Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jan 1929, p. 10

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La NIRS IST 79 0 'PAGE feN Ine USHAWA DAILY LIMES, MUNDAY, JANUARY /, 1929 aa a { EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS SMITH'S FALLS CITIZEN RETIRES FROM OP. EXPRESS Smith's Falls, Jan, 7.--~Follow- ing a faithful service of 45 years with the Canadian Pacific Express Company, 37 years of which were spent In Smith's Falls, James Hel- me, one of Smith's Falls best- known citizens, has retired, INQUEST INTO DEATH j OF MURRAY ADJOURNED Belleville, Jan, 7.--The Inquest into the death of Morley Murray, whose remains were found in the ruins of his barn in Rawdon Town- ship, has been adjourned until Friday afternoon next, It will be held at Stirling Village, THIEVES ENTER GARAGE STEAL NEW MOTOR CAR Orillia, Jan, 7.--The Brown Brothers and Eplett garage here was broken into Saturday night and a new motor car stolen, The lock on the gas pump in front of the building was also bfoken, and the car was filled with gasoline, Police have found no trace of the thieves, PROMINENT GREENBUSH FARMER FOUND DEAD Picton, Jan, 7,--Charles Powers, 52, prominent farmer of Greenbush two miles east of Picton, -was found dead in bed at his farm home. One of his small sons was found sleeping peacefully beside his father's body and another boy was slumbering on a cot in the samer oom, Powers is survived by his widow and five children, CANADIAN INFANTRY ASSOC, KINGSTON, ELECT OFFICERS Kingston, Jan, 8.--Canadian In- fantry Association Military District No, 38 Branch, which met here last night, elected thef ollowing officers, Honorary ' President, © Colonel W, B. Anderson, C,M.G., D,8.0,; presi dent, Lieut.-Col, J, A, Hope, D.8.0., M.C., Lanark and Renfrew Scot- tish Regiment; vice-president, Lieut.-Col, W. F., Hadley, L. E, Regiment de Hull; Second vice-pre- The Arcade La. January "of Sales at This Store Something Different and New Every Day You Save on Every Purchase SPECIAL MENTION a Month '|J. A. B, Dulmage, '|WOMAN SEVERELY INJURED sident, Lieut,-Col, H, J, Smith, Hastings and Prince Edward Regl- ment; Secretary-Treasurer, Lieut, Lanark and Renfrew Scottish Regiment, WHEN MOTOR CAR IS DITCHED Belleville, Jan, 7,~--A motor ac- cident Saturday afternoon at Un- fon Hill, Prince Edward County, resulted in severe injuries to Mrs, M. W. Reize of Picton, The vie- tim, in company with her husband and young son, Was en route to Belleville, when the car skidded upon the hill, went into a ditch and overturned: She was taken to Picton Hospital for treatment, PREVENT CHILDREN » FROM BEING KILLED Kingston, Jan, 7.--The Ports- mouth Council has taken & forward small son, seated in the rear seat was hurt |Leeds, by {flying glass, Relves who were coming to Belle- ville, were accompanied by their The Provincial police were called to the scene as soon as | Lodge the newsw as received here, CENTENNIAL OF FOUNDATION ORANGE LODGE IN 1030 Brockville, Jan 7.~--Plans are already well advanced for the cele- bration here in 1930 of the centen- nial of the foundation of the first Grand Orange Lodge of British which is usually attributed to Ogle R., Gowan, an Irishman, who gain- ed some standing in this country as a journalist and public man whose residence 'during the early part of his career was in the Town- |Chapter, ship of Escott in the County of Before 1830 all neighborhood of of the |Grand Lodge of Prentice Boys at Mr, and Mrs, |Orange Lodges on this side of the |other periods during the summer. |ber of fur pelts, were sent by mail |gyjity Atlantic held charters which had |In addition, the L,0.B.A., of On-|from the North Country to a Belle- : was formed here TWO CHILDREN CHARGED : WITH STEALING FURS Belleville, The goods, consisting of a num- stolen from the delivery rig by the two youngsters, who stealing |later went to the place where the Majesty's- Mails, goods |youngsters had hidden the rest of Mr, C. A, [the furs and brought them to her 'Both the Woodcocks were charg- step in order to prevent children being killed by automobiles, It will have a check upon parents whose children are found playing on the village streets, for it was decreed that children shall not play or coast on the highways, Only a few days ago 8 little boy was killed by an automobile while coasting at Barriefield, USE OF PENITENTIARY FARM REFUSED FOR PLOWING MATCH Kingston, Jan, 7.--The Depart- ment of Justice, through Superin- tendent W. S. Hughes, has inform- ed the Frontenac Plowmen's As- sociation that it cannot permit the international plawing matches next fall to be held on the Portsmouth Penitentiary Farm, A request had been made for permission to use the splendid farm of the prison, hut the department would prefer that some other farm near Kings- 'on be secured, OFFICERS CANADIAN LEGION INSTALLED IN BELLEVILLE Belleville, Jan, 8.