Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Dec 1928, p. 7

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1THE DAILY TIMES *v Ly Careand \ HS "Ze mscom ol oddities of sorts. And so it runs | through the classic colors of gray, | black, beige and brown, practical- ly every type complemented by a handbag that either matches or, at Interest in [Formal Evening Apparel is es : ig is ix i $ : $ : * y : 5 : 3 i : = ; , least, harmonizes--it is not smart Very Keen -- 'l'here Are Szveral | Ne Tr pC pk, Go i This Ban inf Correct Evening 'T'ypes. : ; ss ; a - N : 3 8 : : Kidskin and suede shoes are to : ; ¢ be had in blue, green and acajou, HERE is no denying the ia An) soup ui evening frocks will . terest that is everywhere ap- | have velvet, many times a suit and the two first colors are to be parent in what we n call, | weave, generou represented, and ANE . -- - J 3 the really wonderful choice that is | had in the reptilian leathers. These for want of a better name, the of late there have been printed ARE R } Sm \ 3 3 } ours, not only in a general, but a | are. you will understand, daytime Bswad toilette. It presupposes ele-| taffetas, very lovely if one wishes : choices, some formal, others in- gance, graciousness and a lovely |: i that will keep a certain " NN W ? Hig £ o 4 ~ © Vg > § formal, tailored, sports. When eve- femininity, and realization of 2 J Then tl ax + lames ¥ R Saal & : a de ) SR $ # po i 4 dng ning comes it is a new opportunit the supposition is assured, not inland g he metallic en in con- RE i $ > 0 -- then there are many shades, many offered, with the silver, gold, fio one, bit in many wuys. And these | trast to we tulles and chifions terials, many lasts and many |}13ck and white models predom- | nming effects. It is the same | jnating, although there is strict at- f you desire black, brown, beige, | tention given to colors. green, gray, a shoe in acajou. a | Bright colors are used for'con- finite detalii, shoe in tweed. You can be sure of trast and white satin shoes are There seems to be a steady Not on Sq ISUrs and 5 WE § : N tch some very march toward a goal that is, 4s ou ce ie ever fi but R X 3 SH AEE Ly : \ stume »d, not only in special shade. There are beautiful yet, undetermined, although wel 0000 Co id ost ia Ee 't but material. brocades and Paisley effects, and have our suspicions. Corsetry has tant. so far ny the His por \ 3 NN : L 4 ¥ : y » 1 i "here are classic types, there are it is to bé noticed that the ribbed fssumed an entir different as- "iz the lot ki . NY Te : 3 : 8 . ) 3 , i th reads ¥ novelties and there are creations! satin shoe is newer--so smarter---- J # i WC : ali N \ shop the many In the gray tones there are kid- than the plain satin model. Velvet special way. If your wish is for a blue shoe, with the materials that mold it! are we the term "tailored," with a new use of color. and in-'so perfectly made are they ways have to do with the silhouette, | that are a ed that they | \ R X : : : Variety Combines With Elegance | \ \ NEN Fou |X 37 | ; ! i J 8 3 comfort and of style and of fililng dyed to order, to ma Cor n pect, and while we know that there SRY, N 4 . dg . . rought about by the zed LE EN 3 3 3 9 & 3 hey will never be a return to the vol- em 2 L 3 | 3 a 5% : tho nd differ ff i skins unmetal leathers. reptilian | is important. as it would be, with uptuous curves that were once the stately and splendidly, inspir- } : \ NAY ; ) A ; EY 1 and suedes. In the browns this material leading the fabrie mode, Risers ke sresy Indication that 10 a determined attempt i A X . & R { N ' Mor 13 . | there are all these and satin, vei- | i or silver kidskin are curves in a lesser degree will pre- ¥ ip x RN NY * VE t. oaltaki in V 1 Site at t Nor a i : wr distinctively i : FoR L } 3 oF 2 i 1 roa ma t symbolizes | vet, calfskin, moire, tweed calf and | quite as i porta ever, vail. This is already apparent in \ ¥ dressed. : ! RPE of hel < J A dia a ve inexpensive models see " A : \ i asingly F rincesse | \ . co k } 4 $he Jacrea ly popular princesse | Somehow or other, to appear : } Pp : . { y § : | J | C ) A C ) As usual we are looking to the | Tso) ve i % \ LEE a | i a -W E C C vs and glows | N NN 3 \ R 3 3 POI R of | The frock the at gt plied below the spring models. elbow, and a wide field to princesses then evening mode for indications what the spring and summer lines will be, and there is food for thought in the new uses of drapes, rhineat it flares and flounces. The one thing | | Pers n re in ! 