Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1928, p. 5

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- / Guilty Hundred Mystery Is Likely To Remain A Mystery For Some Time No Clue to Identity of ther. Hallett with another man had gone back to Gulley Hundred which if Skeleton. Found in the lies about five miles north of the ne ngston w r the purpose Desolate Wastes Around of obtaining Ry es evergreens Pickering -- Body Buried | for transplanting in another dis- trict. His eyes fell on three uirves in Small Grave Months in a row on a small bill Just with- AL Aft Had Been n the Gulley Hun and seeing Ago Legs that these ge yl "nim ads. -- Ambrose ably, he fgll to an gan excava ted . ing around the roots of the first. Amputa Small Theory Run to|end came upon the skeleton. Earth Desolate Spot : Gulley Hundred is possibly the pnt most desolate spot in this region. Mystery still surrounds the grue- It is more of a waste, and the soi), .gome find at Pickering a few daye | particularly sand-loam, is unfit for ago when two workmen, digging [the growth of ordinary vegetables around the roots of a tree at Gully | or grains, Moisture is rapidly su. Hundred, came across a badly de-{ed up by this loam, which main- composed body buried two feet un- | tains an extraordinary dryness even der the soll, So badly was the body With an apparent surplus of mois- decomposed that only a few bits os ture. Residences are seldom seen hair and bone-marrow indicated |in-the region and but for a small that death had taken place per-|house here and there, the place haps not more than a year or so is devoid of human habitation, ago. The bone tissues had been so | The theory that the wxeleton well preserved that upon break- |might have been that of an Indian ing one open Provincial Constable buried by his fellows a number of Cecil Taylor, who investimted the [Years ago was exploded by Con- case, found" them still reddened [Stable Taylor, whose knowledge of with a sign of former life, incidents and customs in this dis- The find was made on Decem. |trict is very accurate, ber 7 by Jabez Hallett, a retired No Bullet Found farmer of the Pickering district. From a drawing taken from the TT or eh SER Sera EAUTIFUL thoughts and great aspirations are more easily stirred by Nature's grandeur than by the words or pictures of man." 7 iC LS ET 8 SL It is the people we have served that have given our professional conduct the mark of "Service of Sin- cerity"', Tr T= TA VISNEY - COTT Funeral Home NW Slee < ~ ERA | Do Your 'Hens Lay? ' Et With cold weather coming and not much sunshine your poul- try need cod liver oil. We have the best on the market in any quantity you want. Feed our Superior Scratch Grain along with our Laying Mash and make your hens lay. Cooper-Smith Co. - 16 Celina St. Phone 8 A DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1928 PAGE FIVE original article, Constable' Mit- chell: pointed 'out the peculiar) shape of the cranium of the dead: 4 ' man. A large hole in the side of tfe | wmmmg head; the left side, might possibly | - T DE suggest foul play. However, i Taylor stated, the bullet theory all taboo, since the material inside the head is so soft that & bullet would have passed right through. There. was no hole on the right) side of the head. London, Dec. 22.--~A committee the case." said Mr. Taylor "is that |tyrers today sent Rt. Hon. L. C, M. side, I cannot discover why this |pDominions, a resolution expressing was 80, True, the into a small aperature, because the [ernment had put Germany on the roots of the tree passed by the body [same footing as Great Britain with closely on each side. Whoever bur-|pegpect to future preferential rates. ied the body must have done 80 in| The committee expressed the a short time, possibly through fear opinion that the adtion of the of impending justice. Of course, |South African Government 'could that theory is only in the case he [only result in hindering the expan- was murdered." .|sion of Imperial preferences, upon Legs Amputated, which the extension of Empire The hole was dug, and the body |trade must largely depend." thrust in. But the hole was not| The resolution requested that the long enough, Something had to be |Govenment friendly representa- done and the only thing suggesting |tions, in consultation with the gov- short space of time, was to ampu- |jons, to the Government of South tate .the legs. This was dome, the | Africa, with a view to securing de- superfluous members of the body |jetion of the most favored nation being shoved in afterwards. The [clause from the proposed agree- shallow grave was filled in, the {ment with Germany. "undertaker" knowing that in a Ottawa Not Advised few years, roots would creep| Ottawa, Dec. 22.