Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1928, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIM: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 PAGE ELEVEN fee Suburban District News Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, == - Ea BROOKLIN Brooklin, Dec, 18--We. are very glad to hear that Mrs. Maynard has recovered {rom her sickness. The annual 8.5. entertainment of the United Church will be held on Friday evening, Dez, 21, in the base- ment of the church, A canfata is being prepared to be given at this entertainment and there will be the usual Christmas tree and treat for the children, We are very sorry to hear that Mr. A, C. Elliott is quite ill with the flu and we all hope for a speedy recov- ry, "Nr. Boyd spent a few days in Lindsay. : Ve are very glad bi hear that 'Mr, t after spending a couple Yr IE in bed is up and around again, un. families of the vicinity are placarde ' for measles. Miss Dorothy Pascoe and Mr, Wal- lace Pascoe of Enfield spent Sunday with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, E, Pascoe, KEDRON ---- Kedron, Dec. 18.--~Miss Marguer- ite Conlin spent a few days in Osh- awa, this week, with her sisters, Mrs, F. Love and Miss Kathleen in, Conlin, i Mrs. McCulloch, Orono, Mr, and Mrs, H, L, Pascoe and Mr. Walton Pascoe, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Scott, Enfield, and Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Scott attended the birthday party of Miss Lorraine Pascoe last Thursday, The Volunteers and Golden Links Sunday School classes held their annusi" meetings at the home of Miss Marjorie Parker, last Satur- day evening, The elections resulted in the fol- lowing officers being elected for the coming year, The Volunteers Class, President Howard Hoskin, Vice president, Ralph Davis; Secretary, Gordon Davis; Treasurer, Clarence Martin; Look out committee, Lorne Hoskin and Roy Scott, Teacher, Harold Werry. Golden Links Class: President, Wilma Werry; Vice-president, Dor- othy Clugston, Secretary, Jean Love Treasurer, Hazel Rohme; Pianist, Lorraine Love; Flower Committee, Elda Mountjoy, Marjorie Parker, Florence Rahme, and Florence - Love, Teacher, Ruth Cole. The Adult Bible Clase held their anpual meeting on Friday even- ing, December the fourteenth at Mr, E. Mountjoy's home. The fol- lowing officers were elected for next year. President--Mr. Clarence Werry; Vice-president, Beatrice Mountjoy 2 Coughs Apply over throat and chest twillow of= | Sal Secretary, Lena Hoskin; Treasurer, Mr, Everett Mountjoy, Membership Committee, Mrs. E. Mountjoy, Mr. E., Davis, and Mr, H. Cole, Devot- fonal Committee, Mrs, B, Davis, Mrs, H. F. Werry and Mrs, Hoskin, Social committee, Lena Hoskin, Beatrice Mountjoy, and Mrs, E, Mountjoy, Teachers, Rev. J, PF, Clugaton, Mr, W., N, Hoskin, Mr, H, F, Werry and Mrs, L. Haneock, Marie Cole, who has been teach- ing at Oil Springs, is home for the Christmas holidays. RAGLAN Raglan, Dec, 18.--Mr, and Mrs, A, Grose and son Frank spent Sune day with friends at Toronto, | Miss Rose Brent left last Waok to spend the winter months with her aunt Mrs, Luther Netherton, at Minitonas, Manitoba, Miss Hazel Ackney in the loss of ber father Mr, Ackney of Utica, Mr. and Mrs, J, Kellington have moved to there new home at Osh- awa, We are sorry to lose them from the community, Quite a large crowd attended the Christmas Concerts at Mount Car- mel on Tuesday night and Raglan School and Sunday School Concert and Christmas tree Wednesday night, All report a splendid pro- gram, Much credit is due the schol. ars and teachers, Mr. Meredith Dring spent Sunday with his parents Mr, and Mrs, F Dring. COLUMBUS Columbus, Dec, 18.