| } | 'guarantee, PAGE | WLLVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, NEW EXPERIMENT MADE IN BOYS' SETTLEMENT Schoolboys From Britain Go To New Zealand For Agri. cultural Training London, Eng, Jan, 12.--An inter- esting experiment in Empire settle- ment has just been inaugurated; a dozen boys from British schools having left for New Zealand to be- come pupils at Waitaki School, Oamaru, Waitaki School is one of the best known in New Zealand, and the system of training pursued there has heen the subpect of praise by many visitors from England, in- cluding the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, Lord Jellicoe, Ad- miral Halsey, and Mr, Amery, The headmaster, Frank Milner, C.M.G., is keenly interested in the problems of Empire settlement, The boys will take a one or two years' course of agricultural train- ing before engaging in farm prac tice, They will receive instruction in agricultural subjects, wool-clas- sing, dairy science, and plot work from experts, and several after. noons a week will he devoted to practical work on adjoining farms in the rich agricultural and pastor. al district near Oamaru, The boys who proceed to New Zealand under this new scheme are eligible for assisted passages, provided that they undertake to remain five years fn New Zealand to engage in farm- ing after the completion of the school training, "Mr. Milmer gives the following which means that the boys are given a wonderful op- portanity to carve out a carcer for themselves: Phone 193 | W. J. SARGANT | Yard--80 Bloor Street E. i Orders Promptly Delivered || TIME TABLES CPR. TIME FABLE, New Schedule taking efiecs 12.00 Sunday April 2, 1928 id Goirg, West Daily Dasly Daily except Sunday, Daily Dail Sunday, Daily except . Daily m Daily except . Dauy. 9 a.m Daily times shown above are times trains from Oshaws Station. Sundsy, Sunday, All depart C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan. 6, 1929 Eastbound 8.23 a.m.--Daily except 8.58 a.m.--Sunday only, 9.59 a.m.~--Daily, 1.17 p.m.~Daily except 2.32 p.m.--Daily except 7 p.m.~Daily except p-m.~Daily, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. < a oo Pes =] a - On the termination of a year's course of work at the schoul, I ac~ cept the responsibility for placing the boy with a suitable employ:r for practical training in such branch of farming as commends itself to him with my approval, I also ac- cept the responsibility of keeping in touch with the lad during this period of probation, and of obtain- ing for hin expert advice The boy will have the right of appeal to me in the case of any complaint arising out of his employment, and I shall do my best to rectify the same, Be- fore the boy is placed with any farmer, such employer will be dis- tinctly notified that the boy will keep in communication with me or my deputy and that I shall act gen- erally in loco parentis, The cost of the boys' outfit is estimated at about $100. and $30, per term is regarded as a 'easonable allowance for incidental expenses, Mr. Milner has arranged for the employment of the boys on farms during the vacations, should they require it, so parents are saved any anxiety on this score. If hy any chance no- regular employment for the vacation can be secured, free board and lodging will be pro- vided at the school, The schemre will add considerab- ly to the responsibilities of the headmaster, who has suggested it only because he is interested, as be states, In the transplantation of Brtish public school boys as most valuable colonizing material for the Dominions. AGE PENSIONS T0 COME BEFORE THE ONTARIO HOUSE Important Legislation At The Scssion Which Opens On January 30 Toronto, Ont.,, Jan 12.--A grist of fairly important legislation, in the form of government and public bills, will be presented fo the As- sembly at the coming session which opens Jan. 30. Government bills are to include the old age pension measure; pro- viding for additional aid to the Ontario Research Foundation and important revision of the Hospitals Act, There is a possibility of amend- ments to the Inn Keeper's Act, and the announced increase of gas tax requires change of the statute. Amendments to the Liquor Control Act if any, will be of a minor nature, Premier G. H, Ferguson has intimated. A bill creating a racing Commis- sion for Ontario may be submitted, but it is understood that the matter is not yet definitely settled. Recom- mendations by Judge Godson, aris- ing out of the Hollinger fire, may require some legislation, Real Estate Dealers A bill providing for licensing of real estate dealers, is regarded as likely to be introduced. The mea- sure was asked for by the dealers in September, 1927, and consider- ation was then promised. The ob- ject is to protect the profession and erators, A somewhat similar measure has been urged by the Architects' As- sociation. It is proposed to require registration, with a suitable exam- ination provided for, though mem- bers of the profession now praectis- ii would not need to undergo any est. Organized labor fs asking for lfe- 39 p.m.