Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1928, p. 14

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w UN Lee Qi Suburban and Gathered By Times Sf Reporters and Correspondents, District Neus -- NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Dee, 20.--To Mr, and Mrs, Bdgar Glover at 261 Arthur 8i, Oshawa, on Sunday, December 16th, the gift of a daugh- ter, Congratulations, There is so mugh sickness in North Oshawa , and particularly among the schobdl children that the concert and Christmas Tree for the day school has been postponed in- defini ely, The Sunday School Concert will be given as advertised if ible at all, Santa has promised to be there on this Friday evening to gee all the young folk again, . Our congratulations to Mr, Roy Lutz eho saved a hoy's life re- gently, The lad would have heen drowned if Mr, Lutz had not gone into the creek and saved him, We are proud to have Mp. Lutz as a North Oshawa citizen, BETHESDA Bethesda, Dec, 18, Mrs, D, K, Fraser visited her sister, Mrs, R, MeCullough at Tyrone on Tues- day. Miss Winnifred Cole and Mr, W, L, Gilbert motored from Toronto on Tuesday and visited Mr, and Mrs. T, J, Cole, Mrs, Rundle, Mr, and Mrs, Ever- ton with Marie end Hleanor were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, George Joll at Newcastle, Miss Cole, Miss 'Ethel Cole ano ) Mr, J. R. Cole were Sunday guests of Mrs, Tod at Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs, T, H, Werry, Man fan and Helen motored to Bethany and visited Mr, Werry's sister, Mrs. Rowan, Miss Berta Cole spent a few days in Toronto visiting her sis- ter, Miss Wipnifred Cole. Mr. Kenneth Fraser of Toronte Bs spending Christmas vacation at ome, Mr. and Mrs, J, B, Cole of New- | tonville spent Sunday at Mr. J, R, Cole's, ENNISKILLEN +. Enniskillen, Dee, 18,--The Sun- "day schoo] concert and Christmas tree will be held on Thursday pight. \ The Ladies' 4id will meet the first Wedesday in January . in- stead of December 19th, TIME TABLES CPR. [IME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect 12o Sunday. April , 1926 ", Going West 5.48 am Daily, 6.23 a.m Daly .35 p.m Daily 7.34 om. Dayl EH! % am Baily 04 p.m ily except Sunda; 8.03 p.m Daily except Say, 1L10 pm. Dany. 12.09 a.m. Daily. All times shows times flepast from oly 4 » Wainy Chg. TIME FABLE Ef Sept. 30. i928, 823 am. Daily except Sunday, 8.58 a.m. Sunday ol 4 4 9.59 a.m Daily 117 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 2.32 pm. Daily except Sunday, 647 pm Daily except Sunday, 9.42 p.m. Daily. 11.09 p.m. Daily except Saturday, 12.09 a.m. Daily. 32.2) p.m. Daily, Ww a.m Daly. am Daily a.m Daily except Sunday. a.m Laity : 07 aan. Daily except Sunday, .06 pan Daily except Sunday, A dy ly 27 pm y aap Suadty, 7.14 p.m. Sunday only. 8.45 pan. Daily except Sunday, 2 44 "5.28 45 20 07 Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE . WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and aites Noy. 4 Going W; est Leave is Leave Arrive Arrive Bowmany wa ban) amt 810 a.m. 9.30 a.m. .20 a.m. @ PE® RERERERERERI {RRS san NO 5 & ge hd B Songunawmn POLE OPYY 2bbaBBBa RIN 4 2 8 Sasi Eitute SET Ba an goo 38 Ee) : Spas Bonu Whithy Moanitas os Ab Remmatile Rates and Cael) Drivers ff A GARTON Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 412 or 346 Oshawa Waiting Room, 48 Prince St. Mr. Wm. Herring is visiting A spent at te Gregg on 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1928 had been visiting with her daugh- ter, : : ; cNab, accompa by ner gia Allan and ng Ren- rs Lee, : : to their home in last week, oyable evening was ome of Mrs, David ednesday last when shy urn entertained her Sunday schoo! clas. of girls together with their moths ers, the event being in the form of a mother and Qanghior banquet, the daughters afterwards entertain. ing the mothers, After the pro- |. gram was rendered, games were played and a very pleasant evening ho brought o a close, all feeling very friends in Oshawa, - irs: Lorne Griffin is in Bowe manville hospital for treatment for goitre, : "There is a lot of sickness around here, Dr, Ferguson is able to be around on duty again after being om the sick list, W. H, Hutchison of Winnipeg has been a genuine Santa Claus to the boys and girls of the school in Jlescuting to them forty records 'or the gramophone, Miss Reva and Mr, Roy McGill were in Toronto Saturday to visit their father in the General hospital and report he is doing nicely, Mrs, Wm, Herring was advised of the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs, Joe Webber, in Manitoba, Mr, and Mys, James Strong and Miss Mae Graham, Purple Hill, Mr, and Mvs, Leslie Graham, Black» stock, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mvps, J, Freeborn, 4 Mrs, W, G, Smith entertained wu few friends Wednesday in Honor of their wedding day, CLAREMONT Claremont, Dec, 18,--Mrs, Begse, who has been visiting friends In the village, returned to Toronto last week, Mr, and Mrs, Feasby of Sanford spent Sunday with the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Duncan Mor» gan, "Rev, Mr, Ferguson and Mrs, Fer. guson of Pickering called on friends in the village Wednesday evening, Nurse Mundell is ill with the flu. Mrs. Bushby returned on Bup- day from Bcugog Lake where she HIGH GRADE EQUIP MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION MEANS RELIABLF SERVICE PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.