Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jan 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY [IMLD, SAIURUAY, JANUARY 12, 1929 FALL uN : ; < KMBC, 10.00 NBC System (WJZ)--Dr. Copeland WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Dinner 'musi Ww oe WOWO, . Hour. WCAU (256)--Phila. Musical Sei a0, cog r--t i 1115 NBC System (WEAF)--Household Tn- WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Air School WOW Omar ie WGN (416)--Chicago. Air Castle. wily Gon Navavile, Frm 6 : Fi d " WEAF (450)--New York, Twilight ' . asy-to- mn Voices, er 3 45 pom, W Detroit, Musical Matinee vg Y (379.5)--Schenectady. Dinner mu- WSB ( : WEEI (508)--Boston, Fox Fur Trappers pecia rograms or Un ay daily). WTAM (280)--Cleve bh " : Dr, Harry E. Fosdick .00 NBC "System (Central)=Farm and Wis (268)--Milwaukee, Organ; St « WTM Fo tra, : R A D ! O P R (0) GR A M tor, WAL Rv Wa : 3.30 wie Sou Homemakers Hour. ww" (428)--Ci D; : Di hy chests, woogie Bi 3.3 Mcago, orn 0 Liner, ynacone Ss. IC --) 1 waz WREN, WHAM, 4.00 WMAQ Chicago. Bridge Game. WoC nd. In doar bid, (00)-Hartford. Musical PIO : * WIR 0 had SB Hymn Sing, XYW (294)--Chicago, Musicale. 10,00 a.m, WBBR New York, "Joseph and his Breth. * NBL System (WIZ)---U.S, Marine band Club, WWJ (326)--Detroit. Courtesy pro. : KDKA (306)--Pitts, Orchestra, " WHK, K V, WFBL, KM X, WM EVENING PROGRAMS 7.00 CKGW (312)--Toronto, Musicale. gram, : T night's Hest Features WCAU Sh: Golden Dragon or- ren" to Q 0. AL, 5.00 Yano (223)--Akron. Dinner Concert; Rare Gos $ Paul, Sen; Orches, | 7.15 Ww (428)--Cinei. Talks Songs. 0 . 4 chestra. --Peer News, AB (38)--Lincoln, Concert program | 7. 0 (434.5)--Ottawa, Uncle Dick, 6.30 NBC (WEAF) White House 'Dinner | 2.00 KOA (361) = Denver, Weather; Mark. Jac Lyte: Stetson, Frogram & 3 bE. RL " Sloss Reproducers. - N B( : Fallon's Orchestra to] . Me: X ma ; NRW (384.4)~Winnipeg. Dinner mu. os in ets; Organ. tN a A i" RC, .00 --Roxy ym ony. WEAF j 6)--Kansas ity. oncert #4 ---" usical » ystem: Bill and Jane to WEAF, rogram, Kia (322)--Sh dosh, V: 7 9 iA RE To ERNE" siéymToruata, M " WWI, WGK, WIA TAG 7.00 WGN Chicago. Chicago Symphony. WRC. ane KYW (204)--Chicago. Hamp's orches, 9 Shean wie pio We (WEAF) ational Symphony Wer, 309) ~Chicago, Television, %, WOAI y #, A WBBAL (389)--Chicago, Concert or. Wis (303) Springfield. Lowe's orches, KOKA (306)~Pitts. One Minute Dem. . tl JRA " Wan ge! York, Latha Music Ma i, 8.00 Columbia: "Around the Samover, ae iy Wo WBAP (@75)--Ft, Worth. Organ; 7 RR er Pine. Your Tats N 1 I i 379,5) =! enectady. . . | y 306) Se K News; ces. i & 4 0; . SM NEC (WEAF) dreat Nerthers pro ex. Sat, wi 8.15 NBC (WJZ)--Colliers Hour, Hook Man. WCCO (0-Mpls. St. Paul. Sports;| cle Gimbee. Va bs CFCA Toronto. Hockey--Toronto vs. Wik a 0 Detesit, Recreat hous, fb ar iDeeias