Pac. a vivian say 1HE OSHAWA DAILY 11IMEDS, SAIUKDAY, JANUARY 12, 1929 EASTERN ONTARI ' FAVOR BRIDGE ON : ray THE ST. LAWRENCE Brockville, Jan, 1.2--It is un- derstood that bills will be shortly introduced at Washington and Al- bany, respectively, by Congress- men B. H, Snell and Assembly Woman Rhoda Fox Graves, geeking sanction for the construc- tion of the International bridge across the St. Lawrence River im- mediatey above Brockville which is planned by the St, Lawrence Riv- er Company. This company was incorporated at the last session of Parliament and represents Mont- real, Ottawa and Brockville capi- tal, having as its object the throw- ing of a span across the river with both railway and highway facili- 'ties. The Chamber of Ogdensburg, N.Y., this week placed itself on record as being not opposed to the DEPENDABLE For Sats, The choice of many radio manufacturers, thousands of radio fans and more radio owners than ALL other tubes combined. {ing by Mr. roposed international bridge at log that village on the New York shore of the river form- ing the southern terminus of the proposed structure. CULTURAL SOCIETY HORT ELECT NEW OFFICERS Belleville, Jan, 12.--Mr. David M. Farrel is the new president of Beleville Horticultural Society, el- ected by an enthusiastic meeting conferring in the Chamber of Commerce building Thursday night. The retiring president, and honorary president for 1929, is Mr. C. J. Symons, who so ably guided the affairs of th society last year. Willlam Harvey is the 1st Vice-President and Miss H. Lynch 2nd vice president. | Mr. A, F. Wesley is secretary- treasurer for the coming year. Messrs, Walter Scott and A. R. Johnston are the auditors. MISSING CORNWALL BOY FOUND SAFE ON FARM Cornwall, Jan. 12, -- Missing since Monday when he left the home of his foster-parents Mr. and Mrs. William Brabant, 309 Sixth street west, ostensibly to attend school, Patrick Desmond, aged 13, was located by searchers late yes- terday afternoon at the home of a Cornwall township farmer near Black river, ten miles north of Cornwall, The lad explained that he was tired of going to school and had left home rather than con- tinue to do so, After spending several days with different farm- ers in the Black River district, he arrived Thursday afternoon at the farm where he was found yester- day. The police were notified that he had been seen in the neigh- borhood and soon located him. Mr. McCONNEL GIVES INSTRUCTIVE TALKS Belleville, Jan. 12.--The Belle- ville Poultry Association in pre- senting its 17th Annual Exhibi- tion this week, has been fortunate in having included among the at- tractions an interesting demonstra- tion of poultry killing and pluck- McConnell of the Do- minion Experimental Farm at Ot- tawa, Great interest was shown in the demonstration by the crowds which thronged the city hall build- ing each day of the exhibition; Mr. McConnel also supplied the visitors with a great deal of valuable in- formation regarding the proper method of dressing and marketing fowls. The above demonstration and in- formation supplied by Mr, McCon- nell was outstanding among the "THEODORE AND MARY -- Cy ELLER [5 = nave A £3 A PLAC. . . CLEAN AS IT CAN BF =. , FOR PAPA BURNS OLR. "> THEY CAN ROMP AND FROLIC GAYLY WITH A FIRE THATS BURNING DAILY -- 2) 74 abe OUR DANDY COAL PRODUCES HEAT ~)BESIDES, ITS CLEAN - ALMOST A TREAT ©ASOTY & WALKER. Ing. STOVE - FIREPLACE oR FURNACE : USE OUR COAL \ OUR COAL GIVES HEATING SATISFACTION. WHY EXPERIMENT W.J. TRICK COMPANY, Lid. 25 ALBERT ST. PHONES 230 157 service. lo use. We have one full acre of Select- ed Lumber piled right here Oshawa ready for delivery under our guaranteed hourly delivery This Lumber consists of the best grades, which by the way are all Standard grades, in the best species which good building practise has dictated to be the most economical In addition we have what others have termed the best dry-lumber shed in Ontario, filled with Dress. ed Lumber and Interior Trim, all of which is properly taken care of, having in view the use to which it is ultimately to be put. Oshawa Lumber Co. 25 RITSON ROAD NORTH Telephone 2821-2820 Limited Bet many excellent features which the local poultry Association offered in its big Exkibition just closed. TRENT BRIDGE CHEESE FAC- - TORY ELECTS OFFICERS Trent River, Jan. 12. -- H. B, Wood was delegated by the pat- rons