Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, 1929 TADPOLES GROW, WITHOUT CHANGE ADULT ANIMAL Its The Diet Scientists Say, "That Either Dwarfs Or Develops Them Colorado Springs, Colo, Jan, 11 --=A strange species of nature's children has been revealed through selentific research of one of man- kind's potential benefactors. The creatures are axolotols, a Woxican name, meaning "Play in fae Water". Work at Colorado Col- fege in determining why they re- main perpetual "children" reveal- ed that the cause has a possible connection with ridding some sec- tions of the Rocky Mountains of goiter, Axolotols are tadpoles that grow a foot long, develop arms and legs, and grow three pairs of gills out- side their heads, the gills resemb- ling mules' ears, but which are un- able to make the final change from the tadpole to the adult animal for which nature designed them, name- ly the tiger salamander, I"or centuries after their dlscov- ery by the Spanish conquistadores of Mexico City they were helieved to be a new species. of amphibian, until an event in a Paris museum amazed the scientific world, There a palr of axolotols mated, hut from certain of their eggs tiger salam anders developed, Secret Revealed | So the secret was out, but the cause remained a mystery for many years, Prof. Ralph J. Gilmore of Color- ado college and his associates have found the cause in diet, In the Mis- + gissippl valley these same tadnoles, with a varied diet, change when small into tiger salamanders, In the Rockey mountains they eat only insects, and this one-sided diet affects the thyroid gland, which in turn prevents the axolotol from turning itself into a salamander, Last summer a group of axolotols which were fed on a varied diet all turned into salamanders within 10 days. So the research men turned their attentionw-to the waters in which the creatures live. They are lakes in semi-arid mountains and contain no fish mor frogs. When a suitable fish or animal diet was supplied in these waters the axolot- ols tended to change, "Why the exolotol is unable to develop his own thyroid substance," Professor Gilmore says, 'has never been discovered. Some have sug- gested that the water in which they live fails to contain the necessary ingredients, "Strangely coincident with" the axolotol's troubles is the presence of goiter in human heings in these same regions, Some have suspected that the same water which keeps the axotol undeveloped may lack the essentials for development of human thyreid. Whether continaed study of the axolotol may help solve the human problem remains to he seen, At least a heginning seems to have heen made." NOTED HOSTEIRY NOW DEMOLISHED Last Vestige of Historic Rus- sell House at Ottawa Disappears Ottawa, Ont, Jan, 11--The plans for an impressive approach to the Parliament buildings called for the razing of the Russel Hotel, The other day after the falling of its great chimney had erased the last vestige of the famous old building from the landscape, a local news- LORD DERBY LEADS WELCOME MOVEMENT "Come to Britain" Is Slogan of Organization He Presides Over London, Jan, 11--'Come to Bri- tain" is the slogan of a new move- ment of which the Earl of Derby has accepted the Presidency The organization will encourage every phase of activity connectel with the tourist traffic to this island. A few private subscribers have guar- enteed $50,000 per annum for a number of years, and the Govern- ment has promised a subsidy of $25,000 for the first year The Duke of York has tended his cordial good wishes to the movement. "We in the United At the inaugural meeting Lord Derby also remarked upon the "Wealth of historical monume:nts Britain has to show the visitor," and continued," "As the home of sport, the United Kingdom is well known, As to horse racing I can speak with knowledge. Most people, in fact, believe that [ take my name from a famous race run at Epsom, instead of the race having taken its name from an ancestor of mine, "Lord's cricket ground is the mecca of the cricketing world-- the M.C.C. is so exclusive, in fact, that I put down my name when J was 21, and am still hoping to be included in the next fortnight. U.S, TROOPS MAY