Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jan 1929, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1929 {5 NOTOR INSURANCE RATES T0 ADVANGE Fifty Per Cent. Rise for "Legal Liability, 25 Per Cent. for Collision Toronto, Jan. 10.--Automobile insurance premium rates are to be {ncreased sharply--as much as 50 per cent, for legal ability and as much as 25 per cent for collision, following a meeting of the Cana- dian Automobile Insurance Under- writers' Association yesterday. The fnereases will be graded to differ- entiate between urban and rural areas. The medfing took place in {he Northern Ontario Building, 330 Bay street. Tt was stated that the ground on which the increased rates would be put into effect, were that the busi- ness under present conditions was unprofitable and that' Canadian rates are lower than those prevail- ing in the United States, Rise Imperative After a survey of present rates at the meeting, it was decided that "adjustments were imperative." It is learned authoritatively that the decialyn was reached to raise the rates Sections A and B, the per- sonal liability sections, by 50 per cent in urban districts, and some- what less in rural areas, that a 25 per cent increase be made in Section C, covering collision, and that Sections D and E, covering fire, transportation and theft risks, should also call for increases, To Issue Statement A committee was appointed to draft an official report, pending which Victor Evan Gray, president, and J. H. King, secretary, declin- ad 'to make any statement, Both declared, while refusing to confirm the figures furnished, that it was Loosen Up That Cold "With Musterole ve Musterole handy when Ww. . starts, It all of the advan- tis, sore throat, stiff neck, rheumatism, juinbage, croup, asthma, Better then a mustard plaster "simply impossible to give a fair synopsis of revised rates, much less to give them in detail, on short notice." . The committee appointed will prepare the schedule of rates to be embodied in an #mnouncement for later publication. Dollars And Cents What' the proposed increased rates mean in dollars and cents to the small car owner in cities may |be seen by comparing' the old and the mew rates charged for insur. ance on two classes of popular make, The old rates paid under clauses A, B, and C., are $11, $9 land $37 respectively, with the $25 deductible applying to the latter, a total of $57. Under the new rateg, the amounts will be $16.50, $13.50 and $46.25 respectively, a total of $76.25 or an actual in- crease of $19.25, The rates on other classes of cars will be in proportion, To illustrate, the owners of six-cylinder, four-wheel hrake coach now paying under clause A B and C a total of $89 gross, under the new rating will pay $117.25. Motor League to Inquire Inquiry will 'be made at once by the Ontario Motor League to as- {certain whether or not the motor car insurance rate increase is war- ranted. W, G. Robertson, secretary of the Motor League, said last night. BUYS QUEBEC HOTEL Quebee, Jan, 10,--The T. Eaton Co., of Toronto, has purchased the Montea!lm Hotel, of this eity, it became known here yesterday, the transaction having been com- pleted yesterday afternoon, The amount involved {is not known, but it is estimated at about $150,000, The T., Eaton Company, which has branches in the principal cities of Canada, has been reported as having purchased property at one time or another in Quebec for the past three years, but up to yester- day nothing definite had .ever been concluded, GRIMSBY OR BOSTON Halifar, N. 8.,, Jan. 10.-- The question as to whether Grimsby England, or Boston, Mass., takes precedence_as the premier fishing port in the world has beem newly arounsed by the announcement that catches landed at the Massachu~ setts pier last year constitute a new high record. The secretary of the Boston Fish Bureau has issued an announcement placing the num- ber of pounds of fish landed there during 1928 at 222,513,195, an in- crease over 1927 of more than 24,- 000,000 pounds. Returns from Grimsby are not yet in, , The increase in poundage landed is attributed to the fact that more steamers have been operating, and the large number of draggers or 'baby' trawlers, now in service, making quick trips to and from the grounds. FRESH FISH WITH OCEAN FLAVOR TO BE SOLD ONTARIO New System of Refrigeration Makes Fresh Product Available Toronto, Jan, 10.