Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Dec 1928, p. 9

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[8 L oHAWA DAILY Livi FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1928 PAGE NINE » 4 THE C SRR where ~~" uyger SORBED 8 CTION Seller "SSG\aw\se Legal Music Transportation CONANT & ANNIS. BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Etc Con eyancing and general practice of w Offi 'es 7% Simcoe St south, hawa. Phone 4 G. D. Conant, A, LLB; AF Annis. BA. LLB. . (38tf) RANK S EBBS, BARRISTER, olicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer Money to loan Third floor new Alger Building Opposite Post Office. Phone 29% (4tf) W E N SINCLAIR K.C, BANK of Commerce Building : (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P MANGAN B.A. BAR: rister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer Money to loan Office 14}4 King St East. Ushawa Phone 445 Residence phone 837 GRIERSON & CREIGHTON BAR sters, Convevancers, Notaries Pub ¢, ete Office over Standard Bank ntrance Simcoe St Phone 13 |) H Grierson, K.C. T K Creighton, A, LOUIS 5. HYMAN, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland s Store, 16 Simcoe street north Phone 67 Residence 3206W (93:1 BARRISTER. ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams (Oshawa, Wednesday, 92 Simcoe St, North Phone 2764F. (129-t0) HERBERT C TRENEER ORGAN- ist and chcirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in plana, organ amd vocal muale. Voices tested free 63 Drew St Phone 498W JOHN H RENWICK. ORGAN 1st and choirmaster Simcoe United Church Teacher of piano, organ, vo cal Studio at the church and 11 Connaught St Phone 2609W Ld (5716) HARRIS MUSIC STORE, CHRIST- mas special for month of Decem- ber. 5 FREE LESSONS 6. With the likwmele, Banjo If H Wagner 11 purchase of any Guitar I'ke Banjo and Tenor it's music we have fit teacher, Harris Music Store. Simcoe St S. Phone 1490 (Dec. 5 Jan. 6) DIMITR POPOFF, TEACHER OF Violin, Mandolin and Spanish Guit- ar. Private lessons if desired Stud- io 71 Simcoe St. North Phone 2388, (Dec. 7 Jan 7) PARKHILL AND FIELD, BAR- risters, e.c.' Money to loan Alger Bldg, Opposite Post Office, Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A, C, H. Fie:® (Dec, 28 tf) Medical DR HAROLD W TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and di- seases of women. Two years' post uate experience. Office and resi- nce 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher. Office and resi- nce. King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon. Obstetrician, diseases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. J). HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and lectro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050, Office open 9 am. to 9 a m. Residence 161 King East Phone 2416. (tf) lh DR. ALVIE E. STEWART, SPEC- falist in Surgery. Office 142 Sim- coe street north, resicence 166 Simcoe street north Phone 3020 (Dec 20-Jan. 20° DR. MACLEOD PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, recent post gradua:e course in medicine, surgery and gynecology at Montreal General Hospital. Office 74 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3174, residence 3296M. (Dec. 4.-Jan 4) Pe -------- sis -- Ear, Nose, Throa* Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his} 507 office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, mose and throat only. Appointments may be made at drug store. Phone 97. (49-tf) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re: putable Fire Companies. (118tf) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1 yr.) C. E. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO St., Disyrict Representative for the Great st Life Assurance Company, Phone 1365) (Feb. 1-1 yr.) INSUURANCE--~OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) Money to Loan AUTOMOBILE LOANS AND CARS re-financed. Louis S, Hyman, Bar- rister, 16 Simcoe St. N, Phone 47. (148th) LL] CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged Parkhill & Field, Barristers, ete, Alger Blog. Phone 1614 (49tf) Building Supplies FOR SALE--CEMENT BLOCKS. sand and gravel Quality guaranteed. Good loam for lawns W Borrow dale Phone 1618 (891i. CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE -- North Oshawa Concrete Works. Phone 1575). (Dee. 5-Jan 6) IIR ATE eee Painting and Decorating SERVICE TAXI -- DAY AND night service, 199 William St, E. Phone 3114, (Dec. 24-Jan. 24) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand ang cinders Local and (00g distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St, w. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service Moving van and storuge warehouse equip- ment Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64tf) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance mov- ng. 