MARCH ON CANADA Friendly Invasion Suggested When Arnold Trail, Port- Kingdom," writes His Royal High- ness, "have many attractions which cannot he rivalled anywhere else in the world, We have scenery un- surpassed for its delicate charm, while, for those people who are in- terested in the romantic nast, we have scattered about Great Britain many places, each made venerable by some outstanding event in the world's history. Again, Britain Is the home of sport, We have heen too modest in the past. 1t is time we told the world what thesd {is- lands can offer, Better Understanding "1 wish every success to this movement, which I hope and bhe- lieve will result in a better nation- al understanding, and also ja an improvement in our invisible export trade." land to Quebec, is Open Portland, Maine, Jan, 11, -- A friendly invasion of Canada by United States troops has heen sug- rested as part of the ceremony which will mark thé cpening of the Arnold Trail, the new route to Canada, from Portland to Quebec, The journey would represent a 600 mile march, but it is believed it could he accomplished in two weeks, Those supporting the plan suggest that Canadian troops meet the Americans at the international Border and escort the visitors to their destination, Some ceremonv on the Plains of Abraham in which both bodies of troops would partici- pate possibly would be" arranged. The Arnold Trail will follow closely the route taken by General Benedict Arnold in 1775. In order to carry out the military portion of the ceremony, it is pointed out, approval of the Canadian and Am- erican Governments would be nec- essary. For Publicity Those supporting the pian de- clare it would be very well worth while both to Canada and to the United States because of the pub- licity which would be given the new highway and the section of the continent through which it runs. The suggestion is that a body of troops, not less than a regiment of infantry, with possibly several bat- teries of field artillery and a troop or two of cavalry, mieht march over the new route during the month of August, This season of the year would make it possible for regular army troops to be emnloy- ed and the long march could he ~onsldered as-a manoeuver, taking the place of the' field training of the units so engazed. SAY CANADA HAS VIOLATED TREATY U.S. Fishermer's Charges Against Dominion Sent to Washington Ottawa, Jan, 11--Possible inter- national conferences regarding the fishing treaty between Canada and the United States may come as a direct result of the allegation made by Oreron and Wachington fisher- men of treaty violations on the part of the Dominion on the Pacl- fie coast which have heen forward- ed frem Seattle to Waehineton, D. C.. and to Canadian Governmrnt officials, Do YouOwn Your Own HALLITT Real Estate Insurance and Loans, Phone 3254 11 King St. East, Oshawa The Department of Marine and Fisheries issued the following statement Monday morning: "There is no desire on the part of the Canadian authorities to re- strict in any way the privileges to which United States salmon troll- ing boats are entitled in Canadian ports, but when these boats are carrying on their fishing just out- side Canadian waters or along the Canadian coast they are not heing allowed to use such ports for pur- poses of comfort and convenience, and so make them in a large meas- ure, for practical purposes, bases from which to operate. Seizures were made only when such action appeared necessary to impress the ahove fact and seizvres were not made until after the boats con- cerned had received notification that Cancdian ports mi~ht be used only for hona fide shelter or other freaty purpose." At the present time TUinit-d States ports charze a two cent duty [1] See this "Close in' Home 7 Rooms--Brick--A.1 con. veniences and modern, Gar. age attached to dwelling. Only 2 minutes to amy- where, Specially reduced for quick sale to $5,000, Easy terms, Now owned by business man who is getting larger home, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St West Telephones 572 228 Night Calls 310. 