3 N\ RN b i 4 i n nN that remains unchanged fis the S@r8cous for this news 13 \ X RL fae Ne MRA \ nS ' a N art. 1 proe Iv every showing of ad-)ornamentat tendency to irvegulurity of hem | day x steals Hs | 3 ; . oar a "de doi Noe: an: § i asthiions and - Skirts are dropping mo lower characterizes every | a fe NN a) : ne ta 70 1he Sea ON | a Bines. assymmelry, and {sney that ol follow, prepared front but are dropping in back, a. tai. x 3 Y 1 e ci "ith plice closing. For a time | and ws at are tems frregularly, at the sides. ne N ds ACS Eh Rx \ \ : : : Uhete Sacsind Sobor. | Peramen nd blouses of varied F : AG a Wr civ ; aA ated to newer ideas, but the new 2 Two Types Of Materials ashionT urns Her Back | 3 § 3 al $ hm a sania x 4 33 4 t s are making use of hoi { ve are interested in The evening mode is making use UT it is in the manner of ¥ IN i ? i \ : NN nen aturieres holding | giagonai trimmings, lines and even c, for it is always first of both stiff and sheer materials, wearing her jewels. not the NY > REA AR \ } Vesr wpesy an > have Me- the neck that follows the trim- nmpo e in ¢ mode. We and finding definite uses for each manner of her modes, that R NU ; 3 AN } ie. A : a n i . ind ming. It would seem that fashion « gress of the type. The satins, taffetas and | Witnesses this apparent yess | J RR : 3 if 4 except th odels desigr is loth to give anything that flare, and we know that it has per- moire silks are imperative if the | The return of the really formal RA FAN 0 \ y i Aaern : aids in achiev clever effects, sist nore skirts recognize it bustle bow and bouffant-draped | ©VeRing gown with its Nr back - 3% 3 : Al t \ tne prevailing yhether that thing be small or | than do not frock is to be a success, and for | decolletage has been responsible ON y 2) 3 | QA \ 3 N Mow . i a by the large. to a continuance the floating draperies that are so | for the tricks of necklaces that are Dr, . . -- \ Na UY penmatie AD every oe Scarf treatments are featured in placed low on skirt, which very graceful, chiffon and tulle are | 2rranged to fill in the deep U or : 3 \ taii « r vell as in every | gli the models, and the cape leaves a major portion of the sil- used. Mofre is important, and, in-| V-1line. The long necklace is \ | type J tae fundamentals of appears. Bows bave lost nothing |houette an umgctermined quantity. cidentally, the bouffant line of! hooped one or several times with | ------------------- mee" eminent = er = 3 \ | terial to 11 ide Mile MoveS0Y: of their prestige. and there are all | It is to this part we look for imn- ary di this purpose in view, proving e ? 1 a 3 { 2 fz sive, even e 8li- sorts of half-war-between treat-|novations. judas 1» x2 different from the Teri tine. ¥ & ex- | back of the frock quite as much | . ma 2 has prac tically ; no | } y ho seeming to be ot several ments that are less than scarfs, yet Second © in importance to the Probably the most important in- The shorter necklaces of the 25 it does the front. Any ome of | nex k. the neck is long and minds when it « Comes to s ITA, more than ties. or more than scarfs | flare is the trend toward molding fluence is the princesse line, and choker type depend their orna- these necklaces can be reversed, slender the pendant is worn on a We cannot hel » bu tw ony Ww i | and less than capes. The neckline | the silhouette, and this has become after that. the peplum. often com- ments in the same way, giving one | for wear with the formal afternoon | short chain and lies in the hollow will endure na what iiss Fo rs ©! still comeés in for attention, and so importan Wat we are speak- bined cleverly. Already they are the feeling that she is out of per- | costume. of the throat--the large woman | ihe clisGard | with the coming of & spat means one more little thing in | ing qu glibly of the modified mew season. : behalf of becomingness, and there | princesse silhouette. So we have Luxury, formality and \ariely, are many. the fit-and-flare silhouette, which effecting daytime dress in any spective, or the wearer of the Incidentally it is noted that the s no such hollow! The more group of formal frocks they occupy | jewels is, instead. And when there pendant is more popular than ever geous the pendant the better, Sa Bape apparently, come 10. stay. Sleeves have not been plain. nor follows moided lines well down to a relatively important position. | is a shoulder pin or ornament it |and we know that it is the one type {and the least conspicuous the | Form, 1 things ave nade from yet have they been ornate, these [the bottom of the skirt, then pro- | Princesse lines are not as they |13 0 Placed that it ornaments the | of neckiace that is correct for the ' chain the better. 