Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1928, p. 3

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. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 PAGE THREE £1 Sunset Glories Are Crammed Into Windows of Oshawa Stores Committee Appeals to fp t Generous Citizens to Boost the Cheer Fund, od Chest Has $1,285. "88 to Cover Oshawa City ,and Section of Whitby "Township and More is "Needed--Four More Days "to Contribute to the Good "Cause and the Need Was "Never Greater -- List of " Deserving Families Grows "Greater Daily {Phrough arrangement = with the fast Whitby Township council, the Oshawa Christmas Cheer Fund will include a section of the Township in which to give relief during the ' Chtistmas season, A communication to: the effect that the township coun- cilz would contribute $100 for this cAuse was received by the commit- téé,. - Thus the boundaries for this great work are enlarged, moved far- ther back, and as a result many more families are included in the list, ever- growing, which will receive benefit in less than a week, :Five more days until Christmas! Four more days to contribute to the Fund, © The appeal goes out with more interest. Hundreds are behind this annual appeal and yet many are seemingly indifferent to the good cause which stands for relief of bur- dens, if only for one day. H the Appeal You r-ust give. It alntost comes to-that. There are only four days in which to add your names to the list. Your contribution is expected. Hundreds of children, half clothed, half starved, through absolute want, reach towards you with outstretched arms beseeching you to give only a small portion of your Christmas money to them. They have a right to:a little cheer at this glorious time ofthe year. You admit that. Then help them to acquire it. It is your it, and every cent counts. Let- t come into' the Committee with as fawmch as twenty-five cents. The ks of the committee goes out to that individual who sent in that con- t jon. Will it be twenty-five chiits or twenty-five dollars? Give anything, and do it now. It is a cause that is city-wide and Ft Men in positions more respon sible than u presidency are interested in this cause, A letter from W, E, Sinclair, K.C, Liberal leader, and member for this constituency, has been received, and bears best wishes for the work of such an organization. It reads: Oshawa Daily Times, Christmas Cheer Fund, Oshawa, Ontario, Dear Sirs:-- I enclose herewith my check for $10 to he!» along the work of 'the C .mmittee in charge of Christmas Cheer for the present year, I wish the Committee every success in. its, efforts, and-hope it is the means of bringing comfort and pleasure to many of our people at the prgsent season of the year, who are in un- fortunate circuinstances, Yours tly, W. E. Donations Received Previously acknowledged ... East Whitby Council Iitson Road Home School Club J. A. McGibbon ...esss0ee e Johnston's .. ' A Friend A Friend .. B. Warner. A Friend Z. B. Lander, Treas. Statler wy» . Sinclair, $081.90 100.00 and N. Dell Mr, and Mrs, O. J. Clat- worthy Mrs, W. F. McAdie ... Miss Ruth Hilts Miss E. W. Stainton Mother and 'Son W. T. Holland Major A. F. Hind . George W. McLaughlin ... Dorothy Lander Camelot Boys' Club G. IL. R. Luke . A Friend Mrs. E. W, Drew . King Street School B.S "wartz EL. _ Phillips . $1,285.65 A Mrs. Grigg, 1 bag of potatoes; 3 Fiend, five pair mitts; Mrs. N.|F.N. Burt 50 Lv. Que. (Supplied by Stoble, Forlong & Co 0.) TORONTO STOCKS High Low 12.30 39 - 39 | 166 166 75% 75% 48% 48% 36 36 86 32 43 32 70% 88% 47% 43% 100 88 43% 44% 88 Stock Abitibi 39 Bell Tel. 166 Braz. .. 76% Br, A, Oil 49 Bromp, 36 87 32 43 32 72 Carl, ,.. Cn, In, Al Cn, Malt Cty. Dry. Imp, Oil, 89% Int, Pet. 47% It. NI, new 44% Loblaw 100 Ms, Hr, 88 Md. Nck. 43% Nor. Bak, 47 Sh. Wht, 88 8414 Hr, Wal, 85% 835 Mines Amulet 323 310 Abana .. 295 2856 Amity ,, 25 25 Br, Hol, 29 28 Bedford 43 42 Bidgood 33% 30 Cn, Mn. 66 '66 Ch, Hg 9 9 Dome ,, 930 925 Holl, .. 825 8256 Hd, Bay 1950 1925 Kd, Lake 127 Keeley 40 Kt, Flr, 22 8 .» 125 87% 43% 44% Mandy McDoug, 41 Malar, , 88 Neran., ,6500 Pion, 36 Pd, Ore. 930 Sn, An, 19% Sd, Bs, Sh. Gor. Tk. Hg. 830 Tow, .. 835 Wr. Har, 152 6305 36 940 Biq' 725 \ 640 706 705 630 810 335 151 795 335 150 NEW YORK STOCKS Stock High Low Amer, Can, 103 101 Atchison ,.195 1941; Balt & Ohio 118% 117% Briggs Mfg. 511% 49% Can, Pac. ..233 232 Can. Dry ..76 76% Chrysler ...122 119% Congoleum 27% 26% 2 pm. 101% 195 11714 50 232 75% 121 26% Cory, clothing; A Friend, clothing ; Mrs, McKircher, fruit; Oshawa Dairy milk tickets to the value of $10; Christ Church AY.P.A, toys and groceries; A Friend, books, DANCE FOR EMPLOYES CITY NEWS Williams Piano Company is hold- ing a dance for employes tomorrow evening which will be one of the main social events of the year. A program of dance numbers, besides an entertainment will round out a perfect evening, and somewhat more than 400 guests are expected to attend. A. N. Gordon has charge of affairs. SHAMROCKS' MEET The Oshawa Shamrocks, junior hockey team, are holding an im- portant meeting in the Y.M.C.A. on Friday. night at 8 o'clock sharp.