Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 MONKEY AND PICKANINNY VIE in the living granite of a huge O~the little figure is not an effigy of Pan playing his pipes to inveigle the wood-nymphs; it is a8 young monkey who consented to pose for the official photographer on the Canadian Pacific cruise to South America and Africa last year, The camera-man, somewhat irreverently, titled his picture, g. page Mr, Darwin." onkeys, frightfully dressed Zulu ricksh. ooys, frightfully un- dressed Zulu belles and completely undressed pickaninnies vie with the rushing, roaring Victoria Falls; with Pao de-Assucar--more fam- iliarly known as the "Sugar Loaf" --from which a marvellous view of Rio de Janeiro is obtained; with the tomb of Cecil Rhodes, mighty Empire-builder from which, carved boulder topped with a bronze slab the spirit of the founder of Rho- desia can survey his handiwork; with the stranger sights, sounds and smells of the bazaars of Port Said and the majesty of Vesuvius frowning on the fateful city of Naples famed for the gaiety of its life despite the ever-present men- ace of the world's most famous volcano for supremacy in the mem- ory of the voyagers when they sit back in their easy chairs at the end of the voyage, Wherever the "Duchess of Atholl" calls her passengers will see new sights, their ears will meet strange sounds and they will gather impressions that will en- dure of many of the different races and countries of which this world consists, So =r x @) RAILROAD TUNNEL CONSTRUCTED IN RECORD TIME Amevica's Longest Bore Threugh Cascade Mountain to be Finished Jan. 12 Settle Wash,, December 20. -- All ecords for speed in railroad tunw! construction have been brok- en I the completion in three years of ,merica's longest railway tun- nelthe new Cascade mountain bore of the Great Northern railway in hington, e new eight-mile tunnel will be finished by January 12, shatter- 1)€ by two years the best previous Yme for a project of similar mag- And when it is considred that the cruise, starting from Jew York January 22nd, 1929, will visit Ja. maica, Trinidad, Brazil, srgentins, Uruguay, South Africa, Tangan- vika, East Africa, Keny;, the Su. dan, Egypt, Italy, Mongo, France, Gibraltar and England the sights depicted above are not 'eally need- ed to indicate the."infinte variety" of this "cruise of contasts," The visit of the R.M.}, "Duchess of Atholl" during the tiree months of the cruise will proitle an portunity for citizens »f ports these various countries to see the new 20,000-ton Canadap Pseifie liner--and to realize the strides the great Dominion is naking. The ship is equipped with ian individu. ally controlled ventilgion system that makes it ideal for tropical climates, CONFEDERATION | Canadian National Railway Of- don, Rezina and Saskatoon. this route good connections ar are | EW DEVELSPMENT rado, nearly two miles shorter, re- uired four and a half years for completion, ' Four European tunnels, three of which are only slightly longer than the new Cascade were con- structed in fromy seven to fourteen years, Adding to the remarkable accomplishment in Washington is the fact that the new project was completely lined with concrete. Nei- ther the Moffatt nor the four Euro- pean tunnels were finished with concrete walls, Ingenfous devices were used to drive though the passageway in the three years allotted the con- tractors by the railway, Not only was work started from both ends but a 622 foot shaft was sunk to intercept the path of the tunnel two and half miles from the east entrance. From this shaft drilling was started towards both ends and these four primary points of attack were augmented further by a tem- porary parallel tunnel run from the shaft to the west portal five and a half miles away. This temporary or pioneer hore was located approximately on the same level as the main project and about 50 feet to the south. Being much smaller than the main tun- nel it was completed several months earlier, From the pioneer bore cross-cuts were constructed into the large tunnel making it possible to gain access to the main route at several places and keep work going at a number of points. Construction of the tunnel re- quired removal of nearly 900,000 cubie yards of earth and rock and the pouring of 264,000 cubic yards of concrete, PATIENTS LIVE IN ATMOSPHERE. OF tude. The Moffott tunnel in Col- | LL the charm of the robes worn by the fashionable women of Paris is to be found in these lovely robes that are here in every type and every color, A complete assortment, most attractively priced for Christ. mas gift giving at $5.95 Sizes for women and miss. es, All Robes beautifully gift boxed? ~ THIS CHRISTMAS ~ BUY PRACTICAL GCIFTS HS URES HEURES HORI SD MRIRRE SHIRES HED NED IR NE DIRE S Choose Them Here at Prices That Are Extremely Reasonable "HY .