Sevenaders, x . NBC System: Waldorf Astoria Music Long s Orchestra, (492)--Kansas City, Trianon . New York, =Jefierson City, Grain Mare Wik (216)--Cleveland. Dinner concert, 9.00 Columbia: Majestic Hour, to, WEAF, WRC, WCAE, = WWJ, WCAU (256)--Phila, Orchestra, Ensemble, Kw Chicago. Little Jack Little, kets} Bulletin 400)--Detroit, Dinner music, wi WCFL (309)--Chicago. Dinner music, f : James G. MacDonald to 10,00 A Cita 0, Swiss Yodelers, WTM] 8 Milwaukee, Musica! pro. ha AQ (447,5)--Chicago, espe Servi- . Ww 2, {a sprint. Moors, Din- Woar (492)--Kansas City, Johnston's WEAF veo! WLIT, WFAA, wow, 'P " G k' ram, t Orchest a, ner usie, rchestra. z 2 "OC, . im SAE FoR et | WE cuprates One| pT ASA Voge Sei - We Crean. wink pincers | XC hen: Kemps orton wf NOV" -chemetadr, ise 4 cert (ex, Sat ~Chicago, Organ; D.A.R. uartet, Regular a Programs 2.30 wees T0)= Mpa; St Paul. Weath. §3 Wek: Gn "Chas, Tao League wimg GBT Mil aukee. Dance music | 12.00 eNRY 1 (291)=Vancouver, Winter's Cap- Tous am. Dew Voit. Vohic d Wey io Chicago." Uncle Quin; Wilk Retr Entertainers, My ert Market: 4 2 urs (394.5 ew Yor alais d'o Nighthaw evelan th Talk; } Dally Excomt Silenied Bien. Strid WOR eNom: Music; ta Whi 2 WhzA SW na WAN, 11,15 i (205)--St. Paul. Amos 'n' Andy. | 1.00 id (i66)--Los Angeles. Dance Or Orchestra, i WGES (220.4)--Chicago, Dinner con. Hist sh Aa Th yea a | esis waz, Yaza, WLW i RKWK, WOC (300)--Dayenport, Bible ii WTAM (280)~Cleveland, Statler or- cert, WHAM (258.5)~Rochester, Courtesy 60 WLW (=n Top 0, The J REN ROA KSTh! J WSD (105)--Atlant, Tight Spots, VEBM (39)--Chicago, Nutty Club. chestra, WIR (100)--Detroit. Lingeman Min. program. Mamin', wor (535)=Am Qugtaton KYW, WRE WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Dance musi M da ) P 6.15 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Topsy Turvy _ strels. ; System: Roxy 645 NUL stem: lower Exercises 101 45 wow WW (508)=Omaha, Soni R ' WGN (416)--Chicago, Xhiiren 5 concert ys tie The onday's r'rograms Time. WIJTD (400)--Mooseheart. Petite Sym- : Z, N, Wear WGK, WCAE, WGY, WRC Sal NBC System: Acoustican Hour 11,30 WMAQ (47.5)=Chicago. The Bible, MONDAY'S BEST FEATURES 6.30 CKCT (340.7)--Quchec, La Soleil News hony. y pid ja Mik Men, 3.00 CNRO (434.5) =Ottawa, Music; Marke WEAF, WIAR, Were! Woy, "wri, 11,45 WGN (HGhChicap. Goldkettes Or-{ 930 um. WEAF New York, U.S. Navy KDR ug) Pires. Vigner mas ic. xis System: Cook's 7.0 K = et i} chestra; Nighthawks, Band, 2 XYW (294)--Chicago, Uncle Boby 'JZ, KDKA, (533)=Phils, Concert (ex. ww, WoAF, Wake WOW, WTIC, : WTAG, 0 WAG (7 Fo oBinicago. - Setting Un. wh Wor=Tefierson City. WCSH, W == en 56)--Ft, Wayne, Exercises, Markets, | KYW (294)--Ch Musical iy wd Markets; Music, WIE ==Phila, Musicale. KOA ig sical profram ystem: Morning Devotion to] 33) WEAF ir York, *Studio