--No represen- around the body and the secret |tatives have been made to the Cana~- would he well-kept. : dian Government regarding the But fortune plays strange antics, [South African preference to Ger- and the other day the incident was many or that the other Dominions revealed, should join with Great Britain in A Gruesome Find making representations to South Mr. Hallett, who was the first |Africa on this subject. If such re- to come upon the body, became |presentations are made to Canada, suddenly alert when his spade hit [it will be a matter to be dealt with something hard, yet soft, which |by the Government, and officials gave away to continued pressure. | hefore commenting will await the He had hit the rear of the skull |Government's statement of policy. which he later brought to light. [It is considered very doubtful, hows Plece by piece the whole skeleton |ever if Canada would attempt to was dug up, with the exception of [interfere in any degree with the the two legs. These later were un- economic policy of another Domin- covered by Constable Taylor who, |ion, except when - that policy im- believing they were certainly pre- |pafred the Canadian preference sent in the grave, directed further {when it would be a matter of ad- operations, The whole skeleton |justing the Canadian economic pol- rests in the custody of the law until |icy to the new situation, further investigations are conclud- The Cabinet has dispersed unti: ed. iy after Christmas and there will be OF THE EMPIRE; "The most extra-ordinary part of (ot the National Union of Manufac- | X§ the legs were buried by, the man's | Amery, Secretary of State for the ' Nj body was shoved | regret that the South African Gov. itself, and to be accomplished in a !ernments of the various Domin- N : Small Mystery no expression of Governmental or That possibly the skeleton mieht |officlal opinion here until the Can- inet considrs the proposal, if such a proposal comes from Great Bri- tain, Tt is thought very doubtfnl if Great Britain would seek counienance any proposal which misht be considered an attempt te | i | Western Samos continued today. | words "yes" and "no" instead of ] ocean "istores kept by white persons. real during the 1928 season of nav- have been that of Ambrose J. Small theatre magnate, who disap- ago, was one feature of the case which urged Constable Taylor to uncover the mystery. A~ting on in- headquarters some years azo, Mr. |one part of the Empire by the com- Taylor earerly searched for the [bined representation of the re- skull and jaw bones of the dead |mainder. tecth in his head. Had this skele- .- ton? However, when he had found I that for which he was looking, his o efforts were to no avail for instead : vealed teeth which were rather the MADE BY WENIGE worse for decay. The Ambrose J. Small theory was run to earth. A mystery, or whether sometime in Judge MacBeth, the representatives the near future someone will be |of the eandidates and City Clerk able to give a name to the remains | Baker, tolled morning, afternoon possible to say, but that most pe-| demanded by ex-Mayor G, A Sullas a incidents have attached Wenige. While 87 po.ling sub-divi- emselves to the finding of the |gsions had been comp.eted at the is safe to conclude. a gain of three votes for Wenige. As the recount is now more than half complete and as Mayor W. J. BLAMED Montreal, Dee. 22.--Officials of | 377 the result is not likely to be 'he Quebec Liquor Commission | S7eatly aitered, 'ere think that reports from On- uor, bearing the commission | changes in the rulings of the dep- tamps and labels, are sifting into | Uty returning officers on particu- 'hat province for "home" econsump- | 18r ballots. One counted in division ; '"nited States, via Windsor and De- | was thrown out by the judge. This joo are much exaggerated, had been the subject of an atfidavit L. B. Cordeau, president of the | by Homer B, Neely, ex-Mayor Wen- today that it does not seem reasoa-|ed on the back and as the mark able that carloads could be obtain- | showed opposite Kilpatrick's ed for shipment, because the rule name, when the paper was held to holds good. "We know nothing at all about §t," he said. 52th asa Eiipateiex ballot, Mr, Cordeasu was of the opinioh The printing impression on the ballot showed through to the re- th Yop sed by operators behind | CC' ide and it is believed that # some person with defective vision UNREST IN SAMOA : : NOT YET ALLAYED | wrong side up. The changes made Apia, British Samoa, Dec. 22.