Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1928, p. 2

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= GoAWA DAILY fIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1926 PT £LVE 3 - FELT BROS. |] £3 3 » . formes a yo >) Hy (LAR ity Rr i i iil 1b, 'BARBERRY BUSH One Girl's Marviage Problems HIS \ FR \ il ii 4 SP ANISH GIF T ROOM & = pen To-night jf | Entrance Through Main Store The story thus far: Barbara Bush Atherton lives with her father and sister Amy in a dest little b \! in '. Cottonwood, Cal. Lincoln Mac- ©, richest boy in town and one of the nicest, is interested in Barbara, but she, much to Amy's disgust, shows a prefer- Link, realizing shee for Bry Spain; poet ay maney she Two years dreamer, nne Scott, pre . and sophisticated, comes to Cot. elapsed since Barbara's marriage. tonwood to visit her cousin, Ines She is now a tived, over-worl Wilson, Link's wealth attracts And the restless Bul her, and she uses her wilts to with inetepsing Sesdueney. 4 aweliy bring him to her feet, most Sueno: Sway | i home. A against his will he falls in love r. f has offered to send Barry to New with her. And at the thought of ad pit ph cghosiid fog in Marianne Scott's becoming Mrs, hile he is gett is start as Lincoln Mackenzie Barbara finds pi - S*'ing ie dan 4 If Jered impulse Barry and Barbara make him realize that his fa. "BUY WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" ily needs his support, but he a, nevertheless, Mackenzie nd go to his old ranch to a pd Barbara adapts E extend to all our Cue- tomers and Friends Best Wishes for a Happy Christ. mas and a Prosperous New Year, Che Ropal Bank of Canada helps Barbara through a long ill- ness, and pays her such constant attention that they are the sub- ject of much gossip. INSTALMENT 26 At last it was night and Barbara went out to the dark porch, lighted only by a dull red ghmmer from the hall light and by the occasional flashes of motor-car lamps from the street, and sat on the top steps and stared into warm, motionless velvet blackness. iad She had not been there five min- utes when a big low car stopped at the gate and a squarely built man in white flannels jumped out of it, Barbara's heart turned upside down, plunged and began to race at double speed. The man, coming rapidly to- ward the house, was almost upon her hen she intercepted him with the Single word, "Link!" : "Oh, hello!" he answered in a mat- ter-of-fact tone, He jammed his drivieg gloves in his side pockets and sat down on the step beside her. "Say, where were you this after- and sweet scented and near, kw Barbara stood straight and infinite bigness above her. "Link--I'm living, time today!" He was standing close beside her, now she heard him laugh oddly, close to her ear, as he said: "Why did you put your hand on mine, on the porch back there?" Barbara began to tremble. She felt frightened, yet it was a happy sort of fright that ran all through her body, and made her conscious of herd i night air it to and fro, and of of her slim, straight coppery hair, with the gently blowin her toes, an body, and of her lifted throat. slim, her head thrown back, her soft hair bared, her closed eyes lifted to the for the first "I. don't know," she said, in a low voice, And she stood waiting, She shut her eyes again. There was a silence and Link did not move. Then suddenly he turned and walked the hundred feet of the springy, odorous turf that lay be- tween them and the car, and as he days between them, fidence were gone, and although they saw cach other almost every day it was and accepted it, They did not speak all the four miles home, and when Barbara got out at the Duffy's gate she instantly joined the dark figures on the steps and did not ask Link to delay. "Who's here?" she asked, stumb- ling between them, "Amy? Who's this? Dad?" And she sat down on the steps close to her father and laid her cheek against his sleeve and locked both hands about his arm, "Hello, darling," her father said affectionately. "Aren't you going to get out, Link?" he called, "I've got to get along home," Link said from the darkness. But almost immediately he did get out of his car and came up the path, as he had come an hour ago, and sat with them tor a little while, But Barbara did not address him directly, nor did he speak to her. . ¥ % That was the beginning of strange The happy con- and unthinking intimacy TS ! Se AL 7 {i " ET NT - i! Wh \ lq iy ¥ iS (li A = "oo Irn: noon?" he demanded, walked he said quietly over his) with such constraint, such silences 9 Wn Where Wily Wine