pros KDKA (306)--Pitts, Services, I, K i --! : 3 STR '(205)~5t, Paul, Musicale; Sete fre i Tg 2 Keieiken BENF (3#7)~Shenandoah, Golden Rule | 5 Hour (ex, ! WL" (som)=Chicago. Early Wisers WEMC (s08)--He) Crviey Springs, Atier. ; - {as WLW (428)=~Cinei, Matinee trogram Travelog to WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Concert or- i Cla noon program (2 hrs, WEAR (am)--Pites, Music Tour wi Ww (2B)=Linch Setting Up; Dee WGN (416)=Chicago, wea O56--Phiy, yo pou votional (ex, u-) Chicago. Mornin WGR _(545)=Buffalo, Xe Stoc WGES (220)--Chicago, Guyon concert. 0 g 5 WhiAQ (447,5)=Chicag | 3.45 WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Artist recital NBC System: Chicago Symphony {o v og i» Warship, 4.00 WBAL (an ~Galtimets. & Salon music, WGN, WTMJ, WOW, WDAF, KSL o > SR Bs ? 1 WEMC_ (508)~Bersien Springs. Beacon KDKA (306)=Pitts Markets, WGHP (246)-- Detroit, Fox Theatre i ; : : ; 5 WEA Banna City, Bible: les: worm (389)~Chicago, rehestra cone WHAM (258.5)--Rochestgr, Travelog. Weer 0) =~Cricago, Matinee dance we (400)--Detroit, Sermon; Dinner - hb DD Musi he 400) =Detroit, Homemakers bour x etroit, News Bulleting, WHE (216)~Cleveland, LBS. A po Chicago, Organ, v4 . WHO (07 Des. Maines, Records, pros lrruBiansns City. Woda) RE Sauter: Mesicale WZ 8 i usic y Uiw (428)=Cinci, Women's Hour, Yo. So Davenport, Homemakers WLS (345)--Chicago, Little Brown 5 WOW (508y=-Omahs. Correct 'Time; WCCO (70)=Mpla.St, Paul. Stock re. Chutch, ~~ ne : \ = ; % A Market it. Tonight's' loner Fak ex, Sot. % WLW (428)~Cinci, Orchestra; Servi. 3 \ = 5 Det: { . : ces, ; ; i WI" ia) =Detr Telerion_City. Theatrical WEG (272)-- Atlantic City, Concert, E : : A : & Talk, KA (306)=Pitts, Markets. Ltt 204,5)=N Fork, i: WSB (405)--Atlana, Orchestra, Fe 5% J WEAD dos 5)=Columbus, Educational VIE" Gts)=New York, Studio. pro WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Debate, Kent / = : ; gram, A [ Talks; WTMJ 487))~Milwaukee, Buddies Hr, College of Law. 4 ! i 11 f | KENF = Shenandoah. Varied pro WWJ (326)=Detroit. Gypsy Barons, WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Orchestra, Pacific Network: --Bible Drama, is (316)=Kansas City, Columbia Sunday's P NBC System: Major Lowes Family to ur, y's rograms WEAF, WJAR, RC, M, WSB, Woo S70=Mpls-Et, Paul, Hamline : WCAE WWJ, WHAS, WMC, WOW, SUNDAY PROGRAMS By, WIC, WTAM, Dr. Copelan Hour ft $21 9.00 WIZ (394.5)--New York. Children's. Hr. Wek (309)--Chicago., Studio program A WHAM, WREN 9.30 WCAE (242)--Pitts. Services. WCAU (256)--Phila. Central Pioneers. ---- TRI = BYW WIBO (526)--~Chicago, Swedish servi- WOR UZ -Newark, Concent, n ces. WTAG (517)--Worcester, Studio pro- wo! (535)=Ames. Hog Flash; Wea: WLW (428)--Cinci, Sunday School, gram, 4 : ; oi (476)=TeBerson City, Markets; wu (487)--Milwaukee, Services (2 8. hd (337)--Shenandoah. Musical pro- on aon sss ; & Julletins, 10.00 WHE (216)--Cleveland, - LB.S.A, pro: WCAU (256)--Phila, Concert, E: ; aul Yo 1ena UY: Markets} SIR (400)--D po Columbia Network: Around the Samo- x 3 ¥ : ' . /JR (400)--Detroit, First Baptist var, * ! WoL GuymaAwes, In, Markets; Wea Church. Ps WGES (220)--Chicago, Hamiltons' Or- ; Poa : . OW (508 maha, Chapel services. chestra a Wine Gl7) Worcester, Women's [1 4 with ---y 3 Rochester, | Services, WGN (416)--Chicago. Nighthawks; Pat 4 ? : | bi 3 tlanta unday School, B, . R. Mi ol : wero 70) Mpls: St. Paul, Stock se WWJ (826)--Detroit, Services, WISN (268)--Milwaukee, German Ser- 5. R. Mies, tea-tastey in lattes ---- 7800 X "7 z 3 H 10.45 WCCO (370)--Mpls, St, Paul. Lutheran vices. a b ry T 0 : > wo (416)~Chicago, ome manage: Sorvices 308)--B NBC System--Enna Jettick Melodies fo W. R, Miles, $ . } EI (308)--Boston, Old South church WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WBAL, WHAM ; We rire gg Ry WGR (545)--Buffalo, Services, KOKA, WIR, KYW, WREN, WTMJ, WMAQ _(447.5)=Chicago, / we (492)--Phila, Holy Trinity KWK, WHAS, WMC, WSB, WSM, : WGK (545)=DBuffalo, Home economics; KS WHAS, Who Ssh pYsy | ma "Pgh - wos" (76)~Tefierson City, Markets; noo CHER @57=Toronto, gatiyjces, WMAQ™ (i. 5)~Chicago, Sunday Evening . === pilletin WGY (379.5) --Schenectady, S OW (5 a, Bible Study : " y . 3 r y. Services, ( ( ~Omaha, Bible Study, i wep 46s» Atlanta, Weather; Mark isN (268)--Milwaukee. English ser- woo, Praha, Sing. - H id --W v P 3 Wing (487)=Milwaukee, News; or WRC (16)~Washington. Church ser- Wig (517)--Worcester, Concert Pro- : 3 | : 8.15 Kpkc (543-Houston. Studio Program. Sess: 3 : i a s SBA SYL vices. FWA WE EE AR WEALD 11:90 WIBT (39) ~Chicago, Gospel Taber | ™ NpC SYSTEM-Colliers Hour to WIZ. WCSH, on "wre, Way, "WOR, nacle, a) Whz, WBZA. KDKA, KOA. KYW. : = : : WCA Wikt ] Evy, KSI), WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee, Organ. WRE. WIR, WLW, WBAL, WHAM, ¥ WAL. Walt, Wy Studio orogram 11.45 KYW (294)--Chicago. Church of Christ KS P. " ' 3 z : : WoL CI Ames, Markets; Weather, WATAG" (447.5--Chicago, People's| 8% KWiis (353)-- Shreveport, Studio Pro- mere. Tr) openi ran CNRM (411)~Montreal. Music period Shrek * (370)--Mpls, SL. Paul. Services. COLUMBIA NETWORK -- La Fala (Tues. Thur : WERE (WPyoPitts, Music Shoppe. 1s WSB '@os)----Adianta, 'Presbyterian ser: , WCAU, WMAL, WIAS, WA: WGR (545)=Bufialo. Weather; Mark: |, 0 ¥iEeh, 00 yo 0 of ices. DC, WBBM, KMBC, WKRC, WGHP as, i ; ; WCFL (309)--Chicago. Rev. Copeland Kon, WCAD, WOWO, KMOX, WS: WGN (416)=~Chicago. Morning musi- billy ' 8! . pel PD, WHK, WLBW, weco, WMAK.. . ay, mot ary. WGM (416)--Chicago. oncert en- A (232)~Pitts, St. Patrick's WINY 48) Milwauke. Seckatary semble; Nighthawks. : oe WK "(216)=Clevetand, Noon music. | 12.30 WADC_(224)--Akron, Organ, WBAP (3/48) -- Fort Worth, Church ur to Services. . YR « (400)=Detroit. 