-- | however, were principally admis- Native unrest and antagonism to |sion of ballots which the D. B. O.'s peared from Toronto nine years formation obtained from police |influence the eceonomic policy ot man. Ambrose Small had gold of gold teeth, the jaw bones re- Whether the mystery will remafn London, Ont, Dec. 22.--County found in Gulley Hundred, it is im-| and again last night on the recount body in such a desolate region, fit evening recess the net result was FORGING OF LABELS BY BOARD | Kiipatrick's ofilcial majoriiy was rio stating that carloads of 1-| The ogg or ning tion and also for shipment to the |27, by D. BR. O. Joseph H. Pack, Quebec Liquor Commission, stated |ige's so.icitor, The baliot was mark- of "one bottle to one person" still the light, the ofticer had counted that faked or forged Isbels may had not noticed that the ballot was the New Zealand administration of | had rejected. Balots bearing the With Tamasese, leader of the |a cross were admitted by the judge Mau (league of Samoan natives), |as indicating the yo.er's intention. en route to New Zealand to serve It is claimed that thus far noth- six months' imprisonment for re-|ing of importance has been brought sisting arrest, three other Samoan |to light and for the most part the chiefs were in jail 'here for having | election officials seem to have refused to pay fines on tax judg- | been a well trained organization. ment summonses. One had resist- np---------------- ji ed arrest. - Tamasese was arrested by a | FEWER STEAMERS; ; large force of military police this GREATER TONNAGE tive followers mot to pay taxes to| Montreal, Dec. 22. -- Although the government and to boyeott fewer steamers came to Mont- than in 1927, the tonnage increase FELT BROS. || SPANISH GIFT ROOM || { Open Every Evening "Entrance Through Main Store "BUY WHERE SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY" attained an of 440,000 tons over the preyious season. The annual statement for the local port jsssued today showed there were 1,222 transatlantic arrivals during 1928, representing 4,693,925 met tons as compared with 1,231 ar- = | rivals in 1927, representing 4, 'excess of $500,000,000, it was announced tonight. Terms of the merger, which will make the Man- [| ufacturers Trust the genth larg- in the country, will be announced within 2 few dava Only To-night and Monday To Complete Your Gift Shopping Shop here when you are in a hurry. Shop here when you want to save HEH HRS ORES INNO IRA dns eas Irn Ie o Assortment of colors, wh A Special--Women's Silknit Gowns 3 Daintily trimmed with lace. No value to our knowledge that can equal this for the money. Regular $1.69 On Sale for $1.00 2 Women's Silknit Gowns In a finer quality, Plain tail- .ored and lace trimmed styles. All colors in small, medium and large sizes, Our regular $1.95 Snowe ...eonr..r. $1.59 Clearing Before Christmas 25 only Women's Fancy Velveteen Kimonas Balance of a previous special offering. On sale to-night and isn: 3198 Choose Orient, Supersilk or Puritan Maid Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery No better values are obtain- able at $1.50 to $2.00 pair, A value that is quite out of the ordinary. You must really handle the glove itself to realize just how well they are made, and how good the quality is. (Sizes 8 to 10) OUR SPECIAL AT Tune in on Majestic Program, Columbia i Chain, 9.30 E.S.T. every Sunday evening. Ties © TUBE A.C. AIL HLE(TRIC Majestic $350 TO 5100 LESS "THAN ANY OTHER SIMILAR RADIO To get a 7-Tube All Electric Radio with Single Dial Tuning and Automatic Volt- age Control: To have it housed in a beauti- ful American Walnut Cabinet with front panels and doors of matched burl walnut and built in MAJES- TIC SUPER-DY- NAMIC SPEAKER: To know that this radio is the world's best radio of its kind for the money: That's what the Majestic offers you. Model 72 7-Tube A. C. All Elecaic , We are featuring this marvellous new radio in this community. Come in, see it, and get our terms on a Majestic for Christmas, You should hear its Super-Dynamic Speaker! Generator & Starter Co. Ltd. 15 Chuich Street Oshawa : .

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