-LOOM" Is the best in Lingerie yet the price is by no means the highest. -. Bloomers " $1.50 - $2.50 VERY ATTRACTIVE OFFERING: RARE OXYGEN Unique Sanitarium at Cleve-| & land Declared a Splen- did Success Cleveland, Dec. 20.-- The sheet ficials are being congratulated on made to all important points by | having eontinued the popular "Con- lines radiating from these eities. | IN SALVANON ARMY federation" in operation between | The splendid equipment and i Meeting of Committee Toronto and Edmonton, jecourteous service ---always a fea- This innovation has eliminated: tupe of the "Confederation" --en- Which Hs Never Acted Ppreseen 25 DOZEN : Men's "Elastro" Non-Creasable Ties most of the delays experienced by sures a pleasant journey without travelers crossing the Prairies in 'the diszomforts of Winter travel. the Winter time as it proyides a | JI'ull information and reserva- fast, through, comfortable service to Edmonton, via Winnipeg, Bran- Railway's Agent, tions from any Casadian National | an et es Be 1 Gift as popular A as (Christmas -- Xl Waterman's AN OW offered in an almost limitless N variety of styles Waterman's writing instruments enjoy a steadily increas- ing popularity at every Christmas season. They are practical and they are made to fit everybody's purse and taste. This year's additions to the famous Waterman pen fam- ily are the Gyro-Sheath Desk Sets and the new colour line in Ripple-Rose, Ripple- Blugreen and Ripple-Olive. See these triumphs of Waterman genius at your deal- er's to-day. Examine, too, the famous No. 7 Waterman line with its variation of pen, | points to suit every writing style. For friend or relative, a Waterman's will make the "Ideal" gift. Write for our presentation and trophy booklet 2062, --Ony © mar ble A, mal se 6262%--Onyx or marble $12.00. 1 £1 ter Jd pe base, $12.50. 60621, -- sous, $5.50 or 6267--(larger pen), $15. ~ without 1x LY PO, 'oe. vOLCr Malls x 9 Service and selection at §,500 Canadian Meriangs » Warertnan's Ink i= Wazermon's Pens James Street Wes! NONTREAL #750. TITAN COMPANY Limited --263 St e-xo2e GS SPER ORE = SL) 20 =3 Gps in pl Vi SARE AO Si 3 ay See Jtorney-General of England and the *| nominate six other committeemen. '1In other words he holds one-third London, ke. 20.--While. mem- bers of the igh council of the Sal- | vation Armf are en route from all parts of taeglobe for a meeting on January 8,8 new development fs | foreseen i official army eircles | which nas involve calling a meet- |ing of andher committee which { has never refore acted. : | Under he deed of "the darkest | Englasd. scheme" for social and | moral szeneration, much money land yraperty is held in the sole | trustesnip of the general "which {is dstmet and separate from all (othe fands and property of the Sal- vatin Army." The scheme incor- porting all the social work of the | Ard, is outlined in the book by Gobyat William Bramwell Booth, "} Darkest England and the Way ot." | Any alteration in the trusts in- {vives the written consent of two- firds of a committee. At the invita- on of the general two committee- {1en one of which may be himself, hay be appointed by each of the iollowing, the Arehbishop of Cant- erbury, the President of the Wesley Conference, the chairman of the Congregational Union, the echair- man of the Baptist Union, the At- chairman of the London County Council. The general himself may I" the total votes. \coMMITS SUICIDE AT THIRD ATTEMPT Quebee, Dee. 20.--Sueceeding in: commiting suicide at the third at- 'tempt, Fulgence Boisvert, 55-year- jold watchman of St. Hyaeinthe, was found hanging in the furnace room of St. Joseph's College at St. Hya- cinthe Monday. Boisvert, who was a mative of St. {Croix de Lotbiniere, cut his throat the first time he tried to commit suicide, while his second umnsuc- | cessful attempt came when he stab- | bed himself in the chest. 8 | A verdict of suicide while tem- | porarily insane was returned by the corpner's jury which investigated. | BEER WITH TURNIPS | | Guelph, Ont., Dec. 20.