--~The meet- ing that was held in the United Church last week of the Women's Missionary Society was addressed by Miss Mitchell, It was well at- tended, : Santa Claus will appear at the township hall on December 20. A real good program by the children and a dialogue, "Married in' Haste," by the Young People, will be put on. ih Redman and her daughter Miss Frances Redman of Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs, John James, i Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Wil- son. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Grass and son Carl spent Saturday in Toronto Miss V. Appleby spent the week end» with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Appleby. Rev. G. Nickell of Toronto called on friends in the village last week, Mr, John Bromell spent Sunday in Toronto with friends, Mrs. John Sutherland and sons, Robert and Thomas of Utica, vis- ited wth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Suti erland. Mr. Ed. Snudden is building = pew chimney on the skating rink and getting it ready for cold weath- er. | Mr. ana Mrs. Thos. Cook spent Sunday at Raglan with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brent. : The annual meeting of the For- h, BUY T HE FEEDS IN STRIPED SACKS last week Muep sympathy is extended to 1 a very interesting meeting on Mon- ward Bible Class was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Nes. bitt last week, There was a good crowd out. Every one is hoping that the Weatherman will bring colder weather and some snow for Christ. mas as there is a lot of sickness around Jt now, r. Wm, Ward spent Sundayeat yuithy with Mr, and Mrs, ied The McKenzie school is closed u3. Secount of #0 many out with NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Dec, 18.~M R ; ] stle, Dec, 18~Mr, J, R, Mc- Nichol, President of i Ontario Conservative Association, and Mrs, McNichol, of Toronto, lunched with Mus. I, E, Powell and granddaughter, mhurst Inn, on Thursday last, | Miss Mary Bellyon, . of Trenton, spent the week end with her cotigin, Miss Dunreath. Dudley, Mr, haa, Moise returned ec rom . the upper "lakes where he had spent the summer as usual, as wireless operator of one of the big steam shi : Mrs, P, LeGresley Pent the week end in Toronto, the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. C, C, Grubbe, Mrs, A. Colville, of Bowmanville, assisted the United church choir in their service of song on Sunday eve- ning and rendered in her usual splendid manner the solo "The Lord Is My Light" Mr, Ed, Hammond, north of the village, held a very successful shoot- ing match to dispose of his season's flock of geese in Cunningham's flats on Saturday afternoon, Fach goose called for six tickets that cost 50c each, Mr. Fred Wight, Mr, Ham- mbnd's neighbour, was one of the luckiest shots of the afternoon, win- ning hrep ges in all. ' out fifty lively young people in- vaded the home of Mr. Irwin Col- will on Tuesday evening. where they were cordially welcomed and enter- tained by the surprised Irwin, his ferent and sister, assisted by Mr. , H. Pearce, The evening was pleasantly spent with contests and games, after which a delicious lunch- eon was served, Oshawa Citizen's Band, conducted by Mr. R. Fountain were greeted by a very large and enthusiastic au- dience on the occasion of their first appearance in Newcastle Community Hall, Sunday evening. The band ren- dered 8 or 9 splendid musical num- bers, including cornet and piccolo and clarinet duets. Mrs, A, Colville, of Bowmanville, contralto soloist, - de- lighted the audience with her vocal numbers and was recalled several times. The trustees of the Lake Shore school have engaged Miss Gladys Cann, of Salem, as teacher to suc- ceed Miss Theresa McNeil, who has tender: * her resignation to take ef- fect at Christmas, Miss McNeil has given the very best of service and satisfaction and has upheld the proud tradition of the school in every way. Master Jamie Wright entertained his high school chums of the lake shore section, namely, Jack Holmes, John Hendry, Albert Pearce and Billy Rowland, on Saturday after- noon, The boys all declare