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone a ti) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop Permanent wave, special $6.00. Marceling, finger waving. 86 Simcoe street north. Phone 2908 (97tf) PERMANENT WAVING (DOkS not peed Finger Waving), $7.60. Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. East. Phone 608J. (69-0) EXPERT MARCELLING BY. BEI- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shop. Marcel and shampoo $1. Phone 2068. (Dec. 5-Jan. 6) MARCELLING DURING CHRIST- man season, 50 cents. Llewellyn Beauty Shoppe, 82 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 3213W. (Dec, 12 1 Mon) THE POWDER PUFF--7 BOND St. east. Expert operator on hands, face, scalp, marc:lling a specialty Phone 3051, (Dec 20-Jan, 20) Velermary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629 (56tf) Rates for Classified Ads. First insartion--11§ cents per Minimum charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion Ic per word Three consecutive inser: tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents & word). Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10c additiona) Professional or Business rds, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents » word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De- partment Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Deliver- ed anywhere in city. Phone $96. (Dec, 24-1 1ho) MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek limited, Phone 1288, (Apr. 201f) UAK KITCHEN CABINET--ROLL top porcelain tray for sale $2v. 533 Masson St, (143tL) 150 PAIR SECOND HAND skates and boots for sale. Must be sold. Cheap. Call at Shoe Repair Shop. 426 Simcoe St, S, (1461) Conant Street. - For Rent THE GEORGE 804 SIMCOB ST. SOUTH Beautiful epacious apartments, four rooms and bath. All conveni- ences In exclusive reslaential dis- « fet Electric re.rigeration, kitchen maid cabinets Beach stoves, elec. tre laundry, storage rooms, shades, curtain rods, janitor. New, clean and without doubt Oshawa's beet constructed apartment. Telephone 15560 or call at 290 King St, East. Opposte Post Office. L, V. Disney. (85t1) MODERN APARTMENTS North Simcoe St., Simcoe Manor and Buckingham Manor. South Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, incinerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars, Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd., Manager for Owner, Toronto. (111tf) HOUSE TO RENT -- SEVEN rooms, Apply 172 Bruce St, (148¢c) Notice of Sale Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, the Twelfth day of January, A.D, 1929, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises at 139 Agnes street, in the City of Oshawa ,subject to an existing first mortgage of approximately Three Thousand Dollars, to the Brock- ville Loan and Savings Company, the said premises beng lot number Twenty-three (238) according to plan number 207, as registered in the Registry Office for the Regis- try Division of the County of On- tario, at Whitby, On the premises there is .sald to 8 erected a brick residence. erms of payment--10 per cent. of purchase money to be paid down at time of sale, Purchaser to pay balance in cash within thirty days from date thereof, For further particulars and con- ditions of sale. Apply to Joseph I', Mangan, 14% King street east, solicitor for mortgagee, or to A, C, Lycett, King Street East, Oshawa, Auctioneer, (160h-1563) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH stove for light housekeeping. 300 Montrave Avenue, (148¢c) TO RENT--NEW SIX ROOMED brick house, Nassau St. All con- veniences, Possession, Jan, 1, Will rent cheaply to good tenant, Apply 281% Simcoe 8. (1471) DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE FOR rent, new building, heat, light and janitor service, about one thousand square feet, Box "I" Oshawa Dally Times, (124L1) FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE ON All conveniences, Phone 1025) evenings, (1381) THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. 5561 Albert Street. (149b) Position Wanted Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save. you money Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595) : (56tf) BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered 75c, If rental supplied $1. 8. Bligdon, 20 Mil} St. Phone 1885W (Nov. 29-Dec. 29) RADIO SETS, ALL MAKES, RE- pared, cleaned and overhauled. All work guaranteed. Phone 382ril. Address 595 Kingston Rd. W (Dec. 18-Jan. 18) Wanted to Buy R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging. graining, etc. Twenty years' experience. Prices right Work guar- anteed. 151 Huron street Phone (45-tf) HILL, DECORATING paperhanging, paintiny Work guaranteed. Est mates given. I'hone 942W 135 Brous east (14810) F Cc Dental DR. S. J. PHILLIPS. DENTIST, office over Basseits' Phone 959; Residence 306. 