~Daily 09 a.m.~Daily, a.m.~Daily, Westbound a.m.~Daily, a.m.--Daily, 53 a.m.--~Daily 20 a.m.~Daily. a.m.--Daily 06 p.m.--Daily 37 p.m.~Daily. p.m.--Sunday only. p.m.--Daily except Sunday, p.m.--Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville - BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and aites Nov. 4 Going West Arrive Whitby 7.25 a.m. except Ye > BB Sek 2 nn PAR except Sunds,, 8 except Sunday, except Sunday, NwatE; 8 'S "qr pNN ay Arrive Hospital Ee BN eNS fe 221.00 a.m. 4.00 p.m. Esa iy Ld pam. 6% p.m. Esse FERRERERREES 5 i $0.00 p.m. Hospital INDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West : 9.45 am. 1245 p.m. 2.30 p.m. 4.30 pam. 6.30 pan. 83 p.m. 10.45 pam. i all suo EBEE jh teed 1411111] 8 | ing of barber shops. Institution of the three-platoon system for day, is also sought, as well as changes in the Workmen's Compen- sation Act and Mothers' Allowance ct. Bonding Lawyers A proposal for the bonding of lawyers to give protection against defalcation in respect to trust funds, also comes from Labor, but 80 far as can be learned at this stage, the government does not re- gard the need as urgent, on account of the matter having been taken up direct by the Law Society, Extension of the Minimunr Wage Act to apply to boys, was urged by Labor in January, 1927. Recently a report was submitted to Govern- ment by the Minimum Wage Board, dealing with the matter but meith- er Hon, Forbes G y, hor Prem- ier Ferguson seem favorably {n- clined toward legislation. Private Bills A score of private bills have been "{or are being advertised. Among the new applications is thet of Brock- ville Loan and Savings Compauy, to earry on the business of a trust eompany, change its names and in- crease authorized capital stock from $500,000 to $1,000,000. Leaming- ton seeks to confirm a drainage by-law, Essex Border Utilities Com- mission asks confirmation of - the purchase of Walkerville water svs- tem and the entry of Sandwi-® South to its jurisdiction. Port Ar- thur applies for a declaration of title as to water lots conveyed to W. 8. McEwen, validation of tax sales up to last January, and con- firnration of a by-law guaranteeing securities of the General Hosiptal up to $200.000. The Family Herald and Weekly of Montreal holds a record for subscritirs re- ily and i ly year after year. After all it is not surprising when one considers the quantity and quality feast the s are given each wi and at a price ridiculously low--$l1 a year or three years for $2. the public against unscrupulous op- bd firemen, equivalent to eight-hous - FISHERIES SHOW BIG PRODUCTION ON BOTH COASTS Yield Was More Than 50 Millions During Past Year Toronto, Ont, Jan, 12--The fish- ing industry generally had a satis- factory year in 1928, When the fin- al returns are reported it will be found the total value of the fish and fish products for the year will exceed $54,000,000 as with $49,497,038 in 1927, says Wil- liam Pound, deputy minister of fisheries of Canada, writing in the annual financial review of the Mail and Empire, The salmon pack of the Pacific coast province was about 2,000,000 cases of 48 pounds each and the value will approximate $18,000,000. The northern district port of Prince Rupert experienced the greatest ac- tivity in all its history, The hali- but landings totalled ,30 million pounds, an increase of more than two million over the landings of 1927, Two hundred and fifty-seven vessels were employed, of which number 174 were United States ves. sels and 83 Canadian. On the Atlantic Coast, while the fisheries of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Tsland and the Gaspe Coast were well sustained, Nova Scotia had one of the most prosperous vears since the end of the war per- fod. Only once gince 1919 has the catch and value of the catch been greater. The cath was about 20 mrillion pounds in excess of that for compared" the year 1927 and the total value will exceed $11,000,000. At Lunenburg, | Lunenburg, centre of the dried fish trade, is in much better condi- tion than for some years past, The landings of the Grand Banks fleet of Lunenburg vessels were about 270,000 quintals, @ The fleet of 70 modern auxilimy powered vessels will be increased the coming season, With the pro- duct for 1928 already sold out Lun- enburg should experience a contin- nance of the past year's prosper- ity, The fresh and processed fish trade of the Atlantic coast con- tinues to make progress, The im- provement in processing methods, transportation and cold storage fac- ilities was gratifying. The markets are expanding and both dealers and fishermen profited by the increased demand for the products, The catches of both eod and haddock substantially increased. Lobsters The lobster fishery was success. ful and profitable fo the fishermen, The total pack was 112,305 cases, as follows: Nova Scotia, 56,325, cases; value $2,146.202; New Brunswick, 19, 174 cases; $514,465; Prince Ed- ward, 25,061, cases; value $589,- 150; Magdalen Island 10,242 eases; value $176,848; Ouebher, 1.508 cas- es; value $38,198; Total value 33,458,863. The increase was general exeept in Prince Edward Island which showed a decrease of 2,835 cases, ADMIT WOMEN TO CORPORA- TION OF TRINITY COLLEGE Toronto ,Ont Jan, 12,--Women are now to he admitted to the Cor- poration of Trinity College, with Miss Caroline Goad as the first wo- man to be elected, and Dr, Cart- wright, Dean of Women, an ex-of- ficilo member, is also to sit on the Board, WONI'S DREAM OF NEW CHAPEL 1S NOW REALEED Toiled For Years Carrying Stone And Now Build. ing Is Dedicated Cumberland, R.I., Jan, 12.