of the Trent Bridge Cheese factory to act as their President and Secretary for the coming year, at their annual meeting just held and which gave splendid evidence of 1928 having been a successful year in the dairy industry. The directors appointed fer 1929 are: H. Wildman, T. XK. Thompson, J. W. W. Redden. The total amount paid to patrons for the 1928 season was $&},134.23. The val- use of whey cream sold was $1,152,- 11, and of whey cream returned to patrons, $576.06. The average selling price per pound of cheese was 21,666, and the average yield per pound of butter fat was 2.74 pounds of cheese. TWELLS REMANDED FOR ONE WEEK Dr. Charles W. Twells, charged with the murder of his two child ren, Kenneth and Colin Twells, at their home, three miles west of Consecon, on January 2nd, appear- ed before Magistrate R. A, Norman in Picton police court yesterday. He was defended by F. L. Ward of Picton, and M., B. Allison, crown attorney, was present for the crown, Twells was remanded for one week, the proceedings: taking less than five minutes. He was whisked back to the county jail in a high powered car and under heavy guard. No plea nor evi- dence was taken. The prelimin- ary hearing will not take place un- til Arthur Corfield shot the same time as the children and now an inmate of the Belleville Hospital, is sufficiently recovered to give testimony. The inquest which was to have been held yesterday at Consecon, under Dr, Thompson, Wellington coroner, was adjourned for an- other week without any evidence being taken, FAMOUS BANDMASTER AND SOLDIER DEAD Kingston, Jan, 12.--Major Alfred Light, who retired from the ap- pointment of Director of Music, Royal Canadian Artillery, last July, died in Kingston General Hospital yesterday morning, after several months' illness, aged 71. Major Light enlisted at a very early age in the Tenth Husars, one of the most famous of the many splendid British Cavalry = Regi- ments and while serving as a trum- peter in this unit was a member of the expeditionary force under the famous forced march tan war, graduated from Kneller Hall, the Military School of Music in Great Britain, and obtained his appoint- ment of bandmaster of the Tenth Hussars in 1877, afterwards being bandmaster warrant officer of the Twenty-First Lancers from 1890. In addition to serving in Afghan- istan, he saw active military oper- ations in the Eastern Soudan, be- paign, with two clasps, as well as the coveted Khedive Star. On the cessation of hostilities n South Africa, Major Light organ- ized the famous South African Constabulary Band burg, where he was also most ac- tive in promoting and training civilian musical organizations, In May, 1908, he was appointed bandmaster of the R.C.H.A, Band at Kingston. As an authority on bands and band music Major Light occupied a unique position in Can- ada and the Eastern part of the United States, being frequently asked to act as Judge at the Cana- dian National Exhibition in To- ronto and at exhibitions in the United States, In addition to his widow Maj- or Light leaves one son, Alfred Keith Light of the Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and one daughter, Margaret A. Light of this city, a graduate of Queen's University. BUILDING VALUES AT NEW HIGH MARK Toronto, Ont., Jan. 12.-- Once again Canada's building industry has contributed: a large share to the prosperity of the country, writes Frank Snarr, editor of the MacLean's Builders' Guide, in the annual financial review of the Mail and Empire. During 1928 a new high level in contracts awarded was reached. The value of contemplated work is considerably higher than at the beginning of 1928 and a large percentage of this will un- doubtedly go ahead, which augurs well for 1929. The total value of contracts awarded during 1928 for the do- minion amounts to $472,032,600, as compared with $418,951,600 for 1927--an increase of $53,000,000 or 12.6 per cent. and approxi- mately $9,000,000 over the boom year of 1912. Ontario again led the field with a total of $188,000,000 or 39.9 per cent of the Dominion total. This however is a slight de- crease from 1927, Quebec is second with $144,000,000, an increased of 8.2 per cent. over 1927. The bal- ance of the Dominion total is divid- ed fairly evenly over the rest of the provinces, all showing an in- crease with the exception of mani- toba, where a