3S sti ns 3 e oO fabrics that are so gorgeous that | past few se But 0 a flare. Draperies are pop- were originally, but consist of a ugg abric tL, AsONSs. ut now. as ceeds to fia @ poy > ] {they trim themselves, und only though it were the last fortification | ular, especially at the sides and in molded body line that extends be- | ne is considered, and the design- GIFT of linen, colored for jcering embroideries or orna- to fall, fashion is turning her at- | back. featured generally in the { ers are skilled in concealing weight, daa lo or detracting from re that is fow the hips, and below this line - preference. for Jae Jhomelkenp- | ments are well thought of as a tention to their elaboration. This evening er, whether she be wile. mo medium of decoration. Hand work, | we observe fulness, achieved in | warious ways. It is smart to use the peplum, | and we observe an inclination to- | ward the train, which has been) eliminated from evening fashions for many seasons. It may begin with a bow, or it may be the re- sult of draperies, one of the clever | fdeas the balanced drapes that form a double train. An elongated line is one of the essentials of the | evening mode, which is certainly traveling throuzh uncharted Seas. | ears or off them, straight © tas you wish. The only rule laid | models would prove a success, but \ {down has to do with its becoming- | but making a good voyage of it. The Value Of Fabric And Color ---- AND BIG/ Many small women pride them- millennium, in fashion, if only | selves that they can be fitted in a things continue as they have | Junior department. begun. We can all remember, j Stances this works out all right, | but in more cases it does not. models for the Junior are planned { for youth, and youth and maturity VERYTHING points to the wucn there was a single way of | doing the hair and cverrbody did | | it that way whether it was becom- | ing or not. Now You may wear your hair short or long, over your may not always wear the same type »r curled, | of thing. ness to you as an individual. In respect to fit, | when 1t comes to styling they would | Prove anything but that. and otherwise making the re seem normal. If there are any alterations 10 be made, they will not detract from the style of the model, rather will they serve to add to it, for they make the model the wearer's own. Beware ; ment that needs extens- nS. lr the shoulders will | throw out the sleeve, and making the sleeve to fit will ruin it. Im | these shops the nrodels are correct, | mot only in line. but in fabric and color, for to each type belongs cer- tain weaves and certain shades, or hostess. A luncheon set in soft | green or sun-yellow; cocktail nap- | kins with a hand-embroidered | motif in the corner; a runner and | doilies for the formal dinner hour. Something in fur, and it need mot be a coat or wrap, either! A | diminutive muff of grey kid--yes. | they are wearing muffs again: an Ascot scarf in black kid: a scarf of fox or baum-marten: or an en- semble made up of scarf, muff and turban in a short-haired fur. A frock for the oollege girl, whe ! cannot have to many. Among the and in this group we include shir-| rings, drapes and a general fabric {| working, is apparent in all the ap- proved models. Color, also, is an {aid lo decoration. So far as it is possible to judge, there will be no diminution in the use of fabrics that are sufficient unto themselves. Luxury, formal- | ity and variety are bound to con- tinue for the world of women, who ! make all decisions, will not let | them be discontinued. As to variety, one thing proves its worth | --they are bringing back wool! weaves to complete and round out | the roster--cottons peturned with THE PICTURES (1) Excmning wraps achieve an appearance of lnaury. They ave mot intricate in their styling. although there are smart dotadls, but fabrics and fars ave richly beautiful. Velvet with chinchilla and a metallic fabric with white fox are here illustrated, and ave typical of the general evening wrap mode. (2) Wools ave promised great larity for spring wear. This sports cnsemble uses a novelty weave in black and green. and the fur is black caracul. The sweater blouse is black and is matched with a turban of the same material. Note the throe- quarters length cont and the wrap-acound skirt with dipping hem. (3) A study Wn the familiar black and white combination. The model has princesse lines and is made of black orope de chine. Sts lines ave simple, but the cape collar of white Georgette, Genuine beauty of material has made trimmings unimportant, for | Nor are we compelled to struggle Nor can the dress that is size cach with a purpose te perform. | newest and smartest models ave the | they would ada nothing and might | with a single silhouclte, a love | thirty- six be 'altered to fit the Find the shop or department that | lace dvesses, in blue, blonde, red or the last summer ay detract much from the perfection | neckline, a certain settle@ position | woman who wears a sixteen or specializes in dresses for your own | black, short of sleeve, but worn; (Certain elements in the fashion already arrived at. Colors are | for the beltline We may be |eighteen size. Shortening it throws {type of fisure, then patronize that | with a cocktail jacket. Sheer crepe | mnake-up have strengthened during different, and add novelty to the | straight and marrow, or we may |every line out of balance, for shop, if you would be smartly afternoon gowns do duty at the | the past few seasons, among them | situation, for