--Officers of Tejon Post No. 99 of this city were on Saturday evening install »1 by Comrade Rev. A, L. Green, | "hose installed were: President, B, »eQueen; First Vice-President, E. A, Simpson; Second Vice-Presi- 2ant, R. H. Fisher; Secretary, C. Y. Effs; Treasurer, J. Elliott; Exe- ~tive Committee: J, W. Day, F. ward, G. W, Dawes, H, Lavender, » Cronk, J. McGuire, L. Soule, C. marr, J. Lavin, R. Bumnstead and Past Presidént, D. Batchelor, "ISH AND GAME ASSOCIATION CONSIDERS NEEDED CHANGES Kingston, Jan, 7.--Frontenac igh and Game Protection Associa- 'ton Saturday night considered Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats All on Sale at Half Price January Delineators 'eps that should be taken to pre- ~ent the depletion of game fish =om the lakes and streams of this Afstrict and will advise the Ontario "ame Fish Commission that pike and pickerel should be included ~mong the game fish: that all hold- ~rs of licenses should be rerarded ag game wardens, and urred to act as such; that more stringent recu- ations should be made rerarding "nop-netting and that a different ++ne of tag should be {issued to *merican an-lers who ship their ~atch from this side of the line. »ATRPAYER TAKES ACTION TO QUASH TOWN BYIAW Cornwall, Jan, 7.--Writs were ~arved Saturday unon Mayor G. N. phillips and own Clerk J. G. Hark- ness in connection with an applica- +ion made in the Supreme Court nv J. A. Chevrier, a ratepayer, for 'he quashing of a bylaw passed by 'ha town conneil Friday n icht, ap- nointing A. E. Adams and R. Bruce Navies of Ottawa, as municipal au- ditors. 'The apolication was made on the ground that the by-law be- ing' passed by the council after December 31, the end of the coun- i cil year, is illegal. Our coal offers not only maximum heat, but also the absolute minimum of waste and soot. I's more condderate of your. own. pocketbook and your peigh- DIXONS' be Albert Street Phone 262 4 Direct Lines to Central WIFE OF BANK MANAGER HURT IN MOTOR ACCIDENT Picton, Jan. 7.--Mrs. M. Relves, wife of t he Manager of the Bank of Montreal at Picton, Ontario, was 8 eriously injured in an auto- mobile accident at Union Hill, Mountain View, at 2.45 Saturday afternoon. 'The accident occurr- ed when the car driven by her hus- hand skidded sideways into the ditch after having reached the bot tom of the hill. Theinjured wo- man was rushed to the office of Dr. Eckhard at Mountain View where first aid treatment was ren- dered. Mrs. Reives was badly cut about the head as well as having suffered injuries to her back. She was also hurt internally. After Dr. Eckhard bad attended her she was resbed to Picton General Hos- nital. The car was a complete wreck, *he back end having been com- nletely stove in while the windows were broken. The woman who was Gained 10 Pounds In 22 Days That's going some--but skinny men, women and children just can't help putting on good healthy flesh when they take McCoy's.Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Full of health and weight build- ing substances--the proven and successful kind--the kind that are a real help to frail, rundown, skin- ny men and women. ; Try these supremely efficient sugar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days-- if they don't help greatly in twenty-two days. sixly cents. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H. Karn, or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets. Directions and formula on each box. COAL MALLETT BROS. The Bell Telephone Company and its Bill in Parliament is bringing before Parliament this ses- sion a Bill regarding its capital This Bill is in the interest of telephone users in Ontario and Quebec, both present and future, because without it the telephone system cannot hope to serve an ever growing public, The Company, therefore, is publishing this advertisement as the first of a number of statements to present the facts of the situs tion. This first advertisement is to tell exactly what the Bill is and why it is needed. what the Bill is "TBE Bill is an amendment to the telephone company's act of incorporation. Its pure pose is to give the company authority to invite new capital from investors, The new capital is to extend the telephone system as the country grows. To invite new capital from investors means to offer new shares for them to purchase from time to time in the future. No grant or subsidy of any kind from parliament is involved Ti veining veers Paine his es why the Bill is needed the first reason "the telephone system cannot extend to AE | Hr THE BELL TELEPHONE si 8 8 8 BR B 8 8 15,800, a telephone plant