they had a good time and more especially at supper time. x We are pleased to learn that Miss Bertha Cowan is recovering from a severe attack of rheumatic throat trouble from which she has been suffering for the past few weeks, The *oung People's League held day c.cning last. Program was in charge of missionary vice president, G. E. Hancock. A iano solo was given by Loreen Batty. Topic, "Christmas and Missions," by Clar- ence Allin. Vocal solo, "D nny Boy," Miss Brock. Playlet, "All Nations Christmas," solo, "Ramona," Miss Brock. The CGILT. held their regular meeting on Tuesday eveping at the parsonage. A talk on "Christmas" was given by Minnie Pearce and 2 discussion on same conducted by Mrs. (Rey.) W. P, Rogers. Meeting sus- pended until after New Year's. Mr. J. A. Smith, daughter and son- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Jones, motored to Toronto, Tuesday. Miss Betty McKenzie, of Toronto, spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. H. S. Britton. Miss Charlotte Rose returned home Tuesday after spending a few days with friends in the township. Mr. Allan Foster, of Cleveland, Ohio, visited bis brother, Mr. Well- ington Foster, and other relatives over the wi Mr. HH. C. Bonathan has installed went to Toronto for a visit, but we are sorry to report is quite ill and under the doctor's care at the home of Mr. Geo, Mark, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Harrison and daughtgrs, Mildred' and Olive, Mr, W. rison and Mrs, R. 8, Long of Myrtle Station were Seagrave visitors on Sunday last. Mr, and Mrs, R. Moose of Toronto were the guests of Mr, and Mrs, C, "W., Moon on Sunday; they also at- tended the bazaar and concert held at Pleasant Point, Thelr many friends at the point were pleased to see them, ' Mr, and Mrs. J. D, Stockdale, Mrs, MIXED Quality Filberts. These are Christmas Pachages QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES An assortment of deliciously hard and soft centres , coated with an excellent quality of chocolate. Yom would expect to pay a much higher price for such fine chocolates. Packed in one-pound fancy Christmas Boxes, they make a most «suitable Christmas Gift. Our 'large volume of sales permits ib ws (90 scll these delicious ehoeoletes zt ............... The VeryFinest NUTS IN SHELL "Finest Quality Money Can Buy" For your Christmas table only the very best will do, so we have been particularly careful in selecting nuts for this festive season, and we can safely say that the mixture we offer is exceplionally good. Our mixed nuis are made up of Fancy Budded Walnuts, Large Washed Brazils, Finest Tarragona Almonds and Best much ] better than nuts marked at a low- y A a er price, 'Wm, Shaweross and daughter, Helen, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Will Clarke over the week-end. Mrs, Orval Stone is Oshawa for a few days, Mpg. J. Shunk and Mrs. C, W, Moon were in Toronto on Wednes- day, Mr. and Mis, J, Shortt, Mr. and Mrs. A. Shortt visited in Toronto this week, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wilson, of Myrtle, visited at the latter's par- ents', Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Clements, over the week-end.. Mr, and Mrs, Wilson have recently returned from visiting in 39: Faney~-- Shelled Walnuts Bright Shelled Walnuts Shelled Almonds Shelled Filberts Ground Almonds "ans Tin 22¢ NUTS IN SHELL Calif --Diamond Budded--Concord Calif. --Soft Shell Fancy--Large ~--Washed Fancy Quality Walnuts Almonds Brazil Nuts Filberts --Large Each package contains 2 pkgs. Cream Cheese, 2 pkgs. Pimento, 2 pkgs. Olive Pimento. English recipe. INGERSOLL Cream Cheese Xmas Package ! the west, where they have spent the past few months. Mr, and Mrs, C, Sleep were in To- ronto this week on business. Mr, and Mrs, H, Shortt Wednesday in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Davidson motored to To- ronto on Wednesday; he was