decrease of 19.8 per cent. was registered. {coal Phone 3060 adh Buchanan, R. Barrie, E. Carr and | late Lord Roberts, which made the | from Kabul to Kandahar during the Afghanis. | Following these operations he | ing awarded the medal for this cam- | | in gonannes- | | | 1s RADIO PROGRAMS (Continued from Page 10) WRVA (270)--=Richmond, Wishing Well WTAG (517)--~Worcester, Capital Thea- tre Overture, KYW (294)--Chicago. Playlet. WOC (300)--Davenport. Heuer's chestra; Book Man, 7.50 WGN (416)--Chicago. Almanack, 8.00 CNRO (434.5)--Ottawa, Concert orches. FEsr (337)--Shenandoah, Letter bas- et, WBAP (375)--Ft, Worth, Orchestra; Studs, i Ha) i 256)--Phila, Courtesy program WCFL (309)--Chicago. ibid e; 2am ular (1 hour), NBC System: Firestone Program to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, Wian WTAG, AX, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WGY, CAE, WW, wos KSD, 7.45 Or- Music Room WMAK M. WTAS, , N, _KOIL, A KMOX, WMAQ, KMBC, WLBW, WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Dinner con. KPRC (545)--Houston. Studio, WBBM (389)--Chicago., Buster's Trap- ers. BC System: A, & P. Gypsies to WEEI, KSD, WGY, WTAG, WTAM, WJAR, wwij, WDAF, WTIC, WRC, WCSH, WGN, WGR, WCAE, WOC. NBC System: Automatic Duo Discs to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, KYW, KWK, WREN, KOA, WIR, KSTP, WLS (345)--Chicago. Musical program Columbia Network: Ce Co Couriers to WOR, WJAS, WADC, WSPD, WFAN, WGHP, KMOX, WGL, KMBC, KOIL, ) WNAC, WFBL, WMAK, WEAN, WLBW, WHK, WMAL, WOW (508)--Omaha, Studio program, WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Musical pro- gram, WRVA (270)--Richmond. Operalogue, WSM (461)--Nashville, Studio. CNRO (434.5)--Ottawa, Talk; Opera Hits, CFCA Philharmonic Symphony. CKGW (312)--Toronto. Chain Program (3 hours). KOA (361)--Denver, Musical Pirates, WBBM (389)--Chicago. Concert orches. WBAL (283)--Baltimore, String quar- tet. WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul, Wilfahrt's orchestra. WFLA (333)--Clearwater. Musicale, WISN (268)--Milwaukee, Fireside Hr. WIP (492) -- Philadelphia. Fireside Hour. WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, Vocal Trio, NBC System: Neapolitan Nights to WIR (400)--Detroit. Entertainers. KWKH (352)--Shreveport. Studio pro- gram, Pacific Network: Motors Party. KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Orchestra, Ten- (357)--Toronto. or. WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Worth, Maytag Ramblers. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Dance period. NBC System: Motors Party to WEAF, WEEI, WWI, WTIC, WOW, WOAI, WOC, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WCAF, WTAM, WFAA, WSM. WGN, KSD, WJAX, WDAF, WHAS, WJAR, "It Just "isn't done any more" Running a laundry at home, either by hand or appliances, is a thing of the past amongst thinking people. A modern laun- dry such as this can beat the home effort on all counts -- cost -- results --bother. And, besides, we offer you five differ- ent kinds of 'family wash" service from which to choose. When you have a minute to spare, call up one of our young ladies who are here to do nothing else but answer your enquiries. She will *xplain prices and other things to you. Phone 788 vy) 434 Simcoe Street South WTAG, WGR, WMC, WSB, WSBT, WTMJ, WGY, KVOO, KPRC, NBC System: Real Folks to WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, WIR, KYW, WREN, WBAL, Columbia Network: Vitaphone Jubilee Hour to WOR, WCAU, NAC, WEAN, KOIL, WFBL, WMAK, WCAO, WJAS, WADC, WKRC, WGHP, WMAQ, WOWO, KMOX, WSPD, KMBC, WHK, WLBW, WMAL, WGL, KLV, KEX, KDYL, KBLA, WGES (220.4)--Chicago. Studio pro- gram, WRVA (270)--Richmond. Glee Club. KYW (294)--Chicago. Concert program Columbia Network: United Light Op- era "Boccactio to WOR, WFBL, WMAK, WJAS, WADC, > , KMOX, WMAQ, WLBW, KMBC, WCAOQ, KOIL, MAL, WOWO. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Music Period. WGES (220.4)--Chicago. Hyman pro- gram, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester. Smith's or- chestra, WIP (492)--Phila. El Patio Dance Or- chestra, WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Kruegers Band. NBC System: Blue Danube Nights to WJZ, WBZ, WJR, KWK, WREN, WBZA, KDKA. WLS (345)--Chicago, Concert Orches WKRC, Feature; yy (428)--Cinci, Dance Orchestra; Cellist. WOS (476)--Jefferson City, Christian College. i 10.15 CNRO (434.5)--Ottawa. Request period. 