4-1 yr. DAN FENTON--PAINTING, DEC- orating, paper hanging. 164 Celina St. Phone 1366J. (146tf) Auctioneer DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTISI, 27 King street east. Alzer buildinz. Phone 2560. Evenings by appoint ment. (48L1: DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's Drug Store Gas for extraction. Phone 54 DR L E HUBBELL, DENTIST. Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948. residence. 1378M Hal DR. J. ¥ BROCK, DENTIST, 1% Simcoe St. N., cver Dewland's Phone 1957 Evenings by appoint ment. (July 9th DR W H. GIFFORD, OFFICE Regent [heatre Bldg Phone 1780 Residence 669 66- of | 1082. PHONE 1716J, W J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St 5 We can sell your odd pieces of furmi ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa Ontario 20th) E. J. POMERY, AUCTIONEER 18 1-2 King St. E. Phone 1013M. (Dec. 6 Jan. 6.) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance, Residence, 542 Simeve street north. Phones 210J and 210W. DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOM. 87 Celina street, Oshawa Corner {Bruce street. Ambulance Phone 196-41) DR. LANGMAID, DR. DA /AES, Dentists, 27 King St E Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse in aviendauce Phones 1243 and 231. (95ufy = EE : Engi . 2 S DONEVAN AND SMITH. ONTAR io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-divisions Sewn Planing mumcpal engineers or ing St E Phones 2532) or 2544 (89t1) --_-- . Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ~House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished. screen and storm windows put on and removed Phone 2129F i." Transportation LOCKS TAXI --PHONE 249 ALL " Buick cars. Heated Day and Night . Near Bus Stations 19 (Dec. 1-Jan 2) Prince St. Ww. 4 I R » F A VON GUNTEN EXPERI Swiss watchmaker, tepair shop at 441% King Streer West Your pat- ronage 1s sohcited (20t1) CONCRETE MIXER WITH OPER- ator for hire. Reasonable prices W L. Borrowdale Phone 1618. (110e0) CARPENTER WORK--NEW, RE- pairs or alterations. Window screens and storm doors made and fitted. M: Davis, 353 Mary St. (Dec. 11 Jan. 11) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 149. Res phone 909). (8-16) SECOND HAND DEALER FUR | niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. East Phone 1617M. Dec. 24-Jan 24) MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try Goods called for. Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St. (134¢1) WANTED TO BUY----FOR CASH, Phonograph, in good condition, with or without records. Reason- able. Preston Timmins, Box 5386, Oshawa (148¢c) Lost and Found LOST--BAG CONTAINING CHILD- ren's clothing between Oshawa and Bowmanville Finder please Fou] at Police Station, c-0 Constab.e Terry. (148¢c) LOST--ROSE SILK BED SPREAD off delivery wagon, Monday even- ing. Finder please leave at Luke Furpiture Company, 62 King St. E. Reward. +» (148¢) LOST--SMALL WIRE HAIRED terrier. White and tan. Answers to name of "Magog". Phone 118. 171 King St. E. (149%a) LOST--ON SATURDAY LAST, A buckskin glove. Reward will be paid for its return to the Times Office. (150a) { Fhone 2106W. WIDOW WITH CHILD AGED 6 wishes household position by tlie month. Apply Mrs, Walter Smith, 283 Albert St, (149b) Corsetiere MRS. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetlere, Sprrella Shop 58 Elgin St. E. Phone 936. (86LLy Real Estate por Sale REAL ESTATE. OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park,! Victoria Park and Peace Park [erms to suit you Office 38 Simcoe St. ) (Both) | LIST YOUR HOUSE OR vacant | lot with Barrow for quick sale. Phone 3165W. (1491) FOR SALE--- NEW ROOM Louse on paved street. Chestnut trim, concrete foundation, extend €d sun room. Every convenieuce. (120t8) FOR SALE--NEW EIGHT ROOM Louse on paved street. Gumwood trim Hardwooa floors up ana down, 3 piece bath pedestal basin.' Frederick and Grooms vicinity. | Phone 2106W (1zotf) | 6 FOR RENT. Buckingham Ave. Phone 2220J. THREE ROOMS AND TOILET OV- er No. 32 Simcoe St. S. Apply Dr, Belt. SMALL HOUSE TO RENT. LIGHT and water free, Apply 263 Haig St. (149¢) $20 per month, (149¢) SMALL HOUSE 94 (149¢c) For Sale or Rent SIX ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE or rent, furnace, electric lights and garage, Apply A. J. Hunt, Box 129, Oshawa P. O, (1491) Growing Organization Needs More Salesmen Salary and Bonus Last January Purina Mills, a 35 year old, Eleven Million dollar corporation, opened its first Canad plant in W d k, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS 01d floors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors, General Contractors. B. W, HAYNES 161 King St W Phone 81, residence 