Dorothy pieces, as at present arranged on! ! 8 of Pape's Diapepsin after a meal. | Wales. He had also remarked that {will wear shorts when possible 2nd | rhe board. mor any of the many | The old, reliable Gallagher's tod «Ft displaces the excess acid in the lin Australia people were encour-|preeches when necessary. minor often suggested changes. | Toni: 4 d Syst Build, | n, stomach. sweetens your food, and aged to shoot Yabbitz, o : em C---------- will do, It would be » palliative fos onic and System Builder | re digests it. The nourishment from The Magistrate sa d. i 2 man In ; ; i : z | s it produces good, healthy tissue {defendant's position did not know POLICE TO USE RADIO a very short time DU the, pooducas " and healing virtues o : i; gai ight a law. what about the working Larger Board | Jers, Nature's own ' 1g and blood; you gain weight and [the law. g a . . ; os : | this tonic. No mineral Sets 10 strength, and with that comes a {man offender? Guest would be| Toronto, Jan. 12--Toronto may 'There remains then a larger | every organ working 100%. Brings healthy, youthful color. fined $5. and costs. have a radio-equipped police car,|board to consider, and the addition | THY OF joy of living. Good for the Thousands of people who suffer- manned by a mobile unite of officers, {of extra pieces. Personally, I am in bare ; ed from stomach trouble for years. and constantly in commmiication, as [favor of the hundred-square board. 3 ) = g praise Pape's Diape for thelr it moves about the city, with a short-130 by 10, with two new pieces | ther Gallagher's ~ Herbal PRA FOOD QO. of CANADA Limitnd 328 Carlaw Ave. Toronto 8 . 200d health and you appetite. range radio station at headquarters, for each side the ome to have | Remedies are, by Ty good } N . i 4 I They can now eat anyihing they ® | s0 as to pick up and act immediate- l43e powers of the rook and knight. 7 I] want. That's why 5 million pack- ly on emergency orders. Inspectoriyyiere exactly these pleces should | F. W. THOMP30N pt Fas ws a 1 ms [a reser ue blac wed | _F. WT COOPER-SMITH COMPANY : | Any Aruzeis supply you investigated Detroit's communication |jater though I suggest ome each Phone 8 . 14 Celina St with Pape's Diapepsin. because It | system recently have so recommend-lnext to the king and queen; and Flour, Feed and Grain : »« indispensable in every home. © there would be another minor Body Hardwood d . S---------- Se ---- (| mission Sor toe paws to move one, | Wl WE aud Lill two, or three squares on the first move, in order to bring the oppos- ing sides more quickly in touch ; A! with one another. The broad prin- 3 » ciple is the hundred-squars board, al] . : | which I prefer to the eighty-square ! i). i J board, 10 by 8, and the mew pieces. ri- I } "It is mot difficult to see what ae | \ Jia new term of life would be given F OR SALE Br I hy! I : ; the memorization as : } | at ! i | 1) ? £QUIP. We are offering for sale one carload of real good, dry body hard id \ e real chess-playing Yirtues-- © wood, mostly beech and maple, at a price that cannot be surpassed, at 118 $12.00 per cord $6.50 per ; cord $3.50 per 4 cord the spirit and essence of chess-play would remain intact. : | 88d It's Delicious ill : : ] | 4 ATYENTION! m, od \ -H You may now secure your supply of Stillicious from ex- . 2 3 shipment. Orders will be as on Li perienced and successful manufacturers of Stillicious, Those prices ll only be by Jouss for Bis so place your orders now, a 1 BERL OK | carefully prepared in a most modern plant. Every bottle there i only two caioads. , ; 4 k 117) hse i guaranteed. Prompt and courteous service the year' » » » oe i Till 2 | around. Order from Cobourg City Dairy Co., 1ad., ill 1 Cs. lamest for Oon TERMS CASH | lo= ; ' Telephone 1246 o Quality and Service Our Motto ms val $7000 with stock, machinery aL a Ch | x y L d and feod. Will take Oshawa a J or Wovonto howse (priced wo oCo te r ucts ® t . right) on exchange. Coal, Coke, Wood, Sewer Pipe and Builders' Supplies of Siratford : Ontario LYCETTY OSHAWA ONTARIO s | 110 KING ST. WEST y : ! | _25 King St. KE. Phone 205 A

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