they seem to have | flare. or. if neither of these please | models are designed to permit of dressed. | theater, or at tea. the ensemble. One doubts that it | from the usual in favor =, we may be a la princesse. The | only slight alterations. It is far P : will ever disappear, for it has be- | of the unusual, if we except black line may take any trend it| better to find a shop that makes a A gift in gay enamel, for either | (ome so important an influence for | original direct from a Pacisiae conturiere, and the vhinestone Did YOU ENOW-- | ey hii --especially lovely in either tulle,' es, and the waistline may be | specialty of dresses for short wom- es man or a woman. Cigarette £403 that we would not do without bucide and of ave typical. moire or velvet, and white, which | high or low. or normal. Fashion en--and you will find that they HAT i is now a fad, an the | cases, of course, with a lighter and | it. Ovcder has been brought out of | (5) The cltail" jacket is a evening detail. it appears, types of this main Continent, 10 match ones face |; polder to match, if the gift is to | chaos, so why should we be asked sometimes, in the afternoon, and makes use of vavions tahvics. is favored in some one of its many | has, of a sudden, grown friendly. | serve many A ' = in that it has broadened to permit group--some petite, some, plump, powder 10 one's hosler TREr- ia. a large one. And there ave to Eo back to the costume made Tos gol is fe ait hl 75 Aroaily The encrusted with pearl and silver embroideries, makes it a veally «lalate afaik. The buckied holt links frock with oollar. (4) individuality and 4 ination in the «© mode. This pie ising igi Pog onc Popp J min a nich, yot supple boocade dn silver, bine and vose. Mt is an Pale pink or blue or yellow, in| fact any of the faint pastel tones! are observed, and then we have | the vogue for daytime colors in evening apparel. Emerald green and the shade of blue known as royal or king's bhlue. Spanish red, | the beiges, even the midnight blues are approved. Shades that seem te flack something -- attenuated tones, and intensely brizht hues ave featured. not only in nodels of stiff fabric, but of sheer ma- Samiala a choice. But nothing has contributed the small woman--stout or slender, the lines of her models drawn specially: for her We shall see how it works out, in respect to | hath snanne | many frankly stout. On the other hand, the shop that quite as much to the well-dressed | specializes in large women's ap- appearance of the mass of women | parel will have models for the tall, | as the realization that all women | the sharter, may not wear the same model, and | who must be fitted to a size over speciz! attention must be paid to | forty, all types of women | or. at least, over forty-two. | And they include the woman who twhichever type she may be, and to Mes broad through her shoulders and the large woman, who must have | the usual type,. these days. maller through her hips: coat, dress and shoes may be of | through her hips, but small through her shoulders: and the woinan who is large everywhere! these sneaialts haps it is the other wx ound? They are offering hose iu such | shades as maturelle, beige, ochre. rose ochre and all the gradations familiar to those whe dabble in cosmetics. THAT they are stressing the irregular ensemble in preference to | the Y color w in anot n hade colors ma { Waal ond wnan = ~~ | wanities to match the holder and | case and lighter, if a lady is to be the recipient. A boutonniere or a spray of wers in a. gay little band-box that doubles the joy in the gift. Hat, | Taffeta roses with metallic foliage are lovely for evening wear: violets in natural coloring are nnportant in the flower mode: as ave gar- denias which come, usually, in naina up of wholly unrelated paris after | d and oth vely op thie the material itself for a time of harmony that has led to smartness. One theme that is gradually de- veloping is the jacket suit, made up of frock, or skirt and blouse, | with a jacket. The latier varies in length, someti s very short and again three-quarters length. so some variation of the idea will be suitable for neariv-evervene. This fashion has persisted throughout 1 early months of winter, and ket costumes ave mnresent dn prin Lame is a material generally msod. 5) An aftornoon coat to accompany the frock of fine fabric. iit is designed for the Palm Beach season and its material is a novelty silk-striped worstod. We note the atter absence of a flare and the toa i line cont. The eather iarge shawl collar is of stone marton. (7) Sinting of the Southern season and spring fashions. There will he a very general mse of the two-plooe dress that combines fiannel or jersey, cithoer printed or embroidered. with a skint of plain fabric. ovepe, jorsey or fiannel. One is impressod by the unusuainess of 'this advance model.

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