Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jan 1929, p. 2

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x whip Es ane A we NS Ce iAWA DAILY TIMES, pn ---- BOWMANVILLE MARGARET CLIMIE, Representative Phones: Office, 687; Res, 511 CTH ANTIVERSARY SOF WEDDING IS DIY CELEBRATED Bowmanville, Jan, 5.--A pleas- «ihe eveut took place on Friday ev- flenine en Mr. and Mrs. Chaa, #Wight entertained at a family din- i mer party in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the marriage of the former's father and mother, . Mr, and Mrs, A, Wight, covers be- ing laid for fourteen, At eight o'clock other relatives arrived, al- 80 a few close friends of the bride and groom, inclyding Rev, Mr, and Mrs. J, U, Robbins, W, J, Bragg, M.P.P,, Frank L. Squair and Geo, A, Stephens. When 211 had assembled, Rev. Mr. Robbins took the chair. Mrs, Wight, niece of Mr, and Mrs, Wight, read an address and a presentation of a gold headed cane and a chair was made to the bride and groom, Miss Jean Wight pre- senting the cane to her grandfath- er and little Miss Eleanor, the chair to her grandmother, Afte this Mr, Chas, Wight gave the freedom of the house to his guests, wishing all a very Happy New Year, He also read a number of telegrams and letters of ocngratu- lation that had been sent to his father and mother, W. J. J, Bragg, M.P.P., propose. ' the health of the bride and room. which was responded to by Mr, Wight. A pleasing feature of the program was the piano solo beauti- fully played by a daughter of the house, Mrs, Garbutt of Sycamore, 111, who is home for the celebra- tion. Fred Bowen, M.P,, only liv? ing relative of the bride, made some very fitting remarks. Other speakers were Geo. Wight, cousin of the, groom, who delighted the company with selections from Dou by Burns, Frank L. Squair, wlw also gave selections which were much appreciated and Geo, A, Ste- phens, a life-long friend, who re- ferred to Mr. Wight as being Ex- Reeve of Darlington, and his son Charles, present reeve, stating n was seldom, if ever, that happen- ed in one family. He also spoke of his great admiration for Mr, Wight and the close friendship which existed between them, At the close of the program a beaut!- ful prayer was offered by Rev, Mr, Robbins asking for the continued health of the bride and groom. All were then Invited to the din- ing room where a sumptuous sup- MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1749 per was served from a beautifully decorated table which was center- ed with a wedding cake on which were fifty candles. The most delightful evening was brought to a close by the ! singing of Aull Lang Syne, HOUSE DAMAGED BY EXPLOSION accident happened during th storm in the early hours of Sunday morning when an explosion occur- red in the home of W, Blake Mec- Murty, corner of Church and Divi- sion streets, which completely blew out the north end of the building, leaving fully revealed the interior of the dining room, kitch- en, bath room and one bedroom. | Hot air registers in the drawing AT BOWMANVILLE Bowmaaville, Jan, 7.--A gerionay e room and livng room were displac- ed and the wall above the drawing room register caught fire, cans ing considerable damage. Mr. Mc- Murty and his brother-in-law, Mr, W. Prower, were the only ones at home, the family having gone to Detroit for the holidays, Mr, Mc- Murty returning on Friday to open up the house and start thcf fires before the return of Mrs, Mc- Murty and daughters on Sunday afternoon, Carpenters have been busy all day making a temporary closing of the wall, hopng to have it closed in before the arrival of Mrs, McMurty, Cause a Mystery The cause of the exposion is a mystery. Mr. McMurty attended to the furnace just before retiring, order and the furnace ig in no way damaged. About thirty years ago the house was lighted with acetyl- ine gas and some of the pipes were left in the house and the ground. Whether it was caused from these is not known at present, The house is in a sorry state owing to fire, smoke and water, but the at which time everything was fin, two occupants are thankful their lives were spared. REELS DEPICTED THE WORKING OF PHONE SYSTEN Bowmanville, Jan, 7.--An en- tertainment which was both enjoy- able and instructive was given in St. Paul's lecture room on Friday, evening under auspices of the Jun- for Missionary Society when eight reels were thrown on the screen de- picting the working of the Bell Telephone System. Rev, Dr, Best was in the chair and after the sing- ing of the National Anthem, called on Frank Willams, local manager to say a few words. On account of the lengthy program, Mr. Whe liams took up very little time but mentioned the wonderful progress that had been made even since he entered the service of the company. The pictures revealed the inside workings of the system and de- picted the progress that had been made with the ald of science. From All the' World A rcel that was most interest ing was one that showed every product that goes into the mak- ing of a telephone and the country from which it came, revealing the fact that the four corners of the earth contribute to hte making of the small instrument. Between reels a fine musical program was given by Misses Os- borne and Rundle, who played a p:ano duet, Mrs, Colville, who sang "Somewhere a Voice Is Calling," Messrs, Geo. E, Chase and H, J. Knight, who each sang a solo and Mrs, Wm, Adams, who gave a very humorous reading, At the close of the program de. liclous coffee and sandwiches wery served, Although it doesn't hurry matters any, it is a pleasant and inexpensive diversion after January comes to watch for signs of spring.