--By reason of a new refrigeration method expected to revolutionize cold storage and com- mercial shipment of perishables, fish as fresh as if just out of salt water will be sold in Toronto Saturday. For the first time in history eitizens will be able to purchase salt water fish with real ocean flavor, All this follows three years of research work by the Biological Board of Canada, Prof. A. G. Huntdman, of the Uni- versity of Toronto, announced yes- terday, . An entirely new process of we: ing has been 'developed which no longer takes away from the flavor, Its present application is confined to fish. Soon it may be used for poul- try, meats and food of many kinds. Prof. Hungsman, stated yesterday that the process would make oysters procurable all year round, No long- er will it be necessary to associate oysters with the months of the letter "RI "Storage" turkeys, geese and chick- ens will soon be considered as good or even better than freshly killed fowl, Equipment for handling poul- try has not yet been developed, of- ficials said, The process of rapid freezing pro- Father and Son Used Same Remedy Ontario Man Swears By Dodd's Kidney Pills A, C, Cooper Suffered With Dicadful Kidney Attacks Toronto, Ont, Jan. 9., (Spec- jal)--*'On different occasions have had dreadful attacks from the Kidneys," writes Mr, A. C. Cooper, 22 Tennig Crescent, Toronto, Ont, "Sometimes the pain was almost unbearable, I remembered the remedy my Father used when Doc- tors said he could not live. Dodd's Kidney Pills pulled him through. They have pulled me through ev- ery time also." Dodd's Kidney Pills are purely and simply a kidney remedy. They act directly on the kidneys, strengthening them and putting them in condition to do their full work of straining the impurities out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills have restor- ed sound health to thousands of troubled men and women, Give them a trial at once, The road to good health lies through the kidneys, so keep them in good condition with Dodd's Kid- ney Pills, Mr, OSHAWA FOLKS By W. H. Karn YESTHAD A QUARREL / |HE's LEFT | ME FOREVER)! families. pound. "Nuf sed. WE SAID HE was (Missus sweeten your home life. chocolates and "Smiles "n Chuckles" LISTEN Al THINK UP Such things will happen in the best regulated Our special candy Department will Best brands of 60c a PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI» WANT HIM TO BUY YOU - SAW HIM START BACK FROM CHINA A MINUTE AGO/, SOMETHING YOUy 1 KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE ------ Les. McLaughlin McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Limited 'Body Hardwood FOR SALE We are offering for sale two carloads of real good, body hard wood, mostly beech and maple, at a price that Sood, dry body hid $12.00 per cord $6.50 per 4 cord $3.50 per !{ cord hase prices will ouly be in force for tis shipment. Orders will be v in rotation, just come i place order 20 there io oul} Tr Coton IG ih Sp Place yOu ry Ts BOW. TERMS CASH Telephone 1246 Coal, Coke, Wood, Sewer Pipe and Builders' Supplies 110 KING ST. WEST: OSHAWA ONTARIO vides not frozen fish in the oldfsense of the word but fish "internally re- frigerated." Officials of the biological board be- lieve that the new system will re- volutionize the fish industry. Yhe research was started in an effort to revive the fortunes of the Mari. times. Prof, Huntsman and Prof. H. Was- teneys are enthusiastic over the pos: sibilities of the new refrigeration, They believe it will revolutionize storage methods, It is being de- veloped in other countries, but the Canadian system has been so sim- plified that equipment can be built by an intelligent carpenter. Prof. Huntsman directed the research work, while Prof, Westeneys conduc- ted the negotiations with the trade for commercializing the product. HOT DEBATE OVER FISH PROTECTION -|Open Charges of Political In- terference Madde By Ontario Anglers Toronto, Jan. 10.