--An old dream cherished by silent monks of the Cistercian order has been realized with the dedication of a new chapel at the Trappist monastery here--the monastery of Our Lady of the Valley, For years the hrown-robed monks have toiled in silence in the quarries and on the broad lands of their monastery to aid in the erection of the blue-gray granite structure. The colony here is the third of four Cistercian monasteries in the United States, The mode of life of layman as it is uncommon, There are three vows--poverty, chastity and obedience, Members of the or- der are hound to perpetuate sil- ence, save at their devotions, They may address only a superior by voice, A few conventional sigms take the place of conversation They abstain from flesh, "fish or fow! except during illness. Their habits are of rough coarse cleth, heund by wide leather straps or wooden girdles, according as a members is a professed or a no- vice, Daily Routine ®wo hours after midnight, their daily routine begins with the sound its members is as strange to the] Home p--_-- = == : pr | LETT, NICHOLLS AND See this "Close in EI SIR Home eal Estate Insurance ar | Brick--AIl con. Loans. Phone ag5¢ R117 Reome=RBuckeodd so 11 King St. East, Oshawa [|] ase attached. to dwelling. a gc -- =|} Only 2 minutes to any. ---- REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572. 228 Night Calls 510, 15660, where, Specially 7 d for quick sale to $5,000, Easy terms, Now owned by busipess man who is getting larger home, : PHONE 1350 THE DISNEY REAL ESTATE Associated Salesmen J. W, Lint Residence Phone 1221W of a bell for mating, Arising from their narrow heds of plain boards which hold only straw mattresses and a straw pillow and a coverlet, they assemble in chapel, After an hour's deyption to pray- er'and chanting, the laymen assume their daily tasks while the others remain for additional religious manifestations ,until eight o'clock. Then they take up manual labor for two and one-half hours, The remainder of the day is divided into various phases of worship and study until night falls, Six and one-half hours' sleep is permitted in sum- mer and seven hours in winter-- 80 the hour of retiring is 7 p.m, or 7.30. Thus the 40 monks have lived as solitude and isolation. Round about are hundreds of acres of fields once given up as worthless for agricul- they quarried thousands upon thou- sands of yards of granite from their land. Thus the order has lived for hundreds of years. The completed chapel, of Gothic ture, now well kept and prosperous under the monks care. The chapel embodies hoth the artistic and the practical. It is de- signed after the mother-house at ARR PHONE J.C.YOUNG 4k Prince ST Oshawa, Ont. REAL ESTATE Autonmbile and Fire Tnsurance of all kinds J. H. R. LUKE Phones 871, 931, 687W, Money to loan at 6! per cent, first mortgages. REGENT THEATRE BLK, lines, severe and simple, rises from the crest of a hill in the midst of model for all Cistercian chapels, Citeaux, France, which serves as a | farmer's best friend is the Family Weekly Star, Montreal, It ya dollar a year, and the family s a superb magazine free, -- a o-- ELLA CINDERS--Money to Burn -- By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Traffic, a new Sass plored a istic | pal Ge aS Jamas ara at the S Pe] in He Morning nl pipe HATE TO BE CA A LIAR IN PRINT IN PRIVATE ! THERE'S THE BIG Wi 195A FOR HIM TO BE COMING HOME» ALRUS NOW - THIS FINE HOUR | GUESS I HAD BETTER PUT THEM ON BEFORE | GIT IN MAY BE ON # ® Sy 3 mY (3/577 - dil Pe EY -- BY GOLLY- AFTER THIS I'LL PUT "THEM BEFORE | GIT IN | THE NEIGHBORHOOD | 1m viAS WRITTEN | BY ANTONIN DYORAK J U2 | AL x Is Y/ v / h HIS NAME IMMEDIATELY BECAME FAMOUS, NORAK TRAVELED A GREAT DEAL AND AS OF FEN HOMESICK AMD THE LONGING FOR SOMETHING FAR AIAY RUMS THROUGH HIS MUSIC. THIS 15 NOTABLY TRUE iH "HUMORESQUE King Features Syndicate, Caeat Britain. rights restrved. BEAUTIFUL PIECE § OF MUSIC, BETTY? TILLIE THE TOILER--Not Her Game MAC ISN'T IN NET. X WONDER WHAT HELL THINK OF ME LAST NIGHT IN- STEAD OF WITH ING OUT WITH DICK)g > GEE, TILLIE, SIMPKINS JUST MA 15 GIMME A BOILING OVER- WHEN NOL WALKED OUT ON ME LAST NIGHT I PLANES CHESS WITH NOUR MOTHER AND I WAS SO TIRED I COULDNT GET LP THIS MORNING MARRNING pe. es GOOD KID, DON'T "THINK X COULD ENER LEARN TO PLAY