Wee Wino? WP Weir Yr MRP 7 0 70 er PUREED INE ENE SRE INES Barbara, to her own concern and disgust, found that she could not answer easily. She laughed, faintly and pointlessly, and spread the fing- ers of her hand lightly over his own, shoulder: "We'd better go back." It was in that instant that the change came, and she recognized it as it rested on the step beside her, Link turned toward her; she could only see the glint of his eyes in the dark, but she knew from his tone that he was smiling, "Hello, Babs!" he said again, pleased. i All the disappointment and distress f the day faded away from her and fe was right again. She had been a sol to let them frighten her; every- ing was quite as it ought to be. "Had your supper?" asked Link. "Yes. We have it early here--at "You couldn't go for a drive?" "Well--Amy's here--" she hesi- tated, But she had risen to her feet, "Just a few minutes," she stipulated. Link took the shore road; the soft black air, rushing at them, was cool and salt and scented with kelp and sea. The sky was low, infinitely dark, and evasions as to make all the world seem entirely different from the old order. Barbara had gone upstairs that Sunday night in a mood of breath- less exaltation and excitement, Never in her life had her heart beat so fast, never before had she felt the same sense of thrilling confusion of the senses. She had seemed to fly, to be lifted on wings; she had laughed qu.ver- ingly as she stopped to kiss Kate and adjust the baby for the night; she had stepped about the unlighted room almost as if dancing. And once in her cottun pyjamas, the pyjamas that Amy had bought for her on that January day when those who watched her had seen that she was to turn the first hard corner toward convalescénce, still she could not get into bed and go to sleep. Instead she settled herself at the window sill and reviewed with a flut- tering sort of joy the events of the long day. Up in the dawn and down- il il il i a We extend to you the Compliments of the Season and Sincere Wishes for a Bright and stairs in the kitchen with Kate. Lhen to the Casino and down the hard, white sand of the beach with running bare feet, and into the cold, salty shock of the ocean. Link beside her, holding her wet hand in his own, steadying her before the hooped rush of the waves. Coffee in the early morning quiet and shimmering lights of the big Casino restaurant. Her hair wet, her face glowing form cold water, the | Prosperous New Year scent of the coffee and rolls delicious | in the warm air, sl Cd : And then Marianne, and Marianne's ¥ I.a PARISIENNE close to the shore, panted in the dark. 21 Bond St, W, Phone 308 innuendoes--Barbara, looking down I! I ) Beneath their feet the turf was i BB: S BDI © BIBS BBB | ony 20d rout, and set iendsy | ADDIS DDN S BIZ I | | GREETINGS FROM YOUR INSURANCE AGENTS dark night, smiled to herself, re- PE CES IRRRLSNCOESITORE INNES ed membering it. Marianne had thought 4 1 Season's Greetings She went through the hours of the North American Life Assurance Co. G. L. NOLAN, Local Mgr. Disney Block King St. E. there was neither moon mor stars. Barbara's heart, as she sat silent and utterly content in her seat beside him, was singing with joy. Nothing else mattered; they were together again. They were out of the town and running briskly along the shelf of roadway that ran above the sea. Link stopped the car on the point and they got out and walked to the edge of a cliff. ther cars had passed them as they came. But they were alone here. The sea murmured busily, roll- ing shells with little clinking sounds on the rocky points below them. The great breathing surface of the invis- DRY GOODS & CLOTHING ible ocean, like some black monster many friends, old and aew © Bi SPB SIS SBE BBE * x H. Engel | 1 | ra : ] The Season's Greetings to all our clients Old, New and Prospective Sun Life Assurance Co. ~- of Canada : M. E. HARTLEY--A. S. ROSS Dominion Bank Chambers Oshawa V.A.HENRY Insurance $55 11% SIMCOE ST. 5. rrosperous New Year Prudential Insurance Co. RIL Kim Wo on ES MEET RE OSHAWA LEB OBISMOBBIROE arimpneianesmnees LIIBBOIBEROIIRIR LS. agimpnenenngi ene' ; a a Each o 23S FESR III IIS; -.M LT CC -------- N Season's Greetings MERRY CHRISTMAS and a W.J. SULLEY . Auctioneer 346 Simcoe St. 8. Merry Christmas Happy New Year Excelsior Life Assurance Co. H. A. MacDONALD, Local Mg:. Alger Bldg. King St. E. Davis & Son wrornmm SIRS PI rary Lio sey en Phone 716) SEPWMBWENWRNED AWD WMP INO IND0LS : BIS ISIS HI © iC Ba

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