'Songs; Farm RC rem Sylvestre 9.00 CHRC. (340.7) Quebec. Atwater Kent $ $ hour, 4 WILW (428)=Cinci. Music; Markets. WGES (220)--Chicago. Our Lady of NBC System--*"Our Government" to WMAQ (447.5) =Chicago. Home econo- Sorrows Church. WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, WFAA, WMC, i 3 WIR (400)--Detroit. Question Box. WIM], WHAS, KVOO, WSE, "WTAG, mics. WOS (476)=Jeiesson Say. Markets. Wiz (394.5)--New York, String quar- WCSH WRC, WGY, Wek, WCAE. WRC (315.6)=Wash, Farm Flaghes. WET, KSD, WOW, W : WIAG" G17)=Worcestes. Organ; Mar- | 1.0 W ker Sou) Toston, Fadia Chat: COLUMBIA NETWORK ~~ Majestic G. P. Miles, a noted tea-taster * ww (826)= Detroit. Weather; Lunch: WHK (216)--Cleveland. Orchestra. Hour to WABC, WNAC, WEAN, before Victoria became queen ww) bm WJZ (394.5)--New York. Musicale. WFBL V K, "AU WIJAS, --grandfather of W, R. Miles, WRVA ¢ Zr) Richmond. Aunt Sammy | 1.15 Kya (322)--Shenandoah, Musical pro- A VKRC, WoHP, ho) Mon. ed., ¥ - /CAU (256)--Phila, Radi % . 0, X, WSPD, WHK, ba, (487) Miiwaukes. Housewives WAY (aso) phita WLS service. WLBW, KEX, WMAL, KJR. 12.30 WCCO (370)=Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re- Concert Orchestra. WISN (268)--Milwaukee. English Ser- WEAF (4653)-New York. Markets;| "> a SrA, Wie, KTP, 915 KYW (294)--Chicago. Father Pernin Wm W. R. Mil hose pict bove, is h ; Lmcbeon, Music Agi , WCSH, WLIT, WRC," WGY, WCAE,| = KeTP 009-8 Pa. Oud Tavern. en . K. Miles, whose picture you see above, 1s ead tea- --Clevelan inner mu- y'] y Ji --Atwater en our 2 : '3 $v rit Laich : WTMJ, WHAS, KSD, to WEAF, WRC, WCAE WWJ, KOA, vo : taster for Red Rose Tea and an eminent authority on teas. His Phila. eon music, y . 3 WRVA GoClichmond." Sunshine | 1.4 Yo aA Seas: ok yo oY, we WTA WoW, X : father, grandfather great-grandfather and great, great-grand- 1245 WIK (00)=Detroli. Musica) Matinee Ao A) oul. Music Alou. /MC, WSB, WBT, WOAL, KPRC. ow; i father were tea-tasters before him. He received his training in oe, slid NBC 8 Biblical Wh (i28)--Camcson er W the leading tea blending centres of the world to nati sembox our, > 5s mp nen | Win, a) REE | | . 2 Wek Gp Cio. ors il WON (416) Chicago. Vocal; WGN or- ig remix Ce : Mr, Miles is upholding a fine and honorable tradition. His hestra. ig 72)--Atlantic City, News; Con- . » gt (53 Puiadetia Lucsieca WHIK (216)~Cleveland. Forum. J a 3 ancestors were among the foremost tea-tasters of their time, Markets pres Sat) yngacon Mu ne System: Sexy Ba Thy Wy (487)--Milwaukee. Feature Pro. y 'And Mr. Miles is one of th fi t tea-taste f hi . Wim C08) Berrien Springs. Noon Mz, WTA, LIM, WREN. | 9.30 Bw (OY-Clicagh. Orekestys Concert : x » 1 c € I0remost tea-tasters o. 1S. grag. S --Chi Biblical drama. S (375) Springs. Music Lov- 2 / : : : KBE Syniems Vasey suid Moms. troup | WAS \S0)Gheagy, Bilical cama. |" RING (3ip-Hion Surings. Music Lov 4 For more than 30 years he has been testifig Red Rose Tea. to KYW, WDAF, WSM, WLW, ; ers Hour, i i 4 : TW J WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Concert. 