180r2, | For Sale or Exchange 100 acre farm, rich loam, © acres bush, good Dbauk barn, stone foundation, fair stabling, 7 room frame house. Price $4,600, Wilh take Oshawa property in exchange, LYCETT 25 King St, E, Phone 205 ade TT ' Jury & Lovell's Exclusive Optical Parlors Scientific Examination of the eyes by experienced Eyesight Specialists. Phone 28 or 29 Already this plant has been enlarged and our Canadian organization has grown from Bothing to 30 salesmen and 150 carload ealers. Additional territories now being opened offer a few men an unusual opportunity to grow with a large, progressive and fast. growing organization. To qualify you must have unquestioned character and industry, previous sales ex. perience and an Agncultural College edu- cation or its equivalent, Age 25 to 35, Give age, previous record of employment and enclose a recent photo or snapshot in first letter. A personal interview will shortly be granted to those possessing above qualifications. Address: I. TI. Manager, Purina Ont, District Sales Ltd.,, Woodstock, (149-150-153) Shirey, Milis, LUMBER F.L. Beecroft Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard hone Oshawa 824 Whitby 12 Stylish Shoes L COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King 1, Ww. TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. All con- weniences, Phone 2784, (149¢) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Single or double. 185 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3176W. (14%9a) WARM FURNISHED SINGLE BED- room to rent. 152 Colborne St, E (149h) TO RENT----SMALL HOUSE FUR- nished, very central, also one fur- nished bedroom suitable for light bousekeeping, Cheap. Apply 12 Athol St. W. (149¢) HOUSE TO RENT ALL CONVENI}- ences, Brick. Apply Bradley Bros. (149¢) FOR RENT -- ONE OR TWO rooms for light housekeeping, or boarders. Near Motors, all conven- iences. Phone 1387). (150¢) Help Wanted ---Female WANTED -- COOK, GENERAL, references. highest wages paid to suitable party, 389 Simcoe St. N. (148¢c) WANTED--COOK GENERAL TO take full charge. Phone 166. UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT on bathroom flat. Phone 2823F. (150c) FOR RENT--FIVE ROOM HOUSE. All conveniences. 39 Westmoreland Ave. Paved street. Phone 1124. (150¢) (1481) PRACTICAL OR UNDERGRADU- ate Nurse for day or might duty by the month, immediately. Phone Whitby 350. (150a) GERMAN GENTLEMAN WANTS lady as teacher of English. Box "R"" Oshawa Daily Times. (150b) HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Christian woman, middle aged or older preferred. Please give rei- erences. Box "J" Oshawa Daily Times. (150¢) : Koom and Board ROOM AND BOARD. ALL CON- veniences. 110 Albert street. (148¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO ladies or gentlemen. Every con benience. Use of phone. Phone 3047W or apply 306 Division St. (148¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. Close to Motors. North end. Phone 1452M. (148¢c) TWO RESPECTABLE YOUNG men may have room and board. Phone 2081W. (150¢) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. (5621) Dressmrking ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING doue at reasonable prices. Apply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M (4711) EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER and tailoress. 334% Simcoe St. N. Apt 1 Mrs. O'Donnell. Phone 3089W. (Dec. 10-Jan. 10) {cheerful surroundings. Special diets REGISTERED NURSE BOARDS patients requiring special = care, $2 daily up. Phone Whitby 2350. (Dec. 7 Jan. 1) STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (1970) Tire Repairing Tinsmithing ALL KINDS OF TRE RFPAIRIN, at ideal Tice Shop Ties for sale Jamicson Bros. Phone 438. (tH (TINSMITHING -- WE DO NEW eave promptly. Phone 723r4. troughing and repdir work J. G. ASHMORE, GARAGE, RE- pairs all makes of cars. Work (150¢) guaranteed. Reasonable prices. 138 Gibbon St. Phone 3186W WANTED MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Plain cooking. Refer- ences. 406 Mary St. (150¢) Pets and Live Stock FOR SALE--REGISTERED AIRE- dale dog, 11 months. Paone 2177TW. (147c¢) LAYING ROCK PULLETS FOR sale. Mrs. Delong, Whitby. Phoue 319W Whitby. (149¢) BELGIAN POLICE DOG, NINE months, pedigreed--Reasonable -- Phone 35. Advertising Dept. for address. (149¢) FOR SALE--YOUNG PIGS APPLY Archie Hopkins. Phone 1088 r 11. (149¢) Oshawa Daily Times. BEDROOM IN NEW HOME FOR respectable gentlemen. 114 Col- borne St. E. Phone 3175W. (150¢) Room and bvard Wanted | TIME TABLES | C.P.R. TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking cffecs 12.00 3 Sunday. Apri 2, 1928, is West Daily. Daily . Daily excepts Sunday, Daily Dail Sunday, Daily Daily except Sunday. by Daily except Sunday. . Daly. Daily times shown depart from Osbaws Chk IME FABLE Effective dept. 30. 