accom- panied home by Mrs, Davidson, who 'spent the past week in Toronto, the guest of her daughter there, A pumber attended the soldiers' banquet. in Sunderland on. Friday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Clarke and family spent Sunday in Little Brit- tain, spent | Merr Hoarseness/ CT ty JENOS Children Love VEOS Syrup. Taras site sn? Morrie i as Xr Wy 3 po pe K KL 1A ihe 3 PAR A y lot LOBLAWS | "be Santa Claus 10 You tablc/ ALPINE CLUB The Peer of PALE DRY GINGER ALES Since introduced last summer an enormous des mand has been created for Alpine Club Pale Dry Ginger Ale--jusily so, for you can buy this, the Highest Grade Pale Dry, at a much lower price than usually paid. This low price is made pos- sible by our modern method of merchandising. While we charge you 12¢ a bottle, we refund 2¢ on return of each botile, so the met price is only .... SHELLED NUTS Bordeaux Halves Ib, 59¢ 1b. 43¢ Ib. 55¢ Ib. 40c Clean Stock Selected Valencia Finest Quality 1b. 42¢ Ib. 39¢ 1b. 31c Ib. 19¢ There is only a limited quantity of various sizes for each store, they are manufactured by a prominent English house, and as the priee is very much lower than you have ever bought such stock- ings before, we advise early buying. allotment for each store will last only a very short time, CHRISTMAS CRACKERS Y, Dox. 1 Doz. Per Bottle Carton Carton 10: 60: +12 Plus 2¢ Deposit on Each Bottle EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE IMPORTED CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS FROM OLD ENGLAND At our prices the whole IMPORTED FROM ENGLAND tion is good. 4 Imported from the best makers, our assortment is large, and will find the prices exceptionally low. ou «8 Buy early, while the - PS Stores Open Friday Evening Till 10 P.M. Saturday Evening Until 10 P.M. Xmas Eve Till 10 P.M. LOBLAW"S CHRISTMAS CAKE Made in Our Own Pure Food Kitchens This Christmas Cake is made from a very fine old with a delicions Almond Paste, (Also plain. Buy it by the slab, the pound or slice. CHRISTMAS C INERT RAINE, Put up Christmas gift. Ed i a in boxes and have a very fine decorated top. They would make a most suitable Jt confains the very choicest of Oriental Fruils, Valencia Almonds, Fine Spices, Glazed Cherries, High Park Buiter--and covered v39- we 89 Table Raisins The Executive and Staff of the Cluster Raisins, pkg. 34c Eoblalw Groceterias Company, Limited Class -- Malas» : extend to all Best Wishes for a Re rs ns, pkg. 39¢ Yery Merry Christmas : DATES and FIGS |! Prosperous Netw Pear 1 Table Figs "38s Ib, 24 Ss' Fard Dates 5... Ib. 18¢ NAVEL Finest Quality-- z lg Natural Figs Soi, 2 Ibs. 19¢ Mincemeat oy 0. Jb 43 AR Sma 4 ORANGES Mincemeat 25%, Jar 3c Stoneless Dates 2 Pkgs. 35¢ Te Be TRIE Sha ee untiring efforts during the Stores will be closed Tuesday d: ed. a new clectric radio in his residence. Want more Eggs? " Just treat your birds to this Campfire Brand Marshmallows 550. Tin 34c Jelly Beans "ist Ib. Box 19¢ Chocolate Buds Ib. Box 33¢ Licorice Allsorts Bags, 10-0z. Box 20c Candy : 1b. Box 14¢ Candies £233 Ib. Box 19¢ Fruit Slibesis10-0z. By 20¢ Assorted--True Fruit Flavor igh 19¢ EER A A AR RU, Christmas cheer, you can say " Moliday a letter which only costs the Mixture sum of two cents to carry a letter to They ace nicer and better than we have had Mincemeat Cilia: Ub. 6c Sal ppt tT i A Bel, Momemade Styic : Bd. 14c "Butterscotch 12-0z. Box 15¢ a 18 Peanut ut Taffy pou 1b. Box 17¢ te J) Roasted-- 5 gh 'Peanuts Jack & Sl 8-0z. Box 12¢ 3 a a fe a El A i to her. to on Bei on much you fed be, bus For that peason, give your Quaker po! ho ar 1 of 3 "To this are added valuable min- for years. a Clubhouse-- be Olives Mason Jar H Lanch ueen-- Clubhouse No. 3 Olives Pizacaip No. 5 over the week-end. Mrs. John Mark we understand EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN | £ ok

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