{ The purpose of the meeting is to alect the officers for the 1929 sea- son, The followers of this club, and any interested, are cordially favit. | ed. All those attending are asked | to be on time so the business can he disposed of in the speediest pos- sible manner. CAPTAIN APPLEJACK The attendance at the second performance of 'Captain Apple- jack" last night was extremely gratifying, = the auditorium being filled to capacity, and the play run- ning smoothly from first to last. The play has become popular in 141 68 653 73 191% 71% 475 131%, 85% 77 66 264 133 41 102 445 48% 146 348 163% 41 63% 74% 86 156 2 208 255% 146 Cur. Aero ..144% Erie reese 68% Fam, Ply. ,. 63% Gen, Asph. 73 Gn. Mt, old 1911; Gn. Mt, new 78 Gra, Pa. .. 48% Gold Dust 131% Hud, Mot, . 87 Hupp Int. Comb 66 It. NL. old 209% Mt, Ward ,.137 Mar, Ofl .. 42 Mk, Trek, ..102 Phil, Pet. .. 44% Pan, Am B 487% Packard .,.149% Radio .... 353 Srs. Rbek, .167 Sin, Oil . 41% Sta, Oil N.J. 53% Studeba' er 74% Simmons ., 87% U.S, Steel' 157% Wiys. Ovid. 29% Woolworth 209% Wr, Aero ..261 Vie, Jalk, ..147 "ellow Cab 40% 140% 67% % Oshawa and it is expected that an- other full bouse will greet the Little Theatr¢ Players again to- night, The performance is being held for the last time in the Ro- tary Hall, Tickets may "be secured at Mitchell's Drug Store, down town. RUSH AT POST OFFICE The annual Christmas rush has started at the local post office, Hun- dreds of parcels and letters are ar- riving for checking and distribution at this centre of interest, With the extra help engaged as customary, each year, working hours . are lengthened out and crammed full of labor as the days rapidly pass. A few reminders whi will leua an aid towards t| re rapid dis- taipution of arcels - and mail thr the city were given out at the post office this morning, One of the most prominent of these is the desire of mail carriers to have verandah lights, where possible, left on during the early hours of darkness. This enables the car- ries to obtain their bearings on the streets with relation to finding the house numbers, and consequently the correct addresses for the nrail. EXHIBITION OF ART The exhibition of paintings by George Chavignaud, Canadian art- ist, will continue tonight and to- morrow at the Commercial Hotel. This is the last chance for Osha- wans to view this notable collection of original works of art, as Mr. Chavignaud is leaving the ehvy early Saturday. The exhibition is creating considerable interest among lovers of art in Oshawa, GREETINGS BY WIRE The Canadian Pacific Telegraphs have very pretty Christmas blanks for conveying the season's greetings by wire. The telegraph blank and envelope are in green, red and white on a background of blue, with holly generously distributed; and the words, "Season's Greetings, 1928-1929." The blank has two globes through which the wires pass, intimating that greetings may be carried from Oshawa to any part of the globe. PURCHASE PAINTINGS Two paintings by George Chavig- naud, noted Canadian artist, have been purchased by the school board Money 8 per cent. and the students of the Oshawa Collegiate. The painting, '"Moon- light Knocke Sur Mer, Belgium," was purchased by the board for the Collegiate, and "Village of Bay St. Paul" was secured by. the students themselves. These paintings will adorn the walls at the Collegiate and be a nucleus of an art collec- tion, COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES Commencement exercises at the Oshawa Collegiate Institute are being held this afternoon with a celebration by the students this evening when a dance .and a pro- gram will be given, Professor J. PF, McDonald of University of To- ronto and formerly of Queen's Uni- versity is the guest speaker at this afternoon's session at the Collegi- ate, The exercises are being held from two until four o'clock, FAIR AND COLDER The Weatherman promises fair and colder weather on Friday with fresh northwesterly winds, follow- ing - some snow flurries tonight. Pressure is high in the West, where the weather has been quite cold, with sub-zero temperatures record- ed, It is beloming milder in the Western provinces and milder wea- ther will probably prevail in this district around the week-end ana at Christmas, KIWANIAN GREETINGS Kiwanian Tom Muffett of the at- tendance committee of the Kiwanis Club, struck upon a happy idea to bring the Friday meeting strongly before the members. A dainty Christmas box was addressed to the members, which had every ap- pearance of containihg a watch, a