9.45 WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Reveries. . . WAQ 9 LC WAL ()~Phils." Studio" programs" NBC SYSTEM-E] Sango Rominuico / When he puts his "O.K." on a tea it means that that tea is top ur Trappers. to Loy LN, ' » ' A . . » 3 ae] 2.30 NBC Syst Vocal to WEAF, WTIC, WBZA, WHAM. WIZ 5-New York. Luncheos NEC System: Voc to 8 pA WAL tae ; quality, Its flavor cannot be improved. : It is as near perfection as human skill and ingenuity can make it. Musie So ierson City. Markets; WIP (492)--Phila. Bible Students Concert. 5 KMBC (He)kansas City. D 30 RE (294)--Chicago. Mati NT cans Wek aud Fons; . A ity. " 3 icago. atinee pro- News ( rs.) ¥ i i 44 [7 Oy Baran Cts, Daw ul COLUMBIA NETWORK -- De Forest Thomas Miles, tea-taster dur- (This man is as much an artist in his way as a master musi- us WOT Cormpmes. sackets: pacn| ESTE ps pant Muicw pines | Ronse WARE, WAC, WERT ine the rizn of King Georee "cian or a distinguished painter. He knows all the delica ystem: Dr. Step! ise to FBL, W, # 'CAU, 138 CNRA (476)=Moncton. Music; Mark- WEAF. WIAR. WOR, WIiC, WRC, WADC, KMEC, WKRC,' WABN. Ji isi gandiager of of W : hg or a dist 5 painter, e tno the delicate ots. columbia Networ vmphonic Hour to LBW, V L, . i Wor (on-sciesecaty. Teorison| ARC WERT" TAS WAR go "Wea, Wow, Rox, blends and subtleties of taste. And we have so much confidence (Tues, dee ri. » . PD. . » . - 1.40 WGN ~ (416; u music MAK, WKRC, WGHP, KOIL. WCCO (370) Mis St. Paul. Minneapo- in his unerring judgment of tea that we can guarantee every uncheon 145 What pro re City. Country- VC. OW KMOX, WSPD, lis Symphon. : side Chats, WNAC, WHK, WEAN, WMAL, WIP (42) Philadelphia. Quintet, ; package of Red Rose Tea your grocer sells. WCCO. WJR (400) Detroit. Happy Half Hour: : » WIR (400)--Detroit. Shrine of the Lit- Organ. Flower. WPG (272)--Atlantic City. Musicale. 4 Nec Sy. am; Young People's Con- WTM --Milwaukee. Stri - / H Gua te -- jerence 8 WIZ, WLW, KWK, Ma "= ii ig En 4 ere 1s 7 ran e ah KPRC, WSB, WBT, KSTP.|1015 KPRC (5435)--Houston. Studio Program, 4 = WDAF (492)--Kan: City. ee = nt bod WWJ (329 _Deteie, Dest Sympiony| Orchestra Phase, Cv Tuan Buy a package of Red Rose Tea and use as man to NBC SYSTEM--Light Opera to WEAF, WHE! a, Wor wads WEL WGY, WTAM, KVOO, WHAS much as you please. If you do not like it better dg FI, W ; SB, KOA, oN op. i : than the tea you have been using, return the WGN (Hie) iClucaso. Dixie Program. WBT. NBC SYSTEM--American Singers to 3 E: KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Symphony or- Zz. { . f { chestra, z With (447.5)--Chicago. Auld Sandy; : 7 part | pa ge to your grocer BE Brae: ar Ctinenals ts In : he will refund the full purchase price." WJZ, WBAL. KWK, WHAM. C " 1 RY Coluils Neen Cathedral ou + Wek (461) Nashville, Rythm Sym * z : v y y Dl COLUMBIA' NETWORK -- 5 : i ai ii wh Sa WHAR NAC WAN WARe 3 . WNAC, WE x WERE We have authorized all grocers to give this guarantee because we Wolir, WMAL, Kou We Cho. MBC, | WGHP, WBBM. have unswerving confidence in the quality of our product. We know it Woh MO WSPD, WHE, WEBW, WAAL i is the most economical tea you can buy at the price. We know it is WLEBW. 10.30 WGES (220)--Chicago. Hyman Hali Bt 70)--Mpls. St. Paul. Musical WCCO (370)--Mpls. St. Paul. Musicale I composed of selected tea-buds--redolent of fine flavor--blended by experts--packed in clean, bright aluminum. Hour. WGN (416)--Chicago. Goldkeites or- WIBT (389.4)--Chicago. Gospel Tab- Aes " is ernacle. WCFL' (305)--Chicago. © Musical pot- PACIFIC NETWORK -- Anglo Pers- pourri. pi ians. n Py . . . WLW (2~Cioci. Omgan. Instru-[1045 WDAF (492)-Karbas City. Amos 'w'| William Lomer, a tea-taster in \Will you try it. You can lose nothing and you may gain much. men . : nd . oe r; A WRC 31:0) Waskingion. Washington WGN _(:16)~Chicago. Pullman Por:c :| the ra of King George JI ~~ 11.00 KMOX (275)--St. Louis. Dance mu.i- | great, great-grandfather of W, a8) Milwaukee. Concert. KPO (4)--San Francisco. Organ (280)--Cleveland. Cleveland or- Concert Or chestr: . chestra (1 hour). -- r- i 4.15 WIR (400)--Detroit. Art Talk; Michi- Ex 3) Hollywood. Concert © "» gan Theatre. p = Studi . 4.30 Wee (272)--Atlantic City. Concert pro- EMBC (316)--Kansas City. Studio ser Pacitc Network: Peerless Reproducers x KCA. XE ie Selon Oxciegtrn P 1S 00 T also 24 X i pif (268)--Milwaukee. Church pro- KGO (379.5)--Oakiand. Presbyterian Red Rose Qrange ekoe Tea--90¢c 00 Kip 316)--Kans gh : ~ alb., 45c a ¥ Ib., and 10c pkgs, 5 (16)--Kansas City. Male quar- WBAP (374.8)--Ft. Worth. Seven Aces : \ WGN (416)--Chicago. Tomorrow's Red Rose Red Label--75¢c a Ib, ACRE oy A av, ~ Red Rose O fange Pekoe i is extra good wane (246)--Detroit. LB.S.A. Pro- WGY (379.5) Schenectads. Televis 8s.0 WVHK (216 v Amos 'nn' W Mag (447.5)~Chicago. Musical Pil- dr: ou 's 0) FClerelang. Are 8 WIBO (326)--Chicago. The Circus (3 5.1 - r= TORO 0 Wo Wes Gm» Mpls. St. Paul. Presby bows). (400) Detroit. Amos 'n" Andy x T. H. ESTABROOKS CO. LIMIT, y SAINT JOHN, N.B, MONTREAL, A NTO, WINNIF EG. sas wee (73) Atlantic City. P Danec music. ars, pisces 5.30 Columbia Sava: ena Ser- WLW (428)--Cinci. Dance music. vices to WNAC, WEA WMAQ (447.5)-Chicago. Amos 'n' WEBL, WHE. ¥ WMAK, WCAU, WIAs) Andy also KPRC, : o

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