THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, CHRISTMAS, 1928 PAGE NI Season's Greetings MAY a kindly Providence allow you to share the good things of Christmas day throughout the forthcoming fifty-two weeks of 1929, eR A. L. Hudson & Company PHONE 2700 CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the CITIZENS OF OSHAWA from the Ontario Malleable Iron COMPANY OSHAWA - - ' ONTARIO v a ! 4 44 19 3 3 I a ne . vi ' $7 ww' ns ? 3 sol sy Pi The Home of "Diamond" Fittings Heartivst Yuletide (Greetings Tn All Fittings Limited Oshawa . . Ontario >. - § IRISTMAS! r MERRY-CH This day of gratitude would not be complete for this institution did we not express thanks for our prosperity and for the privilege of Service to this Community Nr KRUST Bakery has enjoyed another year rich in the happy relations it has had with the people of Oshawa. We have retained our old friends and made a host of new ones. We have tried to do a service to the public. That we have succeeded is evidenced by the remarkable growth of our business. ; : A period of good cheer and happiness--when we look back over the doings of the year that is going and make resolutions with respect to all the year ahead of us. We have added to our Baking Plant during the past year some of the highest class machinery that is made and now have one of the most modern plants in Eastern Ontario. And the public can be assured that if better Bread and Pastry are to be had, Nut Krust Bakery will be making it. ROBERT FRASER Ltd. Nut-Krust Bakery GOOD TO THE LAST CRUMB 24 Simcoe ST. SoutH Puong 2500 hi -» - "- Fw "ow Fw Fw "ow Fw a ". & a8 RTI SISO TIP TRIG TTIW TRIPP STIS TOIL SR)