10.30 KOA (361)--Denver, ert program. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Lombardo's Canadians. NBC System: Great Northern Pro- EAF, WWJ, WLIT, WOC, W, WGR, WRE, WOW, WFAA, WHAS, KFL . ¢" (492)--Kansas City. Sunny Jim WFLA (333)--Clearwater, Diversified Program, ' WGN (416)--Chicago. Recital. WGES (220.4)--Chicago. Dance program WIP (492)--Phila. Dougherty's orches. WLS (345)--Chicago. WLS Hippodrome WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Dance or- chestra, WSM (461)--Nashville. Courtesy gram, 10.45 WISN (268)--Milwaukee. Silver Slipper Club, pro- 11.00 KFAB (389)--Lincoln. Memory Hour. KGO (379)--Oakland. Sieger's ' Sym- phonists. KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Amos 'n' Andy also WJR, KPRC, WDAF. KOA (361)--Denver. Concert Orchestra; Quartet, WBZ (303)--Springfield. Feature; or- gan, WCAU (25)--Phila, Golden Dragon or- chestra, WGN (416)--Chicago. Trib,, Hungry Five. WIP (492)--Phila. Warren's orchestra WOS (476)--])efferson City, Musical program, WLS (345)--Chicago. Popular program WNAC (244)--Boston, News; Meyer Davis Orchestra, NBC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, Tomorrow's KYw, WLW. WRVA (270)--Richmond. Richmond or- chestra. WSM (461)=Nashvillee. WSM orchestra 11.15 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Concert or- chestra; The Aerials, KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Dance orchestra WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Varied pro- gram, WJR (400)--Detroit, Orchestra. CNRC (435)--Calgary. Studio program WGN (416)--Chicago. Baritone; Concert and Dance Orchestra, WMAK (333)--Buffalo, Orchestra, WOR (422)--Newark, Witching Hour WTM]J (487)--Milwaukee, Dance music WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Dance orches. 11.45 WNAC (244)--Boston, Gallagher's or- chestra, WSDB (405)--Atlanta, Brown's orchestra 12.00 CNRW (385)--Winnipeg., Capital Thea- tre. KYW (294)--~Chicago. Edgewater Beach Orchestra. Pacific Network: Firestone program. WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul, Erick- son's orchestra, - WGR (545)--Buffalo. Organ, WGN (416)--Chicago, Dream Ship; Dance Music, WLW (428)--Cinci. Gibson orchestra, WOC (300)--Davenport., Hagerty's or- chestra, WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Club; Orchestra, KYW (294)--Chicago, Fiorito's orches. KGO (379)--Oakland. General Electric Program, KOA (361)--Denver. KOA Koons; Reese Quartet, WISN (268)--Milwaukee., Organ; Dance Music, WLW (428)--Cinci. Deuces Wild. WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago. Dance Or- chestra (2% hours), 12.45 WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Nighthawk Frolic. Turner's 1.00 CNRV (291)--Vancouver, Musical Re- OW SERVICE is organized not only to be efficient and economical to our pat- rons, but also to be immediately responsive to your urgent demands. We're always well stocked with all worthy varieties of coal and our delivery service is prompt and pleasing. Ji DIXON'S DIXON'S : Coal Co. Albert St. Phone 262 4 DIRECT LINES TO CENTRAL Copv | WBBM (389)--Chicago. Night Club. attle. Meyer's orchestra, | 1.30 KFI (468)--Los Angeles, Night Cap t. Paul. Midnight Club, Melodies. Chicago. Insomnia Club. (Copyright 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) KJR (309) KSTP (2 KYW (294) For satisfactory repairing C. CHURCHLEY your watch and clock work ire--Prices ble. Old 23 Prince St. Optical Parlors to . We ep. gold and silver bought or exchanged for new goods, 1 he Credit Jeweller When We Test Eyes--It Is Done Properly - JURY & LOVELL Phone 28 or 29 Our SHOPPING DISTRICT Every Dollar Spent Out of Oshawa Helps to Create Opposition to Your City and Help Build Up J "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" 12 Simcoe Street South Radios--and the Wonder Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa D. J. BROWN est Phine King Street Wi Jeweller 18 Mill Street Your Laundry Done Properly Just Phone 2520 and a driver will cal: OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Co. Oshawa simcoe St. 8. Dry Cleaning if you want your clothes cleaned so th2y will look like new, phone-- PARKER'S Phone 788--789 Money Spent In Oshawa Helps Oshawa OSS SSNS NSE NEEENIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEREL. ~ ---- iii Bd did i. * Vd : 82a