~Detroit Free Press, Whitby Representativee--J AMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15---Office 434 KEEN INTEREST IN CIVIC ELECTION IN COUNTY TOWN Voters Elect Mayor and Council and Vote on By-law for Park Extension (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Jan, 7.---Today was ¢l- ection day in Whitby and the fate of the candidates for mayor, reeve and council was being decided at the polls. Seldom during the pas. few years has keener interest beew taken in a local election and in tpite of the fact that the occasion Las heen ushered in with a burst of reul wintry weather candidates and 'heir supporters were busy with cars bringing people out to vote and I. is anticipated that the poll #il) be a heavy one, In addition to selecting a coun- cil for 1929 the voters wera asked to approve or reject a bylaw pro- viding for the purchase of the old factory property as an extension to the town park, Polling Places Voting hours were from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m, at the following polling places: Polling Sub-Division No. 1---A. G. Browning's office, Brock street north, W. B, Rice, D.R.O, Polling Sub-Division No, 2--W, Maw's office, Dundas street east. Wm. Maw, D.R.O. Polling Sub-Division No, 3 -- Soni) Chamber, J. E, Disney, D. Polling ub-Division No, 4. -- D. Turner's store, Brock street, W. J. H. Richardson, D.R.O. ' Polling Bub-Division No. B = Community Hall, Port Whitby, L. F. Northam, D.R.O, TIMES' EXTRA WILL TELL WHITBY ALL ABOUT ELECTION Restlts in County Town, Oshzwa and Bowmanville Will Be Published (By Staff Repo er) Whitby, Jan, 7.--The results ot the local elect'ons will be publish- ed tonight in a special edition o: The Times and for the convenien of Whitby people coples will by sold on the street between seven and eizht o'clocq. The copfes sre i] 5 cents each and not only will they frclude a report of the Whitby el- ections but also Oshawa and Bow- manville. The results will be com- plete showing the returns from ea~h polling sub-division. This is something new for Whit- by ard it is hoped that many wils take advantage of the opportunity to get the first news of the election. Copies may also be procured at the branch office of The Times on street next to the post of- ce. OL RIVALS WiLL MEET WEDNESDAY Whitby and Lindsey Wil Face the Puck in Whitby Rink (By Staff Whitby, Jan. 7.--Whitby inter mediates play their first homs game of the season when they en- Stock-Taking Sale Starts To-morrow Ready-To-Wear Department --Second Floor LADIEY' JUMBO Si EATERS 25 on'y, white and fawn. Re ular $1.95. Sale ~Second Ploor SIX ONLY 'LADIES ~~ #' RAINCOATS | (Damaged) Rubberized Raincoats, Regular. $3.95 and $9.95. Sale Price, each Wee All Our Best Coats Half Price Reg. Values $35.00 to $59.50. SALE PRICE $17.50 to $29.50 MISSES' SPORT [ TWEED COATS Novelty Patterns, Tweeds. Two Selling Groups : Reg. $13.95. Sale Price 985539 ° se.98 Girl's Flannel Dresses Sizes up to 14 years. Attractive styles, good colorings. Regular Cream Leataerette Raincouts Si'k lined, fine, soft qual- ity. Regular $12.95. Sale Price Price $4.95 $1.98 Stock-Taking Sale of Kimonas Each Crepe Kimonas so +o cssesssnsers 3.78 Eiderdown Kimonas, Reg. $7.95 for $4.88 Velvet Kimonas, Reg. $9.50 for ... $5.95 Ladies' Fancy BROCADED RAINCOATS rious colors choose from, ular $9.95. Price, each to Reg- Sale DRESSES GO ON SALE To-morrow Morning at 8.30 a.m. Including Satins, Silks, Cloth and Jerseys. Evening or Party Dresses-- --Street or Afternoon Frecks Divided Into Three Selling Groups SIZES UP TO 4e Regular Values up to $32.50 PRICED AT $4.95-$9.95 GMRLS' FINE JERSEY DRESSES Very fine quality Jersey, in a number of good shades. Sizes 2 to 14 years. Reguler $7.95. Special Selection of Winter Coats Priced regularly up to $35.00. SALE PRICE $13.95 Stock-T aking Sale of Ready- to-Wear HATS eold weather there should be 8 good fee surface anl some fast hockey is the probable result. Whitly and Lindsay are old rivals avd ean al- ways be counted upon to provide a snappy exhibition when they meet. schools including the public, sep- arate abe Higa pools opened for e new term morning after being closed down for two during vacation time. At of to open meeting of the Board sebodle on January 7, the . not ng been dels; Regular Values up to $7.95 | count of the ghey ig Be Divid-d into two selling groups for Qu ck Clearance munities. : AN ATTACK ON THE OLD 98¢c and $1.98 "LIMITED Phone 2595 THREE ONLY ur Coats - Half Price $3.98. Sale Price French Chappel Seal. trimmed with Sqvissel or Miaksat, lined with heavy brocaded silk linings. Regular Price $129.00 Regular Price ...... . $139.00 $ o Regular Price ....... $195.00 . A. DE Sale Price ¥ Sale Price ....... $69.50 Sale Price ....... $97.50 LAN business. Truth does mot always agree with this view.) There re- mains the debatable point wheth- er an area of cheaper money w. have substantially wd oa ployment and brought about a de- cided recovery in trade. It would have helped, undoubtedly, but mof nearly to the ' extent claimed by the advocates of r:»re and che~p- ser credit. As a leading banker sa'd some time ago, it is of litte or Bo advantage greatly to in- crease produétion if a mar -t ean- { not te found for the extra amount of goods.

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