has been built which haa actually cost $140,000,000; and the system "--necessary plans cannot be started un. less there is assurance thst money may be obtained in the future to com- plete them." EW buildings and machinery always be planned with definite for the needs of the future. always be a little ahead of present That is true of any business which is but it is particularly true of a telephone ¥ dt i. money can be obtained to complete the work . when these needs arrive is out of the question. | 1th : : i ! ; i 1 } i A ih : I i i 0 i In Montreal the outlook is the same, and in Quebec, Three Rivers, Oshawa, London, Kinge ston, Ottawa, St. Catharines, Brantford, St. Thomas, Kitchener and a score of other im- portant cities and towns there is rapid growth which requires planning telephone facilities in advance if the demand is to be served. The program in long distance cables means $72 miles of eable by the end of 1983 at a cost of over $10,000,000, All these things have been undertaken, as such projects in the past have beén undertaken, be» eause the company has been confident of secure fng money from investors when it was needed to put the new equipment into full service. But if the company is not able even to ap. proach investors, its assurance vanishes and to prepare for the future becomes impossible. The telephone system does not need, and will not seek, all the seventy-five million of new eapital provided for in its amendment now, nor next year, nor the year after. It may not need ft all for a good many years. But it does need now the assurance that it will be able in the future to go into the market for new money when it is required, > the third reason ®--the company's present suthority te seek new capital is almost exhausted." EN the telezhone company began in 1880 it had authority to sell shares up to half a million dollars. That seemed sufficient in 1880 when the development of the telephone was undreamed. But with the growth of the system year after year new money was needed and the company's suthority to raise capital was extended by Parliament as the old limit was outgrown. This outgrowing of the limit is progress. I$ bas happened, on an average, every eight ) :ars since 1880. The five past amendments to the company's act of incorporation are 8 record pot only of telephone development but of Canadian enterprise. They are as follows: trom $500,000 in 1880 COMPANY OF CANADA on their pleas of guilty were foun: Because of the fact that Woodcock had made restitution to been procured either in Ireland or [tario East and British America [ville fur dealer, After the ive England, and when the first Grand [will hold their annual séssions in [ed at Belleville, y arrive [ho fur dealer of ¢ he forty-five in the | Brockville. fitty primary lodges took out new charters, An effort is being made to have #11 the principal Orange organiza- the fors were |dollars, Magistrate Mikel allowed Je bis both to go on suspended séntence 0 did it more in the nature of a joke. of he year, site} Paving tp coats They then hid the wrappers and [g24, Jan, 7.--Two chil-|took part of t he furs home to tions hold their annual meetings in [dren, nine and ten years of age, |their parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mur- Brockville in 1930 in order that [appeared in Police Court Saturday [ray Woodcock, Mrs. Woodcocls| "Truvor in the Fortnightly Re- appropriate recognition 'may be [morning charged with given the centennial, and already |from His the assent of several of these has [to the value of $96, North America, the organization of [heen obtained, The Grand Lodge [Cameron appeared for the defence, home, Later on, of Ontario East will probably meet |Both children pleaded guilty to the [the stolen furs to a local dealer, here in March, the Grand Lodge of [charge as read, and due to their who was.in reality the man to (tient of advice. Orange Young Britons In May, the [tender years and the fact that the [whom the furs were shipped. He |encouraged by the Fremeh Who Supreme Grand Lodge of British [defence counsel showed that there [paid forty-five dollars 4 America in June, and the Black |was nothing premediated in their [cock for his own furs, Knights of Ireland, the |act, they were allowed to go on Grand Lodge of True Blues and the [suspended sentence of six months, (ed with receiving stolen goods, and | weakening. which amounted to SIR AVSTEN CHAMBERLAIN view (London) Since the Locarno Tat he has given the impression that he no Woodcock sold | jonger considers himsef 'a plodding diplomat, but a Bismarck, This attitude is to Wood- | are able to inspire him wi own policy, knowing well obstinacy will prevent him from

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