15060, ~793~ J.C. YOUNG 42 Prince St) LW Oshawa. Ont... PHONE 1590 THE DISNEY REAL ESTATE Associated Salesmen i I J. W, Lint { | Residence Phone 1221W | J. D. Rutherford Phone G38) have been sent to Washington and 4 Canadian officials, all in the form jor afidavits, Washington has made Ino comment upon the situation . om far and has not entered into communication with the Canadian . department here in the matter, on every pound of Canadian fish | sold through them. The object ot ! LAPOuE 16 object u DIDN'T LIKE SWEATER the Canadian regulations is to pre Lenox, Mass, Jan, 11 Two ] 4 X, Mass , ' . -- d vent United States fishermen sell- [r-gistered tureys attacked Frank ing their fish in Canadian porte {Carr, a local poultryman, when he and thus gaining an advantage of [approached them elad in a red the Canadian fishermen. {sweater, Carr sought safety in a Through the Seattle Chamber of Itree, where he discarded the sweat. Commerce the complaints of unfair (er, thus restoring peace with his * treatment of American fishermen [prize fowl, | ELLA CINDERS--Idea for Publicity 1 NEVER a By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb THIS OUGHT TO BE -- AND LISTEN, PANNIN, THIS LITTLE GIRL ISN'T SWEET ARE GREAT LOOK -- PUBLICITY FOR YOU --T'LL ANOTHER PHONE MY PAL, PANNIN RAZZEM, THOUSAND ~DOLLAR ON THE MORNING TRAFFIC, THAT BLL! THAT'S THE NEW THEATRICAL PAPER THAT'S JUST STARTED --HE MIGHT WEEK! GIVE US A Goo0 STCRY TOUCHING A NT OF THIS MYSTERIOUS MONEY--SHE'S BANKING IT AND INTENDS RETURNING IT WHEN SHE FINDS CUT WHO SENT IT! THE USES OF PUBLICITY --THEY MEAN SUGAR AT THE BOX-OFF| BREAD-AND-BUTTER EU PAPER |! paper published an editorial in part as follows: "No building in Ottawa, and few in all of Canada, saw more of the making of our history, Under its roof the Fathers of Confederation held many of the conferences and secret discussions that helped bring about Union. It was from the Rus- sell that George Brown, astounded and dismayed by the sizht of the vast buildings being erected on the Hill, wrote to.John A, Macdonald in a fine frenzy: 'Never mind expense, Go ahead, Ruin the country. Stop at nothing. Why not fountains and parks and gardens.' "And the day upon which Can- ada was born, that was a great day for the Russell. All the statesman- ship and the chivalry and beauty ot old Canada were centred here on that historic date. It is recorded in old newspapers of Ottawa how all the leading actors 'in the great drama 'reached the Capital and registered at he Russell on Sunday, June 30, a hot and sultry day.' Viscount Monck, who was to be sworn in as Governor-General; John A. Macdonald and Cartier' all the men who were to be sworn in as Cabinet Minister or Lieutenant Governors of the provinces; all the great and near-great from all over the land who had come *o ree tha pageantry of Conferedation, slept that night at the Russell. "And in after years, during all --Sunday only. the stirring and memorable times 5 aily, that followed Conferedation, the 32 pm--taly Sundar Russell roof sheltered most of the 6.47 p.m.--Daily Sunday, leading actors in our history, Ca- 942 p.m.--Daily. binets were made and unmade na pm-lally within its walls, political reputa- 12.25 a.m.--Daily. tions heightened or blasbed, de- Westbound cisions taken that affected the Aimee course of the whole nation. Sir 5.53 a.m.--Daily except Sunday. John A. Macdonald lived there off $2 am ~Daily. arcibt Sanda on on, and so did Sir John 0 Boog hy md Thompson. It was in a room of % pm--Daily sie Sunday, the Russel) that Goldwin wrote 3 pau.--Sunday oul, Suizes of Sir John A., with whom he wae 5 pi pe a. on fairly good terms: ---- " He decidedly docs not love ot . Spartans, an e is credite Whitby. Cabawa, Bowmanville with saying that the Sed of a ministry is twelve men each of whom, if you liked, you could put into the penti- tentiary. S LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE "It was in the Russell, too, that PLAYED Ari 1M ny VER Mowatt is said to have penned . (Effective on and aites Nov. 4 MENU, TOMMY. . some of the pages of his book on fll ll HH Job, which he destroyed in his later ol 5 COAL-- Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street E. | Orders Promptly Delivered J Iu. ee WATCHING =~ WITH MY FINGERS CROSSED ! TIME