--Open charges of political interference in the fish and game administration of the province vied with other allegations of de- partmental inefficiency in providing the chief features of the sitting which the Select Committee on Fish and Game of the Ontario Legislature held yesterday at the Parliament Buildings, Politics Sportsmen from Sault Ste. Marie to the Rideau Lakes and from the Mattagami River to the St, Lawrence attended the sitting, drawn there by reason of their concern over the depletion of the province's game fish resources, Their recommenda- tions proposed more game wardens, the prohibition of spearing and net- ting, and a general survey of pro- vincial waters with a view to re- stocking. The sportsmen also fnti- mated dissatisfaction with the ad- ministration of the provincial fish and game department, and intimated that politics played a part in its en- forcement program. Open Charges General innuendos in the speech of W. C. Warburton, president of the Ontario Anglers' Federation, became open charges when W, R., Griner of Hamilton took the floor and spoke in opposition to the sanction given by the Government to the spearing of fish in Hamilton Bay, Spearing had been discontinued in Georgian Bay and Lake Simcoe at the resid- ents' demand, he commented, and added his belief "that it would also have been prohibited in Hamilton if it were not for the patronage in- volved," "Too Much Politics" Continuing on the question of poli- ties in the fish and game laws en- forcement, Mr. Griner declared vig- orously that there was "too much of it." "I know of cases," he added, "where infractions of the law existed in my own home district and the law was not permitted to be carried out be- cause of political interference. Many a time I have known of a certain member of Parliament who has in- terceded on behalf of a culprit and has prevented that culprit from be- ing arrested. That is not right." PASSENGER HURT, "VANISHES AFTER SERIOUS CRASH Windsor, Jan, 10.--Sandwich and Windsor police today were searching for some individual, idéntity wun- known, who left blood and frag- ments of flesh on the shattered wind- shield of a car driven by Thomas Spanton, Toronto, who was arrested as a drunken driver at 3 o'clock this morning. When Spanton was picked up by Sandwich police in his car, his con- dition was described as that of com- plete intoxication. The windshield of the machine was broken and frag- ments of flesh on the shattered glass indicated someone had been thrown through it. Questioned by the police, Spanton, the officers say, recalled that some one had been riding with him, and that there had been an accident of some kind, that his companion had been thrown through the windshield, and subsequently "gone away." The accident, Spanton said, had happened "by the bridge". An ex- tensive search of the entire border district has failed to locate the per: son who left part of himself on the broken windshield. FORBID KISSING BECAUSE OF FLU New York, Jan, 10.--The annu- al official order against kissing during the influenza season, came yesterday, this time from Lieut.- Col, Paul Freeman, commanding the Governor's Island military hos- pital. It was issued to 16th Infantry troops, stationed on the island. C----_-- STOMACH SO BAD MILK TURNS SOUR "My stomach was so bad even sweet milk fermented and caused gas. Adlerika brought me real relief." -- Mrs. R. Brightwell. Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sourness in TEN minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it removes old waste mat- ter you never thought was in your system. Let Adlerika give your stomach and bowels a REAL cleaus- ing and see how much better you feel. It will surprise you! Jury and Lovell, Druggists. Felt Bros, 7hé LEADING JEWELER INTEREST IS KEEN INNEW INVENTION Will Metalize Wood, Paper, 'London, Jan. 10.--The office of the Einstein Electro-Chemical pro- cess, Ltd, was swamped yesterday by inquiries from British authori- ties and the press asking details of the mew process for metalizsing, or electroplating, non-conductor ma- terials, such as wood, porcelain, paper and cloth, ; Vladimir I. Einstein, of Riga, refusing yesterday to give details of the patents or the name of the inventor, stated that two members of Parliament and a leading Brit- ish marine engineer were on the board of directors of the new cor- poration, and promised information yesterday at a luncheon to engin- eers to be given at a London ho- tel, One of the speakers at the luncheon will be Lord Thomson, Beautiful samples of products produced by Einstéin's method were exhibited by him--ecloth plated with an extremely thin film of nickel and retaining its flexibil- ity, wooden airplane propellers coated with metal with a gain of Jess than 50 per cent, in weight, and light wicker baskets resemb- ling silver. AIR LINE TO LINK WINNIPEG AND U.S. Winnipeg, Jan. 