1928, 8.23 a.m. Dal, Sunda; 8.58 a.m 9.59 am ly Daily except Sunday. Daily except Sunday Daily except Sunday p.m Daily pam. Daily except Saturday. am. Daily a.m. Daily. Wi sbove are times trains Station. RE vy Eg 134 ° 8 Bmwoms $8, 3 8 v 4am Daly 28 am Daily a.m Daily except Sunday. neo 0 PD. PTE be WANTED--SINGLE ROOM AND board in private family, near Tex- | Bow: tiles, Apply Box "E" Oshawa Daily Times. (148¢c) GENTLEMAN, WISHES BOARD and room private family, North end preferred. Apply Box "A" Oshawa Jaily Times. (14%¢) ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY business girl in central location. Apply Box "I" Oshawa Daily Times. (149b) YOUNG MAN DESIRES ROOM and board with private family. Bog "VV" Oshawa Daily Times. (15902) For Exchange GOOD LOTS IN OSHAWA. WANT trade for first rate truck or bus chassis, 2 tons or thereabouts or with van or cosed body. High class vehicle wanted. Apply Box "B" (149¢) Moioz Cars FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET coach. Good condition. Cheap. Apply Apt. No. 1, Beaton's Dairy For Sale or Exchange - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--- Farm, 60 acres clay loam. Close fo village, 4% miles to County Town, 11 room house and bank barn. 153 acres orchard, 12 acres mixed bush, one acre raspberries, half acre strawberries. 2 creeks. Will exchange for 5 room bungalow or 8 room house in Oshawa. For par- ticulars apply 11 King St. E. Phone (Dec. 24-Jan. 24) 8254. (150Db) HIGH LOAMY LOT, GOOD LOCA- tion. Well built district, will take young heavy team horses. Phone 1914W. (150¢) Wanted to Rent TWO FURNISHED OR UNFUR- nished rooms wanted. Close to Mot- ors. 250 Albert St. Phone 814]. (1500) Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SEWING MA- chine operators wanted at once. Steady work. Apply Schofield Woollen Co. (150b). HIN 2% Ere 83ESaistiet ° ° » REREEERRREE Va ag $144 BERERREES B & fr : 371 i 13 HR ; = f ENTE FRERREREREES 1343941 » B 5eEEBIER i 111111 AH EJ R i = wee 8 ges } B | fd 5 of ] Ensi 1411111 {EH fy Bilsceests 1411111 8SEBEE : il 4 a 11111 i £3535 358552 B I HL fErsines :3833833 i | | | 1 | > § § ; i { ' We Repair Anything Bought I in a Jewelry Store Bassetts JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner SIMCOE ST. NORTH As long as they can manage to eat, some people refuse to face real- ities.--Glasgow Herald. LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS ALL MAKES Quickest Service and Lowest Rates Avail- able, Solve your ready cash problem. Greer & Humphreys 24's Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160 Open Evenings SOAL COKE WOOD Wa terous- Meek Limited UPTOWN OFFICE S80 KingSt. W. hol and 660 Phones 1 omelrist EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block? 1516--Phope--1516 1927 Chev Sedan ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO, HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS © Prince 8+, Oshawa "hone 1100 W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 3 King Street West Hun. egs of pe. le weas with utmost comfort Hure's Fa 'Ic Lenses FLOOR SANDING Hardwood floors, laid, sanded and: finished complete--* We know how" W.J. TRICK Company Ltd, = | 25 Albert St. Office Heat, Light DESIRABLE TO RENT | About 1,200 Square Feet andJanitor Centrally Located Apply Box "N" Oshawa Daily Times DOCTOR'S WIFE 15 JAILED FOR FRAUD Obtained Expensive Ap- parel from Warehouse Without Payment London, Dec. 28.--Described Uy the police as a clever adventur- ess and a travelling crook, Nan Brown, or Sutcliffe, the wife of a Scarborough doctor, was sentenc- ed to six months' imprisonment at the Central Police Count in Glas- gow. Mrs. Sutclifie, who gave her age as 48, is a woman of prepossessinz appearance and was very. stylishly It was explained that the woman had been living apart from her busband for some years and since 1924 had beem living by fraud and theft. She 'had been convicted on numerous occasions. On her arrival in Glasgow she called at 2 boarding house in St. Vincent Crescent and asked for a room. After breakfast the next day she went out, saying she was going te cash a cheque. She never came back, but went to a leading ware- house in the city, and there sue- ceeded in getting some expensive apparel without paying for it. Four days later she was cross ing George-square when she met the owner of the boarding house accidentally. She did not show any embarrass. ment, but blandly staled that she was just going te ihe post office 10 collect a letter which contained 2 large sum of money, and invited the woman to accompany her. The pair went to the post office but there was no letter, and the boarding house owner then callad a policeman :

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