TABLES Reg U S Pu OF, Copynght 1929 by Mewopolian Newspaper Sevice By Geo, McManus C.P.R. FIME FABLE New Schedule taking cffect 12.01 Sunday April 29, 1928 "i Goire Wess Daily Daily Daily excepi Sunday, Daily fe" TEER PB a as GQRACIOL SY YOU'RE WEARING GLASSES - ARE YOU GETTING NEAR-SIGHTED? SURE-HE GOT IN A ' FIGHT WID CASEY AN HIT HIM WHILE CASEY WOZ WEARIN' HIS | GLASSES - YOU KNOW 175 2 Seo OF F| E TO HITA MARS WEARIN' GLASSES - | KNOW THAT 'CAUSE | Po Ag MONTHS ' LF FOR HITTIN GUY WID THEM ON - 4 WELL" I'VE LIVED A LONG My TIME- BUT I NEVER K THAT BEFORE" NEW ALOT NICER IN MY THINGS ARE GOIN TO BE HOV SE FROM NOW ON- ily Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunder, Daily shown above sre times trains depart from Oshawa Station. NO-MAGGIE-ME DARLIN, JUST A LITTLE FAR 7 SIGHTED C. N. R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 6, 1929 Eastbound 23 a.m.--Daily except Sunday, 1 FON" vy bape 8. 8. 9. 1. except except except Saturday. 2.4 4.3 A 7.2 8.4 TELLING TOMMY IN THE LIFE STORY OF EVERY PEOPLE [y SOME VARIETY OF BEAM SEEMS TO HAVE § Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 6.15am. 7.10 am 720 am Bi am 20 a.m 9.30 a.m. 10.20 a.m. 1210 p.m. 2.00 p.m 3.00 p.m 4.10 p.m 5.15 p.m *6.15 pan 7.40 pan. 9.15 p.m 10.20 p.m 11.40 p.m. 41.55 p.m. Going East Leave Whitby Li] Eos » 8 years because he thought it un- | worthy of publication; in the Rus- { sell that D'Arcy McGee some of his last poems. "And celebrities other than poli- ticians came there. It was from the . | Russell that the captains of the C. P. R. carried on their last des- perate negotiations with Sir John A. Macdonald, and the failure of which might. have changed the course of Canada for at least half a century. For' days on end, while Sir John hesitated, and while par- liament was rife with intrigue and suspicion, the lobbies of the Russell were the real centre of the battle that was being waged; and it was . : in a room of the Russell that the --- TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac's Game victory was finally celebrated with champagne galcre, after the fash. Y 3 Aas | [VES, MAC 15 A NICE i TOLD FELLOW AND T LIKE > [ion of those spacious days. "In later years, in what some- Nou I HIM A LOT LIKE MAC. LO body has called the 'mauve mine- YOU MIGHT. wrote " Eomutatont) SEB ee2a8s PPEEPPODE LE BeppaphEd VIELCOME ADDON T0 THEIR DAILY MEALS VA) £7 LEAST TEN CENTURIES BEFORE CHRIST. LTHE SOY BEAN HAS BEEN LONGEST I KON HISTORY, THE ANCIENT GREEKS VISE. HISTORY SAYS THE CHINESE HAVE HAD VERE FOND OF IT AND THE 4 IT 11 THEIR DIET SINCE 2800 B.C. ) | HEBREWS KNEW IT AS A , i YY) Woe Fein Sradicate Yc, oy +445 BEEN A FOOD STAPLE I EUROPE FROM THE DAN OF 11.00 a.m. 1.00 p.m 'P- By Russ Westover : TILLIE'S | DIARY 1 SUPPOSE IT WOULD BE NICE TO MARRY | A MAN WED CAN PLAN 1 {CHESS ON COLD WINTER; NIGHTS -BUT THEN THERE D BE THE i | SPRING, | SUMMER, ER | AND FALL ilGss) Y@isiov. TO WC IDM 435 pm 6.50 p.m ere | HE LIKES TO PLAN 1100 pm. 11.10 p. Time marked Whitby Hospita! SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE I'M GLAD MAC 15 TAKING ME TO A TO HEAR "IDANCE TONIGHT- I HATE |i 170 GO wiTH HIM, BUT HE'S BEEN $0 AWFULLY NICE |] ties' the Russell became the centre of Ottawa's social as well as its political life. There the beauty and grace of the Capital met to dine and sup and dance; there stared great actors, politicians, church- men, financiers; and om one occa- sion, the Russell even housed the Leave mighty John L. Sullivan. They ubams | were brave and mellow years." LW pam ¥ - ge = 3.00 pam 500 pam ee wom OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Dancing every Tuesday, 2.00 pan 11.30 pam. are through busses to X Thursdey and Saturday Special Busses tor All Occasions . | SBallcoom for ment for Private Dances Reasonable Rates and Carefw) Orivérs Weddings. Receptions. etc. Mondays, Wed. I A GARION # HONE 4 2675 or Bow ile Phone 412 346 onan or Phone 2283 i 2500 Qshawa Waiting Room, 19 Prince St.- | i i : : Land 8.30 o.m. 10.45 pam 10.15 a.m 12.45 p.m 245 pm 4.45 p.m 5.45 p.m 8.45 p.m MY pm 10115 pm. fue marked "x7 Winthy Hostal Z, THROLE. {

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