10,--Air express and passenger service between Winnipeg and United States points, connecting with the air services of the latter country, will be estab- lished within 30 days on at least a' tri-weekly basis to begin with, according to an announcement made here last night by Capt, P. T, McCarty, president and operat- ing-manager of the International Airways, Inc., of Seattle, It would be operated -in co-operation, he said, with the Western Canada Airways, Limited, of Winnipeg. Latvia, owner of the patents, while' 1929 reasons for asking for ha C cuits fince 1853, DENSE FOG BELT HOLDS UP SHIPS Extends from London to Co- logne and Amsterdam to Paris London, Jan, 10,--Dense belts of fog seriously interfered with ship- ping and air traffic not only in Eng- land but on the continent. The fog covered all the London-Continental routes, stretching more than 300 miles from London to Cologne in the east, Amsterdam in the north, and ris in the south. Only one air liner from Paris succeeded in reaching Croyden to- day. Nearly all continental services were suspended and several passeng- er airships made forced landings, Several inward and outward bound liners were held up at Southampton, and cross-Channel packets between England and Holland were seriously delayed, Train services were also generally hampered. Cherbourg, France, Jan, 10 -- Be- cause of a "pea soup" fog in the' Channel, the liner Majestic was un- able to enter Cherbourg Roads today. She is not likely to sail before noon | tomorrow, and as a consequence 600 | passengers were marooned here over-| night. | N. 8. EDUCATOR DIES Watertown, Mass, Jan, 10. William Mortimer MacVicar, a na- tive of Port Medway, N. S., died at his home here at the age of 77 years. For twenty years he was principal of the Roberts School in Cambridge and his educational work covered more-than a half a century, He graduated from Acadia College in 1872 and took a post graduate course at Harvard. | He was a former president of ' the Harvard Canadian Club and a member of the Canadian Club of | Boston, the Intercolonial Club and the Massachusetts Schoolmasters" | Club, Mr. MacVicar who was a wid-' ower, leaves two sons, John E, Mac- Vicar, of Montreal and Guy Mac- Vicar, of Waban, Mass., and two daughters Mrs, Margaret Marlow of Truro, N. S.,, and Mrs, L. Blenn of Watertown. Emma OVER | Flu-Gri Checked at he start 0 RUB your chest with Vicks before your little cold gets BIG. Vicks acts two ways at once to check the cold and prevent complications: (1) Itis vaporized by the heat of the body and inhaled for hours di- rect to the inflamed air-passages: (2) It acts through the skin like an old-fashioned poultice, "draw- ing out" the tightness and pain, a Qi nce ICKS (AAA AR] yr Falbows participating policies. stability of stock management. 'evidenced by the results. A - Special Sun Life Policyholders To Receive Bonus In Addition To Regular Dividends in 1929 of approximately $17,500,000 Son Lire ASSURANCE ComPANY OF CANADA. S Sar' Policybolderss We bave just completed another wonderful year, with proe' 21t earnings never before equalled. Our Directors have therefore Smamgurated the principle of allowing a Special Bonus on maturing The basis for_1929 may be summarized ae On policies fen yours in fures; smturfing By death or (on™ 'reserve dividend' policies) by She expiry of the reserve dividend period, a bonus of 10 per cent of the reserve, in- : creasing yearly to 15 per cent on policies in force twenty years or longer; on endowments, at maturity, a bonus of 10 per cent of the face value of policies ten years in force, increasing yearly to 15 por cent on policies im force twenty years or longer. Details »ill be given in the forthcoming annual report. This special bonus is in addition to, and independent 'of, tbe weual anmual profit distribution, the scale for which, for the ninth consecutive year, will again be increased. ; MonTREAL I We congratulate our members om this happy announcement It has beer made possible only by the large profits earned on the securities selected for the investment of She Company's funds,' : As ninety-five per cent of all surplue earned by tre pars ticipating assurances accrues to our pelicyboléers themselves, they enjoy practical mutuality, combined with the enterprise and The effect of this combination is é President. Jemuary 8, 1929.

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