aiamond ring or some jewel of price, which when opened greeted the recipient with "A Merry Christ- mas" and a plea to attend the Fri- day meeting when nomination of of- ficers will take place. FRIENDLY ELM FALLS .... .. . A gigantic elm tree, one of the mightiest in the city is being felled on King street west, east of the new Collis bullding. It is proving by no means an easy task and the asgistance of experts is required. The tree is well over 50 feet in height and before felling the huge trunk, the branches must first be loped off. This is ticklish work and it is Interesting to note that more than a cord of wood has been secured from the smaller branches alone. Many will miss the welcome shade of the big tree which has grown with the growth of the city and was young when King street was but a mud road straggling through a small village of frame and log dwellings, ° Shop-lined Streets a Vast Art Gallery Full Never Were Oshawa Stores So Gay Before and Never So Artistic -- Grocers' Windows in Riot of Color Vie With Stores Where Milady's Wares Are Dis- played in Charming Hues --"Top o' the Season" Finds Oshawa Merchants With Great Variety ' of Beautiful Things to Suit Every Whim and Every Purse This is the "top o' the season"-- Oshawans are out in force in real Christmas weather, shopping, shop- ping, shopping. And Oshawa stores are "comfy" places and full of secasonable gifts, Never were shop windows ever so gay before. Never were Oshawa stores so ar- tistic, Even the material contents of the grocer's windows have been made up in pictures--some in conventional design--triangles of reddy-brown sul- tanas ,and diamonds that are half dark-hued Currants and fawn color- ed nuts, There are pyramids of golden grape fruit and the sober green that is held by olives--squares of rosy apples and borderings of the pale yellow that is lent by lemons to the color scheme. Clusters of grapes of Eshcol hang from twists of silver wire and here and there a dash of vividness and daring, the bright red of the cracker that adds such a note of hilarity to the Christmas dinner, Holly hangs from the corners of the windows and the light green of lettuce, the bright red of radishes and cranberries, and the tasteful dis- play oi figs and dates, present a scene that makes the passer-by pause and admire, Vast Art Gallery The shop-lined streets today are a vast art gallery with their paintings in a note of abandonment of color that ought to satisfy the most lay- of Seasonable Gifts 1 of the "groun of seven" colors ists, Fancy scarves for men and.wos men, pyjamas in many designs, sweaters in myriad hues, dainty. line girie in every color. Jewels in rings, brooches, watches, bracelets, Toys by animals, dolls, Wonderful stores are the Oshawa stores these days. Oshawans will be gayer people by and by thanks to the men and women who deck the windows with beautiful things. We may feel in our find the cash supply "low" or "high" or "not at all," but we cannot look on the sunset "glories that are crams med into the windows of the Oshe awa stores without being brighter for the sight. Certainly we long. Three more rays for the Christe mas. shopping, the thousands--trains, "1 eans" and cannot be dull" for Marvellous Santa Border Cities Star: Further cone clusive evidence of the astonishing ubiquity of this man Santa Claus is the fact that the average radio. se in the space of half an hour, wil discluse that he is talking from something like 358 broadcasting 'stas tions simultaneously, 4 Born SPRAGUE--At the Oshawa Gene eral Hospital, December 18, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. W. F., Sprague, 93 Yonge St., a daughe ih Coming E Events 3 Cents per per word each in- sertion, um charge for each insertion, 35c¢. KING UNITED SUNDAY School entertainment, 7.30 Friday, December 21, Admission 25e¢. (143c) MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, AT 21 Maple St. Phone 2372F. Hours 2tod T.T.S, ST. Made in Oshawa BO Your | Is Not Complete Home Without a Mothing would be more dc- ceptable than a beautiful "Williams" super-eleciric radio a 2 = | dg eld edd wld or 0 ge I$ 254 2% NORTH for Home Enjoyment Model SE t tube neutrodyne, RADIO with its many Every home is interested in Radio; the fields of en- Joymens and fiercest if opens Up, The WHAIAMS indood a most saisiying and versatile instrament n. +X b) v i and fits 1 th Foe Li J i he hy ; ! } i ii a 1 1 ry 4 256 24 22 3502 Sed Sus [di Sed Sadi a 6 258 24 21 ot of entertainment. mand for it permits you to reach o Music, light or classical . lectures, humorous: - . . hockey, football, baseball, boxing Truly the world is with lifelike fidelity, bring in your desire and your mood. Se $2 $= a into space, that instructive or WRA ELECTRIC SHOP 70 SIMCOE STREET OSHAWA Pp pp

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