--Curiosity on the part of Provincial police re | specting turnips being loaded in- | to. freicht ears at Arkell near here last might led to the discovery of | five hundred cases of beer that | | were being carefully camouflaged {as turnips. The beer was seized | and this morning two loaders, Wil- | liam Sleeman and Frank Graham, | of Fort Erie, Ont., were in police | court, but were remanded for a | week in hope of discovering who were the owners of the beverage. steel globe, four stories high, fillea with compressed air, in which hos- ningham sanitdrium here is pro- nounced by its originator a success that has far passed the experimen- tal stage. The atmosphere in the globe fs heavily charged with oxygen, which on account of the air pressure is ab- sorbed directly into the body cells of patients in many times the am- ount taken in under ordinary con- ditions. Dr. J. Cunningham, whe devised the treatment, started years ago at the University of Kansas with ex- periments on animals to prove his theory that oxygen under compres- sion would be absorbed direetly by body cells. These experiments were applied to human beings later and then expanded to the point of keeping patients in cylindrical pressure tanks. Oxygen Pressure The last development came when H. H. Timken the Canton, Ohio, manufacturer, financed the present unique sanitarium. The four floors of the globe inelude sleeping quart- ers, recreation rooms, dining rooms and all conveniences for comfort- able living. In all of them, day and pital patients liye at the new Cun- | Regular $1.50 Value. Special $1.00 Each Boxed Free Of Charge 25 doz. Men's Fancy Silk: Ties 75c and $1.00 Values. Special 59c each night, the patients live under the Oxygen pressure. Part of Dr. Cunningham's ther- apy is based on his belief that a convalescent patient must enjoy his life if recovery is to proceed at the most effective rate. Sumnred up, his theory is that oxygen is life and that happiness is essential to convalescence. Diabetic and asthmatic ills are treated in the globe. The sanitarium has in addition two cylindrical living tanks eon- taining oxygen under pressure. These are equipped with double- o & © & . on Dec. 23, 1928. Morning Service, 11 am. The beer was cousigued to Buffalo. a Special Christmas Servi Simcoe St. United Church "The House of Friendship" Extends to all the Season's Greetings and cordially in- vites friends and wisitors to the city to worship ] ¢ ] i with us Evening Service, 7 p.m. deck berths, shower baths, dress-' ing rooms and other conveniences. Oxygen treatment has been prac- ticed for years, but Dr. Cunning- ham believed that the old method, which required a patient to take his oxygen through a glass tube for hours daily, was too monotonous, Emr -- SMALLPOX VAGCINE RUSHED BY SLEIGH Epidemic Breaks Out at Holy Cross in Yukon Cordova, Alaska Dec. 20.--A dog team carrying a large supply of vac- cine was racing down the Yukon to | Holy Cross Tuesday in an attempt to stop a smallpox epidemic that is spreading inland from the.coast. Amateur radio stations at An- vik and St. George Island flashed a message from J. W. Chapman post- master at Amvik, ta Governor George A. Parks at Juneau, telling of the epedemie. Half of Anvik's supply of vaccine has been sent to Holy Cross, which is 50 miles away. There is no ap- parent lack of vaccine at Anmvik, the message Holy Crosse is situated between and play tennis, and if you like the sparkling waters of the oceam you will bathe, sail and yacht to your heart's content. Florida, too, is the home of music and art where the finest examples of theatres and art galleries abound. There are count- less resorts and wonder spots where the tired business mam can gain a real recuperation, and if he has never danced before he will learn with zest under the shade of the sheltering palm trees. For all travel information econ. sult nearest Canadian Pacific agent, History of the common people: S. peenth century, held down: twentieth century, held up.--King- ston Whig-Standard. 50 and 69 miles down the frozen Yukon river from Anvik. Dispatch- es did not, however. give the con- dition of the trail. If the snow i» méw and soft, which it likely would - be, it may be an arduous journey, however short. SUNSHINE AND SOUTHERN and with the holiday adventurer hankering for a change, glorious tropical Florida and the Gulf Coast offer untold haven of rest. For stretches and stretches of beautiful heaches. It is indeed 2a paradise 7a SIMBIOS RIN SIRI ORR where you can fish, hunt, ride, golf With the days getting colder, there is warm golden sunshine with ' Oshawa Lumber Co., Limited 25 Ritson Road N. Phone 2821-2820 * Are you buying as cheaply, as you might? Better quality products at the same money as others not so good, are cheaper. You get only the best from us with full value pack- ed into every dollars worth.

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