~We Deliver Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--=89 Bloor Street, E. Orders Promptly Delivered Left Over ON SALE TOMORROW MORNING are available, r Winter The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity Becure your CONGER COAL now while best services Concer Lemen Coal. Co. Liven, J. H, 5 LUKE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687.W | for the W. M.S, OT gratetu} to Mrs, Gregg for her king 3 08) ! o any Missionary Seek the United Chure held thele The spec {ture of the meeting was an addres on missions by Miss Evelyn Mitem ell of Toronto, travelling secretary Mrs, Walter Ward and Ms, John Stewart were pres sented with Life Membership certi- ficates in the W,M.8, by the Society, The Christmas concert and tree of the United 8.8, will be held in the Community hall on Friday ev- ening, December 81st, at 8 o'clock, The pupils are practising hard to make the evening a success, Be- sides the usual tree for pupils of the school there will be a special tree for the children of New Ontario, who have had such hard times dur. ing the past year, The Baptist 8,8, will hold their Christmas concert on Thursday ev- ening, December 20, A good pro- gram is being prepared and all are looking forward to it with much interest, A serious train wreck occurred on the C,P,R, one mile east of Claremont on Thursday night when five coaches on the midnight flier to Montreal left the track owing to a broken rail, toppled over and slid down a twenty foot embankment. Fortunately, only two men were seriously injured, They were cared for and sent back to Toronto. The yp in the early hours of the morn- ing to provide help and provisions for the passengers, who were carea for at the recelving station, Se eral officers of the C,P.R, Co., wi a wrecking crew were soon on scere and by Sunday evening the wreck was all cleared away and the track repaired, for room of the public school held a very successful Christmas enter- tainment, The youthful enter- meeting chureh on Thurs, | fal fea- citiz.ns of Claremont were called | Money to loan at G% per cent first mortgages. , H. R. LUKE Phones: a¢1 931; GHTW. tainers excelled themselves in mus- ic, dialogues and, etc, The fea- ture of the evening was the play of the trial scene of the Merchant of Venice, The artists were all appropriately costumed and pre- sented a very important appearance: Master Bill Tomlinson, playing the part of Shylock," wielded the dag- ger in real Oriental stvle. Every participant acquitted himself with credit and their teacher, Mr, Ste- phenson, deserves special mention The chair was occupied by Mr, M, J, Wilker, principal of the Contin- nation school, in his usual happy manner, The death occurred on December 10th of Mr. John Whitson of the Sth concession of Pickering in his 86th year.Mr, Whitson was born on Jaruary 2nd 1844, on the seventh | Une of Pickering and was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs. James | Whitson, one of the pioneer famil- | On Friday evenipg last the Sen- jes of the township, and was the last surviving member of his fam- ily. In 1876 he married Annie PHONE 7160 N, J SULLFY Auctionee Loans, Insurance Collection and Real state f 846 Simece St. 8, Oshawa = == INSURANCE utler & Preston 64 King St Wem Telephones 872 283 Night Calls 510, 1560, For Christmas Give Your Family this Gift, Tt - Lasts 7 ROOM ARTISTIC BUNGALOW Open fireplace ---- sunroom windowed, French doors, ftalian ceiling, wonderful built-in shower hath in til. ed bathroom, Many excep- tional features, Only $6,000 Terms Move in for Christmas Phone 1550 for appointment DISNEY REAL ESTATE ed him a few weeks ago, All his life Mr, Whitson engaged in farm- ing, specializing in the raising of pure bred Shorthorn cattle, He took a deep interest in pubic af ag a member of the Public school hoard. long Presbyterian and in poltics a In religion he wag a life- Hossock Mustard, who predeceas- | fairs ahd for several terms served | Conservative, ELLA CINDERS--Hit of the Show So -- } 0 0 SISTER YOU GOT THEM LYING IN ABLES | YOU'RE HIT! A wow | By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb hss Cel) GEL --) GET) [§ 4] 5 ( LISTEN » WE! MUST WAVE CHILBLAINS BRINGING UP FATHER-- BAY IVE PAID EIGHTY ALREADY TO-DAY GTN TE HAT Yo orp eat rg PMR = 0 HERE - HUDSON ESSEX DISTRIBU ® Prince 5. Ushawa Mhone 100. p11 | SHAKESPEARE SAID, ~ A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME WOULD SMELL AS SWEET, SO SANTA CLAUS BY AMY OTHER NAME CAN STILL MAKE LITTLE BOYS HAPPY, TOMMY. PATRON SAINT OF THE CHILDREN, FROM THIS GERMAN PHRASE FOR CHRIST CHILD COMES OUR MAME, KRIS KRINGLE. WHAT DID DADDY SAY HIM YOUR OEY MAR MorNMING SIED BE Down TILLIE THE TOILER-- Caught on the Fly THAIS YoU ACH % 7a 4 FOR ig AT SUMP RIGHTY iM A TAYE AND BE UP To THE OFFICE IN A NTO HIS To THE 2-22 ILLES DIA 7 | GUESS MR. BLATZEN MR PRESSION AS { BREEZED THE WRAP OM ~ MAC. TOOK THE WRAP BACK AND DID ALL THE EXPLAINING , WHILE | SEs a, OLD S Acai POSS OFFICE WITH GOWN BHOP Fi

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